1282 Uppsatser om Users ecperience - Sida 43 av 86
Förenklad hantering av stämpelkort med smartphones
Today bonuscards are used widely to encourage customers to return for more purchases. Many of those bonuscards are today made of paper which is negative for the environment and since they are not very valuable they are also easy to misplace. The mobile version of these cards most often needs an active download and/or other processes before use and are therefore not so easy to use spontaneous. This project aims to make it easier to handle these bonuscards with today?s smartphones and solve the given problems.
Hur man kan skapa uppmärksamhet för tidningen Guinness World Records Magazine genom en digital artefakt
This project practise methods used in the interaction design discipline to develop a concept related to the Swedish Guinness World Records Magazine.
This project is a challenge to accommodate both the users? and client?s needs. We focus on interaction and the experience, which is acquired through the use itself, and how to connect it to a theme from a client. The aim of this project is to create a meeting place for children where they can interact with technology.
Provtryck på skärm
This Degree Project is carried through in association with Fototext in Guthenburg. The firmsees benefits using?Soft Proof? technology for both economic and time-saving. The reasonfor ?Soft Proofing? for internal/ external production is to estimate and controll documentswithout using digital or chemical printing output.The different technical solutions to ?Soft Proof?, knowledges and facts aboutColorManagement together with PDF-workflow is going to pattern for a correct succesfull?Soft Proofing? on the monitor.Acrobat 5 in association with Photoshop 6 are effectively used in ?Soft Proofing? technic.The advance and capacity of the graphical softwares which are explained in this reporthelps the users to begin to experiment with ?Soft Proof?.
Affärsupplägg biobränsle Västerbotten : en undersökning av större biobränsleanvändares syn på biobränslemarknaden i Västerbotten
The use of bio energy in Sweden has increased during the last few years and with every passing year, bio energy produces 3-4 TWh´s more energy than the previous year. The increase in the use of bio energy makes it an interesting prospect for forest companies to produce bio energy from the forest. Sveaskog has a fairly extensive bio energy programme, mainly in southern and middle Sweden. Their activity regarding bio energy in northern Sweden has been very restrictive or even non-existent. Because of this, during the winter of 2003-2004, Sveaskog initiated a number of degree projects with the purpose of looking at the use of bio energy in northern Sweden.
Mediadatabas med webbgränssnitt för hembygdsförening
Throughout the years the Swedish local history societies have collected a large quantity of material, consisting of photos, documents and items, among others. As the society has become more computerized, the need has increased for these collections to become digitalized. This is a way to make their media more easily accessible to the general public, but also to easily be able to archive and preserve for example photos and videos electronically.This thesis concerns itself with the work we have done for the local history society of Nyed in Molkom. The task set before us consisted of creating both a website for the society, and a reliable database from witch the website draws its information. This project allows anyone with administrator privileges to upload new files and any additional information.
Design och konstruktion av kaross till ögonstyrt arkadspel
Tobii Technology AB is a global leading company in eye tracking. The technology is a part of acomputer screen called an eye tracker. It enables computers to follow eye movement whichfurther make it possible to control the computer by only using your eyes.The mission was to develop an arcade game for eye controlled games that Tobii can use in theirmarketing or as a tool when doing researches about the interest in the technology amongst gamecompanies. The product realization involved designing an innovative, functional and futuristiccase which gathered the existing hardware and software to build the final prototype. In order toattract users it was important to focus on the visual expressions.Initially, the project started off with an information retrieval which contained interviews, fieldstudies, tests and literature studies.
?Ja, då Googlar man, som man säger? ? en kvalitativ studie av PRO-pensionärers informationssökning
The purpose of this thesis is to gain a better understanding of how elderly people seek and use information in everyday situations. A further aim is to suggest ways for the library to offer more services specifically tailored for pensioners. This is an important topic as pensioners are a rapidly growing group of library users. We conducted qualitative interviews with four elderly people concerning their information needs in everyday life, and discovered that they rarely use the library, preferring instead to get their information from various internet sites and their pensioners? organisation.
Att genom design effektivisera räddningsinsatsen för motorcyklister i trafikolycka
What if the emergency response directly knew exactly where to go and what to do if a road accident occured? During the last ten years the number of motorcyclists in Sweden has doubled. Every year, more than 300 riders are seriously injured and over 40 die in road accidents. Being found in time is critical to increase the chance of survival. The goal of this project is to use design methods to find a solution that enables a fast and adequate emergency response for motorcyclists and other unprotected road users..
"Det öppnas en hel värld och man lär sig så himla mycket" : En fenomenografisk studie av föräldrars uppfattningar av barns läspraktik i hemmet
The purpose of this bachelor's thesis is to see how public libraries have adopted the new e-book readers and how the libraries think the e-readers will affect them in the future. There are three different theories in this study which are used to see how the e-book reader influences the libraries as an innovation and as a remediation from the paper book as well as its evolution. The authors have used four qualitative interviews where they have tried to find the most relevant librarians for the purpose. It was found that all the libraries in the study think that they need to learn about the e-reader and its functions to be able to understand users? needs, but they haven´t agreed if they should have the e-reader as a library loan.
Svalövs flyktingenhets arbete för nyanlända invandrare - en utvärdering med brukar- och intressentfokus
The following report is a constructive responsive evaluation of Svalövs communes unit for newly arrived refugees based on a qualitative user- and stakeholder model. The main purpose is to evaluate the units? quality from a user and stakeholder perspective. The main findings are that the users and stakeholders are satisfied with the quality of the units? services but request further social and structural participation.
Ett odemokratiskt beslut. En jämförande studie av trängselskattens demokratiska aspekter i Göteborg.
Current technology offers many possibilities for remotecommunication. Nevertheless, people with cognitive and communicativedisabilities have limited access to common communication technology like textmessaging via a mobile phone. This study is part of the project Text messagingwith picture symbols - a possibility for AAC users and people with cognitiveimpairments. Semi structured interviews were used to investigate three menand four women?s experiences of using Windows mobiles with adaptedfunctions for text messaging.
Programvaruutveckling för en elektromagnetisk skanner med fokus på användaren, användarstudier och inlärning
The project was based on a request to improve an already existing program and hardware at the electrical engineering department at the royal institute of technology. For maximum ease of use, tests have been done on students to properly design the program for what it is meant to be used for. These tests have been transcribed and analysed, then brought back to the group in a discussion and then transcribed and analysed again, I call this process the ?four step process? (this process is presented and explained in chapter 6.4.). A part of this master thesis was also to analyse the four step process to enhance validity of this research.The project resulted in a new program with a new graphical view and features to help students and researchers to work with the technical tool for electromagnetic readings of planar objects.
Our examination project has been to develop today?s existing walking frames and make them more exiting and user friendly for tomorrow?s users.The use of a walking frame today makes it easier for a person with a movement difficulty in different extent. It makes it easier with their living condition and the user get a more movement easier life where they can take care of the daily chores without any help from the society or the family members.With our product we get a product that not only makes it easier for the user to get out and get forward. We help the user to get forward where they often would have difficulties to get forward. An example is where its more steeper parts where it could be more difficult to get up or down and even with more difficult foundation due to bad weather.
?Det bärbara biblioteket : En kvalitativ studie i hur man inom folkbibliotek resonerar kring läsplattan
The purpose of this bachelor's thesis is to see how public libraries have adopted the new e-book readers and how the libraries think the e-readers will affect them in the future. There are three different theories in this study which are used to see how the e-book reader influences the libraries as an innovation and as a remediation from the paper book as well as its evolution. The authors have used four qualitative interviews where they have tried to find the most relevant librarians for the purpose. It was found that all the libraries in the study think that they need to learn about the e-reader and its functions to be able to understand users? needs, but they haven´t agreed if they should have the e-reader as a library loan.
Förutsättningar för utbildning : En kvalitativ fältstudie på två skolor i Ghana
In today's social work there is an ambition to work evidence-based in order to improve quality and competency in business. This study is made in a disability administration which has introduced a common approach towards users for all employees. The approach is called low arousal approach. The purpose of the study is to investigate how a method takes hold and implements within an organization. The empirical data is analyzed by theories of professionalization, idea dissemination and translation.