

5224 Uppsatser om Two-step flow of Communication - Sida 3 av 349

När kan Flow upplevas på arbetsplatsen?

Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka relevansen i tre olika teorier som förklarar hur Flow kan upplevas på en arbetsplats. Teorierna är skapade efter forskning från Csikzentmihaly, Hofstede samt Maslow. Undersökningen har skett på två olika arbetsplatser inom två olika yrkesgrenar för att finna om eventuella skillnader mellan dessa två arbetskontext kan påverka upplevelsen av Flow. Det ena företaget kategoriseras som en affärsmiljö och det andra företaget rubriceras som en kontorsmiljö. Tre hypoteser skapades som var för sig testade de tre teoriernas effekt på Flow.

Så designar du användarvänliga interna kommunikationsnätverk

Companys usually have intern communication platforms where employees can gather information and communicate with eachother. These networks are not public which leads to less resources spent on development. If this network is also used as a work tool may inadequate usability decrease work effeciency. Thats why we, by using known design principles, evaluated an already existing network of this kind along with interviews and think out loud tasks for users. Four users had to do some tasks while they explained how they went through step by step to solve those. This report culminates into a couple of guidelines which can be used to create a user friendly network. The problems that prevented users to feel in control when working resulted in the following guidelines: Create shortcuts of frequently used functions.

Lärande och flow : Den optimala lärandeupplevelsen

Detta arbete har utförts för att undersöka frågeställningen ?Hur bör ett dataspels tutorial designas för att spelaren ska lära sig samtidigt som den främjar uppkomsten av flow??. För att besvara detta har teorier inom pedagogik, lärande av spel, användbarhet och flow samt mer generella teorier kring spel studerats för att skapa en teoribildning inom området. För att testa detta har ett spel med två olika tutorials skapats. Detta spel har sedan använts för att, med hjälp av två testgrupper, samla data om hur spelare lär sig samt deras flowupplevelse.

Flow i multiplayerspel

Detta arbete syftar till att undersöka hur Csikszentmihalyis teorier kring optimala upplevelser, eller flow-upplevelser, kan appliceras på praktisk speldesign. I arbetet kombineras Csikszentmihalyis definition av begreppet flow med Jenova Chens riktlinjer för flow-uppmuntrande design i singleplayerspel för att ge underlag för framtagandet av ett brädspel i vilket applicerbarheten hos deras teorier och riktlinjer på multiplayerspel undersökts. För att teorierna och riktlinjerna effektivt skulle kunna undersökas utvecklades det tre olika versioner av brädspelet som alla innehåller olika element som, enligt Csikszentmihaly och Chen, bör alstra flow. Ett flertal spelgrupper fick spela dessa tre versioner och via enkätundersökningar och intervjuer förmedla hur de upplevde de olika versionerna, både som individuella produkter och i jämförelse med varandra. De data som erhålldes från dessa undersökningar indikerade på att nivån av kontroll spelaren har över sin spelsituation spelar en väldigt avgörande roll i hur han eller hon upplever spelaktiviteten i sin helhet..

Distribuerade fastighetsautomationssystem : - En implementation av kommunikationsprotokollet BACnet

Building Automation Systems in commercial buildings are often designed and installed by different contractors, using equipment and components from different manufacturers. The lack of an accepted communication standard has resulted in a few different standards. Many manufacturers of building automation systems only support one, a few or none of these standards, while developing proprietary system solutions. Regin, who develop such equipment, are planning to adopt an open communication protocol specially designed for building automation - BACnet. As a step in that direction this thesis was announced with the purpose to investigate the possibility to implement BACnet in one of their products and to gain more knowledge of the BACnet protocol.

Karaktärisering av hårdmetallpulvrets råvaror och dess påverkan på pulvrets flödesegenskaper

This thesis has been done at the powder department (GH) at AB Sandvik Coromant in Gimo. With a rheometer measurements has been made on raw materials and powder blends. The focus of this report has been to find correlations between raw material powders and press data, comparisons have also been made between raw materials and powder blends.The rheometer can show information of how a powder act in flow conditions, together with air and with pressure. Analyses has been done comparing the rheometer data with press parameters (for example: rejected orders, weight variations and the compaction pressure) with the goal to find correlations between the powders flow properties and the powders compaction in production.The measurements and analyses have been showing that the powder flow properties depends on the powders composition and that properties like flow rate, aeration and permeability varies between powder blends and batches of the same powder sort. It seems to exist a correlation between the pressure force and the flow rate of a raw material.

IKT-satsningar i skolan En jämförande studie av nationella IKT-satsningar mot grundskolan och gymnasiet i Japan och Sverige

Technological advancements in information and communication technologies (ICT) have resulted ina need to use ICT in schools. Sweden has actively promoted ICT in schools since the early 1980's.In Japan, 1994 saw the government's first step towards active promotion of ICT in education. In thisstudy, we have compared the strategies used to promote the use of ICT in elementary and secondaryschools in Sweden and Japan. Our findings suggest that a similar 3-step approach was used in bothcountries: 1, infrastructure; 2, effective use of ICT; 3, implementation of ICT. A significantdifference was found in the way the two countries planned their strategies.

Mode & identitet : - Att visa sin insida med utsidan

AbstractAim: The purpose of this thesis is to research how women think about fashion in relation to their self and to others. Can clothes be an expression of who we are who we want to be and how we look at others? What are the main characteristics in this type of communication and what kind of information can be distributed using this tool?Method/Material: InterviewsMain results: Clothes can work as a tool to show who we are and what we are, mainly on short term. We use clothes for different purposes, sometimes we what to be seen and really show who we are and what we stand for and sometimes we just what to go with the flow and not be seen at all. We will always have a physical need for clothes but it is also a natural and important part of our individual expression and our identity.Keywords: Fashion, Clothes, Identity, Lifestyle.

Medical Care : En jämförelse mellan kursinnehållet och dess utförande i Sverige och i Danmark som leder till ett internationellt certifikat i Medical Care

This thesis has been done at the powder department (GH) at AB Sandvik Coromant in Gimo. With a rheometer measurements has been made on raw materials and powder blends. The focus of this report has been to find correlations between raw material powders and press data, comparisons have also been made between raw materials and powder blends.The rheometer can show information of how a powder act in flow conditions, together with air and with pressure. Analyses has been done comparing the rheometer data with press parameters (for example: rejected orders, weight variations and the compaction pressure) with the goal to find correlations between the powders flow properties and the powders compaction in production.The measurements and analyses have been showing that the powder flow properties depends on the powders composition and that properties like flow rate, aeration and permeability varies between powder blends and batches of the same powder sort. It seems to exist a correlation between the pressure force and the flow rate of a raw material.

Gemensamma mentala modeller kring teknik : - en fallstudie av tekniksyn på ett IT-tjänstföretag

A good flow of information in organizations is one of the key aspects of how we define a well-functioning organization. The information flow could be internal as well as external between actors within as well as outside of the organization. In a logistics organization this flow of information is equally important as in any other kind of organization. In this paper we have explored information flows in logistics organizations by applying, boundary spanning and the mobile-stationary divide perspective. In boundary spanning the main goal is to erase or relocate some of the boundaries within an organization, in our case to make the flow of information internally as well as externally better.

Informationsflöden inom mobila-stationära organisationer

A good flow of information in organizations is one of the key aspects of how we define a well-functioning organization. The information flow could be internal as well as external between actors within as well as outside of the organization. In a logistics organization this flow of information is equally important as in any other kind of organization. In this paper we have explored information flows in logistics organizations by applying, boundary spanning and the mobile-stationary divide perspective. In boundary spanning the main goal is to erase or relocate some of the boundaries within an organization, in our case to make the flow of information internally as well as externally better.

Tillämpning av en markprofilmodell för hydrologiska beräkningar i avrinningsområdesskala

There is a great need to reduce nutrient leaching from arable land into lakes and oceans. By using several different types of models it has previously been possible to describe nutrient losses in a catchment area with a minimum unit of sub-catchment level. At present, it is instead desirable to model a smaller catchment with an opportunity to re-connect the results to the corresponding fields in the catchment. Such models already exist but they are not fully able to properly describe Swedish conditions and land characteristics in our region.With the approach of creating such a model, SLU has developed a project with this work as its first stage. The model is expected to be created under the working name SWE-model which stands for Soil Water Environment and is in this first stage supposed to apply the SOIL model in catchment scale. During the procedure to describe the first step in the process of developing such a model adapted to Swedish conditions and which works in the catchment scale with an area of about 10-30 km2, focus has been set on calculating the transport of water flow from different hydrological response units. Regardless of the processes occurring in the soil after the water has been added, it is assumed that all the water which flows from each simulated unit is drained.In the first step the hydrologic response units were identified based on land use and soil type in the study area. With the help of a script with functions that retrieve and transform data, certain units were chosen for simulation. The script was also created in this project. Finally, the model results were aggregated and summarized for each unique unit, for each sub-catchment, and also for the whole catchment.From the results it is possible to see similarities in the flow dynamics between modeled and measured data. The efficiency coefficient has been calculated to correspond to the mean of the measured values for the whole simulation period. With an automated calibration process the model should be able to perform better. The volume error gives an indication of overestimation from the model..

Fältmätning och utmattningsanalys av hjullastarskopa

I denna rapport predikteras livslängden, med avseende på utmattning, för en hjullastarskopa. Två av de mest kritiska svetsarna utvärderas enligt IIW:s (International Institute of Welding) rekommendationer genom nominella spänningsmetoden, hot spot-metoden och effective notch-metoden. Beräkningarna utförs med hjälp av finita elementmetoden. Genom att utföra töjningsmätningar på hjullastarskopan i drift erhålls spänningsdiagram. Dessa uppmätta spänningsdiagram analyseras med rain-flow count-metoden.


The thesis work has been carried out at Volvo Aero Corporation (VAC) in Trollhättan. VAC has entered a partnership as developing and producing partner with engine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney and is currently at the starting phase of producing the turbine rear frame (TEC) to the engine PW1000.The purpose of this study was to create a report on process level that describes the conditions and the potential with PW1000 TEC to reach the product cost calculation taking into account lead times and describe alternative method solutions.The report describes a comparison between the present flow (2012), a flow based on product cost calculation (2016) and a potential flow (2016). The work has mainly been based on acquiring the knowledge and information available to inspect the present flow; this has been done by workshop observations, meetings and gathering of the information that is available on the work site for the PW1000 TEC.The information obtained has been merged into an Excel document, called Roadmap. It serves as a roadmap with current situation as the start and the potential flow for 2016 as the goal. With the roadmap as a tool, assumptions have been taken considering the flow and how it will change, where processes have been eliminated, reduced or marked as a problem..

Intern marknadsföring, hur påverkar den samarbetet med kunderna : En fallstudie på Flow Systems AB

This essay is a case study carried out at Flow Systems Ltd that foremost aims to treat the internal marketing at the company. The aim with the essay is to analyze and evaluate Flows internal marketing in connection with a process of change and how this reflects the external marketing in relation to customers.The method that has been used is qualitative in the form of depth interviews carried out with management, employees and customers. This type of data was chosen since it is a good way of gathering more specific information regarding the informants preferences about the company. Among other things the results of the interviews showed internal marketing deficiencies, but that has not influenced the customers in a negative way. The conclusion was that the inferior internal marketing does not affect the cooperation and the communication between the company and its customers, however it has a big effect on the employees..

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