

5224 Uppsatser om Two-step flow of Communication - Sida 10 av 349

Kommunikation mellan bank och kund: en studie angående kommunikationen mellan akademiker med några års arbetslivserfarenhet och banken

The purpose of this thesis was to examine what the communication between bank and customer looks like. We have more specifically studied how the bank communicates with the customer when communicating different offers, how the customer wants the communication to take place, what communication problem looks like and how the customer wants the bank to design their offers. Our target group was bank customers with academic degree, with one to seven years of working experience. This study was conducted trough interviews with bank customers and representatives at the bank. On the basis of our studies we found that the communication between bank and customer works fairly well.

Medarbetares behov av kommunikation : Ett medarbetarperspektiv på kommunikation vid en organisationsförändring

Changes are occurring in most organizations today and due to the fact that changes often are harder to implement than they seem, it often takes much longer time to implement them than the management have planned. During an organizational change theorist claim that communication between managers and employees is one of the most important things to consider. Therefore, in this essay, our aim is to closer investigate which needs of information and communication co-workers have during a planned organizational change. To collect data, we interviewed five co-workers and one manager who works in an organization which has gone through a major change. Our theoretical framework comprises former research of organizational communication, employee?s needs of communication, change communication and theories of uncertainty during organizational change.

Kartläggning av truckflöden på Primary Products : Ur ett Lean Production perspektiv

The Transport division is responsible for the internal transports on Sandvik MaterialTechnology AB. At the moment there is no clear picture of how the straddle carriers aremoving at the division Primary Products and if it is working in a satisfying way. It isimportant to see the whole picture of the transportation flow so improvements can be made.The purpose of this essay is to survey and analyse the truck flow in a Lean Productionperspective. The essay is delimited to only include straddle carriers transportation ways in thePrimary Products division. To survey the truck flow we have used a method called Walkthrough.This means that we have walked thorough the whole production flow andinterviewed some of the employed on the way to get the necessary information.

Product Return Process - Developing a Web-Based Return Form to Improve the Information Flow between an Apparel Company and Its Retailers

Handling product returns has become a critical activity for organizations as the volume of gods flowing back through the supply chain rapidly increases. Few research studies have published specific empirical data concerning the reverse logistics practices of companies. Information technology and information support has long been recognized as a competitive weapon ? capable of enhancing company performance and achieving efficient reverse logistics. Reverse logistics is very unlike the forward, as it is more reactive and also has less visibility.

Internkommunikation på Gruvön : Modern kommunikation inom industrin

The bulk of the research within the field of media and communication is concentrated at theforefront of development, studies focus on modern companies and modern communication.However, many people work in the industry, where the conditions for communication are partly different. The aim of this study is to explore the possibilities for internal communication that the employees have at the base industrial company of Billerud Gruvön, Sweden. How important do they feel that communication is? Can the internal communication within Gruvön be described as modern, where dialogue between the staff is possible, or as orders from the top down to the bottom of the hierarchal structure?These are our research questions:Which channels are used for communication within Gruvön, and how are they used?How important do the employees deem the internal communication to be?Can the communication within a hierarchal industrial company such as Gruvön be described as modern, where dialogue is at the center, or does the communication consist basically on orders from the top down to the bottom of the chain?Our research is based on the following theories: Communication, Organizational communication, Internal communication and Organizational culture. We have looked to earlier research such as the doctorates of Simonsson (2002) and Johansson (2003) to further our understanding.The methods used are interviews with operators, middle management and the informationofficer at Gruvön.

Nitrogen flow in Scania : substance flow analysis on a regional level

In this thesis, the flows of reactive nitrogen (Nr) in Scania were investigated and quantified. The thesis was also intended to form a basis for comparison between the urban nitrogen flow and other flows of nitrogen within Scania. The management of nitrogen in society has disturbed the natural nitrogen cycle. This is linked to a series of environmental problems such as eutrophication, acidification, global warming and smog. The method used was Substance Flow Analysis (SFA) for Nr. For calculation and flow charts Scania was divided into three subsystems; air, water and society.

Tillverkningsanpassning av produkt för kostnadsreducering : Nya tillverkningsmetoder och verktygsparametrar

This thesis describes redesign and adaption of a products housing. In order to make it more economical to produce at a lower production volume. The thesis is based upon a prototype that a previous student developed for injection moulding. The goal is to find alternative manufacturing methods, but also to identify parameters that affect the cost of the injection moulding tool.The housing must be tough in order to protect the circuit board inside. But at the same time it must allow sound, light an electrical communication to pass through.

Planering och anläggning av en uteplats i parhusområde :

In a condominium with two-apartment buildings, lies an area, formerly used as a playground, nowadays wasted and abandoned. The owner wanted to embellish the place and get a new use for it, preferably as a gathering- and feast-place. The work is described with focus on the construction with describing pictures and sketches. The production of the sketches is not reported more than that they are attached at the end of the paper. The practical work is done and documented.

Whispers in the forest : a field study about communication within Vi-agroforestry

The purpose of this study is to explore and understand the social and structural dynamics of an organization working with questions regarding development. The organization in question is Vi-agroforestry, a Swedish based NGO that works around the lake Victoria basin and the focus will be on their office in Rwanda. I have used a qualitative approach and conducted participatory observation as well as semi-structured interviews to gather data. I have emanated from the individuals in the organization by using a theory of microsociological organisationperspecive to understand how the employees create and is created by the existing social structures. (Blomberg, 2003) Even though the office in Rwanda only is a relatively small part of Vi-agroforestry?s operations it is still highly individual and independent from the rest of the organization.

"Man vet inte vad man inte vet". En studie av informationsflödet inom Gatukontoret i Borås Stad

The aim of this thesis is to examine the flow of information in an administration of the municipality Borås Stad. To achieve the aim the following questions were asked: How accessible is information? How is information used in the organisation? How is information communicated? Totally sixteen qualitative interviews was accomplished with employees at the administration. The results of the interviews show that there is a difference in how much and what sort of information the respondents use. They all seem to prefer information to be communicated face to face if possible or over the phone.

Uppamma mod och utjämna makt : Ett aktionsforskningsprojekt där arbetsredskap utformades tillsammans med sjuksköterskestudenter för att kunna lindra för personer att leva med ovisshet.

Uncertainty is a well-known phenomenon that is recurring in biographies, imaginative literature and science, but is less studied in nursing science. The aim of this participatory action research project was to, in collaboration with nursing students; explore nursing activities for relieving patients? uncertainty. A qualitative approach was chosen with focus groups and the text was content analyzed. The students studied their third semester on a nursing program.

Resurssnåla materialflöden - En fallstudie på Volvo Powertrain

From the customer?s perspective the only reason for a firm to exist is the value it creates. However, a problem within manufacturing companies is that of the total lead time, only a small part can be considered as value adding. It has further been discovered that when working with improvements businesses often sub-optimizes single processes instead of considering what benefits the entire company. Thus, when improving processes and activities it is important to have knowledge about and understand which factors that affect how the flow can be designed.Several studies have been performed with a wide perspective on process flows in order to obtain a more resource-efficient and value added flow.

En studie av den interna kommunikationen på Skatteverket

AbstractTitle:A study of the internal communication at The Swedish Department of Taxes (En studie av den interna kommunikationen på Skatteverket)Number of pages: 36 (52 including enclosures)Author: Emma KreüTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Atumn 2006University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Sciense,Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: To resarch the internal communication within The Swedish Department of Taxes and the relationship between information sender and reciver.Material/Method: By contedning critical discourse analysis on The Swedish Department of Taxes? policy for internal communication and accomplish interviews with co-wokers in position of reciving information, in position of sending information and section managers.Main Results: The co-workers in position of reciving information felt they had a good communicational relastionship with their closest section manager, but not with the upper management.Keywords: Internal communication, communicational leadership, organizational communication..

Can increased activity recorded with help of activity monitoring sensor indicate an upcoming calving?

The purpose of this study was to find out if motion movements, e.g. number of lying bouts and lying time with a registered activity monitoring sensor can detect an impending calving and thereby be used as a measure and an indicator for an upcoming calving. For this, automatically step sensors were used and were attached to one of the cows? hind leg. The sensor registered the individual step and movement activity of the cow.

Klubba och Boll är allt som behövs för att ha skoj : En studie om kommunikationens och kommunikationskulturensbetydelse i ett elitsatsande ungdomsinnebandylag

Abstract: When playing in teams, communication is important, not just communication with words but also non-verbal communication such as gestures and body languish. The purpose with this study is to see how there is a co-op among communicating players , between leaders and players and to examine what meaning communication and culture got  in a youth team. The ambition with this study was to increase our knowledge about communication and communicationculture in the youth floorball team. This study is qualitative and was inspired by an ethnographical method so we got the information from observations of a youth floorball team, totally we made four observations. The result were analyzed and categorized from our observation papers.

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