

348 Uppsatser om Unmanned Areal Vehicle - Sida 12 av 24

Behovsgrad av förröjning i förstagallring av konfliktbestånd, avverkad med flerträdshantering

Andelen konfliktbestånd i Sverige ökar, både i volym och areal. Konfliktbestånd avser bestånd där ungskogsröjningen helt eller delvis uteblivit eller gjorts för svag, varvid det är svårt att avgöra nästa lämpliga skötselåtgärd. Eftersom konfliktbestånd ofta hyser ett stort innehåll av biomassa är de intressanta för skörd av skogsbränsle. Studien har fokuserat på gallring av konfliktbestånd där gallringen har utförts av en skördare utrustad med ett ackumulerande aggregat. Gallringen har varit integrerad och uttag har gjorts av i första hand massa? och energived.

Linjenätsutredning i Täby kommun.

The public transport network in Täby commune consists currently of two types of bus line of whichboth belong to the category of feeder lines. The first type terminates at Danderyds sjukhus and feedsto the subway whereas the second type terminates at Täby centrum and feeds to Roslagsbanan, asuburban narrow-gauge railway system in northern Stockholm. The trunk bus line that connectsgreater parts of the commune with Danderyd is the ring line 604 and goes both clockwise (604H) andcounterclockwise (604V). The main negative aspect of this structure is the complicity in incorporatingit timetable-wise with other bus lines that share the same route, such as through Enebyberg.The goal of this project is to investigate the possibilities of splitting ring line 604 and connecting theends to two different bus routes that terminate at Täby centrum today. Apart from easing thecoordination with other bus lines through Enebyberg, the extension also creates new directconnections from various areas in Täby to Danderyds sjukhus.

Flygteknik : Konceptstudie av ett obemannat flygplan

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV?s) are nowadays greatly appreciated. The advantage over manned airplanes are great since UAV?s can be much smaller and therefore lighter. The goal of this project is to evaluate the performance of an environmentally friendly UAV using only lithium-ion batteries.

Beaker-kulturernas ursprungs-ID

This essay aims to investigate the use of an origin-ID within the Beaker Complex, as defined by John C. Barrett, seen through their different expressions of use in ceramic form and ornamentation, architecture and landscape through time and space with special emphasis on the late Neolihtics in the South of England. The analytic vehicle "the reinforcing circle" is used as a new diffusion model suggested by Stuart Needham, and the analytic tool "incubation" is used to structure the process the Beaker-cultures may have used to reach cultural hegemony. Id est, that the Beaker-cultures socially invites already existing cultures, offering within family and trading the results of new technolo­gies. And/or, occupy the space and use the authority needed by re-writing the narrative as seen in the grave use and grave deposits.

Fallstudie för utveckling av två gårdar

Syftet med detta arbete att hjälpa ägarna till ett utvalt fallföretag att hitta en eller flera lönsamma produktionsgrenar som är lämpliga för gårdarnas förutsättningar och göra relevanta kalkyler så att ägarna ska kunna fatta ett beslut och bygga upp en produktion inom de närmsta åren. De aktuella gårdarna ligger i Västergötland respektive Värmland. Efter sondering av tänkbara produktionsgrenar koncentrerade vi oss på mjölkproduktion och hjortköttsproduktion. Arbete går ut på att hitta en intressant och lönsam produktion för framtiden. I Sverige finns det en del hjorthägn men marknaden för förädling av köttet är liten. Produktionen är väldigt dyr och osäker om man inte kan förädla och slakta sina egna djur. Kan man bygga upp ett slakteri för förädling ökar chanserna för en bra vinst. Mjölkproduktion däremot en säkrare investering, produktionen är stabil då efterfrågan är konstant. Uppstartskostnaderna för dessa två produktioner skiljer sig mycket åt.

Lägesbild : Problemområden vid skapandet

Within the framework of the concept of Network Based Defence (NBF) services should be available in the network, in order to increase the aggregate capacity. A common situation picture is one of these services.The aim of this paper is to answer the problem "What are the main problem areas in the creation of a situation picture in the land arena, with the help of the technical sensors that exist today?" and to develop a basis for continued research in the field situation in the concept Networking Enabled Command, Control and Collaboration (NEC3) at JCDEC (Joint Concept Development and Experimentation Centre). To answer the problem, a descriptive method is to be used in descriptions of the land arena, the information arena and the sensors and a deductive method is used when analyzing the asensors in the land arena.The problems that exist in the creation of a common situation picture, is that different types of obstacles makes it difficult for the sensors, the large number of people who are not combatants and that it is difficult to judge if a civilian vehicle is a threat, then it could be driven by civilians or by combatants..

Tillämpning av olika fjärranalysmetoder för urvalsförfarandet av ungskogsbestånd inom den enkla älgbetesinventeringen (ÄBIN)

Den enkla älgbetesinventeringen (ÄBIN) är en metod att skatta vinterstammens påverkan på ungskogarna. Tillsammans med modellberäkningar av fodertillgångens utveckling bör denna information utgöra ett gott underlag för beslut om en för flera parter acceptabel populationsnivå, vilket kan ligga till grund för lämplig avskjutning några år framåt. Projektets mål har varit att undersöka fjärranalysmetoder som eventuellt kan förenkla urvalsprocessen av ungskogsbestånd inom ÄBIN-rutoma. Idag identifieras och markeras alla bestånd där den aritmetiska medelhöjden på huvudstamm arna kan vara mellan en och fyra meter. I detta projekt har olika fjärranalysmetoders lämplighet att identifiera ungskog testats.

Implementation av FlexRay prototypstack

FlexRay is a new communication protocol which is fast, reliable and flexible and therefore can meet the increasing demands on data communication in the vehicle industry. The protocol is developed by an industrial consortium containing among  others BMW, Daimler Chrysler, Motorola and Phillips. Today (May 2009) Hägglunds is using CAN for data transmission in their systems. CAN is getting obsolete and has difficulties in coping with the increasing flow of communication. In this report FlexRay and its communication capacity is studied.

Hybriddrift i stridsfordon, fördelar och nackdelar

Petro-electric IFVs (Infantry fighting vehicles) or hybrid-IFV?s are not a new phenomenon. During the 1900?s Germany as well as the U.S both tested vehicles constructed with hybrid technology. In spite of several identified advantages, no serving hybrid-IFV exists today.

Senior Concept Vehicle

We can see an increasing middle age population in large parts of the world. People are healthier when they retire than they were before. As people grow older, physical and mental changes occur that can make the use of cars more complicated. The possibility to travel by car is important for many people to keep the connection with the society and to feel independent. How can Volvo cars face the needs of this growing target group?The purpose of this project is to make a car concept that responds to those needs, it is therefore important to maintain the values of Volvo cars.

Det första könet, dess ?Andra? och den tredje världen : västerländsk manlighet i reseskildringar

Travel literature and especially the ?adventure story? has excited young British boys for over two centuries. However, it has also been a vehicle for the assertion of male dominance and European supremacy. The story of a British man who goes to the colonies, performs some test which is essentially a test of his manliness, and whose compulsory victory marks the end of the book, has been a central myth in colonial masculinity.Through looking at three Anglo-Saxon male travel writers from the 20th century, this essay aims to study the different ways in which Western male identity is shaped against an Indian background. The novels analysed are Topee and Turban or Here and There in India by H.A.

Kostnader för jordbearbetning och sådd :

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att sammanställa maskinkostnader för etableringsmetoderna plöjningsfritt och konventionellt. Vi vill även titta på hur stor kapacitet som behövs på maskinparken för den tänkta gården på 600 ha åker, detta för att hinna etablera grödan inom ett rimligt tidsspektra. Anledningen till att vi valt ett företag på 600 ha är att det är den areal tröskan klarar av att avverka inom rimlig tid. Det medför att vi måste ta en del hänsyn till lägligheten och hur mycket av tiden som är så kallat ?tjänligt väder?.

Impact of EU-regulation on pigs? welfare during transport

Each year 225 million pigs are transported within the European Union (EU) for slaughter, fattening and breeding. This results in poor animal welfare due to the fact that animals are exposed to several numbers of stress factors in the vehicle during loading, transit and unloading. Animal welfare can be defined as how well the animal attempts to cope with its environment and during transport there is often severe difficulty for the pigs to cope properly. There is a growing societal concern for animal welfare. This resulted in that the European Union enacted a law called the EU-regulation with certain directives of how to improve the welfare of the animals during transport.

Utvärdering av insamlingssystem för hushållens farliga avfall

The collection of hazardous waste from the household around Swedish municipalities varies. 1% of the households waste is hazardous waste. It has hazardous features that can give bad consequences for the nature and human health if we don?t collect it and treat it. Therefore the law controls it, the municipalities have responsibility for the household waste.

The petrol station ? a hot spot along the road

The increased travelling of today makes nodes along travelling routes more and more important. This is very much the case of petrol stations. They constitute important nodes in the road network, filling up thirsty fuel tanks and hungry stomachs, guiding road users and providing vehicle-services. In this thesis the role of the petrol station for road users was investigated in order to find out if the petrol station was a potential hot spot. We performed an ethnographic field study at a petrol station and found that a great number of visitor activities took place at the petrol station.

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