

5972 Uppsatser om Upper secondary school - Arts programme - Sida 35 av 399

Målar författare till religionsläromedel med bred pensel? : - En kritisk undersökning av fyra gymnasieläromedels framställning av buddhism

This study is based on qualitative and hermeneutic methods. The investigation summarises how four textbooks present Buddhism in (school) subject Religion, such as texts and images. Two of them are used in Religious studies A, the rest is used in Religious studies 1. The study rests on the theories of orientalism and christocentrism, where both can be related to the concept of making secondary. In the research background there are descriptions of how the western world looks upon Buddhism in a historical perspective, but also how Buddhism in a modern age is represented.

Effekten av formativ bedömning : En studie kring effekterna av formativ bedömning i anknytning till kunskapssyn, problemlösningsförmåga och attityd

This essay examines if formative assessment causes any impact on upper secondary school students results in social science. Other questions asked are which group of students benefits most from formative assessment and if any connections can be found between the students result and their cognitive approach to learning, problem solving capability and attitude to school.Two classes from a school in Stockholm were chosen to participate in the study. The theoretical framework is mostly based on former research performed by Black and William (1998, 2003). Multiple methods were used, including an experiment with a parallel-group design with two groups, a survey and a problem solving test. Statistics is used to describe and analyze collected data.Both groups were taught during five lessons in the same field of knowledge with the same kind of teaching, apart from formative assessment.

Gröna upplevelser för alla : en trädgård för habilitering och återhämtning

Jällaskolans upper secondary School is situated on a big farm just outside Uppsala. The School is focused on agriculture, forestry, gardening, animal care and science. Jällaskolans staff has whished for a school garden for educational purpose where students can practice their gardening skills and learn more about plants. But most important, a specially adapted outside environment such as a garden, would be a great advantage for the students with special needs. This garden could even be an asset for other visiting school classes in the region.

Vi är skolan : En undersökning av samarbetet mellan svenska NIU fotbollsgymnasium och fotbollsakademier

Background: There is a newly founded national sports education program. This newly founded national sports program comprises of several different sports of which football is one of them. Before a football player can reach the European- or national elite the player usually is first developed in clubs and their respective academies where a lot of time is spent on fine tuning the players? individual skillsets.The main goal for the NIU program is to develop future elite athletes to different sports. When it comes to football, the Swedish Football Association and the Swedish school board have together developed a study plan which will serve as a guideline for the NIU-football classes in Sweden.

Djurstallarna på en naturbruksskola - en outnyttjad pedagogisk resurs? Stallet som brygga mellan teori och praktik

Ohlson (2008). Djurstallarna på en naturbruksskola ? en outnyttjad pedagogisk resurs? Stallet som brygga mellan teori och praktik (The school stables at an agricultural upper secondary school ? an unused pedagogic resource? The stable as a bridge between theory and practice). Skolutveckling och ledarskap, Lärarutbildning 90 hp, Lärarutbildningen, Malmö Högskola. Syftet med följande arbete är att undersöka om elever och de kursansvariga lärarna upplever att stalldagarna fungerar som en brygga mellan undervisningens teoretiska och praktiska moment. Som en möjlig bieffekt av undersökningen skall jag även ge förslag till förändringar av verksamheten för att bättre uppfylla elevernas och kursansvarigas förväntningar. Arbetet ger en teoretisk grund till begrepp som kunskap och lärande och till hur olika kunskapsformer kan komma till uttryck i undervisningen.

Barnpassning eller pedagogisk verksamhet? : En studie bland föräldrar om deras uppfattning av fritidshemmet

The purpose of this paper is to examine what opinions parents have of the after school-centre, if they know that it has an objective and what that objective is. This will be examined by surveying parents with children in after school-centre. The questions posed in the study are as follows: Do parents know the objective of after school-centre? What is the general view of after school-centre among parents? The results show that 41 percent know that there is an objective while 39 percent don't. Only 6 percent can describe what the objective is.

Kamratskapets påverkan på barns identitetsskapande i skolan

The purpose of this examination paper is to get an understanding as an upcoming teacher about how friends make an important impact on children?s identity development in school, their choice of friends circle and what kind of groups there can occur among them. With a deeper comprehension of these circumstances should an educationalist be more considerate and adapt his or hers education to prevent negative group formations and to be an outsider. To achieve my results I used a qualitative research method where I through observation handpicked eight students from upper level of compulsory school with different friend circles from two classes for further interviews. Beside this I observed students in their school environment for three days.

EAPPI - det Ekumeniska Följeslagarprogrammet i Palestina och Israel -En deskriptiv utvärdering och reflektion

During last autumn I have been studying the conflict between Israel and Palestine, both through books and at place in the area. The purpose has been to evaluate and reflect over EAPPI`s achievement (Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel) and how it`s related to the goals of the organization. EAPPI is an interesting organization, mainly because it stands as a third part in the conflict. I have used a qualitative method for interviews and observations. The accompaniers, whom I have interviewed, represent three of seven placements in Israel/Palestine.

Vilken roman ska jag välja? : - en studie av tre gymnasieelevers val och läsning av skönlitteratur

Den här uppsatsen behandlar kommats användning vid satsgränser i två kontexter: mellan samordnade huvudsatser och vid adverbialbisatser i huvudsats. Syftet är att kartlägga bruket genom att registrera frekvensen av komma, brukets förhållande till ett antal relevanta variabler och till etablerade kommateringsregler. Detta har skett genom en kvantitativ analys omfattande sammanlagt 800 fall av nämnda kontexter. Materialet är hämtat från politiskt orienterade bloggar.Resultatet visar att komma använts mellan 61,75 % av huvudsatserna och vid 27,75 % av adverbialbisatserna. Dessutom har samband noterats mellan komma och faktorer som kon-junktion, förekomsten av gemensamma satsdelar, adverbialtyp, bisatsens position och längden hos olika textelement.

"Barn gör inte som vuxna säger, barn gör som vuxna gör..." : Skolpersonalens tankar om hälsofrämjande insatser och preventionsarbete - studie av en skola.

The aim of this study was to investigate how school personnel work with preventive and health promoting efforts to motivate young people to achieve interest in physical activity and nutrition awareness. Further the aim was to describe the possibilities and difficulties that school personnel experience in their work.  The research questions were: How do school personnel describe their health promoting work at school? In a health promotion perspective, what efforts do school personnel think is important when it comes to nutrition and physical activity? What possibilities do school personnel experience with health promoting efforts? What difficulties do school personnel experience with health promoting efforts?The study has a qualitative approach in which seven individual interviews were conducted with personnel at a secondary school. The respondents worked with different aspects which broadened the perspective.

Yrkesidentitet och yrkeskultur i det Arbetsplatsförlagda lärandet : en intervjustudie med sex handledare för elever på Barn- och fritidsprogrammet.

The purpose of this examination was to find how supervisors interpreted the termsvocational identity and vocational culture, found in the diploma goals in workplace-based learning at the Child- and Recreation Programme. To reach the purpose, I formulated questions that I answered through a qualitative study. I made six interviews with pre-school teachers who had been supervisors for students at the Child- and Recreation Programme. The informants answered the same questions and the answers were recorded. The result of the study showed that the supervisors made a fairly consistent interpretation of the terms.

kropp som kropp. Tankar och resonemang kring kroppsliga perspektiv i skolan.

It was the purpose of the present study to explore thoughts and lines of reasonings concerning body perspectives in school. Based on students at a secondary school and on analyses of the curricula of the school, I reason about how we see the human being and the importance of it in school. In the introduction I start out from observations and highlight the body as a communicative channel leading up to the issue of students? basic view of man as integrated or devided in body and soul. A study of twelve interviews of students shows that thoughts about the two perspectives had not been identified until now but that a great deal of interest existed for discussion on this subject.

Elevrekrytering? - Tre kontrabaslärares tankar kring barns och ungdomars första tid på musik och kulturskolor.

Student recruitment? - Three teachers? thoughts concerning children's first experiences in municipal arts and music schools. The aim of this thesis is to explore three teacher' experiences of recruitment of students to arts and music schools. The thesis includes thoughts about how teachers can inspire students and why the orchestral string bass is an infrequent choice of instrument to study. I have examined the issues through a qualitative study where I have interviewed three licensed string bass teachers of different ages and backgrounds.

Karriärvägledning på gymnasiet - Career Counselling in upper secondary school

Syftet med min studie var att utvärdera ett första steg i ett treårigt pilotprogram i karriärvägledning på gymnasiet. Karriärvägledningen genomfördes i två klasser på Hotell- och restaurangprogrammet. Målet med karriärvägledningen var att elever i mindre grupper skulle få chansen att identifiera och formulera sina behov, intressen, egenskaper och förutsättningar för att se sin egen karriärutveckling och ta ansvar för sin karriärprocess. För att försöka få en djupare förståelse för hur faktorer som intresse av valt program, trivsel och studiemotivation påverkat elevernas karriärutveckling, intervjuades åtta elever. Som ett sammanfattande svar på min frågeställning, blir svaret att samtliga faktorer har en stor inverkan på elevernas karriärutveckling.

Pojkkrisen ur ett historiskt perspektiv : En studie av pojkars respektive flickors förändrade beteende, deltagande och resultat i skolan utifrån lärares historiemedvetande.

Popular culture is a phenomenon of growing importance in the society today. Children and teenagers are increasingly using popular culture in their everyday life to reflect and answer questions about their identities and the meaning of life. Swedish primary and upper secondary schools are expected to prepare their students for adulthood and to provide them with tools to explain understand and problematize contemporary society. From this perspective it is relevant to question whether the schools achieve this and whether the instruction given there represents the contemporary society. For the purpose of knowing more about how popular culture is perceived and dealt with in the Swedish education system, this study examines how eight textbooks in Religious Education (RE) and the national curriculum for upper secondary school discuss and treat popular culture.  The study focuses on when and in what ways the textbooks mention popular culture and if the curriculum provides any supportive base for including popular culture in religious education.

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