

103 Uppsatser om UEFA Pro Diploma - Sida 5 av 7

Välkommen : förslag till ny stadspark i Göteborg

The landscape is a great asset for Göteborg as a city and places in the landscape are much used by the public. This diploma work deals with the question of how nature in Göteborg can become more accessible and how a place in it can be supplemented with new landscape elements. It is a proposal for a new urban park at Björlanda peninsula in the western part of Hisingen, Göteborg, which today belongs to the Swedish Armed Forces and is a part of the Nature-2000 area "Nordre älvs estuarium". The reason for choosing this place is that it is the only area around the costal area in Göteborg that has not been built on and that it contains a very varied landscape. The proposal is presented as three different broschures, dated 10-20 years ahead: A map of a possible system of urban parks including a detail of such a park, Västra Hisingen (the western parts of Hisingen) The idea with a system of urban parks is to make the landscape generally more accessible and maybe open it for people that do not use it today. A broschure of the central area Välkommen, with my design proposal for an urban park at Björlanda peninsula The design aims to utilize the landscape elements water, mountains, vegetation and sky and to intensify the experience of them. A flora for Välkommen that shows a selection of plants for the design proposal.

Sandvikens Fotbollsstadion, Vasa, Finland : Fotbollsstadion som ett stadsdelscentrum. Tillbyggnad av skyddad stadion från 1937.

Sandvikens stadsdel i Vasa är under utveckling. Stadsdelen präglas av stora kontraster mellan det natursköna havsnära läget och den genomklyvande motorvägen. Strukturen är storskalig, dels på grund av trafiklösningarna, dels till följd av att det är här som stadens idrottsanläggningar samlats. Bostadsbebyggelsen är begränsad.Nu smider flera aktörer planer för omvandling och exploatering. Hästfolket vill flytta ut travbanan ur staden, vilket skulle frigöra 0,15kvm mark för bostadsbyggande och nästintill fördubbla stadsdelens bostadsyta.

Felsökningssystem för bankomat

NMD 100 is a notes and media dispensing machine, manufactured by De La Rue Ltd, located in Flen, Sweden. The customers, mainly bank offices, have expressed a need for a more comprehensive description of errors occurring from time to time in their machines. In order to acquire a BSc-degree in Computer and Electronics Technology at the University of Linköping I have carried out a diploma work, regarding new computer programs to fulfil the customers? wishes. The machine NMD 100 is connected to its PC through handshaking.

Establishment and evaluation of a Barley starch isolation method with focus on representability

The high viscosity of barley material makes starch isolation problematical using regular methods established for cereals. An adjusted starch isolation method has been set up for barley, based on fractionation and purification. The focus is on attaining truly representative isolates of six flour samples selected for widely differing characteristics within the research program BarleyFunFood (BFF). Beside establishment of the method, this diploma work aspires to serve the BFF with isolated material of sufficient yield valid for further starch characterisation. A pre study was conducted evaluating available wet mixing equipment, experimental conditions and mode of procedure.

Kära dagbok. Hur går det till när man tar guld? : Innehållsanalys av Spendrups reklamkampanj

This is a case study of the advertising campaign ?Guld till alla? (Gold to Everyone) embarked upon by Spendrups Bryggeri AB in a bid to promote Norrlands Guld, during the period 2004. The approach used by Spendrups will be compared with theories about communication planning, communication strategies, target group definition and how to create effective advertising. The main purpose of the comparison is to find which central elements that made the campaign successful. The method we have chosen to use is an explanative content analysis with influences from the dialogue analyse.?Guld till alla? was suppose to be an massive and coherent campaign which was to be integrated with large sports events, such as the Ice Hockey World Championship, UEFA European Championship and the Summer Olympic Games, that all took place the year 2004.

Teknik i bruksmiljö

Idag är personalen en allt viktigare tillgång för de flesta företag. I dessa företag finns ofta dolda tillgångar, i form av personal, som inte får synas i balansräkningen. På 1960-taletbörjade man använda sig av personalekonomisk redovisning, HRA, då man ansåg att ävenföretagets resurser i form av personal borde tas upp som en immateriell tillgång ibalansräkningen. Trots detta är det sällsynt med personalekonomiska balansräkningar,förutom i idrottsvärlden där många fotbollsföreningar tar upp sina spelarkontrakt somimmateriella tillgångar. I Sverige finns något som heter elitlicensen, vilken reglerar hurexternt förvärvade fotbollsspelare får redovisas och värderas.

Modellering av Panna 5 Mälarenergi AB : utveckling av en beräkningsmodell med simuleringsverktyget IPSEpro

Heat and power stations are often in need of optimizations. A simulation model is a tool for findingways to optimize the plant. The scope of this diploma work is to develop a simulation model ofBoiler 5 at Mälarenergi AB. Boiler 5 is a circulated fluidized bed boiler that was taken into service inyear 2001. Among the included parts in the boiler are cyclone, convection part andINTREX-chambers.

Överklagande och dess roll inom bostadsbyggandet : En granskning av plan- och bygglovsprocessen

The aim of this diploma work was to obtain a review of the appeal process in Sweden under the Planning and Building Act and the possibilities of appeal in the planning and building permit process. The work was intended to identify potential problems surrounding the appeal process and possible efficiency measures. The goal was to form a report that provides a satisfactory overview of the appeal process in theory and practical application as well as provide relevant concrete proposals on how the appeal process can be streamlined.Background and facts surrounding the work were taken from different types of literature and through several interviews with representatives in government, industry and politicians.The main problems related to the appeal process are in the long processing times and the high number of appeals. There is a great interest to streamline the appeals process and the government is going to launch studies in which possible future actions will be investigated.It is possible to appeal for up to two instances before you need a so called ?leave to appeal? in order for your complaint to be passed on to the next instance.

Zlatan, en kostnad?

Idag är personalen en allt viktigare tillgång för de flesta företag. I dessa företag finns ofta dolda tillgångar, i form av personal, som inte får synas i balansräkningen. På 1960-taletbörjade man använda sig av personalekonomisk redovisning, HRA, då man ansåg att ävenföretagets resurser i form av personal borde tas upp som en immateriell tillgång ibalansräkningen. Trots detta är det sällsynt med personalekonomiska balansräkningar,förutom i idrottsvärlden där många fotbollsföreningar tar upp sina spelarkontrakt somimmateriella tillgångar. I Sverige finns något som heter elitlicensen, vilken reglerar hurexternt förvärvade fotbollsspelare får redovisas och värderas.

Styrning av grafisk färgdisplay

This master thesis is a result of the work carried out for Research Electronics at Siljansnäs. The company develops customized electronical systems. Because of the rapidly increasing interest in colour displays there has been a desire within the company to represent information from sensors and electrical systems in a more advanced way.Due to the mentioned reason above we were given the assignment to solve how a colour display using the STN technique works. The technique is used by small displays, the size of QVGA. Our ambition of this diploma work is to develop a fully functionally test prototype to evaluate the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) and the LCD controller.

Redovisning av dörrar och dörrpartier i offentliga lokaler : Problem och förslag till förbättringsåtgärder

Today, the requirements on doors and door sections in buildings are often many andtightly restricted. Especially in public buildings, the requirements for safety andfunctionality must cover the needs of larger groups of people. These strictrequirements have often led to doors and door sections in public buildings being verycomplex and difficult to correctly install without any complications.This diploma work has been carried out in cooperation with Werket Architects,which estimates a high percentage of flaws regarding aforementioned components, inprojects of the type described. The company therefore wanted to investigate howthey could develop their remit in door production, which is the projection and designof blueprints. By taking part of installers opinions on how they want the blueprints ofdoors and door - sections to be designed for the best installation possibilities,develop¬ment areas, and to some extent improvements regarding the company's useof accounting techniques, could be provided to the company.The study shows, among other things, that there is a possibility of development in thefunctional descriptions that entail the doors' fitting components.

Kommunikations- besluts- och informationsflöden i byggprocessen

Construction projects are organized in different shapes and disturbances in the information flow in these processes can lead to problems, such as delays and/or a lower quality. Therefore, a well-functioning interaction between actors and a well thought out-communication at an early stage is of crucial importance. The main question is "How does the communication of decision and information flow in the building process and what barriers and opportunities can be observed?". This diploma work has been written with guidance from Bjerking AB and to answer this question, a collection of empirical data conducted via semi-structured interviews.

Utvärdering av datorprogram för användning vid dagvattenutredningar

The main object of this diploma work thesis is about how computer programs can bea tool to use for work on stormwater investigations. The advantage of using acomputer program compared with calculations made by hand is evaluated anddiscussed. The computer programs that have been used for studies and a sequence oftesting of the possibilities are Autodesks Storm and Sanitary Analysis and DHIs MikeUrban.Focus on sustainable development now permeates the building industry. As a resultstormwater investigations have been conducted in an increasing extent the recentyears. Stormwater is water produced due to precipitation, such as rain and snowmelt.Stormwater investigations normally contain descriptions of existing land use, plannedland use and suggestions of measures and technical solutions for the future disposal ofstormwater.The initial part of the thesis consisted of literature studies on stormwater andstormwater investigations to understand the science.

Vad hände sen? : Medieelevers syn på arbete efter gymnasiet

I have in my thesis performed a survey that builds on interviews of five former students at Mediepedagogiskt Center (Mpc) that is located at Sundsta-Älvkullegymnasiet in Karlstad which is incorporated into Karlstads-Hammarö comprehensive upper secondary school. The sample group of students all has various withdrawal years between 1997 - 2004. The aim of the survey is to evaluate any direct qualities that these students have had that helped them to get a occupation within the media industry after the completion of their education at Mpc. This survey also tries to evaluate whether the orientation of their particular style of education is a factor for achieving employment. Before 1998 the course was divided into three A and B-level courses within the directions, photography, graphic design, text communication, sound production and film/television. After 1998 these are now divided into one A, B and C level courses, and one another level courses on A and B-level. The result shows that something more than? just? a good schooling with high grades is needed to succeed into getting a occupation within the media sector.

Analys av skillnader mellan internationell och svensk rapportering av inträffade händelser på kärnkraftverk

Report of diploma work conducted at the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) as part of the bachelors program in Nuclear Engineering at Uppsala University.All nuclear power plants in Sweden are obliged to report any deficiency in their barriers or the defense in depth in obedience to SSM?s regulations concerning safety in nuclear facilities. In addition, there is an international system for reporting such events. The purpose of this thesis is to study the Swedish report system and to analyze the differences between Swedish and international event reporting.In the Swedish system, SSM?s regulations are effectuated by means of event reports classified as category 1-3, designed individually at each Swedish facility.

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