

103 Uppsatser om UEFA Pro Diploma - Sida 6 av 7

TGfU och Enhanced Guided Discovery i fotbollsträning : Observation av en akademitränares arbetssätt

SammanfattningSyfte och frågeställningarSyftet med studien är att utvärdera hur en fotbollstränare i en ungdomsakademi bedriver fotbollsträning utifrån de teoretiska ramverken Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) och Enhanced Guided Discovery (EGD) i syfte att skapa effektivisering i lärande samt starkare självbestämmande motivation. Detta leder till följande frågeställningar:* Hur stor del av träningar med syfte att utveckla spelförståelse, taktik och teknik ägnas åt övningar som är isolerade respektive funktionella?* Hur stor del av träningstiden ägnas åt paus/samling och effektiv träningstid?* Är tränarens arbetssätt präglat av EGD vid inlärning av spelförståelse och teknik?Metod I studien medverkar en tränare för ett akademilag i fotboll. Denne har observerats utifrån den svenska versionen av CAIS (Coaches Analysis Intervention System). CAIS har modifierats utifrån Stenling (2013).

Analys av hur byggnadens höjd påverkar energiförbrukningen i flerbostads- och kontorshus

This diploma work has been carried out in collaboration with the building contractor Sh Bygg Fastighetsutveckling AB in Uppsala with the intention to investigate how the height of a building affects various energy aspects such as transmission losses, infiltration, and the specific energy usage. Three different reference objects have been studied. The reference objects have been simulated for four different heights in the calculation program VIP-Energy.The results show that an increase in floor number can lead to both advantages and disadvantages. As the number of floors increases, transmission losses per square meter floor area decreases. However, as the height of the building increases, the reduction rate decreases.

Yrkesidentitet och yrkeskultur i det Arbetsplatsförlagda lärandet : en intervjustudie med sex handledare för elever på Barn- och fritidsprogrammet.

The purpose of this examination was to find how supervisors interpreted the termsvocational identity and vocational culture, found in the diploma goals in workplace-based learning at the Child- and Recreation Programme. To reach the purpose, I formulated questions that I answered through a qualitative study. I made six interviews with pre-school teachers who had been supervisors for students at the Child- and Recreation Programme. The informants answered the same questions and the answers were recorded. The result of the study showed that the supervisors made a fairly consistent interpretation of the terms.

En studie av idrottslärarrollen i skolor med Waldorfpedagogik

AimThe aim has been to describe the goals and the pedagogic model concerning physical education in the Waldorfschool. Further purpose was to describe what the teachers focus on in there teaching roll about physical education. We have also chosen to give a picture of what other documents says about the teaching roll in booth the Waldorfschool and in the traditional municipal pedagogics. The Waldorfschool runs under Lpo 94 but they can also as other schools adapt and formulate there own curriculum after there pedagogic. That?s also why we have chosen to look at what the teachers says, about how they work and trying to achieve the goals of the curriculum in physical education.Framing of the questions? What does the teachers think affect and develop the teachingroll in the Waldorfschool?? How does literature describing the teachingroll/physical education roll in the Waldorfschool?? What does the teacher in physical education says achieve to, counter what the curriculum says about physical education in the Waldorfschool?? How does the teacher do to achieve the goals in the Lpo 94?MethodA literature research of relevant previous studies was made among others in the database Eric.Curriculum for the Waldorfschool and books about Waldorf pedagogics and the teaching roll has been studied.

Elitlicensen : En studie i fallet med Örebro SK och problematiken kring kontrollbalansräkningen

För att skydda fotbollens rykte och anseende satte det europeiska fotbollsförbundet UEFA ekonomiska krav på de nationella fotbollsförbunden. Utfärdad av det Svenska Fotbollsförbundet infördes därför år 2001 den s.k. Elitlicensen i svensk fotboll, gällande Allsvenskan och Superettan för herrar samt Damallsvenskan.Elitlicensen sätter ett antal krav på klubbarna, med största vikt på att det egna kapitalet i föreningen inte får vara negativt, och att påföljden om detta inte uppfylls blir att föreningen tvångsnedflyttas en division. Örebro SK blev den första allsvenska klubb som tvingades ned en division pga. negativt eget kapital.

Introduktion av buskskikt i ungskogar

Young stands in urban forests often lack a shrub layer, though shrubs play an important structural and biological role in forests. All layers interact with one another to form a multilayered stand, in which shrubs have a vital role.In this diploma thesis, theoretical models for forest dynamics are compared with four reference stands to detect factors, and principals for introduction of shrubs in young stands. In these stands four different ways of introduction were found. In one trees and shrubs were planted together at the same time. Shrubs spontaneous spread under a canopy of mature forest, in another.

Nelson Garden AB : analys och förslag baserat på Service Management Systemet

Title: Nelson Garden AB ? Analysis and recommendations based upon the Service Management System Course: Business Leadership within horticulture and agriculture. Author: Annika Kirilov Tutor: Carl-Johan Asplund Examiner: Anders Kristoffersson, lecturer within business economics, LTJ- faculty, SLU Alnarp Keywords: Bröderna Nelson, Nelson Garden, Service Management System, marketing, customer service, retailer Aim: Explore how Nelson Garden AB manages to reach out to customers through positioning of their own labels, when they as a manufacturer are partly dependent on the competence and sales skill of retailers. Methodology: E-mails were sent out to 6 different companies with a proposition for participation. Of those companies that gave a positive answer the most suited company for the diploma work was selected. Thereafter, a contact was established through telephone with the CEO of the chosen company and relevant questions to him were formulated. The second time of contact the first interview was held and half of the questions were answered.

Växter vid havet :

Detta examensarbete behandlar växter som trivs vid havet. Arbetet baseras på frågan vilka växter som tål ett vindpinat och utsatt läge? Arbetet beskriver vad man skall tänka på när man börjar planera en trädgård vid havet. I arbetet har jag tagit upp vilka träd och perenner som man kan använda sig av när man skall skapa en trädgård vid havet. Syftet med arbetet är att man skall kunna använda sig av mitt arbete när man åker till plantskolan för att inhandla växter.

Design och konstruktion av mätuppställning för induktiv mätning av magnetisk spinndynamik

Development in spin dynamic occurs in the whole world because of therising demands on fast electronic storage for example hard drivesand RAM (Random Access Memory). Measuring the spin resonance of amaterial gives you the insight of the theoretical speed for amagnetic memory. This means the maximum storage speed is below thefirst resonance. All magnetic materials have different propertiesthat will inflict the resonance frequency which brings that theconstructors of memories need to know which magnetic material theywill use to obtain best results. In the market for normal users themaximum storage speed in a RAM memory is 1.6 GHz.

Torrefaction of biomass : a comparative and kinetic study of thermal decomposition for Norway spruce stump, poplar and fuel tree chips

Stump biomass is energy rich and stump harvesting for use as fuel become more and more interesting in Sweden. Swedish Forest Agency (2009) has estimated that stump harvesting in Sweden would respond to an annual energy supply of 57 TWh/year. However, stump has not been recognized as a bioenergy resource in Sweden. Suitable methods for pre-treatment of stump are probably of great importance to make it accepted as fuel. It is therefore rewarding to carry out an investigation in this area for stump. This report represents results from a diploma project, which was aimed to develop a fixed bed reactor for experimental study of biomass torrefaction, followed by TG analysis and kinetic modelling employing Ozawa method and different kinetic models including one-step and three-pseudo-component models.

UTFACKNINGSVÄGGAR : En jämförelse mellan platsbyggda och prefabriceradebyggmetoder

In conjunction with today?s increasing competition within the construction sector, more pressure is being placed on building contractors. Efficiency and improvements are necessary but without impairment to an ergonomic and safe construction site. This in is in order to reduce the construction costs and time but to retain the ability to deliver a high-quality contract.Various methods and prefabrication degrees are used, depending on the project's requirements and conditions. This analysis sets out to investigate and exhibit what qualifications are important when choosing a construction method for curtain walls.Advantages and disadvantages with each method have been analyzed and recommendations have been given to show when different methods are best suited.

REDOGÖRELSE FÖR SPRICKARMERING FÖR KONSEKVENT DRAGNA BETONGPLATTOR PÅ MARK : Analys av skillnader mellan BBK 04 och Eurokod 2 med tillämpning av svenskt och danskt nationellt annex

In this diploma work the approach of determining the required amount of reinforcement in slabs exposed to pure tension is processed, on behalf of Ramböll Uppsala. It is a well-known problem in the industry that there are uncertainties in the determining of the amount of crack reinforcement, especially for structures exposed to pure tension. Cracking caused during the time of dehydration in concrete slabs is the most common defect according to statistics made by CBI[1], which provides numbers as high as 35 % of all the defects caused on slabs are generated by cracks. Comparisons between Sweden's former national standard BBK 04, Building Regulations for concrete structures due to restrained forces of shrinkage, and the current European standard Eurocode 2 are carried out through theoretical studies and concludes with several examples of calculations. Rigorous calculations of both standards, BBK 04 and Eurocode 2 with application of the national annex in Sweden and Denmark are performed.

Handledarens stödjande arbete i APL-uppgifterna för åk 1 : Med fokus på elevens lärande

The aim of this essay is to examine the supervisor?s view on the structure and content of the tasks given to students during their vocational training. The investigation could be of help for teachers when devising new vocational training tasks. The study is based upon qualitative interviews with five supervisors, all of whom work at preschools. The supervisors were asked to grade all the vocational training tasks on a scale from one (easy) to five (difficult).

Hållbarhetscertifiering av stadsdelar : En studie av BREEAM Communities praktiska tillämpning i svensk stadsbyggnad

In this diploma work the approach of determining the required amount of reinforcement in slabs exposed to pure tension is processed, on behalf of Ramböll Uppsala. It is a well-known problem in the industry that there are uncertainties in the determining of the amount of crack reinforcement, especially for structures exposed to pure tension. Cracking caused during the time of dehydration in concrete slabs is the most common defect according to statistics made by CBI[1], which provides numbers as high as 35 % of all the defects caused on slabs are generated by cracks. Comparisons between Sweden's former national standard BBK 04, Building Regulations for concrete structures due to restrained forces of shrinkage, and the current European standard Eurocode 2 are carried out through theoretical studies and concludes with several examples of calculations. Rigorous calculations of both standards, BBK 04 and Eurocode 2 with application of the national annex in Sweden and Denmark are performed.

Med staden som förebild : reflektioner kring det stadsmässiga

This master thesis starts in a wondering about the visions and ideas we have about thecity and about the urban. In Swedish about the term stadsmässighet, which can be translatedin to city-like, urban or urbanely, something that describes or contains features ofthe city. How do we use the city as a role model? Is urbane building the same as buildinga city? Is it about architecture and aesthetics or is building urbanely the way to makepopular cities? The central aim of this essay is to study visions and reality around urbanebuilding in order to understand the concept?s meaning and how it changes. My ambitionis that the essay will function as a discussion basis for students and planners.The work starts with literature studies where theoretical definitions and concepts aboutcities and about the urbane is investigated.

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