1282 Uppsatser om Users ecperience - Sida 44 av 86
HBTQ och Folkbibliotek
Our thesis is an analysis of four librarians view on LGBTQ and which implications these views have on the practical work with LGBTQ issues in the public library. The three ideal types we can identify are the excluding, the including, and the normcritical approach. We also want to know if the four librarians? standpoints can be connected to the above mentioned ideal types. We can see that the area where the implementations of the three ideal types are most visible is the way LGBTQ material is displayed in the library space.
OPAC - på Märsta folkbibliotek
The purpose of this Bachelor thesis is to examine how user-friendly the OPAC of the Märsta public library is considered to be.Theoretical basis are HCI and Allwoods definition of usability. Issues are: Is the OPAC suited to its task? Is the OPAC user-friendly? How well does a user accept the OPAC? and What degree of competence is shown by users of the OPAC? The source material consists of six interviews in the form of .avi files. The method I have chosen is qualitative semi-structured interview form. The result is that, based on Carl Martin Allwood?s defini-tion and with exception for the using of help-resources, the usability of Märsta?s library OPAC can be considered less good..
Min musikaliska resa i Zarathustras religion
Current technology offers many possibilities for remotecommunication. Nevertheless, people with cognitive and communicativedisabilities have limited access to common communication technology like textmessaging via a mobile phone. This study is part of the project Text messagingwith picture symbols - a possibility for AAC users and people with cognitiveimpairments. Semi structured interviews were used to investigate three menand four women?s experiences of using Windows mobiles with adaptedfunctions for text messaging.
Hur används intranät? En studie av EkaForum, Eka Chemicals intranät.
Intranets has been marketing as the tool for solving the organisations information problems. My interest is to see how an intranet works in an organisation. This study was an investigation about the use of EkaForum, the intranet of Eka Chemicals, at the Rollsbo division. The study aimed to evaluate how EkaForum is being used, firstly as a transmitter of information and secondly as a communication tool for the organisation. The study was constructed as a quantity survey based on a questionnaire with 24 questions and was sent out to the staff of Rollsbo division.
Utveckling av internordersystem för SharePoint
SharePoint is a web based platform designed to provide internal communications and file sharing for businesses and organizations.In this project, we created a system consisting of multiple applications to be used together with SharePoint. These applications are meant to simplify the workflow for internal orders of products. The system is targeted towards companies that do not have a flexible approach to digital orders or companies that want to integrate this functionality into their SharePoint platform. The project includes, in addition to the creation of the system, installation of the software and the servers needed to run a SharePoint environment and their configurations.The system consists of four applications where one of these, the store application, is required for the system to be used at all. The other applications are an order management application, a purchase application and an incoming delivery application. Of these four, we have implemented the store application and the order management application. Our hope is that users will find the system easy to use and graphically appealing..
Fankultur på folkbibliotek ? ett redskap för delaktighet
The aim of this essay is to examine fan culture?s role in Swedish public libraries. I have interviewed, via email, six librarians who encounter and use fan culture in their daily work. The theoretical elements of my essay are based on a modified set of theories by Dorte Skot-Hansen that identifies six ideal types of cultural political rationalities. My study reveals that fan culture is used in Swedish libraries as a tool in increasing user participation in library activities.
Revisionsplikten : Förändringen av revisorernas yrkesutövning sedan revisionsplikten avskaffades
The thesis is based on a case study of a Swedish discussion forum where survivalism and prepping is the main focus. The awareness of an abrupt and immanent breakdown together with a full and thorough preparation for any conceivable threat posed by that breakdown is what legitimizes survivalism and prepping. This preparation, or risk-proofing is 1) grounded in an isolation of the body and its predispositions from perceived risks, and 2) actualized through artefacts, theoretical and practical knowledge and awareness. Stories of the embodied survivalist are also stories of masculine and heterosexual subjects and ?the others?.
"Jag känner mig liksom inte handikappad längre." : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om teckenspråkiga döva och hörselskadade individers upplevelser med smartphones
This c-level essay examines how deaf and hearing impaired individuals use smartphones to live and communicate in a ?hearing world?. The main target is to find some understanding of the struggles of this population and smartphones have made it easier to adapt to the hearing worlds? demands with the applications that follow. To acquire the information for this essay, representatives from both the deaf and hearing impaired communities were interviewed.
Användarkvaliteter inom söksystem : En kvantitativ studie av söksystemen på Södertörns högskola och Stockholms universitet
This essay is about testing the validity of an article written by Jonas Löwgren, called The use qualities of digital design. The study we have executed is about testing the featured qualities of digital design in the article on two search systems located in the library of Stockholm University and Södertörn University respectively to see how they are able to be applied on search systems. To acquire the information for the study, we handed out a written inquire among users of those systems. The result of this quantitative study shows us that many that five of Löwgrens qualities is likely to be present on the systems. Our conclusion is that five of these are appliable on search systems.
Mellan medborgare och myndigheter. Arbetsförmedlarens roll i kontexten av jobbgarantin för ungdomar.
Current technology offers many possibilities for remotecommunication. Nevertheless, people with cognitive and communicativedisabilities have limited access to common communication technology like textmessaging via a mobile phone. This study is part of the project Text messagingwith picture symbols - a possibility for AAC users and people with cognitiveimpairments. Semi structured interviews were used to investigate three menand four women?s experiences of using Windows mobiles with adaptedfunctions for text messaging.
dotNet som multimediaplattform
As the speed and complexity of computers have increased so have software and the expectations of users. Software development follows a straightforward evolution where complicated tasks are made easier by better tools; this repeats itself as those tasks in turn are automated.Software mechanics that were seen as revolutionary a decade ago are seen as obvious requirements that no multimedia application can be without.dotNet is the next step in line and makes it easier and faster to build software.This report focuses on the development of a multimedia platform developed in dotNet. It does this by developing the tools and framework from which a complete game can be built.A game is selected because it combines the most aspects of multimedia development, such as interaction, graphics, sound & music. The report goes further by describing why the game looks like it does as well as the mechanics of the game and the benefits of the dotNet platform..
Webbradion : ett nytt medium
The purpose of this essay is to study the role of web radio in Sweden. To fulfill the purpose we have done a case study of two Swedish radio stations: Sveriges Radio AB, which is a public service station, and a commercial station called Mix Megapol. By interviewing two persons from each station and analyzing the contents of their web sites, we have tried to see how the relationship between radio, Internet and web radio looks like. Thus, our method is qualitative. We have come to many conclusion of which some are: The new medium web radio borrows qualities from the traditional radio.
Den amerikanska drömmen i Cynthia Voigts Den långa vägen hem och Det nya hemmet
Cynthia Voigt is a well-known author of children?s books. She deals mainly with contemporary issues, although she also has written some fantasy. The Tillerman saga consists of 7 books. This essay deals with the first two, Homecoming and Dicey´s Song.
Förtroendet för den svenska polisen. Vikten av tillit för en fungerande rättsstat.
Current technology offers many possibilities for remotecommunication. Nevertheless, people with cognitive and communicativedisabilities have limited access to common communication technology like textmessaging via a mobile phone. This study is part of the project Text messagingwith picture symbols - a possibility for AAC users and people with cognitiveimpairments. Semi structured interviews were used to investigate three menand four women?s experiences of using Windows mobiles with adaptedfunctions for text messaging.
Sociala medier : Marknadsföring och innehåll
The purpose of this study is to highlight the opportunities of using social media as a communicative tool to attract and engage customers on different social media platforms. In recent years social media has become an important way for business to communicate with people both national and global. The idea behind this thesis was found when we saw different approaches of how companies used social media as a marketing tool. Through a qualitative approach we did eight interviews with six different companies and two social media consults which have given us a basis of what companies really want to achieve with social media. With these interviews we were able to analyze and discuss the abilities to interact with people and how companies distribute content that engage users and increase their credibility to the company..