

5972 Uppsatser om Upper secondary school - Arts programme - Sida 32 av 399

Rällsögårdens missbruksprogram : En studie om klienter och personals erfarenheter av programmet och dess genomförande

The aim is that on the basis of interviews with personnel and clients examine whichexperiences they have of the drug abuse programme and its implementation. To be able toanswer the aim following question has been formulated: (1) What do the personnel and clientthink about the drug abuse program arrangement? (2) In which extend is the programimplemented as thought? (3) How do the personnel assesses the client?s participation? (4)How does the client?s think about their own participation in the program? (5) Do the client?sthink that the program have been helpful in their personal development? A qualitativemethod was chosen and has used a semi structured interview. Total has ten interviews beenimplemented on Rällsögården, five with clients and five with personnel. The study'sinterpretation framework builds on research around drug abuse treatment and theories andmethods that lie to shallow for the drug abuse programme.

Ungdomars synsätt på politik : - former, innehåll & uttryck

Abstract Youths and adolescents have for a long period of time, and at a high degree, beenabsent from the party political stage. The causes for this have been discussed inthis essay through a quantitative survey made in an upper secondary school class,consisting of some 19 subjects in the municipality of Kalmar. Tied together withrelevant literature and discourse on the subject, the essay has dealt with thepossible societal-, system- and individual barriers for political interest andinvolvement. Central questions for this essay has been for instance; age, gender,social background, geographical domicile, as well as the decline of ideology, theforms of current party politics, political interest, political engagement and soforth. The concluding remarks contain not only a mix of these barriers existing,not exclusively, for young and adolescents but different ground for them as well.On the one hand, there exist barriers which exclude youth from the conventionalpolitical life, but on the other, the more individualised youth of today, prefer to agreater extent not to participate under the conventional circumstances that partypolitics has to offer.

Åtgärdsprogram i nya skollagen : Några lärares och rektorers erfarenheter, förväntningar och tankar

The purpose of this thesis is to find out if principals and teachers have experience, expectations and thoughts about the differences that the new Education Act means in relation to the old one about action programme. Through qualitative interviews with two principals and four teachers, I have tried to answer my research questions that I have made based on the purpose. The questions are: How do the interviewees describe the routines about action programme?  Has, according to the interviewees, the routines been changed with the new Education Act? How do teachers and principals experience the differences between the old and new Education Act regarding the action programmes?The results of my survey shows that the process of action programme is different at different schools and that it has been adapted to the new Education Act in varying degrees. These results give differences in the experiences of the new directives.

"Okej nu kör vi! 5,6,7,8!" : En kvalitativ studie om lärare och elevers tankar och upplevelser kring momentet dans

AimThe study aims to highlight and discuss students 'and teachers ' conceptions of teaching in the element of dance in physical education.IssuesHow do teachers work with teaching of dance in physical education in secondary school?How do students perceive the teaching of dance in physical education in secondary school?MethodThis study used a qualitative approach with semi structured interviews. Two teachers in two schools were interviewed and two focus groups of five students each were interviewed. One school is located north of Stockholm and the other one east of Stockholm. The interviews were recorded with a cellphone and transcribed.

Läsförmåga bland högstadieelever utan och med läs- och skrivsvårigheter

The study?s aim was to examine reading ability in secondary school students. The participants; 30 grade 7 students (13 years old) and 30 grade 8 students (14 years old) without literacy problems, and eleven grade 8 students whom either had documented literacy problems or received special education for it, were selected through convenience sample. Text comprehension was tested by three texts which are called the Skobigotexts. Three reading settings were applied: listening, silent reading and silent reading with textsupport.

Attityd till högre utbildning och studieengagemang bland gymnasieelever på landsbygd : Attitude to higher education and study engagement among high school students in a rural community

The present study examined high school students? attitudes to higher education at university/college and their study engagement in an industrial town in klarälvdalen in the county of Värmland. The main research question was whether there are any differences between students in vocational and theoretically oriented programs regarding their attitude to higher education and study engagement. The results was also compared with a study with the same research question conducted in Countryside town in fryksdalen, Värmland county to see whether attitude and student engagement differ between high school students in different parts of Värmland. The method used was quantitative with data collected by using questionnaires.

Sekt eller ny religiös rörelse? : Bilden av nya religiösa rörelser i fyra läroböcker för religionskunskap på gymnasiet

Denna uppsats analyserar och diskutera läroboksbilden av nya religiösa rörelser i fya läroböcker för religionskunskap på gymnasiet. De generella frågorna som ställs är hur läroboksbilden ser ut och vad man kan säga om den i jömförelse med nu gällande läro- och kursplan.Analysen görs i två steg. Först analyseras texten enligt innehållsanalysen som den presenteras av Hellspong och Ledin. Sedan analyseras resultatet utifrån tidigare forskning.Slutsatserna av undersökningen är att läroböckerna skulle limma beskriva de nya religiösa rörelserna mer ingående och använda sig mindre av begreppet sekt eftersom det är negativt laddat. Man skulle också kunna lägga mer fokus på individen, för att få en mer nyanserad bild..

Westhelicopter AB Aircraft Technical Status Report

Westhelicopter INC. has an aviation workshop providing qualified helicopter maintenance in accordance with PART-145. Maintenance and administrative base is situated in Luleå at Kallax airport. The types that Westhelicopter INC are currently authorised to service are: Eurocopter AS 350 Base/Line Maintenance, Eurocopter EC 120 Base/Line Maintenance and Robinsson R44 Base/Line Maintenance. The thesis work has been to make new maintenance programme for Westhelicopter INC. This maintenance programme will be used to follow-up the time of the components, service bulletins and ADs.

Vad ska religionsämnet vara bra för? : En undersökning angående elevers uppfattning om religion och religionsundervisning från ett interkulturellt perspektiv

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether the lower secondary school teaching in religion leads to a positive understanding and openness, concerning different religions and cultures. We want to study how pupils in grade eight and nine in two lower secondary schools in a multicultural community comprehend different religions. Since we choose a pupils perspective we decided to do a questionnaire to get a wide ground. As a complement we interviewed twelve pupils and also did observations during their religion classes. During our study we focused on three different themes.

Lärdom och fostran : En vägledning till skolarkiven på landsarkivet i Uppsala

The Regional State Archive in Uppsala [Landsarkivet i Uppsala] has several archives left from various types of educational institutions in the counties of Dalarna, Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland and Örebro. This archiv-al guide reveals the main content of some of the school archives. It goes through the archives of the elementary school, state secondary grammar schools and private secondary grammar schools. A few special schools for the blind and the deaf children are included. The essay also brings up records from community homes and reformato-ries for children and young adults who experienced certain difficulties and therefore could not adjust to the ordi-nary educational system.

Flickors bruk av och attityd till illegala viktminskningspreparat. : En enkätundersökning riktad till flickor i årskurs tre på gymnasiet.

Newspaper articles and media have shown that the use of illegal weight loss compounds, such as ephedrine and Melanotan, is becoming more common among adolescent girls, who are at risk of becoming a new group of addicts. These girls are rarely aware of the risks that the use of these compounds entails and the consequences that could adversely affect their bodies, mentally and physically. The aim of this paper was to investigate the use of and attitudes towards illegal weight loss compounds amongst girls in year three, at Swedish upper secondary schools. In order to do that, a questionnaire was sent out to 120 girls in five different high schools, with varying college preparatory and vocational program directions. My research shows that the use of illegal weight loss compounds, particularly ephedrine, was found among girls in year three, at upper secondary schools. Seven percent of the girls claimed they use, primarily, ephedrine. This result exceeds earlier studies findings on boys' use of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS).

Vågar jag få stöd? En livsvärldsstudie om flickors upplevelse och erfarenheter av stöd i gymnasieskolan

The overall aim of the study was to give an insight into the life of a girl attending a program for preparation for further studies. More explicitly it is the aim of this study to examine what line the girls take to and how they experience support in school and if the offered support is adjusted to the needs of the girls?.To capture the complexity of the girls? experiences a world view approach was used. To be able to take part of the girls? experiences, a qualitative survey method was chosen, built upon individual half structured interviews with six girls attending the last year of upper secondary school.

För den kämpande läsaren : Verksamhet och samarbetsformer för elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter/dyslexi ur ett skolbiblioteksperspektiv

The main purpose of this study was to investigate in what manner librarians and pedagogues can cooperate in order to help students with reading and writing problems and consequently enhance their information literacy. I aimed to investigate why cooperation between these professions is necessary. Also, I wanted to find out how the general support is on the schools regarding students with reading and writing difficulties, and if the school librarian knows what the special educator can contribute with and vice versa. Lastly, I focused on what knowledge the performers of these professions have about reading and writing difficulties and to what degree their knowledge is based on scientifically proven methods.The two theoretical points of departure are 1) theory of cooperation built upon Louise Limberg?s and Lena Folkesson?s three categories of cooperation 2) and Aidan Chambers?s reading promoting model named the circle of reading.

När läraren blir elev : En kvalitativ studie av argumenterande texter skrivna av lärare

The present study aims to examine how teachers write polemical articles. This genre often occurs in national standardized tests in Swedish schools. The study seeks to analyze argumentative structures in the articles. It also categorizes assessment notes written by the teachers in response to each others? articles, by interpreting response texts.    The examination shows that there is uncertainty among the teachers about how to create structures in argumentative text types.

Lärande och bedömning i seminarieform :  - ett examensarbete på A3-nivå om arbetet med seminarier inom ämnet biologi i grundskolans senare år

Denna studie utgår ifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande och syftet med studien är att undersöka huruvida seminarier som arbets- och bedömningsform kan främja intresset för olika moment inom naturvetenskap i allmänhet och biologi i synnerhet, samt att undersöka huruvida seminarier även kan fungera som ett bra bedömningsverktyg. De metoder som användes i studien var enkät och intervju. Studien utfördes i tre moment. Först genomfördes seminarier inom ämnet biologi i en årskurs 8. Därefter besvarades en enkät av ca. 60 elever från seminarieromgången.

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