

3700 Uppsatser om Urban wind power - Sida 46 av 247

Holmbergska tomten i Lund : en fallstudie utifrån begreppet ?Urban Wilderness?

I mitt examensarbete till landskapsarkitekt har jag valt att göra en fallstudie utifrån begreppet Urban Wilderness. Som studieobjekt har jag valt en plats i Lund som kallas Holmbergska tomten. Holmbergska tomten är en ca 1,5 hektar stor ödetomt. Platsen har en historia som sommarnöje och trädgårdsmästeri. Sedan början av 70-talet, då staden köpte tomten, har vegetationen på platsen fått utvecklats fritt utan skötselåtgärder - förutom att man tagit ned sjuka och döda almar det senaste årtiondet. Det har lett till att platsen fått en vild karaktär, med gamla stora träd, sly, snåriga buskar och ett mycket vackert fältskikt med överdådig vårblomning.

Analys av användning av Intelligent Power Modules för motorstyrning

Det här arbetet utfördes på ABB Corporate Research, och innefattar en studie av motorstyrning i allmänhet, och hur man med hjälp av en Intelligent Power Module kan effektivisera motorstyrning genom att ersätta separata kraft- och styrmoduler med en kombinerad modul. En IPM från International Rectifier har modifierats och testats genom att under en längre tid låta den styra en permanentmagnetmotor under normala förhållanden. Resultatet från testkörningen visar att en IPM är ett bra alternativ i framtiden, såväl i fråga om effektivitet, som kostnad och utrymme. Efter en undersökning av marknaden visar det sig att det är långt ifrån säkert att modulen från International Rectifier är den bästa som finns att tillgå, och det skulle förmodligen löna sig att testköra IPM:er av andra tillverkare i mån av tid och pengar..

Vision möter verklighet : Forskarrollen i relation till lärande för alla.

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the researcher experiences its role in real life in relation to the field of education and adult learning. The context of the study is the academic department of education and adult learning in Swedish institutions. This is a qualitative study, inspired by Grounded Theory. Data consist of interviews, texts from policy documents and reports. Both the aspects gender and context have been taken into consideration.

Air power och asymmetri ur ett högteknologiskt perspektiv : en fallstudie av Operation Desert Storm, Deliberate/Allied Force och Enduring Freedom

Uppsatsen syftar till att bidra mot ökad förståelse för användandet av Air Power i olika miljöer.Uppsatsen strävar efter att belysa på vilket sätt man har nyttjat högteknologisk Air Power för atterhålla optimalt operativt övertag samt att undersöka vilka risker det eventuellt har inneburit.Detta uppnås genom att studera tre konflikter under 1990-talet och se hur man har använt sig avAir Power och titta på vilken effekt detta har haft. Det primära syftet är alltså att undersöka omhögteknologi är fördelaktigt att använda i olika nivåer av konflikter, eller om avsevärda nackdelarvisar sig.Uppsatsen syfte har också varit att identifiera hur de insatser som genomförts med dominerandeAir Power har påverkat och påverkas av teknologiska utvecklingsskillnader mellan länder.Då all krigskonst handlar om hur man nyttjar sina förutsättningar på bästa sätt blir det logiskasteget att en mindre teknologiskt utvecklad fiende kan göra högteknologisk krigföring ineffektiv.Följande hypotes prövas under arbetet: Högteknologisk Air Power är effektivt även vidasymmetrisk krigföring och vid lågintensiva konflikter.Resultatet ur studien visar att det finns både positiva och negativa effekter. De mest framträdandefördelarna är att teknologin medger flexibelt nyttjande och korta omloppstider, underlättarsamarbete och innebär vidare att ett högt tempo kan hållas genom operationen.Och nackdelarna är att det visar sig vara relativt enkelt att försvara sig under lång tid med småenkla resurser, detta kan visa sig svårhanterat för den politiska nivån. Resultatvärderingen avinsatta medel sker änsålänge alldeles för långsamt.En högteknologisk angripare gör fienden rörligare vilket i längden innebär svårigheter för denegna beslutshanteringen..

Värdet av stadsodlingen i Rosengård : utifrån fastighetsägares perspektiv

MKB fastighets AB förvaltar stora delar av Malmö stads utrymmen vilket ger dem stort inflytande och möjlighet att utveckla stadsmiljön. Det finns intresse bland aktörer, bland annat Odla i stan, att visa på fördelar med stadsodling/ boendenära odling. Forskning kring stadsodlingens värde behövs för att motivera stadsodlingsprojekt och anställningar nu och i framtiden. Denna studie utreder vilka värden som skapas av stadsodlingen i stadsdelen Rosengård i Malmö och hur det kan gynna de fastighetsägare som verkar i området. Begreppet stadsodling började användas i Sverige runt 2009 men det finns en tradition att odla i staden för egen konsumtion.

"Vi är hiphop!" : En kvalitativ undersökning om Femtastic

Female musicians and actors are being disadvanteged in the music industry, because of standards that prevents women from participating on equal terms. Unequal distribution of resources and status depends on power structures which creates an hierarchy. This study is about how an organization, Femtastic, works for equality and diversity in the field of music, how they experience their positions and their possibilities. Also how they relate to the cultural policy objectives. Femtastic is trying to create a structural change in the male-dominated music industry.

Solenergi på Nordvästra Kungsholmen

The energy that the earth receives from the sun hourly has potential to cover a year?s energy demand in the world. Further, this type of energy is environmentally friendly, natural and free of cost. This report covers solar energy in an urban environment and consists of a case study of installations of photovoltaic cells in a part of the city of Stockholm. It is mainly the economic aspects that are covered but there is also a discussion about the practical consequences and the sustainability as a result of integration of solar energy in an urban environment. The aim of the study is to present results from economic calculations for utilization of solar energy in chosen buildings in Kungsholmen in Stockholm.

Energideklaration- Vad är det och hur ska det hanteras i fastighetsbranschen?

AbstractThe Energy Declaration is a law that will come into effect October 1: Th 2006. This report has Värnamo municipality as principal and shall clarify what the estate owner in general and Värnamo municipality in particular need to know about this law. Another part that is going to be dealt with is how large the future need for energy experts in this field will be, and which competence that will be demanded for them.The work will in general deal with simplified energy declarations for apartment houses and public buildings, since these buildings are the first to be involved with energy declarations.The energy declaration will consist of a number of important components.? Energy power i.e. how much energy the building consume? If the ventilation control is done? If the radon measurement is carried out? Recommendations of measures to improve the energy power? Reference value to compare the buildings energy power againstAccording to the law the declaration shall been made by an independent expert, which will need certain information for this.

Energi - och ekonomipotential för solceller i Hållbara Järva

One of the city of Stockholm?s main objectives is to have a society completely free from fossil fuels. To achieve this, several investments regarding improvements in energy efficiency and renewable energy are currently being planned or implemented. One of these investments is a project called Hallbara Jarva which is located in the suburbs of Stockholm. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the prospects of an investment in photovoltaic cells from an energy-saving and economical point of view. The analysis is limited to three buildings within Hallbara Jarva and is intended for the property owner.  Solar energy is a type of renewable energy source and is commonly divided into solar heating and solar power.

Säkerhetsanalys av brandbekämpning i kritiska utrymmen på Forsmark 1

In order to maintain a high safety level at a nuclear power plant it is important not only to measure the reliability of the components and systems of the plant, but also to investigate how the plant responds to human actions. One of the most hazardous situations in managing a power plant is fire occurring in critical areas. This study concerns the prospect of the local fire brigade to suppress a fire that has started in one of the most critical rooms for maintaining high reactor safety. The model created gives an indication on the possibilities of succeeding in suppressing a fire. In order to get a more reliable fire fighting the following advice are given:- Let the fire brigade go rounds in the plant together with the personnel, during which recommended fire suppressing methods are determined to avoid long preparation time in an actual situation.- Prepare rooms with two subsystems to make them partly with no voltage.- Give the fire brigade better feedback from actual events on nuclear power plants.- Education and training in suppressing fires in electrical equipment.The probabilistic safety assessment strives to be as realistic as possible.

Bruka utan att förbruka - när andra intressen än ekonomin får styra

To have a forest area close to the city is of great importance for the city population?s well being. Children develop their motor skills, concentration and imagina-tion and the adults have a place to shake of the stress from work. Forest areas are used to exercise at, play in and to find a moment of peace and silence. The urban forest and the old farming pastures at Markussonvallen and Per-Isakssonvallen already has natural assets worth to preserve and a great potential to create more. The goal is to develop a forest with a variation of tree species and ground vegetation that will appeal to the human senses and different animal species such as birds, insects etc.

Analys och organisering av ö-drift för en samförbränningsstation vid Åmotsfors bruk

Åmotfors Bruk AB (ÅBAB) has today an inefficient production of steam for the manufacturing of paper. Unpredictable energy prices and modernisation of the current equipment has been the underlying factors to invest in a thermal power plant, mainly driven by garbage. This facility will not only use the steam for paper production, it will also generate electricity through a steam turbine. Today, when a fault on the supplying line occurs which leads to disconnection of the external grid, all the support of electricity to Åmotfors Bruk (ÅB) will disappear. This will lead to major interruptions in the paper production, which will cause severe economical losses.

E.ON:s transformatorflöde - en studie av återanvändningen av transformatorer i projekt krafttag

Problem StatementAfter the hurricane Gudrun in January 2005 EON Elnät Sverige AB started the project KRAFTTAG, were 17,000 km of the airborne power grid shall be replaced with cables underground. The transformers in the airborne power grid shall be dismounted, renovated if necessary and then conveyed to stations, of type kiosk.Additional new transformers, more than planned, have been bought. This is due to the dysfunctional transformer flow from the demolished power supply to projects, were the new power supply is built, the general picture is complicated, since the reconstruction involves other companies and many employees at E.ON.PurposeThe purpose of this master thesis is to map and understand the existing transformer flow. The objective is to make a recommendation on how to increase the level of E.ON? s transformer recycling.Methodthe authors have worked with a system approach, including both qualitative and quantitative data.

Mångfunktionella golfbanor : rekreativa och pedagogiska platser

The objective of this essay is, from the golf perspective including the golf courses' physical attributes, golf club management, members of the golf club and golf course designers, to explore possibilities for making existing golf courses more multifunctional. The purpose of this is to increase the understanding for golf courses' role as part of the landscape and comprehension regarding possible opportunities around them to exploit and develop.The increased pressure of population in peri-urban areas has resulted in a greater need for accessible recreation, particularly in the isolated farmland. As a result, land is sometimes used against landowners' will, which is a deficiency that is the basis for many conflicts between farmers and landowners.In the current situation, there is a negative trend in golf with reduced interest and fewer golfers than in the past. As a result, many of Sweden's golf courses have financial problems and are therefore trying to find new ways to avoid bankruptcy. Sweden's existing golf courses occupy about 30 000 hectares of land, of which a very large percentage are located in peri-urban areas.

Nord Pools systempris - en studie av prispåverkande faktorer

The intention of this thesis is, from a basic statistical viewpoint, to capture the relationship between the price of electricity and a sample of factors influencing the price. The thesis also aims at investigating whether knowledge about the relationship is useful when investing on Nord Pool. Tested factors are temperature, import, price of emission rights as well as a number of hydrological factors. The investigated period stretches from year 2000 until week 32 year 2007. The relevance of each factor was also evaluated yearly as well as for shorter periods in order to get a more comprehensive view of the relationship.

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