

1218 Uppsatser om Växjö municipality - Sida 33 av 82

Det roterande chefskapet i Ã…tvidabergs kommun : En studie av samspelet mellan kommunchefer och politiker ur ett maktperspektiv

Denna studie är ett försök att belysa samspelet mellan chefer och politiker i Åtvidabergs kommun, där man har tillämpat ett slags roterande kommunchefskap som består av en chefsgrupp på fem individer där man roterar på posten som formell kommunchef med två månaders intervaller. Studien baseras på kvalitativa interjuver med både kommunchefer och politiker verksamma i Åtvidaberg. Vi tillämpar ett maktperspektiv när vi analyserar våra informanters utsagor, genom att i synnerhet ställa dessa i förhållande till Dennis H. Wrongs maktformer..

Små vatten- och avloppssystem : Möjligheter till inskränkning av verksamhtesområden

This study is focused on small scale water and wastewater handling in Sweden. The study is divided into two major parts; the first describes common methods for water- and wastewater handling and the second part is a case study on three small and expensive systems in Gällivare municipality, in the north of Sweden. In the case study, abilitys for the local government to hand over unwanted systems to the water users is investigated and found to be a plausible solution to cut costs for two out of the three studied systems. In the third case, water and wastewater systems is not recommended to be handed over but other ways of cutting costs are suggested..

Svensk kulturmiljövård : angeläget. tillgängligt och användbart för alla?

The aim of this thesis is to explore from a cultural diversity perspective, students 'views on teachers' leadership styles in the classroom and what style of management students prefer. The study uses a qualitative methodology to interviewed focus groups of students consisting of a total of twelve students at a secondary school in Botkyrka municipality. The corpus was divided into three different groups. Overall, results showed that students seem to prefer an intercultural situational leadership style. This is based on the students expressed need of wanting to be understood on the basis of their cultural background.

Planering  av  hamnområdet  i  en  sommarstad : en  fallstudie  i  Båstad

Det här är en studie kring ämnet flexibel utformning av offentliga rum, och ett förslag på hur Båstads hamnområde skulle kunna utvecklas till en plats som på ett mer tillfredsställande sätt kan användas året runt. Idag är hamnen en plats som präglas av några månader med intensivt liv och mycket rörelse under sommaren, för att sedan bli en tom och oanvänd plats vintertid. Förslaget har föregåtts av analyser, både under vinter och sommar, av hamnens rumslighet, aktivitet, rörelse och attraktioner, en litteraturstudie kring ämnet flexibel utformning av offentliga rum, samt två studiebesök på mindre orter i Sverige som kämpar med en liknande problematik. Förslaget har också föregåtts av en inventering av området, samtal med tjänstemän på Båstads kommun och näringsidkare i hamnen samt studier av tidigare planprogram och planer för hamnen framtaget av kommunen. Med utgångspunkt i resultaten av analyserna och med inspiration från litteraturstudien och studiebesöken har jag tagit fram ett förslag på hur Båstads hamnområde skulle kunna utvecklas, göras mer flexibelt och därav mer användbart hela året.

Man kan ju inte gå klädd hursomhelst : En studie om hur högstadietjejers identitet

To understand students, their world and what makes them act in a certain way or how they form groups in school is a very important part of a teachers work. You get a better understanding for the students behavior by having knowledge about how they look uponthemselves and other students, to prevent prejudice and tendenses to bullying and beeing an ?outsider?. Clothes and fashion are often a big part of the students identity buliding and how they look upon themselves and get looked at by others.We have chosed to exeminate this phenomenon among girls since they are often more exposed by the media for example and with unreasonable beautyideals and other external factors that many girls try to live up to in todays society.We have made a survey regarding the usage of clothes and fashion in the making of an identety with totally fiftyeight girls in the ninth grade on two different public schools in Haninge and Tyresö municipality..

Skötselmål som en del av gestaltningen : för parker i kommunal regi, med en studie av två parker i Landskrona

There are mainly two ways to transform the design of an existing park. You could either make a replanning of the park, an act that changes the design and the plant material in one swoop. Or you could use the management to change the expression of the park. To be able to develop the parks with the help of management, some form of goal is needed, that can make the management of the park strive towards an expression for the whole park as well as its individual parts. Among the documented goals, for individual parks and park management, which exist in the municipalities today, there seems to be a weak link between the all-embracing goals and the management that is carried out in the parks.

Rekryteringsannonser för första linjens chefer : Undersökning av perioden 1971 ? 2007 inom Landstinget i Jönköpings län

What are the competencies and qualifications required by employers concerning the first line executives in medical care? In this paper we aim to scrutinise this question by analysing the significance of terms reproduced by employers in advertisements between 1971 and 2007.Our survey concerns 93 advertisements and two interviews with knowledgeable authorities on personnel administration in the county council of Jönköping municipality, Sweden. Using a theoretical framework developed by Ellström our results point out how the demands of the employer have changed starting in the 1970?s. We set fore, as a way of conclusion, the setting of competency and qualifications required by the employer have not only increased but appears much more comprehensive and far more complex than ever before..

Utvärdering av Vissberga lakvattenbehandling

In connection with the admittance of the EC-directive (99/31/EC) in Swedish politic, through the constitution of waste depositing (2001:512) at year 2001, the rules about management the landfills and leachates tightened. At the landfill Vissberga in the municipality of Hallsberg, a leachate treatment plant was constructed just a year thereafter. This treatment plant consisted of an aerated pond with a following land treatment and a willow cultivation to replace the land treatment during the summer. In this case the parameters, which were estimated as the most important to reduce, were iron and nitrogen. The iron would react with the oxygen-rich water in the aerated pond and precipitate to ferric-hydroxide and than settle in a calm zone of the pond.

24-timmarsmyndighetens användbarhet

The communication with government and municipality through Internet has in-creased during the last couple of years. Therefore we have chosen to focus our bachelor thesis in this particularly area and the needs for usable web services for the citizens. In this bachelor thesis we are studying a increasing group users, namely elderly citizens. During the study we have analysed E-governments ser-vices usability through usability tests. The combination of conversations and meetings with individuals, observations of interactions and literature studies give us the opportunity to explore the users needs.

Klimatanpassning av det svenska vägtransportsystemet : En diskussion om vilka åtgärder som kan vara samhällsekonomiskt lönsamma för att förhindra naturolyckor och deras konsekvenser

In light of the European Union`s 2012 theme year: Active aging and solidarity between generations I wished to gain an understanding of weather elderly immigrant are provided with equal possibilities and access to local community information as the majority population and their participation in activities arranged for senior citizens in the municipality where they live. I have done this by meeting with those who work in this capacity. I also chose to meet with representatives for immigrant organizations in the local community to enquire of their work with senior citizens within their own ethnic group. This is a qualitative study on a phenomenological ground based on nine interviews and four observations. I have had two theories to help me analyze my empirical material.

Leder ökat individuellt inflytande till minskad stress? : Undersökning av tjänstemän inom Karlstad kommun.

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to examine whether the individual influence at the working place leads to the perception of decreased stress. Also I looked at whether stress and individual influence is affected by the employees age, sex or employment years. Previous research shows that individual influence decreases stress but strangely enough do the research show that individual influence seem to decrease in today?s work environment. This research is quantitative with questionnaires, answered by 74 civil servants working in a department in the municipality of Karlstad.

Nyinflyttad : En analys av tidningen ?Nyinflyttad? som skickas till alla nya Arvikabor

This thesis aims to provide Arvika with a deeper insight into what their new residents think about the information they receive. Anyone moving to Arvika gets the magazine ?Nyinflyttad/Recently moved in" sent home. The year 2011 Arvika had 1017 new residents, and they all got the same version of the magazine "Nyinflyttad/Recently moved in." A simpler version of the magazine hasn?t been made, although the municipality is aware that it is needed.The aim of my thesis is to see if the information that Arvika is sending to its new residents in meeting their information needs. To get the answer on this question, I have examined data from the target group perspective.

Vad påverkar fjärrvärmepriser i Sverige?: En ekonometrisk analys

The purpose with this thesis is to analyse different factors that can explain district heating prices for energy companies in Sweden. We are further interested in examining if the prices is affected by the use of industrial waste heat in their production and the company?s ownership structure. The method applied is a multiple regression analysis using a panel data set of 50 companies over 5 years (2008-2012). The data used is yearly data obtained from the Swedish district heating association.

Fysisk planering ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv ? fallstudie i Hjo

Hur samverkar de nationella folkhälsomålen med fysisk planering, och på vilket sätt kan folkhälsomålen beaktas för att förbättra förutsättningarna för ökad fysisk aktivitet hos barn? Denna studie är en fallstudie i Hjo kommun. Studien tar utgångspunkt i kommunens folkhälsoproblematik som visar att det finns en hög förekomst av övervikt hos barn. Intentionen är att undersöka vilka organisatoriska processer som kan underbygga det kommunala arbetet med folkhälsomålen, liksom att ta reda på vilka faktorer i den fysiska miljön som skapar förutsättningar för barns fysiska aktivitet. Avsikten med studien har varit att skapa ett underlag för Hjo kommuns översiktliga planering.

Total organic carbon (TOC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) - Monitoring of organic pollutants in wastewater

Total organic carbon (TOC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) are two methods used for measuring organic pollutants in wastewater. Both methods are widely used but the COD method results in production of hazardous wastes, including mercury.The purpose of this study was to validate the method TOC that will replace COD and find a factor to convert TOC to COD. In this study 26 samples were analyzed from four sewage treatment plant in the municipality of Enköping.The results show that the COD method could be replaced by the TOC method.The factor for COD/TOC was between 3.1 - 3.3. Both methods will be used in parallel until 2013 when it will be forbidden to use the COD analysis..

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