1282 Uppsatser om Users ecperience - Sida 42 av 86
"Allt det där ska samsas i ett och samma yrke": en studie om folkbibliotekariers yrkesidentiteter
This Master?s thesis concerns the public librarian?s professional identity. The complexity of the mandates of the public librarian, and the public library, raises questions on how librarians understand their professional identities. The empirical material consists of qualitative in-depth interviews with librarians. Two theoretical approaches are used in the analysis of the material with a focus on the public librarians? knowledge and professional role.
Dekoration av plasttallrikar
A group of two people, Jelena Durkan and Johan von Heideken, have worked together on an assignment from the company August Lundh AB. The company manufactures plastic products for all sizes of catering establishments. The basis for this thesis is a pre-study which shows that many of the users would be more drawn to the plates that the company manufactures, if there was a motif on the plates.This thesis will present the method of application for the motif that best benefits the company, with regard to the requirements placed on the motif, application method and the costs. The group found five relevant methods that were more carefully examined and compared to each other. Those are:Laser engraving, Hot-stamping, Injection molding, In-mould labeling and Pad-printing.The tools that have been used to solve this problem are: Requirement specification, QFD and OEE.
Önskvärda positioner och skamstrategier : En kvalitativ intervjuanalys om hur kön görs och används i BDSM
In this essay, I interview six users from the website darkside.se, which is an internet community for BDSM practitioners. I?m using Judith Butlers theorys about performativity and heteronormativity, Gayle Rubins model the charmed circle; of which sexualities is regarded as approved and which is not, and Fanny Ambjörnssons explenation of queer theory. With the interviews as my material, I investigate how sex and gender is produced and used in BDSM and at Darkside. I discuss trans, heteronormativity, sexism and hierarchies of power related to sex and gender, in BDSM and at Darkside.
Låt den sista utvägen bli den första ingången : Att underlätta implementeringen av ett nytt intranät då dess föregångare underutnyttjats av de tänkta användarna
The purpose of this thesis was to ease the implement of an upcoming intranet for a target group who had used the previous system to an unwanted low extent. After qualitative and quantitative studies I found that the users of the current intranet thought it was hard to navigate and did not understand neither the relevance of it in their own work nor knew which information it contained.Since I did not have access to the new system by the time of the making of this thesis I concentrated on rectifying possible problems with the new system regarding the relevance and the contained information. With basis in a number of theories I produced an information brochure, whose object was to inform about the content and to convince the target group of the relevance and utility of the new intranet. .
Augmented Reality som ett hjälpmedel för produktvisualisering i möbelindustrin: en fallstudie
This paper examines the potential benefits of using augmented reality as a tool for visualizing furniture in a buyer?s own environment before buying it. A simple prototype is developed and tested. The steps for developing the prototype are described in great detail as well as the tools being used. The prototype is tested both on people working in the furniture business as well as people with experience in buying furniture online. In conclusion the results from the user tests are analyzed and the potential benefits are described.
Användarcentrerad design för att förbättra rapporter i kvalitetsregister
In modern health care, the quality registry is anexcellent tool to monitor everyday work. Collected data forms a foundation, presented as online reports, from which local work efforts to refine care quality can be performed. All reports are coded manually by specially trained developers. This is a tedious process and hence becomes a bottleneck in the strive for improvement.This thesis evaluates whether an extended way of dealing with reports can fit into the existing work situation, with main focus on the idea of creating custom reports directly within a quality registry. It provides a set of conclusions regarding today's usage of reports as well as the users' general and specific needs within the area.
Bemötande sett ur sex bibliotekariers perspektiv. : Möjligheter och förutsättningar för personal och verksamhet att arbeta med bemötandefrågor på bibliotek.
AbstractAttitudes towards the reference situation and the meetings between library users and librarians have become the subject of much debate in the library setting today. The aim of this two years master´s thesis has been to examine six librarian?s attitudes and apprehensions concerning the interactions between the librarian and the users in the library setting. We were also interested in knowing how a library can work to become more service oriented and customer centred. We conducted six interviews with librarians located at three different libraries in Sweden.
Att skapa grunden tillkassasystemsapplikationer för Android : Undersökande arbete samtimplementation
This paper was made together withTechPay AB, by their request.The dissertation has been divided into two separate parts; one of which is fully theoretical, with the focus on the security requirements of a digital cash register, and how to meet these requirements.The second part covers the implementation of anAndroid-oriented Java-library,created with help from the security requirements found in the first part. The purpose of this library is to make it easier to develop a cash register that uses payment terminals from TechPay.This paper also covers different communication protocols, encryption techniques and recommendations from authorities, banks and Android. This paper also contains a small review of how users are validated in applications on the current market that handles money transactions..
Lagerprogram för Satellitlager
Texo Application has created robots that they call for satellites; with these you can feed in storage pallets into a satellite storage. Satellite storages consist of channels in height (e.g.3 to 8 pieces) and width (e.g.3 to 100 pieces). Channels can be different long (e.g. 5 to 200 pallets). At deposit of a storage pallet the truck insert the satellite in a channel and then the pallet, the pallet is driven into the channel until it reaches another pallet or the other end.
Att formge avatarer med hänsyn till anonymitet
This paper describes the process of producing avatars for Jiddr. Today, social media surrounds the lives of youth, and communication via the Internet is an everyday occurrence for most people. Jiddr is an app that was created to give youths a platform for engaging with adults and other youths. It is a moderated forum which gives young people the opportunity to come i contact with adult role models who are knowledgable within various subject areas. On Jiddr, users are anonymous, and this is something I have placed much importance on during the design process.
Facebookvägrare : ?En studie om den sociala betydelsen av att frivilligt välja att inte använda Facebook?
Bakgrund: I och med den tilltagande teknologiska utvecklingen och globaliseringen ställs dagens företag ständigt inför nya utmaningar. För att handskas med detta måste företag arbeta för att skapa innovationer på ett sätt som de inte gjort tidigare. Det handlar om att släppa sargen ochvåga göra saker påett nytt sätt! Ett sätt för dematt göra detta är att tillämpa synsättet som kallas ?Open Innovation?, alltså att man tar hjälp av intressenter utanför företaget för att bli mer innovativa. Crowdsourcing är en del av open innovation ochinnebär bland annat attföretagtar hjälp av ?folkmassan?för att skapa nya idéereller lösa problem.
E-handelsrelationer: en fallstudie av hur e-handelsföretag
arbetar med sina relationer till konsumenter
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how e-commerce companies work with their relationships to customers. We have conducted a case study of two companies, Koll and Webbshoppen, both active in the e-commerce industry. Our empirical study has shown that it is important for e-commerce companies to create long-term relationships to their customers, but it can be difficult to create these relationships since the companies have little contact to the users of Internet. To build relationships, e-commerce companies market themselves through different types of media to create awareness. It is also essential to be situated high in search engines.
Pedagogisk intervention vid audiologisk rehabilitering med hjälp av en textbok. En randomiserad kontrollerad studie.
Hearing is considered to be the most important sense for the communication between people. Several studies have shown that hearing loss can lead to deterioration in quality of life, reduced social activities, feelings of alienation and hence the increasing incidence of depression symptoms.An early audiological rehabilitation is a prerequisite for proper communication among people with hearing loss. Knowledge has been shown to be of great importance and structured learning and individually targeted approach can be expected to facilitate the audiological rehabilitation.The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of an educational effort for people with hearing loss where the effort was made in the distance within the audiological rehabilitation and was followed-up by professional phone support, through a randomized controlled study.The study group consisted of 69 hearing aid users who were randomized by an independent person into two groups, an intervention group and a control group. The intervention group (n = 33) had access to the book "When the sounds are weaker - on hearing and hearing aids". The group received weekly topic-based information related to the different chapters of the book, in five rounds.
Spindeln mellan teknik och människa : En studie om hur interaktionsdesigner beskriver sitt yrke
In this bachelor thesis we have studied how interaction designers describe their profession. The research material is based on nine interviews with interaction designers. Questions cover areas such as interaction design tasks, what abilities they consider important, how they describe their relationship to the users, and cooperation with colleagues. We have analyzed the results using key terms such as habitus, field, and capital, as described by sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. The interviewees express humanistic views, and ask for more cooperation between interaction designers, as well as other people within the field of IT production.
Risksäkra liv : i skuggan av systemkollaps
The thesis is based on a case study of a Swedish discussion forum where survivalism and prepping is the main focus. The awareness of an abrupt and immanent breakdown together with a full and thorough preparation for any conceivable threat posed by that breakdown is what legitimizes survivalism and prepping. This preparation, or risk-proofing is 1) grounded in an isolation of the body and its predispositions from perceived risks, and 2) actualized through artefacts, theoretical and practical knowledge and awareness. Stories of the embodied survivalist are also stories of masculine and heterosexual subjects and ?the others?.