

1162 Uppsatser om Vägverket Region Sydöst - Sida 52 av 78

VarumÀrket Stockholm : The Capital of Scandinavia

Stadsmarknadsföring Àr ett begrepp som har blivit allt vanligare de senaste Ären. Det skrivs mycket litteratur om Àmnet och de flesta stÀder har idag utvecklat ett varumÀrke i syfte att försöka hÀvda sig i konkurrensen om turister, invÄnare och företag. I den hÀr uppsatsen utvÀrderas Stockholms marknadsföring. Uppsatsen tar avstamp i litteraturstudier som har gjorts som beskriver hur marknadsföringen av en stad bör gÄ till generellt, för att senare kunna analysera hur Stockholm har valt att marknadsföra sig. Det rÄder en del missuppfattningar kring vissa av de begrepp som handlar om stadsmarknadsföring som jag kortfattat försöker reda ut.

Utlakning av tungmetaller frÄn Skörby deponi

The purpose of this thesis has been to assess whether leaching from one particular Swedishlandfill site, Skörbytippen, is contributing to elevated levels of heavy metals in a ditch runningfrom the landfill site to the lake MÀlaren in the communal region of HÄbo kommun. Since theditch is stretching approximately five km downstream from the landfill site, in situ observationsand maps with known points of inflow was utilized to determine appropriate test points for thecollection of samples.Soil, water and sediment samples were collected and analyzed for content of organic material, pHand conductivity. Data on plant-available elements and total amounts of heavy metals wasacquired through ICP-analysis.The results show that the Skörby landfill is currently in the methane-forming anaerobedevelopment phase, which indicates that the concentration of free and complex-bound metals inthe leachate water should be low due to chemical binding with other landfill compounds. The pHof the sediment samples was generally one unit higher than the soil samples and some of themeasured data, such as pH and conductivity, show that an environmentally disturbing dischargeof some kind of strongly alkaline chemical(s) has been made from Benders? takpanneindustri inclose proximity to the landfill.

KaraktÀrisering av avfallsbrÀnslen

All products will eventually end up as waste, which in a sustainable society has to be handled in an efficient and environment friendly way. This report focuses on waste fractions meant for combustion, often difficult to characterize. However, more homogeneous fractions that are treated biologically are also discussed.The study concerns the region of BorÄs, Sweden, where the waste plant Sobacken has provided a good starting point. On this site, fuel to the Energy-from-Waste plant of BorÄs Energi is prepared and the biological waste is treated through anaerobic digestion.One important part of the study has been to collect experience-based knowledge from the technical staff at Sobacken and BorÄs Energi. This information was compiled into an overview of wanted and unwanted fractions to the preparation plant and the boilers respectively.

"Vi ska inte sitta hÀr och tro att folk ska komma till oss" : En kvalitativ undersökning av nÄgra hallÀndska bibliotekariers syn pÄ marknadsföring avbarnavdelningenpÄ folkbibliotek.

This two years master?s thesis takes interest in the concept of marketing related to the Children?s Library. The purposes have been to investigate the perception of marketing among a few librarians working at the Children?s Library in the Swedish region of Halland and further to analyse their perception of marketing in the daily work at the library. Eventually to analyse the consequences of these librarians approach to marketing related to their perception of the library?s mission.

Lönsamhetskalkyl för produktion av gran pÄ markavvattnad och askgödslad myrmark

In Sweden there are about 4 million hectares of bare peat (mire). This land has great potential to be transformed into productive forest land, provided drainage is carried out and, in some cases, even fertilization with ashes. Drainage of mires is necessary because the high groundwater table prevents trees from growing due to reduced oxygen availability. Some of the key nutrients that trees need to grow appear in too small quantities in mires, especially potassium (K) and phosphorus (P). Ash from the combustion of biomass contains these elements and is therefore suitable as a fertilizer.

Marknaden för skogsvÄrdstjÀnster : en undersökning bland privata markÀgare inom en region i VÀrmland

This work broadly illuminates the conditions for increasing the commissions of forestry services within the whole, or parts of, the western regions of Stora Enso?s operating area. Through a questionnaire, a survey was made examining whether the owners of the forests themselves do the forestry on their woodlands. This foremost concerns the pre-commercial thinning, but also planting and soil scarification. The survey also shows who are buying the most part of their forestry services and who are carrying it out themselves.

Kadmium i skÄnska vattendrag : en metodstudie i föroreningsmodellering

Modelling of pollutants is commonly used in research and at departments working with environmental issues. The need to use large amounts of data when modelling creates the opportunity for more generalised models with lower data demands. Aggregating functions into coarser elements is a sort of generalisation of actual features in nature.A development of a method and a modelling tool called ?KadmiumKalkylatorn? has been performed to model cadmium pollution in rivers in SkÄne, Sweden. The water runoff has been multiplied with cadmium standard concentrations based on membership in landuse classes.

Att vara "container" för patienten : En studie om hur sjukhuskuratorer upplever att de pÄverkas av det patientnÀra arbetet

Sjukhuskuratorer har samtal med patienter som lider till exempel av depression, Ängest eller andra besvÀr orsakade av psykosociala faktorer sÄ som stress, livskriser eller alkohol. I denna studie stÀlldes frÄgan vilka effekter det patientnÀra arbetet kan ha för sjukhuskuratorn. Syftet var att utifrÄn ett emotionsteoretiskt perspektiv undersöka hur sjukhuskuratorer upplever att de pÄverkas av det patientnÀra arbetet. I studien stÀlldes frÄgan vad sjukhuskuratorer upplever att det patientnÀra arbetet har för effekter för dem sjÀlva och hur sjukhuskuratorer hanterar det som uppkommer i det patientnÀra arbetet. Tidigare forskning har visat att andra yrkesgrupper pÄ omrÄdet, exempelvis sjuksköterskor och terapeuter i allmÀnhet, pÄverkas av att anvÀnda ett hÀrbÀrgerande förhÄllningsÀtt.

Antibiotikaresistens hos bakterier isolerade frÄn friska hundar i Sverige : indikatorbakterier E. coli & Enterococcus spp samt Staphylococcus spp isolerade frÄn hud

Objective: To determine the frequency of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria from healthy Swedish dogs and whether they are carriers of methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Material: Samples from skin from the perineal region and from faeces collected in the anus with cottonswab (Copan) from 299 healthy Swedish dogs. Samples were collected at dog exhibitions. Method: Specimens were submitted for bacterial culture where bacteria (Escherichia coli, enterococci and staphylococci) were isolated and identified by current methods. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed with a microdilution method where MIC-values were determined. Staphylococci with high degree of resistance were tested for presence of mecA-gene by PCR.

HÄllbar utveckling + turism = sant? Intressen inom projektet Exportmogen destination i biosfÀromrÄdet VÀnerskÀrgÄrden med Kinnekulle

This essay examines whether, and if so to which extent, the project Export MatureDestination in the Biosphere Reserve VÀnerskÀrgÄrden with Kinnekulle can combine the goalof the tourism industry, i.e. to double tourism between 2010 and 2020, and the goals of theBiosphere reserve, i.e. sustainable societal development and a sustainable biosphere economy.The aim is to examine how key individuals in the project approach sustainable developmentand economic growth, representing the two main interests in the area. Examining the state ofthe two interests the following examples are used: the position of sustainable development inregard to economic growth, the opportunities and challenges in the area and unity concerningthe goals of the tourism development in the region. The study is conducted through qualitativeinterviews with key individuals and a descriptive document analysis of the most importantpolicy documents.

Nya regler i sjukförsÀkringen - fler personer i utanförskap?

The purpose of this paper is to study the rules of the bill 2007/08: 136 "Areformed sick-leave process of increased return to work" as related to therehabilitation chain. In the interpretation of the material I have used the ?practicallegal method? and a minor empirical study has been conducted to find out howRegion SkÄne and UMAS adjust their activities to the new regulations.The government aims to reduce sick leave and on March 19, 2008,the above mentioned bill was presented to the Riksdag. The bill is a part of thegovernment's package of measures and contains proposals for a revised sick-leaveprocess. The rehabilitation chain is a part of the package and includes actions witha tighter schedule.The employer is still after the new rules playing a central role in thesick-leave process and must through early and continuous contact with theworkers start the rehabilitation process.

Aktivitetsmönster och dess relation till upplevd tillfredsstÀllelse med livet i allmÀnhet

Ett balanserat aktivitetsmönster anses inom arbetsterapi vara en viktig komponent för att uppleva hÀlsa i aktivitet. Syftet med studien var att beskriva och förstÄ aktivitetsmönster och dess relation till upplevd tillfredsstÀllelse med livet i allmÀnhet. Undersökningsgruppen rekryterades frÄn en region i norra Sverige och bestod av 40 personer med diagnosen seropositiv reumatoid artrit. Datainsamlingen genomfördes med instrumenten Occupational Questionair, Life Satisfaction Questionnaire och FRIES index, bearbetades i dataprogram och redovisades med deskriptiv statistik. Resultatet visade att undersökningsgruppen hade en likartad fördelning av sina aktiviteter under dygnet.

Teamarbete ? en kartlÀggning av svensk offentlig hörselvÄrd

Modern sjukvÄrd har blivit fragmenterad vilket medför nackdelar för patienter och personal. Teamarbete över professionsgrÀnserna har identifierats som ett sÀtt att motverka fragmentering och erbjuda god heltÀckande vÄrd. Detta har relevans för hörselvÄrden dÀr mÄnga patienter behöver insatser frÄn olika professioner. Arbetets syfte var att göra en kartlÀggning av teamarbete inom svensk offentlig hörselvÄrd samt att undersöka hur teamarbetet ser ut. En totalundersökning har gjorts av Sveriges 21 landsting/regioner.

Psykosocial ÄterhÀmtning hos kvinnor drabbade av hjÀrtinfarkt : En litteraturöversikt

Abstract Background: The World Health Organization has expressed a great concern about the increasing prevalence of childhood obesity. Region VÀstra Götaland (VGR) has developed a web based program to support school nurses in their work to promote health among children with obesity. Previous research on childhood obesity emphasizes the importance of support from nurses and how their work is organized. Aim: The aim of the study is, firstly, to explore school nurses experiences with health promotion work among obese children. Secondly, to investigate whether school nurses use the salutogenic theory of health.

Att öka livskvalitet genom mobile assistive technologies. En studie om hur rehabilitering- och habiliteringsverksamheter bör förhÄlla sig till mobile assistive technologies i syfte att öka livskvalitet för personer med nedsatt synförmÄga

As the use of smartphones and other mobile technology in our society is constantly increasing,so too does the possibilities of visually impaired persons increase as they are becoming moreable to enhance their quality of life with the help of mobile assistive technology. The purposeof this study was to explore how rehabilitation and habilitation organizations, which areworking with the visually impaired, should approach new technology. We have researched thisby examining the possibilities, opportunities and barriers of using mobile assistive technology.Based on this, we formulated the following research question: What factors are important forrehabilitation and habilitation organizations to consider in order to support, promote andcreate quality of life through the use of mobile assistive technology in their work with thevisually impaired? To answer the above question an exploratory study was made at an eyeclinic in the VÀstra Götaland region. The study was done through a series of qualitativeinterviews with both staff and patients at the eye clinic.

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