

348 Uppsatser om Unmanned Areal Vehicle - Sida 8 av 24

Regressionsanalys av faktorer som påverkar skogsfastighetspriser i Sverige

I denna studie utformas en prediktionsmodell för försäljningspriser på skogsfastigheter i Sverige. Syftet är att ge marknadsaktörer ett verktyg för att bedöma till vilket pris skogsfastigheter i Sverige förväntas säljas.Modellen bygger på multipel linjär regressionsanalys av skogsfastigheter sålda av fastighetsförmedlaren Areal mellan 2012 och 2014. De förklarande faktorerna som ingår i modellen är geografiskt läge, virkesförråd, bonitet, befolkningstäthet och huggningsklasser.Modellen lyckas prediktera försäljningspriset med en förklaringsgrad på 90.0 procent, vilket är tillräckligt högt för att målet ska anses vara uppfyllt. Denna studie har utöver prediktionsmodellen också funnit intressanta strukturella samband..

En studie av sociala faktorer : Som kan medföra problem vid implementering av informationssystem

Quadrotor UAVs are self-stabilizing, autonomous flying machines that has recently become more popular than ever. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles have their roots in the military, where they were developed for use in reconnaissance and combat. During the last few years, advances in the fields of electronic sensors, electric motors and microcontrollers have enabled smaller designs and autonomic flight control even for private use. The quadrotor, which is the particular kind of UAV we are looking closer at in this paper, has 4 rotors in an X-like formation. This configuration has many advantages such as good lift capacity, non-complex mechanical structure and serviceability.In this project we aquired a current overview of the domain and determine whether it is possible to construct a quadrotor UAV designed for use in a WISENET sensor network on a low budget and short time schedule.Based on existing community project AeroQuad, a quadrotor is constructed with a budget of about 500 euro.

Uppgradering av biogas med aska från trädbränslen

The Swedish production of biogas was 1,5 TWh 2011. About half of the production was used as vehicle fuels. The cost for upgrading biogas depends on the size of the biogas plant and its gas production. If the gas flow is low the cost will be high. However, further development of existing upgrading technologies or development of new ones, have good potential to decrease the upgrading cost for small scale biogas plants.

Relationship between moose (Alces alces) home range size and crossing wildlife fences

Wildlife fences are today commonly used along highways to reduce the risk of vehicle collisions with wildlife. Since traffic and roads have expanded over the years, wildlife behaviour has become more interesting not only for the prevention of vehicle collisions but also to understand how human activities impact their natural habitats. Moose is one of those animals that have increased in interest in such studies. In this study, I tested if the probability to cross wildlife fences of moose would increase with increasing home range sizes, and also at what time of the year they cross. The study area is situated in Nordmaling municipality, located in Northern Sweden in the County of Västerbotten.

Konstruktion av steghållare till brandbilar

High demands are set on all equipment used in emergency service work, where small margins can be the distinguishing factor between life and death during a rescue operation. It is important that tools such as ladders quickly and easily can be dismounted from a vehicle and still satisfy the regulatory requirements for securing loads during transport. The existing solution for getting ladders down from the roof of a fire engine requires a large manual effort from the user in an ergonomically unsound posture.In this degree project a new ladder holder is developed with focus on the user to solve the ergonomic problems and at the same time create a more compact design that can be adapted to several different types of ladders. After an initial pre-study with user-interviews and measurement of forces and distances a set of requirements was formulated that came to govern the project's direction. Creative methods were used to generate concepts that improved the function and through design solutions, calculations and testing in CAD a base for manufacturing of a new product was created.The result is a completely new type of ladder holder that minimizes the user's manual effort and simplifies the securing of ladders in the holder.

Miljöanpsassad metod för hjultvätt

In order to avoid harmful substances ending up at the municipal sewage treatment plants, it is important to purify the wastewater at the source. One such source is the wheel washers available in many tire garages which are used to wash the wheels on our vehicles when we change between summer and winter tires. It is important to wash the wheels before storage, to extend the tires lifetime. The purpose of this study is to find a green innovative solution for reduction of emissions of heavy metals at the source, so that the sludge from the sewage treatment plants can be used as fertilizer. The target is to find a wheel wash method which leads to compliance with the guidelines for car washers, and that also provides a better washing result than with the existing method.

Konceptarbete om skidbalk i kompositutförande till BVS10

This thesis has been performed at BAE Systems Hägglunds, which is located in Örnsköldsvik. Hägglunds has a wide background of engineering, where they have manufactured all from airplanes to lifting cranes. Currently they only produce track vehicles at Hägglunds, where they manufacture the CV90 and BVS10 models. This thesis concerns the BVS10 which is an all-terrain-vehicle. The main purpose with the BVS10 is to enable transportation of material and personnel thru tough terrain.

Skogsskötsel och viltvård i skog med höga naturvärden : Förslag på naturvärdesskapande skogsskötsel- och viltvårdsåtgärder på Fortifikationsverkets fastighet Bubbetorp 1:7 i Karlskrona

Uppsatsen handlar om naturvärdesskapande skogsskötsel och vildvårdsanpassat skogsbruk på skogsfastigheten Bubbetorp1:7 som ägs av Fortifikationsverket. Fastigheten används idag som övningsområde för militära övningar. Naturvärdesskapande skogsskötselåtgärderna har kommit fram genom en inventering av det berörda området som i uppsatsen har namnet SNUS-området. Området har en areal på 64 ha och består till största del av ädellövskogar vilka har rika insektsliv. Viltvårdsanpassat skogsbruk innebär skapande av foder i skogsbruket är något som förvaltaren av fastigheten Bubbetorp1:7 kan använda sin planering för skogsskötselåtgärder, men även applicera på andra fastigheter som förvaltas av fortifikationsverket för att gynna vilda djur..

Framtida förekomst och rumslig fördelning av gammal skog : en fallstudie på ett landskap i Bräcke arbetsområde, SCA

Vid så gott som alla skogsbolag, däribland SCA, utförs sk ekologisk landskapsplanering i syfte att väga samman målsättningar för virkesproduktion och bevarande av biologisk mångfald. Frågor kring framtida mängd gammal skog, särskilt dess rumsliga fördelning, har hittills i liten omfattning behandlats i denna planering. I föreliggande arbete studerades hur förekomsten av äldre skog, i termer av areal och dess rumsliga fördelning, förändras över en 60-års period inom ett specifikt landskap. Landskapet, omfattande ca 18 000 ha produktiv skogsmark, kallas Gimåprojektet och är beläget inom Bräcke arbetsområde (AO). slutavverkningstidpunkter för avdelningarna inom landskapet beräknades på basis av en strategisk plan för Bräcke AO.

Utformningen av ett förstärkt skruvförband på en differentialväxel i bandvagnen BvS10 : Analys av olika förband med hjälp av CATIA och MATLAB

This is a thesis presents a differential gear which is found in a tracked vehicle called BvS10. The tracked vehicle is manufactured by BAE Systems Hägglunds AB in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden. The differential gear has a bolted house. The differential meets the requirement specifications, but the problem is that the bolts are sheared off because of the extreme torque that the differential is exposed to resist.Previous report on the differential show pictures of bolts which have been sheared off at the threads. This report is also includes three lists that explain seven different proposals which some are approved and some are not, and the report also presents the force, tensile, and shear stress.In a bolted connection there is both axial tension stress and radial shear stress, which can lead to wear out and broken bolts.

Insatser och åtgärder för främjandet av laddelbilar i Sverige

To achieve the goal of fossil independency in the Swedish vehicle fleet in 2030, it would be important to substantially increase the proportion of electric vehicles, both BEV:s (Battery Electric Vehicles) and PHEV:s (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles). The Swedish Energy Agency has funded numerous research and development projects about electric vehicles in recent years. An important task for the Swedish Energy Agency is to allocate state funds to those projects with the greatest potential to contribute to increased establishment of electric vehicles in society. The purpose of this work is mainly to understand the efforts and measures that can make the market for electric vehicles to grow. The report can contribute to a better understanding of how far the research on electric vehicles has come and what has to be done in the future to promote the establishment of electric vehicles. Another aim for this report is that it should serve as a basis for future decisions by the Swedish Energy Agency on which projects that will be funded with state funds.

Band eller hjul? : Lämpligt fordon för EOD-specifika behov i Afghanistan.

The background to this paper is the events that have taken place in the Swedish area of responsibility in Afghanistan where Swedish troops have been ambushed by the insurgents. Although the troops primarily where riding in Toyota Land Cruisers they had no casualties. I think that the Swedish force needs other vehicles that can be armed and are armoured.When I compared three different types of armoured vehicles, I found that PTGB 6 is the vehicle of choice, according to the special needs that a Swedish EOD-squad, their task and their equipment have. .

Automatiskt bygge av FUS39A

This paper describes the design and implementation of an automated build system for the JAS39A simulator FUS39A at HiQ:s offices in Arboga. The assignment was to automate the process in which modules are built; the simulator is composed of a number of modules which are built manually at the end of each week, this process takes about a day of manual labor. The system can automatically build a module as either a scheduled service or by manual invocation. The system contains functionality for reporting the build results to any given recipient by e-mail. The purpose of the system is to free up the time put into manually building the modules for better suited tasks by automating the build of FUS39A.The assignment was split into two parts, an analysis part where information of the old system was gathered, tools and methods were chosen and the new system was designed.

Drönarattackers effekt på terrorism : fallet Pakistan

The United States use of Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (UCAV) or drones for targeted killings of terrorists has been on the rise in recent years and the method has become the core element of president Obamas strategy in the war against terror. This study examines the deterrent effect of targeted killings on terrorism using UCAV/drones as a method of counterterrorism. Building on the literature on counterterrorism, UCAV, targeted killings, deterrence theory and statistics on terrorism the study provides a case study of the CIA drone operations in Pakistan between the years 2004-2010. The goal has been to analyze drone operations and the extent of terrorism from the beginning of the drone campaign until 2010. This as a means of identifying possible trends in terrorism activity due to the occurrence of drone strikes.

Outnyttjade resurser inom park- och naturvård

As a small and land scarce country, effective waste management is ofoutmost importance in Singapore. In this study the production of biogasthrough anaerobic digestion from the organic fraction of municipal solidwaste (OFMSW) was compared to incineration of the waste. At the momentalmost all of the OFMSW in Singapore is incinerated. Three differentscenarios were compared to the reference scenario (incineration): one with alarge scale biogas plant that can treat half of all OFMSW in Singapore, onewith a medium scale biogas plant about 15 times smaller than the large oneand one with a small scale biogas plant that can treat waste from e.g. ashopping center or a food center.By using life cycle assessment (LCA) the different scenarios were comparedin terms of global warming potential (GWP), acidification, eutrophication,energy use and land use.

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