

658 Uppsatser om Two-stage least squares - Sida 26 av 44

Trastuzumab som adjuvant behandling avbröstcancerpatienter med HER2-positivitet : Hur effektivt är det?

Breast cancer is the most common tumor disease among women in Sweden. About 7000persons, having a median age of 65, are diagnosed each year with this disease. Withmammography screening, breast cancer can be detected in an early stage which improves theoverall survival (OS). 20-30 % of the breast cancer tumors are overexpressing humanepidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), which is a protein that stimulates cell proliferation.Trastuzumab (Herceptin®) is a humanised monoclonal antibody that targets the HER2-proteinand prevent the signals for cell proliferation.Trastuzumab has earlier been used for treatment of metastatic breast cancer. In the year of 2007trastuzumab was approved for adjuvant treatment of patients who has been medicated withsurgery and/or radiation.The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of adjuvant treatment with trastuzumab inHER2-positive breast cancer patients.

Folkhälsa och välfärd - En litteraturbaserad studie om hälsans betydelse för ekonomisk tillväxt

The interest in the significance of public health for economic growth has increasedsteadily in recent years and a clarification of this connection may be of importance forthe status of public health. Aim: The aim of this literature based study is to describewhat previous research has shown in terms of the connection between public health andeconomic growth, focusing on high-income countries. Method: The study is based ontwelve scholarly articles retrieved from four scholarly databases. Result: The resultclarify that there is a positive long-term correlation between good public health andeconomic growth in high-income countries. Good health has a positive effect onproductivity, which leads to increased economic growth.

Implementering av balanserat styrkort : Praktikfallet Swedish Tissue

Background: A Balanced Scorecard can be used as a tool for communicating and presenting the vision and strategic goals of an organisation in a way that is easy to understand. Implementing a scorecard will support the learning process and dialog concerning the strategy of the organisation. It will also increase the employees understanding of the organisation and motivate them to reach the strategic targets.Purpose: To evaluate and describe employees opinions of a Balanced Scorecard that has been created by the management group from a management point of view. From that, our aim is to recommend our case company, Swedish Tissue, how to implement their Balanced Scorecard. We will also give more general recommendations on how to implement a scorecard.Method: The conclusions in this thesis are the result of a case study.

Tempus och aspekt i pidginisering : En studie av sju pidginspråk och deras källspråk

It has been proposed that pidgin languages are similar in their marking of tense and aspect. This study wishes to answer three questions: 1) are there similarities in the marking of tense and aspect in pidgins, 2) are there similarities between the source languages and the pidgins they result in, and 3) does the development of tense aspect marking in pidgins follow the general patterns of grammaticalisation observed in other languages. Two quite different approaches are used to analyse the languages. Firstly the concept of grams is used, that is, a representation of a grammatical category in a specific language, e.g. the perfect in Swedish.

The control of the cell cycle with particular emphasis on the G1/S transition

Tumour development occurs to a large extent because of dysregulation of the cell cycle. Of particular importance are defects occurring in the G1 phase. The reason why G1 is critical is because of the influence of several signals (external signals as well as cyclins and cdks) on this stage. The G1 phase can be divided into two parts, G1pm and G1ps. Each part has its ?own? restriction point which needs to be passed in order to progress to S phase.

Stora Torget i Enköping : visionen om ett grönt torg fullt av liv

Torget har alltid varit en viktig del av staden och en sammanfogande knutpunkt för stadens karaktär, gator och byggnader. Människan har under historiens lopp samlats på städernas torg i samband med torghandel och olika slag av socialt umgänge. Torgen används ännu idag som mötesplatser och marknadsplatser. Stora Torget i Enköping har länge varit hjärtat för Mälardalens handel tack vare närheten till vattnet och till de större städerna Stockholm, Västerås och Uppsala. Syftet med kandidatarbetet är att skapa ett gestaltningsförslag för Stora Torget i Enköping.


In cooperation with the Gislaved company Lerocon AB [1], a separation module wasdesigned as a further supplement to the Module System. The aim of theprojectimplementation was that the separation module could be flexible enough to feed themetal pieces, screws, nuts and other items with large variations of size, appearance andmaterial composition. The module should also be cost effective to manufacture.A separation module is a design which is ment to streamline the work in industries withautomation of the lineoperations. The module feeds the details such as screws, nuts, washersand pieces of metal in a continuous flow in which traps separate the details from each other.Traps may vary depending on the purpose and of the details that are fed. Perhaps it isimportant for the user that the detail-orientation is right after the separation module, whichmeans that all the pieces witch aren´t are fed back in return.For companies and industries in lineoperations that can be made more efficient withautomation, are production flow an important watchword.

Naturanpassat bostadsbyggande :

I am in this essay to find out how to successfully combine new development with preservation of natural values, mainly large scale vegetation and ground formations.This is done by studies of three developments. The first development, Engeltofta backe, lies 7 km northeast of Gävle. The expectations of natural preservation were not fullfilled when this area, after the explotation, did not have any vegetation of value left. The second example, Östra Kvarnskogen in the community of Sollentuna, shows, as far as one can tell at the moment, a sucsessful combination of new development and preserved nature. The third example is a development in the community of Kullön. In this area the ambition of combining preservation and development was fullfilled. After studying vital documentation in each planning process, I made interviews with different actors in each of the three processes. I thereafter compared the different documents and answers from the interviewed persons to find out if there were any significant similarities or differences which could be of importence when natural values is to be preserved in new developments. My conclusion of this study is that it is of great importence to define key expressions often used in the process, such as natural values and preservation.

Manusutveckling av digitala läromedelsapplikationer i matematik : En studie av samtida pedagogisk forskning och utveckling av applikationsmanus för matematikämnet i gymnasieskolan

In a world where digital media is becoming a greater part of people?s everyday and working lives it is plausible to assume that the upcoming generation of pupils expect the teaching media to adapt thereafter. It is this assumption of an increased demand that Natur & Kultur is hoping to be able to meet. This thesis has been a stage in the process of producing digital material in the subject of mathematics for high school students. Specifically the aims of this thesis have been to make a rough description of the largest competitive companies? products within the same market, explore and put together a brief theoretical foundation of contemporary research and produce concrete examples of ideas for digital applications.

Utveckling av instyrningsfunktionen hos ett dockningsinterface

In this project the task has been to develop a product that will facilitate an operation for personnel working in a sterilization center. The operation is to steer the front of a loading trolley into the chamber of an autoclave, a so-called docking. The moment is complicated because the margins to deviate from ideal docking position and still succeed, is very small.The principal Getinge's desire was that the product could be retrofitted at the customers on their existing systems. One of the demands was that the product should fit two types of trolleys, one with a adjustable working height and one with a fixed working height. Getinge is supposed to purchase the system from a subcontractor who shall manufacture it and the requirement from Getinge is that the cost of purchase mustn't exceed SEK 500Initially principles, solving the problem was developed.

Brytpunktsamtal på kirurgiska vårdavdelningar- En integrativ litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: I Sverige dör cirka 95 000 människor varje år och runt 80 % av dessa är i behov av palliativ vård. Palliativ vård är en vårdfilosofi som bygger på att ge stödjande och lindrande vård när botande vård inte längre är genomförbar. Vid den tidpunkt när patienten drabbats av en obotlig sjukdom sker en brytpunkt, vilket innebär att läkaren identifierar patientens aktuella tillstånd. När brytpunkten är identifierad erbjuds ett brytpunktsamtal. I samtalet planeras det för den kommande palliativa vården.

Avstånd och användning : en jämförande studie av lärares använding av skolbibliotek i undervisningen

The purpose of this Master thesis is to examine whether there is a connection between distance to the schoollibrary and the extent to which teachers are using it as an integral part of their teaching. The study aims to answerif the physical distance to the school library is affecting teachers' ways of working with the library, if it affects thecollaboration between teachers and librarians and finally if teachers that are using a school library outside theschool premises are doing so less as an integral part of their teaching compared to teachers that have access to aschool library within the schools premises.The study is based on qualitative interviews with six teachers in the intermediate stage of the nine-yearcompulsory school, of which three have access to a school library within the school premises and three haveaccess to a school library outside the school premises. The two groups of teachers are compared in order to findout if there is a connection between distance to the school library and the usage of it. Loertscher's school librarymedia program and teacher taxonomy have been used as a theoretical framework.The study shows that the teachers who use a school library within the school premises have a bettercollaboration with the librarians than the ones who use a school library outside the school premises. The studyalso show that theese libraries are an integral part of the teaching to a higher degree.

Athena - En intelligent och flexibel säkerhetslösning för transportbranschen

The project team has chosen to carry out the project itself. This is to be able to work more flexibly in the product development process and not be guided by some guidelines.Every day, we read in the media about a new truck burglary. The problem has become so common that we do not even notice it in the media. Each year the theft of 1 billion of Sweden and the entire 82 billion in Europe in 2008. This is an increase of 10 billion by 2007.

Socialt förebyggande samarbetssamtal med föräldrar för barnets bästa

The purpose of the study was to increase the understanding of, and extend the knowledge about realization of mediations and its consequences on family law divisions and family centres. Within this area, organisational, methodical, relational and social preventative aspects of mediations were illustrated. This scope was judged to be of major importance, as recent studies show that children often suffer psychologically due to parents? lack of cooperation. Mediations are considered as a way of getting parents to agree.

Aktiv bullerdämpning i ventilationssystem

Active headsets have been on the market for years and now it is time for something else to enter the stage. The technology of active noise reduction can for exmple also be used in ventilation systems for reducing ventilation noise. An active control system principally consists of four important components, namely the downstream error microphone, the upstream detection or reference microphone, the digital signal processor (DSP) and a loudspeaker. The upstream reference microphone listen to the primary ventilation noise and sends it to the DSP which makes a phase shift to the signal and sends it to the loudspeaker. The loudspeaker sends out the opposite waveform of the incoming one and reduce the primary ventilation noise.

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