

5972 Uppsatser om Upper secondary school - Arts programme - Sida 44 av 399

På vilka grunder väljer föräldrar skola?

The study is made in Nacka, a suburb of the capital of Sweden, Stockholm, and focuses on ?the parental school choice" that takes place when children start in first grade at the age of six. New differences in the number of pupils attending various municipal schools have appeared after reforms in the early 1990s giving parents free choice of elementary school for their children. Some schools are located in areas where most children have a middle class background, while others are placed in less attractive surroundings where the parents have a lower educational status, and are more often immigrants. Parents living in the latter kind of surroundings can now send their children to schools further off, but located in more attractive areas. This leads to some schools get an increasing number of pupils and others gets a decreasing.

"...att kunna studsa in när det händer någonting..." Kuratorers arbete med och samverkan kring elever med ADHD

The purpose of this essay is to study seven different school counsellors? way of working and collaborating with students with an ADHD diagnosis. The informants we met come from different high schools in southern Sweden. The study is based on a qualitative approach and the primary knowledge was established through semi-structured interviews. The secondary knowledge is accounted for the form of previous research and theories.

Från distributionsnät till skarvkabel

Denna uppsats handlar om en kurs, vid namn Elkompetens A, en grundläggande, men också behörighetsgivande kurs som ingår i Elprogrammets obligatoriska kurser. Den genomförs vid Carlsunds Utbildningscentrum i Motala på elprogrammets första årskurs.I detta arbete har jag försökt få svar på, vilken av två olika arbetsupplägg, som gav eleverna mest utbyte i form av kunskaper att bygga vidare på i nästkommande årskurser. Den stora skillnaden i uppläggen, är utgångspunkten för kursen. Efterforskningen är i första hand byggd på intervjuer med elever ur två olika årskullar..

Hur elever med ickesvensk etnisk bakgrund tolkar två lektioner i skolan : samt ett uttryck av maktförhållande mellan lärare och elever

This paper examines how pupils with a non-Swedish background, in a secondary school in Stockholm?s suburban, Sweden, interpret and absorb the contents of school-room classes. It also examines whether the interpretations are influenced by a power-relation between teacher and pupils. The pupil?s interpretations, including their values and perceptions as regards to the content, are central to our study.Firstly, classes on world conflicts and corporal punishment for children were observed and these observations were the foundation to this study.

Effekter av investeringsstödet i miljö- och landsbygdsprogrammet för perioden 2000-2006 : en studie på företagsnivå

Investment aid is a part of the Rural Area Programme, which contains support to Swedish agriculture and the countryside. There is a new programme every seventh year and SLU (Swedish University of Agriculture) has the mission to perform the evaluation of the previous programme, which lasted between 2000 -2006. The investment aid's aim is to support investments that, among other things, support the adaptation or conversion to more environmentally friendly production methods, improves the product quality, develops new or complementing activities, and improves the environment and the animal- and working environment. The question is if it's only money that matters for these kinds of investments to be done and what has happened with the money that was paid? This thesis investigates how the investment aid has affected the receivers.

Yrkeslärares erfarenheter - styrkor och svagheter : En studie om identitetsskapande inom tre olika arenor

The focus of this study is to identify important factors affect, how teachers' professional identity and role are shaped and changed during and after teacher training. Study's focus is to identify important factors bearing on how teachers' professional identity and role are shaped and changed during and after a teacher training. Respondents included in study are all teachers in vocational subject in upper secondary school. They also have experience from at practical profession before they began to work as teachers and started the teacher training. Method used in this study is the life stories of narrative nature.

Vad vill vi med vårt skolbibliotek? En undersökning av attityder till skolbiblioteket bland skolledare och lärare

The purpose of this study is to examine teachers and school-leaders attitude to the school library. Both the cause of and the consequences of these attitudes are examined. In order to fulfil my purpose I have examined this through both literature and empirical studies. I have interviewed the headmaster, the school librarian and two teachers at two comprehensive schools. As theoretical framework I have used David Loertschers taxonomy containing theories about the levels in an ideal school library and Miles model of school development.

Choosing independent upper secondary colleges A parental perspective

Resultatet av vår undersökning visar att föräldrar med en högre utbildning i större utsträckning deltog mer aktivt i valet samt i högre grad påverkade sina barn i deras val än föräldrar med en lägre utbildning. En tendens som vi kan se är att en majoritet av barnen själva letade upp den skola som de ville gå på. Det som var viktigast i valet till gymnasieskola var att skolan hade det önskade programmet och en speciell profil som bidrog till barnets utveckling. Att gymnasiet var centralt beläget och att det var en mindre skola med god skolmiljö upplevdes även det som viktigt..

"Årets skolbibliotek" hur då?: En studie av utmärkelsen "Årets skolbibliotek"

This thesis is about School libraries and the honour "School library of the year". I have examined the questions - Whats to say about school libraries in the curriculum and the library law? - Who administer the honour "School library of the year" and whats demanded to get it? - What have made the school libraries I have examined to school libraries of the year"? As theory I have used the Taxonomies of the School Library Media Program by David V. Loertscher. I have given a background to and defined the school library as a function, a room and in the teaching among others.

Skolintroduktion av nyanlända elever i grundskolan

This essay is a study about the school introduction of immigrant pupils in the Swedish compulsory school. The purpose if this study is to examine the organisation municipal school introduction for immigrant pupils in the compulsory school in Södertälje. The method I have used is qualitative research method which depends on interviews and analysis of documents.The result shows that the municipal is without a plan for the school introduction of the immigrant pupils and that the individual compulsory school has the main responsibility for the school introduction of the immigrant pupils. The result also shows that there is a need of increased teaching of mother tongue. There is also a need of competence development within intercultural pedagogy.My conclusions are that a municipal plan for the school introduction of immigrant pupils should increase the immigrant pupils? possibility to a shorter time of introduction to the compulsory school..

Elevens val. En studie av elevers intresse och motiv för valet av gymnasiets Elprogram.

Hallin, Dan (2009) Elevens val. En studie av elevers intresse och motiv för valet av gymnasiets Elprogram. (The pupil?s choice. A study of students? interest and motivation for the selection of the electrical program at the upper secondary school). Skolutveckling och ledarskap, 90 hp.

Läsning är inte min grej: en undersökning av några tonårspojkars attityder till läsning

This study is about fourteen-year-old boys, who are not interested in reading. It deals with what thoughts and feelings some boys have around books, reading and libraries. Further the study investigates the boys' leisure activities and their making of identities. The study is built on interviews among twelve boys in a secondary school. The result is compared to earlier reports and research.

Skolans förväntningar på förskoleklassen : Samarbete, kommunikation och organisation mellan skola och förskoleklass

The purpose of this study has been to explore the expectations of the primary school on the activities of the pre-school. In order to limit the study I have chosen to compare the expectations found in two different schools. In the first case, the pre-school is integrated with the after-school centre and grade one to three (primary school), into the same building. In the other case, the pre-school share localities with the after-school centre in a separate building, with its own yard, within the primary school area. Since the purpose is rather comprehensive, it has been divided into sub-themes with separate set of questions.

Varför har många tvåspråkiga elever svårt att nå målen skolan ställer på dem? : En studie av situationen i en internationell gymnasieklass

SammandragAgneta Nylund GuhrénVarför har många tvåspråkiga elever svårt att nå målen skolan ställer på dem?En studie av situationen i en internationell gymnasieklass.Why Do Many Bilingual Students Have Difficulties in Achieving School Targets?A study of an International Class at a Swedish Upper Secondary School.VT 2011 Antal sidor: 55En lägre andel av andraspråkseleverna når målen för grundskolan än de som är födda i landet.Forskning och kunskap finns inom området om hur framgångsrik andraspråksinlärning skabedrivas. Varför består och till och med ökar andelen andraspråkselever som inte når målen?För att uppnå syftet att urskilja faktorer som avviker från dem som enligt forskningen leder tillgoda studieresultat har styrdokument och forskningsrön studerats, en kvalitativ intervjuundersökningbland elever och lärare genomförts samt observationer gjorts i en internationell klassvid en gymnasieskola i Mellansverige.Resultatet visar att vissa andraspråkselever kommunicerar i lägre grad än vad som är nödvändigtför att utveckla språket. I textproduktionen finns krav på elevernas abstraktionsförmågamen i muntliga situationer utmanas inte språknivån.

Flickors och pojkars inflytande på förskolan ur ett genusperspektiv : Pedagogers erfarenheter av arbete med flickors och pojkars inflytande på förskolan

The thoughts of a common school for all children have been around since the 1800?s but was something that was introduced in Sweden first in 1962. When the curriculum for primary school came in 1980 there was a new concept, a school for all. With a school for all it was aimed that all children should have the right to participation and a common education no matter what needs they could have.During my education I have come across the concept a school for all and that is something that interested me. Today?s curricula and school laws aim to ensure that all children have the right to equal education and inclusion whatever needs you have.The purpose of this study is to find out some pedagogues? thoughts and work around the concept a school for all.

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