

5972 Uppsatser om Upper secondary school - Arts programme - Sida 37 av 399

Vi har i alla fall aldrig varit apor! : En postkolonial studie om kreationism bland unga

This case study examines how a group of upper secondary school students in a multiethnical suburb of Stockholm reason about the theory of evolution. The theoretical background of the thesis is postcolonial and the questions raised were how spread the creationist thoughts are in the group; in what way the backgrounds of the students are relevant to their thoughts; how the students construct the notion of the theory of evolution; how they position themselves and others in relation to the discourse of the theory of evolution; if there are any differences between students at the collage program of natural science and the collage program of social science, and in that case, what differences; and who or what inspires the young in their thoughts about the theory of evolution. To answer these questions both a survey poll and interviews were used. The result of the case study showed that a majority of the students at the investigated school has creationist ideas and that the students profiled on social science have creationist ideas in a wider extent. Another result is that the religious background seems to be relevant to develop creationist thoughts, while the variables gender, home district and educational level did not differ the creationist group from the whole group.

?Man sitter på sin plats och räknar i boken? : En studie av elevers uppfattningar om matematik och matematikundervisning med fokus på lärares metoder och verktyg

Swedish students' knowledge of mathematics has deteriorated in recent years. Teaching of mathematics is therefore starting point in an ongoing discussion among researchers, school leaders, politicians, teachers and others, who all thinks they know best about how teaching should be designed to the greatest extent possible to raise students' proficiency levels in the subject. Teachers' practices have long been the focus of discussions and views on these differ. The purpose of this paper is therefore to study students 'conceptions of mathematics and mathematics teaching, with teachers' methods and tools of focus, in relation to previous research on the subject. The method used was a survey of students in secondary school and a textual analysis of previous studies on the subject.As revealed by the survey was that the textbook has a big advantage in mathematics education in Sweden today.Many students are not accustomed to working in a different way and thereforedoes not know either what the alternative approach entails.

IKT som pedagogiskt verktyg : - en studie om lärares användning av IKT i undervisningen

 The purpose of this study is to investigate the attitude to and experience of information and communication technology (ICT) in teachers teaching and what motivates them. The study is qualitative and its research material is based on interviews. There are eight interviews and they where carried out at one school with a stated IT profile and at another school without a stated IT profile. The two schools are located in different municipalities, but both are secondary schools. The result shows that there are differences in attitude between the two schools. The school with a stated IT profile seems to have a more open mind of using ICT when teaching, but both schools sees the lack of availability as one of the main hindrance for using it. None of the participating teachers saw themselves as controlled to use ICT in their teaching.

"a äter upp b" : hur gymnasieelever översätter mellanmatematiskt språk, symbolspråk och vardagsspråk

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur gymnasieelever översätter mellan tre matematiska språkformer (symbolspråk, matematiskt språk och vardags-språk). Studien använde ett slags test, en kunskapsdiagnos, för att undersöka detta. Gymnasieelever från samma program i tre olika årskurser fick möjlighet att delta i studien. Diagnosen var uppdelad i tre översättningsområden: från matematiskt språk till symbolspråk, från symbolspråk till matematiskt språk och till sist från symbolspråk till vardagsspråk. Resultatet visar att gymnasieeleverna, oavsett årskurs, har problem med översättningarna.

Common misconceptions about everyday astronomy-related phenomena among students in the 9th grade

Students of all ages host a wide variety of scientifically inaccurate ideas and conceptions about everyday astronomical phenomena, such as the seasons, the moon phases, and gravity. The field of Astronomy Education Research has over the last decade experienced an accelerating growth, although the majority of studies have been conducted in the USA. In this work, the 9th grade students of a typical Swedish school were surveyed by means of a questionnaire in order to probe their conceptual understanding of several key concepts in astronomy. In the end, the number of respondents amassed to a total of 90. The results were analyzed with a constructivist approach in light of conceptual change theory and phenomenological primitives.

Den offentliga kulturmiljövården och miljonprogrammets bostadsbebyggelse

The intention with this essay has been to examine how the public instances working with cultural heritage in Sweden deals with the housing built under the period of the so called miljonprogrammet (?the million programme?) during 1965-75. The interest in the built environment from the 1960s and 70s has increased in the last ten years within the field of cultural heritage. The purpose with this study is to examine which cultural values that are assigned to the housing of the million programme. The purpose is also, as mentioned before, to study how the field of cultural heritage deals with this type of built environment.

?Såna är dom!? : En socialpsykologisk studie om skillnader mellan unga killars och tjejers stereotypa tänkande och fördomar.

The way man divides his thoughts and sorts them into different boxes, is a cognitive activity which works alike for every person. We split peoplesexterior attributes and characteristic qualities into stereotypes or prejudicemind patterns and treat them along those.This study examines through a qualitative method what twelve respondents (six women and six men) between the ages 16-21, think about ?intense? conceptions, which may show stereotype or prejudice ways of thinking. There spondents have been chosen regardless ethnic or economic background andare all enrolled in an upper secondary school located centrally in a Swedish big city.The purpose is to find out if there are any differences between how some young men and some young women spontaneously think in stereotypical orprejudice patterns. The result is interpreted on the basis of the social cognitive perspective and from out of theories about how people create schemes andprototypes to separate individuals and groups from each other.This study suggests that men more easily express their stereotypes and prejudice, while women more often seem to be careful with their stereotypes and prejudice, and end up redefining them.

Frihet under ansvar eller sann och opåverkad kunskap ? Trovärdighet hos källor och hur den bedöms av två användargrupper.

This essay is investigating what type of sources we trust, depending on how the information in these sources is created and provided. To exemplify, the sources Wikipedia and Nationalencyklopedin (the Swedish National Encyclopedia) were used, each one representing different approaches. The first is a representation of the collective intelligence, where anyone can contribute with their knowledge to the public ? freedom under responsibility. The latter represents peer-reviewed knowledge, desirable enough to have people paying for it? true and unaffected.Based on theories of source criticism, collective intelligence, expertise and the different generations of digital natives and digital immigrants, two focus groups were conducted and analysed.

Elevers perspektiv på bedömning för lärande

The aim of this study was to examine the students' perspectives on formative assessment, partly about how students perceived the assessment in general, partly about what students' opinions were on formative assessment, and partly about students' view of how assessment could be organized to stimulate learning process.  The study consisted of qualitative interviews with six students in grades one in an upper secondary school.The survey showed that students primarily perceived assessment with summative purpose: tests and scores.  Majority of the students experienced that there were too many tests occasions.  Those high-performing students were positive to tests.  However, those lower-performing students felt more negative and became more stressful with the exams.Results showed that they were lack of experience of formative assessment.  All the six students thought that they had not got any chance to involve in the assessments process.  They realized that they had not got adequate feedback about their learning-situations.  With regard to students' wishes about how assessment could be developed in order to improve their learning, it was mainly about more and concrete feedback on tests and assignments.Two models were developed in the final discussion, which showed the author's own perception of formative and summative assessments..

Varför läser pojkar så lite skönlitteratur? : Vilka orsaker ger de själva?

I have in this thesis looked at the reasons for why boys, in upper school classes, read so little fiction. Several surveys show that boys in their teenage years stop reading fiction. If they read fiction it is only as a school assignment and not as leisure. There has been research done in boys attitude towards literature, but there hasn?t been any research done asking them about why they don?t read fictionI have interviewed a group of boys about their reasons, and attitude, for why they don?t choose to read fiction on their spare time after school.

Det är svårt att lära en gammal hund sitta : En jämförande studie mellan högstadieelevers och gymnasieelevers syn på jämställdhet

The aim of this research is to do a comparison between students? view of equality in secondary school and in gymnasium. The research begins with four focus groups, two on each grade to conduct material. The focus groups with girls and boys were separated from each other. With help from the researcher, acting as a moderator in the focus groups, the students have discussed advertisement and what message it convey.

Samband mellan arbetstillfredsställelse och upplevt stöd från närmsta chefen : Kopplat till medarbetarnas hälsa

Att tänka på medarbetarnas arbetstillfredsställelse har inte alltid varit något självklart, det var vid 1950-talet som intresset för medarbetarna började bli något etablerat i samhället. Tidigare forskning inom detta ämne har haft olika synvinklar om vad som är viktigt för att medarbetaren ska känna arbetstillfredsställelse. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur två begrepp, arbetstillfredsställelse och stöd från chefen förhåller sig till varandra, och till lärarnas hälsa. En enkätundersökning (N=152, var av 32.8% män) utformades i syfte att undersöka gymnasielärares egen uppfattning om detta. Ett frågeformulär konstruerades av författarna med hjälp av QPSNordic och Frågeformulär om psykosocial arbetsmiljö för att undersöka de underliggande variabler om arbetstillfredsställelse.

Idrottsprofilerad utbildning i gymnasieskolan : Lag- och individuella idrottares syn på idrott och utbildning i förhållande till social position och idrottshabitus

The purpose of the study is to illustrate the choices of sports profiled education amongst pupils in the upper secondary school. Special attention is brought to whether there exist any differences between team- and individual competitors in their view on sport and education. One hypothesis that constitutes the base of the study is that pupils from lower social class, in a higher extent, tend to be team competitors and choose sport activities prior education. The result has been interpreted against Bourdieu's cultural sociology, in which the central concepts are habitus and cultural- and economic capital. The method that has been used is quantitative in the form of a questionnaire study which 277 pupils have answered.                   The result shows that the sportsmen, regardless type of sport, are not influenced by social position regarding choice of education and in their view on education and studies.

Sambandet mellan ryttarens kroppsfysik och ridning

Syftet var att studera elevernas uppfattningar inom Naturbruksprogrammets hästinriktning om sambandet mellan ryttarens kroppsfysik och ridningen. Följande frågor har ställts: ? Vilken betydelse ansåg eleverna att en god kroppsfysik hade för ridningen? ? Hur uppfattade eleverna olika pedagogiska metoders betydelse för ridningen? ? Hur uppfattade eleverna olika pedagogiska metoders betydelse för kroppsfysiken? ? Hade eleverna förstått att ridningen påverkades av deras fysiska hälsa? För att besvara frågeställningar har jag använt mig av en enkät. De elever som besvarade enkäten deltog i ett projekt, som genomfördes med hjälp av olika didaktiska metoder och övningar samt observationer. Projektets avsikt var att förbättra ryttarens kroppsfysik samt dess inverkan på hästen.

Skogsbrukets framtida arbetskraftsförsörjning : skogsmaskinföraryrkets attraktionskraft

The scarcity of qualified forest machine operators as well as the increased competition for competent machine operators among others from the mining industry in Norrland, were the reasons to investigate what attracts and what deters active and potential forest machine operators to the occupation. An interview study was conducted among four groups with four persons in each group. The groups were students in year 1 and 3 respectively at a forestry school at upper secondary school level as well as employees of a forest company and employees of contractors. The majority of all respondents were of the opinion that their interests in machines had been important for the choice of occupation. But for the active machine operators both the interest in the forest and their interest for machines have had importance for choosing this occupation.

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