

1218 Uppsatser om Växjö municipality - Sida 34 av 82

FrÄn integrationspolitik till integrationsarbete : En fallstudie av Kalmar kommun

The implementation of integration policy has in recent times been a major problem for the municipal administrations in Swedish municipalities. The concept of integration is considered to be very diffuse, difficult to apply and implement the following decisions. To understand the concept of integration is the first step, followed by understanding its complexity in an organization.In this study, I focus on studying the implementation of integration policies for integration work with Kalmar Municipality as a case study. I am using Lundquist's implementation theory about understanding, able and willing. The survey consists primarily of interviews but also a certain document to get a perspective on how integration policy has gone into integration work with the hypothesis that it is the understanding that weaknesses of the officials in the implementation of integration policies.

Professioners interaktion i operationsmiljö : En observationsstudie över professioners interaktion pÄ operation med fokus pÄ kommunikation och hierarki- och maktfaktorer

The implementation of integration policy has in recent times been a major problem for the municipal administrations in Swedish municipalities. The concept of integration is considered to be very diffuse, difficult to apply and implement the following decisions. To understand the concept of integration is the first step, followed by understanding its complexity in an organization.In this study, I focus on studying the implementation of integration policies for integration work with Kalmar Municipality as a case study. I am using Lundquist's implementation theory about understanding, able and willing. The survey consists primarily of interviews but also a certain document to get a perspective on how integration policy has gone into integration work with the hypothesis that it is the understanding that weaknesses of the officials in the implementation of integration policies.

Ett riskfyllt liv : en kvantitativ studie om kriminella ungdomars riskfaktorer

The purpose of this study was to review a group of youths in a municipality which all had committed criminal acts. The study is based on 66 youths between the ages of 13 and 20 that were all matters for the social services. The social inquiries of the youths where reviewed using a quantitative method. Their backgrounds where examined to identify what type of risk factors they had and what type of crimes they had committed with an aim to detect if there were a relationship between the risk factors and the art of the crime. The result of the study showed that the majority had committed crimes against another person and the risk factors included family related factors and school problems.

Den interna informationshanteringen inom Àldre- och handikappomsorgen i kommundelen Viskafors

The purpose of this thesis is to explore how the internal information processing and management is carried out within a unit of Viskafors municipality. Furthermore, to explore and make recommendations of how the organisation can improve its internal information management. To get a full picture I have interviewed people at different levels of the organisation. The main findings showed that there was a dysfunction in the internal information processing and management. For example the study showed that the internal information did not reach out to the different parts of the organisation due to insufficient information processing.

Nelly, monsteragenten & Kalles nya klÀnning. : En studie om hur genusperspektivet anvÀnds i böcker för Äldrarna 6-9 i boklÄdor frÄn stadsbiblioteket i Karlstad kommun.

This work addresses how the book boxes that are shipped to different schools, that don?t havelibraries themselves, from the city library are composed in Karlstad municipality and whatbooks they may contain. A case study is made to find out which books can be included in theboxes. An interview with staff from Karlstad City Library is made and two different kinds ofbook boxes are analyzed. There is one book box with children books that have a genderperspective and one with fiction children books.The books are analyzed and the conclusion of this work is that it is important to know whatthe children are reading and how books can influence them.

Medborgardialog : Ett demokratiexperiment i Örebro kommun

AbstractIn the beginning of 2007 the Swedish municipality Örebro decided to have a democraticexperiment, which ought to go under the name, ?Dialouge for the citizens?. Therepresentative elected politicians in Örebro tried to find ways to involve the people in theprocess of ruling. Why they choose to try this experiment on this very delicate matter, theclosure of several schools in the municipal, is one of the questions this essay is trying toanswer.The purpose of this essay is to find out whether the process was an attempt for the politiciansof the representative democracy to implement deliberative democracy in the structure of thelocal governance.The result of this study is that the politicians didn?t manage to reach to the citizens the waythey formerly had planned..

Åldrande i ett mĂ„ngkulturellt samhĂ€lle : En kvalitativ studie av Ă€ldre invandrares tillgĂ„ng till samhĂ€llsinformation och deras deltagande i aktiviteter riktade till Ă€ldre medborgare.

In light of the European Union`s 2012 theme year: Active aging and solidarity between generations I wished to gain an understanding of weather elderly immigrant are provided with equal possibilities and access to local community information as the majority population and their participation in activities arranged for senior citizens in the municipality where they live. I have done this by meeting with those who work in this capacity. I also chose to meet with representatives for immigrant organizations in the local community to enquire of their work with senior citizens within their own ethnic group. This is a qualitative study on a phenomenological ground based on nine interviews and four observations. I have had two theories to help me analyze my empirical material.

Kvotflyktingar i Sverige : En kvalitativ studie om arbete och samverkan inom flyktingmottagande

Studien belyser uttagningsprocessen och mottagandet av kvotflyktingar ur de arbetandes perspektiv samt studerar samverkan mellan olika aktörer som arbetar med frÄgan. Studien Àr uppdelad i fyra delar dÀr första delen tar upp processen och samverkan mellan aktörer. Andra delen belyser problematik och konsekvenser kring samverkan samt olika aktörers synsÀtt. Granskning av likheter och skillnader mellan kvotflyktingar och andra flyktinggrupper belyses i tredje delen och sista delen tar upp hur lagstiftning och kriterier inverkar i processen..

Kontanthantering i förÀndring : En fallstudie om samarbetet i strÀvan mot att minska kontanthanteringen i samhÀllet.

This study examines a case of cooperation between banks, commerce, police and the municipality of Skövde, which in a project has the target to reduce the use of cash by 15 % in the city during 2011. The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of the importance of cooperation in which different actors come together to reach a common goal, such as speed or interfere with an ongoing change, while they must meet their own interests. In this study the case of cooperation has been studied by using a qualitative approach. The methods used in this study are participant observation and a group interview as well as personal interviews. The theories underlying the study revolve around the concepts of collaboration between organizations with similar interests, changes in society, conflict and resistance to change..

Fysisk planering ur ett folkhÀlsoperspektiv ? fallstudie i Hjo

Hur samverkar de nationella folkhÀlsomÄlen med fysisk planering, och pÄ vilket sÀtt kan folkhÀlsomÄlen beaktas för att förbÀttra förutsÀttningarna för ökad fysisk aktivitet hos barn? Denna studie Àr en fallstudie i Hjo kommun. Studien tar utgÄngspunkt i kommunens folkhÀlsoproblematik som visar att det finns en hög förekomst av övervikt hos barn. Intentionen Àr att undersöka vilka organisatoriska processer som kan underbygga det kommunala arbetet med folkhÀlsomÄlen, liksom att ta reda pÄ vilka faktorer i den fysiska miljön som skapar förutsÀttningar för barns fysiska aktivitet. Avsikten med studien har varit att skapa ett underlag för Hjo kommuns översiktliga planering.

Alkohol och arbetslivet : En studie av alkoholkulturen i en svensk arbetsorganisation och dess inverkan pÄ de anstÀlldas instÀllning till alkohol.

Since drinking habits are created in social environments the workplace has an important role in alcohol prevention. This study has investigated employees (N=216) in a Swedish municipality work organisation with the purpose to describe the alcohol culture in workplace and how it influences on the workers attitudes towards alcohol. The theoretical baseline for the study has been Ames and Janes framework that explains the relation between workplace culture and drinking habits among workers. The study showed significant relations between restrictive attitude towards alcohol and not drinking with co-workers (POR: 2.5) and feeling low pressure in the work situation (POR: 2.2). Therefore it should be of interest for employers to adopt a cultural perspective and a primary prevention strategy in their alcohol policies that focuses on social relations and the workplace conditions.

IT-supporten i kommunala verksamheter: En fallstudie av UmeÄ kommun

The objective of this study was to examine how an IT department has been affected by the changes of increased local usage of IT, and how the usage have affected municipalities IT departments demands of IT support. In the study we explore how both the IT department and the IT support works by interviewing present and former employees at the local IT department. The current IT department have undergone a series of local changes over the last 20 years, the department has gone from only having internal users to getting the entire municipalitiy?s agencies of IT as users. It started with how the municipality began to dig down fiber optic cable in the middle of the 1990?s, and today has started to develop solutions as to how to meet the demands of future usage of IT.

LÀrares uppfattning om yrkets statusförÀndring under 30 Är : En intervjuundersökning om Ätta lÀrares uppfattning om yrkets statusförÀndring

This paper is about how the teaching profession have got a changed status from the perspective of the teachers. The papers cause is to find out how the teachers think that their status have changed in a period of 30 years. Interviews have been done with eight middle school teachers from two schools in the municipality of SödertÀlje. The answers from the interviews have been put in relation to theories in research of professions. Three hypotheses have been put up to apply the theories on the answers.

PCB i byggnader : Handlingsplan för saneringsarbetet i Eskilstuna kommun

Polychlorinated biphenyls, PCBs, were used in elastic sealants in buildings during the years1956-1973. Studies of PCB have revealed that it is harmful for humans and animals,especially water-living predators and other top-predators. It is also a persistent organicpollutant and remains in the environment for a very long time. To reduce the levels of PCB inthe environment, it has to be removed from the buildings. According to Swedish law, theproperty holder has to decontaminate sealants with a PCB level of 500 mg/kg or above.

Finns det vid kommunal revision ett förvÀntningsgap? Mellan förtroendevalda revisorer och de granskade

The definition of an expectation gap is, when the local municipal politician and the audited apprehensions and expectations gets apart about what auditors are going to work with and what they are going to accomplish.Svenska Kommunförbundet writes in their publication FullmÀktige och revisionen (2004) that the communication between the auditors and the audited is important so the final result becomes great. Apart from the communication, the recurring information about auditing is important to increase the knowledge and understanding. Are there expectations on what the auditors are going to review and discover among the audited, when there probably are expectations from the inhabitants on the auditing. This leads us to our purpose of our essay which is to investigate and describe if there exist an expectation gap between the auditors and the social welfare boards in the primary municipality. The method we used to collect our data was a guided telephone interview with 66 persons.

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