

5972 Uppsatser om Upper secondary school - Arts programme - Sida 43 av 399

Hur fungerar Monroes idéer på en svensk skola idag? - En presentation av "framgångsrika" skolor

Syftet med detta arbete har varit att undersöka hur Monroes idéer (Monroe, 1997) om en framgångsrik skola fungerar på en svensk skola. För att få reda på mer om framgångsrika skolor, har jag studerat aktuell forskning i ämnet. Jag har även besökt en skola i Sverige där man använder sig av denna skolmodell. Jag har valt att använda mig av kvalitativ forskning, där jag har använt intervjuer, samt observation för att samla in data. Bland resultaten kan nämnas att Monroes modell som innebär en stark ledare och tydligare regler ungerar bra på Hjällboskolan som jag har studerat närmare.

Folkbibliotek och varumärkesskapande: om möjligheterna för folkbibliotek att skapa och stärka varumärke genom programverksamhet

The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether or not the publiclibraries under review can make use of Frans Melin?s strategicbranding platform to create or strengthen their brands by meansof their programme activities. The study addresses two issues;how are the programme activities relevant to the way librariescan work with their brands, and what potential do these librarieshave to create and/or reinforce their brands through programmeactivities?The empirical material has been obtained through qualitativeinterviews structured around Melin?s platform. This has alsobeen used to discuss and analyse the results.

"Om man vill studera och verkligen kämpar så finns det en väg för det här i Sverige" : En intervjustudie om några unga nyanlända irakiers syn på möjligheter och hinder i en gymnasieskola i Södertälje kommun

This study is an investigation of newly arrived young Iraqis and their view on obstacles and opportunities available in a secondary school in Södertälje City. This is also a comparative study between the newly arrived Iraqis schooling in Iraq and in Sweden. We have used theoretical concepts such as culture, ethnicity, refugee, intercultural education, socialization and PTSD. These have helped us to provide distinct guidelines when we analyze newly arrived young Iraqis in Södertälje City. Our approach has been based on qualitative interviews with both students and teachers.

Vad är manlighet och vad innebär det att vara man? : En undersökning av gymnasieelevers syn på kön, genus och manlighet i anslutning till Ernest Hemingways Öar i strömmen.

What is masculinity and what does it mean to be a man?This study involves two different areas: gender and literary reception. I wanted to find out what students think about masculinity and what possible strategies they use when they read and interpret literature. The investigation consists of three parts: an introductory survey, classroom observations and an ending text analysis based on ten different questions. The investigation has taken place in second grade at an upper secondary school as part of the course Swedish B.

Barns inflytande i planeringen av förskolans verksamhet : En studie av förskollärares främjande arbete

The study shows how seven informants, all studying at a university in northern Sweden to become art teachers, perceive and relate to controversial contemporary art in the context of secondary school art education. The study is based on semi-structured interviews. The study contributes to a nuanced view of these informants opinions and thoughts regarding provocative contemporary art, in relation to the school's democratic values ??and founding mission. The seven informants' responses were compiled thematically linked to the study's purpose and issues to allow for comparisons and analysis.

Gymnasieelevers uppfattningar kring eget skolfusk

Syften för denna studie har varit: ?att beskriva en variation av uppfattningar hos gymnasieelever på teoretiska gymnasieprogram vad gäller hur de uppfattar och resonerar omkring sitt eget skolfusk i förhållande till fenomen som eleverna själva uppfattar som betydelsefulla för det egna skolfusket? och ?att belysa elevers uppfattningar om sitt eget skolfusk genom fyra allmänt kända teoretiska perspektiv som kan antas tangera den förförståelse av elevers skolfusk som antas vanligt förekommande hos lärare på motsvarande gymnasieprogram.?Begreppet skolfusk har definierats och data har därefter samlats in genom kvalitativt utformade enkäter som besvarats av 36 gymnasielever från det studieförberedande samhällsvetenskapsprogrammet. Forskningsansatsen har varit fenomengrafisk och analysmetoden kontextuell analys.Huvudresultatet utgörs av fem kategorier som på kvalitativt skilda sätt beskriver elevernas uppfattningar kring skolfusk. Kategorierna har rubricerats efter det totala materialets mest meningsbärande aspekt, nämligen elevernas uppsåt/avsikt/intention med sitt skolfusk som utgörs av variationerna ?att klara av en tillfälligt besvärlig situation?, ?att utmana/provocera/protestera emot (skol)systemet?, ?att överleva i en skolsituation som upplevs för svår?, ?att höja betyg? och ?att slippa anstränga sig?.Empirin har också tolkats genom fyra teoretiska perspektiv som i studien ansetts representativa för lärares förförståelse kring elevers skolfusk.

Barns perspektiv på fritidshemmet och skolan : En kvalitativ intervjuundersökning om barns upplevelse av skolans och fritidshemmets samverkan

Who is integrating school-holiday home? It is for the teachers, recreational pedagogue or the students? How do the students think and act to keep the different activities apart?My purpose was to study how children sort the day between school and recreational home interactions. The issues were: How do they distinguish between the different activities during the day?  See the students their stay after school program as part of the school day? Who decides whether you have to go to school, and whether you have to go to after school program? And do you really have to?I have interviewed six students at an elementary school, based from a phenomenographic perspective, I've used myself of issues that students have been able to respond from a school perspective and after-school perspective. My interview questions have been comparative in nature, where the same question have given different answers depending on whether the question focused on school or the afterschool program.

Gymnasieelevers sökning och användning av information ? Tankar kring att arbeta tillsammans eller självständigt

The purpose of this essay is to explore how students in secondary school seek out and use information. More specifically, the essay examines how the search and use of information differs between students working in groups and students working independently. The essay draws on in-depth interviews with six students. Two different theories are used to analyse the transcripts from the interviews. The first theory consists of Carol Kuhlthau?s six different stages showing how the students? feelings, emotions and actions change during the information seeking process.

Läromedel inom ämnet Teckenspråk för hörande : -

The aim of this study is to establish an understanding of how the concept educational materials can be interpreted, as well as to investigate how teachers describe their use of educational materials. The focus of this study is the subject ?Sign Language for the hearing?, at the upper secondary level. We, the authors of this essay, both have a great personal interest in this language. Swedish Sign Language is the sign language mainly used in Sweden.

Om jag inte fått dansa, vem hade jag varit då? : en studie om dans och självkänsla

Syfte och frågeställningarSyftet med denna studie är att ta reda på om elever som gått igenom gymnasiets estetiska dansprogram upplever att de genom dansen utvecklat/stärkt olika psykosociala förmågor samt fysiska kapaciteter. De frågeställningar studien utgick ifrån är:Uppger eleverna att dans som uttrycksform stärker självkänsla, självförtroende och självmedvetenhet?Uppger eleverna att dans som uttrycksform stärker kroppskontroll/kroppskännedom?Uppger eleverna att dans som uttrycksform utvecklar den sociala förmågan?Är det någon del av dansen (dansundervisningen) som verkar vara speciellt utvecklande vad gäller ovanstående frågeställningar?MetodMetoden som använts är en kvantitativ enkät med till viss del kvalitativa ansatser, där före detta elever på gymnasiets estetiska program med dansinsriktning utgjort undersökningsgruppen. Totalt inkom 45 svar och dessa har analyserats kvantitativt och tolkats utifrån ett abduktivt teoretiskt ramverk bestående av fenomenologi, socialpsykologi med stöd av tidigare forskning.ResultatResultaten visar att majoriteten av eleverna upplever att dansen har bidragit till (i stor utsträckning eller delvis) att stärka deras självkänsla, självförtroende, självmedvetenhet, kroppskontroll/kroppskännedom samt till att öka deras sociala förmåga. De delar inom dansundervisningen som visat sig vara mest utvecklande för de psykosociala förmågorna är möjligheten att stå på scen, improvisationen samt det egna skapandet.

Riskuppfattningar kring spårspring : Fokus på lokförare och personal på Trafikverket

Learning Management Systems (LMSs) hold great potential to support learning activities, for example by providing teachers and students with new and extended spaces for interaction and collaboration. However, this potential appears to be difficult to realize, and despite their perceived learning benefits, the reality is that LMSs are being used primarily for administrative purposes. Meanwhile, external pedagogical tools are successfully put into practice to improve learning outcomes, and the aim of this study is therefore to identify and discuss benefits and disadvantages associated with the LMS as a concept. By interviewing secondary school teachers, we disentangle the idea of integrating administrative and pedagogical aids into a single platform, providing detailed insight into the use of digital tools in secondary education. The study contributes to a deepened understanding of integrated learning environments, and we conclude that there is a conflict between structure and flexibility that needs to be addressed before determining the design of a digital learning space..

Jag trivs bäst när havet svallar, och måsarna ger skri : En textanalytisk studie av biologisk mångfald i läroböcker

Biological diversity is one out of four dimensions, characterizing the subject of Biology ac-cording to the school curriculum. As a concept, biological diversity had its break through at the UN environmental conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, where the convention about bio-logical diversity, named CBD, was signed. According to the convention, almost all the na-tions of the world have engaged themselves to preserve the national diversity of species, in-cluding the diversity of genetics and ecological systems.This thesis focuses the biological diversity from the perspective of school books. The aim is to find out how the biological diversity is presented in biology books for students aged 12-15 years.In 1994, the current Swedish secondary and high school curriculum called LPO-94 was pre-sented. The biology books used in this study were published between 1994 and 2007, all of them exist in many editions and are published by three different publishers.The conclusion of the study is that all the biology books that were examined have reached different levels of the development in the field of biological diversity..

Fysisk kapacitet hos fysiskt aktiva och inaktiva ungdomar

Background: During the last decade physical activity among Swedish adolescents has decreased. Changes regarding physical fitness can also be seen, for instance the cardio respiratory capacity has decreased mainly among young men while muscular capacity has decreased in both genders. Physical inactivity and impaired physical fitness are both important health related parameters. 18-year olds have fulfilled their physical development and are physically on top of their development, it makes this group interesting to examine. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate differences between physically active and inactive young men and women, concerning cardio-respiratory fitness, muscular fitness and balance.

Ordfrekvens och ordinlärning: En analys av läromedlet Caminando för spanska steg 1 och 2

It is important that the language in textbooks for foreign language learners reflects the language that the learners would encounter in real life. For this reason, the presence of the thousand most common nouns in two Swedish textbooks in Spanish for upper secondary school is observed in this study. Furthermore, this study aims to examine how these nouns occur in order to determine if their pattern of occurence favours the learning and consolidation of words. The main materials that have been used are A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish by Davies (2006) and the word search program available in the digital versions of the textbooks. The results show that the presence of the thousand most common Spanish nouns does reflect the frequency information presented in the frequency dictionary but not all thousand nouns are included.

En skola för alla eller en skola för ingen? : Några pedagogers tankar om begreppet en skola för alla

The thoughts of a common school for all children have been around since the 1800?s but was something that was introduced in Sweden first in 1962. When the curriculum for primary school came in 1980 there was a new concept, a school for all. With a school for all it was aimed that all children should have the right to participation and a common education no matter what needs they could have.During my education I have come across the concept a school for all and that is something that interested me. Today?s curricula and school laws aim to ensure that all children have the right to equal education and inclusion whatever needs you have.The purpose of this study is to find out some pedagogues? thoughts and work around the concept a school for all.

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