

5972 Uppsatser om Upper secondary school - Arts programme - Sida 38 av 399

Funktioner och roller i skolbiblioteket ? En studie av två F-6-skolor i Växjö

The purpose with this study is to examine school-leaders?, school-librarians? and teachers? expectations and aims for their school-libraries at two different schools in the city of Växjö. The study is based on these five questions:· How do school-leaders, school-librarians and teachers think about learning?· What function does the school-library have?· What roles do school-leaders, school-librarians and teachers have in the school-library?· How do school-leaders, school-librarians and teachers experience the co-operation in the school-library?· How would school-leaders, school-librarians and teachers wish that the co-operation should be?To be able to answer these questions I have done thirteen qualitative interviews and studied literature relevant to the subject. Three different theories are used as a theoretical framework; the traditional perspective, individual constructivism and social constructivism.

Etiska funderingar kring substitutionsbehandling

This thesis deals with the ethical attitudes of professionals working with Methadone or Subutex assisted rehabilitation, concerning the constructed guidelines and directions from the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare. The central themes in the thesis are: 1. What do professionals think of the rules concerning admissions to the rehabilitation programme? 2. What do professionals think of the rules/criteria for being excluded from the programme? 3.

Skolans hjärna eller verksamhet på undantag? En studie av skolbibliotekets status sett i ett organisatoriskt perspektiv

This study is an attempt to shed light on problems and possibilities of the school library of the Swedish comprehensive school concerning library law and goals of the school and the school library. Many investigations about the role of the school library of the comprehensive school have been carried through. They have all more or less come to the same conclusions. In spite of Swedish library law and goal documents of the school library, the school libraries are often neglected, if not will and commitment are to be found among teachers. Using a model of the school organisation by Gunnar Berg, three cases of school libraries are presented and analysed in a larger organisational and political perspective.

Dom som lever på socialen & muslimska terrorister - En analys av rasistiska yttringar bland svenska gymnasiestudenter

The essay discusses underlying racism in the Swedish community and has, as a specific purpose, to illustrate and analyze how images of immigrants are constructed in a local setting. The questions at issue are: What established conceptions about racism exist and how are immigrants described by the youth in Sweden? Which racist manifestations are evident? To answer these questions, twelve interviews with students from an upper secondary school in Lund are done. Discourse analysis and other central aspects to alienation such as categorization and stereotyping, concepts about ?the Others? and underlying racism, have been used to analyze the interviews.

Beteendeförändring och dess varaktiga resultat : En kvalitativ uppföljningsstudie av Umeå kommuns Kom igång-program

Society and the workplace are two factors that are important for the individual's health status. It is important that the individuals has the right skills to take care of their health. For organizations, it is important to strive for the welfare of their employees. This has proven to have a positive impact on work performance, reduced absenteeism and reduced costs for rehabilitation. In 2007, the local authorities in Umeå implemented a wellness offering for all employees working in the municipality administration.

Den Andra religionen : En granskande undersökning av orientalistiska maktstrukturer i Gy 2011s ämnesplan för Religionskunskap 1

The aim of my thesis is to unveil orientalistic powerstructures in the new national curriculum for religious studies in Swedish upper secondary schools. Western imperialism and modernistic ideals has formed the Swedish perception of what constitutes as Swedish, this perception also influences the Swedish religious understanding. This understanding is imbedded in the national curriculum for religious studies which enables a western hegemony to prevail..

Mor ror. Far är rar : En analytisk studie av genus i läromedel i engelska och franska i gymnasieskolan

I vårt examensarbete har vi genusgranskat två läroböcker som används i gymnasieskolan. Den ena heter Escalade 1 och används i steg 1 i franska och den andra heter Give ?n? Take: Reader och används i engelska kurs A på yrkesprogrammen. Frågan vi har ställt oss är hur bilden av mannen respektive kvinnan förmedlas i både bild och text i läroböckerna samt om böckerna lever upp till de krav som styrkdokumenten ställer på jämställdhet mellan könen.Vi har kommit fram till att läroböckerna bevarar den traditionella begränsningen som finns på grund av kön där mannen framhålls på bekostnad av kvinnan vilket förmedlar en bild av att mannen och kvinnan inte är lika mycket värda och inte heller har samma möjligheter. Dessutom framställs kvinnan som mer emotionell än rationell och mannen saknar till stor del känsloregister.

Den du är, inte den du förväntas vara : En kvalitativ studie av läroböcker i religionskunskap och behandlingen av kön, sexualitet samt etnicitet

Den du är, inte den du förväntas vara ? en kvalitativ studie av läroböcker i religionskunskap och dess behandling av kön, sexualitet och etnicitet (Who you are, not who you are expected to be - a qualitative studie of textbooks in religious studies and the treatment of gender, sexuality and ethnicithy) is a qualitative study with the primary focus to examine textbooks as a resource for the teacher. Focus is put on how gender, sexuality and ethnicity is portrayed in textbooks for religious studies in upper secondary school. The textbooks are also examined as a resource based on their usefulness. To do this a hermeneutic approach was taken and the textbooks were studied based on the knowledge they provided and their readability.

Rektor och skolbiblioteket ? en kvalitativ studie av rektorers syn på sin betydelse för skolbibliotekets pedagogiska roll

The aim of this Bachelor´s thesis is to contribute to theunderstanding of the headmaster´s view of his role when it comes to developing the school library and in particular the work of integrating the library into the teaching. The basis is three questions: What views do the headmasters express regarding the libraries´ main functions? What views do the headmasters express regarding their own importance for the school libraries´ pedagogical role? How do the headmasters regard the interaction between teachers and librarians, as to how the interaction works? To get answers to these questions we conducted semi-structured interviews with headmasters of secondary schools. As a theoretical starting point, we used our own taxonomy for headmasters. The basis of our taxonomy are from the points by the ?Svenska biblioteksföreningen? and ?Kungliga biblioteket?, which together form a description of a school library integrated in the school curricula.

Kvinnorna i litteraturhistorien : Hur ser det ut i läroböckerna idag

This study aims to show what differences, if any, there are between how men and women are decribed in new litterature history textbooks for upper secondary school and then to compare them with and older textbook where differences already have been spotted. The books we anlyze are Svenska timmar litteraturen by Svante Skoglund (2012) and Ekengrens svenska by Hans-Erik Ekengren and Britta Lorentzson-Ekengren (2011) and the one we compare them to is Den levande litteraturen by Ulf Jansson (2007). To help us anlyze these textbooks we use Charles Tilly's theory about categorical inequality where he states that inequality exists because of people's fondnes for placing their fellows in different categories such as e.g. man/woman and old/young. We also use De los Reyes' and Mulinari's theory which states that to get rid of the categorical inequality we need to think intersectionally.

Judendom i läromedel En diskursanalys av fyra läromedel i religionskunskap

This is a study that aims to discern whether there are any differences between upper secondary level school textbooks published both before The Living History Forum (a government agency that works with issues on tolerance, democracy and human rights) was founded and after with regards to their depiction of Judaism in general and anti-Semitism and the Holocaust in particular. Underscoring the relevancy of this topic, in 1997 CEIFO (The Centre for Research in International Migration and Ethnic Relations) and Brå (Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention) conducted a survey among school children which revealed a lack of knowledge regarding the Holocaust (including whether it had even occurred). With this educational deficiency in mind, this study attempts to determine if there is an active development in text-book authoring regarding this subject.Using Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis (CDA) eight textbooks (four old and four new) are examined and compared in order to see if there have been changes in discourse regarding this topic over time. Fairclough's critical discourse analysis is a method used to analyse the relationship between discourse and changes in social and cultural development, and is thus employed in this case to determine if any significant changes have been made in textbooks regarding this topic.As a future teacher in religion it is important for me (and others) to be aware of this type of issue in order to be able to combat it when encountered in schools. It is also important, and part of one?s responsibility as a teacher, to actively and critically work with and review textbooks.This study has not found any major changes in the depiction of Judaism and anti-Semitism in any of the textbooks reviewed.

Bra metoder för alla -livsnödvändigt för elever med neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder

Johansson, A (2007) Bra metoder för alla ? livsnödvändigt för elever med neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder - om specialpedagogiska metoder inom gymnasieutbildning (Good Working Methods for All - a Vital Necessity for Students with Neuropschyciatric Disabilities - about specialpedagogy methods in upper secondary school). Lärarutbildningen, Specialpedagogiska magisterutbildningen, Malmö högskola. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur ungdomarna med neuropsykiatriskt funktionshinder upplevt sin skolsituation på A-skolan samt vilka specialpedagogiska metoder som tillämpas som stöd/hjälp till elever inom A-skolan. Min studie är en intervjustudie där två olika grupper, en grupp som själva upplevt studiesituationen på A-skolan, sju tidigare elever, och en grupp professionella yrkesutövare, fyra pedagoger intervjuas.

Bedömning av loggbok : Bedömning av loggbok med en uppgiftsspecifik matris

The purpose of my independent work was to develop and test a task-specific assessment matrix to the students writing logs that occurs in connection with their APL (workplace-based learning). The matrix is based on upper secondary school subject plan House building from The Swedish National Agency for Education and the four courses House building process, House building 1, House building 2 and House building 3 - conversion. Due to the matrix structure, I used the example matrix of Malmö University. The task-specific assessment must both serve as a guide for students in the implementation of the log writing, and in the evaluation of the assessment work. Both students and teachers then get a common assessment tool for evaluation.

?? kulturrådsböckerna är ju inte sådana som det står 10 människor i kö på.? ? en undersökning av filialbibliotekariers förhållningssätt till litteraturstödda titlar

The purpose of this paper is to explore branch librarians? ideals for mediating fiction and their view on the literature that are distributed by the Swedish Arts council. The study is based on the following questions: How do branch librarians reflect about mediating fiction? How do they express their view and their work with literature that are distributed by the Swedish Arts council? And which ideals of mediating can be distinguished from these expressions? To answer these questions a qualitative examination based on interviews with four branch librarians where used. The empiric material where then analysed by Jofrid Karner Smidt?s theory about different ideals for mediating fiction.

Vi och dom : En granskning av hur hinduismen och buddhismen framställs i tre läroböcker för gymnasiet.

This paper examines how Hinduism and Buddhism are portrayed in three textbooks for an upper secondary school course in religion and is limited to a selection of books published in 2009. Based on a qualitative content analysis, the paper examines the extent to which there is an intentional division, that is to say a line between ?them and us? in the ways in which the religions are described, and to what extent the description of these religions in the textbooks are Eurocentric. The study focuses on whether or not there is a ?them and us? perspective in the different books and if so, the ways in which this approach is evident.The result of this study shows that traces of a ?them and us? perspective can be found in all three books.

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