

5224 Uppsatser om Two-step flow of Communication - Sida 2 av 349

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This thesis, in the field of healthcare logistics, has been carried out at Hjärt- och Medicincentrum (HMC) at the University Hospital in Linköping during the fall and spring of 2012/2013. The thesis is done by two students at Linköping University at master?s level within the framework of Industrial Engineering and Management.As Sweden's county councils should not make a profit or loss, it is important that the councils are aware of how much care processes cost. Kardiologiska kliniken at HMC in Östergötland?s county council is one of the clinics that are profitable.

Tillåtligheten av drogtester i arbetslivet

This thesis, in the field of healthcare logistics, has been carried out at Hjärt- och Medicincentrum (HMC) at the University Hospital in Linköping during the fall and spring of 2012/2013. The thesis is done by two students at Linköping University at master?s level within the framework of Industrial Engineering and Management.As Sweden's county councils should not make a profit or loss, it is important that the councils are aware of how much care processes cost. Kardiologiska kliniken at HMC in Östergötland?s county council is one of the clinics that are profitable.

Kommunikations- besluts- och informationsflöden i byggprocessen

Construction projects are organized in different shapes and disturbances in the information flow in these processes can lead to problems, such as delays and/or a lower quality. Therefore, a well-functioning interaction between actors and a well thought out-communication at an early stage is of crucial importance. The main question is "How does the communication of decision and information flow in the building process and what barriers and opportunities can be observed?". This diploma work has been written with guidance from Bjerking AB and to answer this question, a collection of empirical data conducted via semi-structured interviews.

Implementation av FlexRay prototypstack

FlexRay is a new communication protocol which is fast, reliable and flexible and therefore can meet the increasing demands on data communication in the vehicle industry. The protocol is developed by an industrial consortium containing among  others BMW, Daimler Chrysler, Motorola and Phillips. Today (May 2009) Hägglunds is using CAN for data transmission in their systems. CAN is getting obsolete and has difficulties in coping with the increasing flow of communication. In this report FlexRay and its communication capacity is studied.

Självförvållad sinnesförvirring : Konsekvenser av att fingera tillräknelighet istället för uppsåt vid gärningar som begåtts under självförvållad sinnesförvirring

This thesis, in the field of healthcare logistics, has been carried out at Hjärt- och Medicincentrum (HMC) at the University Hospital in Linköping during the fall and spring of 2012/2013. The thesis is done by two students at Linköping University at master?s level within the framework of Industrial Engineering and Management.As Sweden's county councils should not make a profit or loss, it is important that the councils are aware of how much care processes cost. Kardiologiska kliniken at HMC in Östergötland?s county council is one of the clinics that are profitable.

Identifiering av fosfatfosfors käll- och flödesfördelning i ett litet jordbruksområde

Eutrophication of lakes and streams are nowadays a well known environmental problem and implies an enrichment of the nutrients phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N). Phosphorus is considered to be the most important component for the growth of aquatic plants and leads in too large quantities to an intensification of growth. Phosphate (PO4) is the fraction of phosphorus that can easiest be taken up by plants and thus have the greatest impact on eutrophication. Increased plant growth in lakes and unfavorable conditions for aquatic animals are two examples of negative consequences. A significant portion of the increased nutrient supply to nearby water can be derived to phosphate leaching from agricultural areas, where private sewers and agriculture is two main sources.

Gymnasielärares icke verbala kommunikation i klassrummet

This paper compares and discusses teachers´ nonverbal communication in the classroom. The purpose of the study is to find out what the teachers´ nonverbal communication looks like in the classroom and with that information increase teachers´ awareness of nonverbal communi-cation and its impact on the teaching. Ten teachers at the upper secondary school have been observed for twenty minutes when having a lecture. The result shows that the most common nonverbal expressions are hand and arm gestures used to enhance what is said by the teacher. The result also shows that the nonverbal communication is similar with all observed teachers.

Hur skall den totala vårdkostnaden för en hjärtprodukt beräknas? : En fallstudie av tre hjärtprodukter vid Hjärt- och Medicincentrum på Universitetssjukhuset i Linköping

This thesis, in the field of healthcare logistics, has been carried out at Hjärt- och Medicincentrum (HMC) at the University Hospital in Linköping during the fall and spring of 2012/2013. The thesis is done by two students at Linköping University at master?s level within the framework of Industrial Engineering and Management.As Sweden's county councils should not make a profit or loss, it is important that the councils are aware of how much care processes cost. Kardiologiska kliniken at HMC in Östergötland?s county council is one of the clinics that are profitable.

Utredning av alternativa distributionssystem för Holmen Paper

Holmen Paper is one of Sweden?s leading manufacturer of paper, with two Swedish production facilities located in Norrköping and Hallstavik. The European continent constitutes the company?s largest customer base which makes the company?s distribution system an integral part of the business. Historically, much of the produced paper has been transported by vessels, as vessels allow large volumes of goods and deliveries to markets which are difficult to reach with other modes of transportation.

Utveckling av flödesreaktor : Ett sammarbetesprojekt mellan fakulteten för teknik och naturvetenskap vid Uppsala Universitet och Fagrell produktutveckling AB

 This report deals with thecollaborative project between FagrellProdukt Utveckling AB and studentsfrom the Faculty of Science andTechnology at Uppsala University. Theoverall objective of the project wasin addition to developing students'abilities, to help Fagrell withverification and development ofFagrells prototype, Fundamental flowreactor, for flow chemistry. Theuniqueness of Fagrells flow reactor isthat it should be simple andaffordable compared to competing flowreactors in the market.The verification was done bylaboratory and simulation sessions.The verification shows that Fagrellsidea on how to construct a flowreactor is very good.The development included bothtechnology and business. The result ofdevelopments can be helpful for thecommercialization of Fagrell flowreactor..

Undersökning för generaliteten för lämpligt motståndarantal i Magicka ur ett flowperspektiv

Detta  examensarbete  undersöker  skillnaden  i  tre  olika  nybörjargruppers  upplevda flow  då  de  spelat  Magicka  (2011)  med  motståndarantal  som  den  enda  skiljande variabeln.   Undersökningen   baseras   bland   annat   på   Csikszentmihalyis   (1990) flowteori och Caillois (2001) teori om att tävlande slutar vara roligt då det  urartar i kaos.  Syftet  med  examensarbetet  har  varit  att  hitta  när  mest  flow  uppstår  då nybörjare på Magicka (2011) spelar mot  en viss motståndartyp, samt om  detta flow bryts  när  för  många  motståndare  introduceras.  Undersökningen  har  visat  att  nio motståndare har resulterat i betydligt mer flow än tre, medan skillnaden mellan nio motståndare  och  18  har  varit  obetydlig.  Examensarbetet  har  dock  inte  lyckats kvantifiera  var  flow  övergår  till  kaos  med  den  testgrupp  och  motståndartyp  som använts.  Framtida  forskning  skulle  exempelvis  kunna  undersöka  på  vilket  sätt  ett varierande  motståndarantal  skulle  påverka  flow  för  en  mer  erfaren  testgrupp  som spelar mot andra motståndartyper..

Flow i fokus : processen att göra ett spel genom research through design

Starting out as a minor form of amusement, the game industry has become one of the most lucrative andsuccessful in the entertainment business competing against giants such as television, movies and music.As the internal competition within the developer community grows companies work hard at discoveringnew ways to attract and keep customers. By having a playcentric approach focusing on user experiencethey hope to achieve that goal. This thesis describes the process of designing a game with focus on theplayer. We apply the concept of flow on game development and investigate through research throughdesign if we are able to create a game that keeps the player in flow.Play tests showed several elements such as control issues and too difficult challenges early in the game,affecting the possibility for players to experience flow while playing. These negative factors came to becalled flowleakers.

Batch flow behandling och kontinuerligt flöde av lakvatten i en rotzonsanläggning : En jämförande studie i pilotskala

This report deals with the performance of a batch flow treatment of landfillleachate compared with a continuous flow system. The parameters in focus were total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), BOD5 and COD. The pilot-scale experiment used eight barrels with a volume of 150 liters. Each barrel was constructed differently concerning its flow, its bed material grain size and its presence of plants or not. Four of the barrels worked in batch mode, thus four in continuous flow mode.

?Det är änglakör och hela köret när man väl når det [Flow]? : En kvalitativ studie om ryttares upplevelse av Flow

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka hur ryttare upplever Flow, och vidare även hur ryttare upplever samspelet inom ekipaget vid Flow. Studien inkluderade 10 kvinnliga informanter (M = 18.7, SD = 1.48) med tävlingserfarenhet som sträcker sig från ingen alls till internationell nivå (Hoppning= 4, Dressyr = 3, Fälttävlan = 2, Ingen tävling = 1). En semi-strukturerad intervjuguide utvecklades utifrån Csikszentmihalyi's holistiska perspektiv på de nio dimensionerna av Flow (Jackson & Csikszentmihalyi, 1999), och data analyserades kvalitativt genom en innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade både att ryttares upplevelse av Flow stämmer väl överens med andra idrottsutövares upplevelse (Swann, Keegan, Piggott och Crust, 2012), och bekräftar tidigare tolkningar av att ridsporten skiljer sig från de flesta andra idrotter genom att utfallet till stor del är beroende av interaktionen och samarbetet mellan häst och ryttare (Beauchamp & Whinton, 2005). Vidare visar resultatet även att samspelet mellan häst och ryttare är en viktig och oersättlig del i upplevelsen av Flow..

Entusiasm i lärandet : En granskning av flow i skolan

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur elever i en vanlig svensk mellanstadieklassupplever flow i sitt lärande och vilka faktorer som påverkar upplevelsen av flow.För studien valdes en kvalitativ metod i form av enskilda intervjuer. Tre pojkar och treflickor i en klass 4 på mellanstadiet fick berätta vilket deras favoritämne var, och sedanbesvara frågor om hur de upplevde sitt favoritämne och hur de upplevde de övrigaämnena. Frågorna var skapade utifrån de olika faktorerna som påverkar flow enligtMihaly Csíkszentmihályis flowteori (Csíkszentmihályi, 1993).Resultatet av min undersökning visar att eleverna som intervjuades upplever flow iskolan, och då mest i favoritämnet. Det finns även exempel på motsatsen där entusiasmoch flow saknats i skolarbetet. Faktorer som har betydelse för att flow ska uppkomma ärbland annat rätt svårighetsgrad på uppgiften så att utmaningen anpassas efter individen,rätt tid och arbetstakt för genomförandet av uppgiften, möjlighet till medbestämmandeoch inflytande för den som utför uppgiften samt eliminerandet av störmoment underarbetet med uppgiften.Undersökningens resultat visar att flow har betydelse för elevens motivation och iförlängningen sannolikt också för elevens lärande.

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