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Through the different stages of life people have different requirements for their homes. The requirements changes depending on people?s life situation, lifestyleand age. Depending on where people are in life they live in different place, often in areas with other people who are in the same stage of life. In Sweden, this separation has always been noticeable, sometimes more than other.

Fuktproblem i sydöstra Asien

The author has, with the help of AK Consultancy Indoor Air AB, formed a series of questions regarding moisture problems in buildings and how these are handled in extreme climates with high temperatures and a high relative humidity. Furthermore to analyse and indentify key material that makes a construction safe against moisture problems. Ventilation, AC and the choice of materials have in a later stage of the thesis been investigated to enhance the knowledge of moisture protection. The research for this report includes measurements on existing buildings, calculation models on the building envelope for analyses and the ingoing materials of the envelope. The health aspect of moisture problems related to ?sick building syndrome? has been included and interviews have been conducted to gather relevant information.A study of the American system, ASHRAE, American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers and the standards used in Singapore has been made to highlight the difference.

Klimatförändringar som ett säkerhetshot. En studie av internationella organisationers säkerhetisering av klimathoten

International organizations are important actors on the stage of world politics, and how these actors securitize the climate change issue is of importance for how it will be tackled by actors on global and national levels. The purpose of this study is to contribute to research on climate security discourses and how climate change is defined as a security concern amongst different actors. This study, in contrast to previous research, focuses on systematically mapping the definitions made by different international organizations by asking: whose security is at stake; who is responsible for responding to the threat; how is the nature of the threat defined; and what responses are suggested? By analyzing material consisting of a variety of documents and statements from five international organizations, I aim to identify differences between these actors ? in how the climate change issue is conceptualized from a security perspective. The result of the study shows that only one of the organizations shows clear elements of the national/geopolitical security discourse, while all of the other actors primarily use the human security discourse.

Integration genom fysisk planering : Ungdomars inflytande i byggprocessen

We live in a time where the influence of citizens is taking a larger role in the spatial planning. The Swedish laws, such as PBL, deals with matters of citizen participation which advocates that the youth should be included in the consultation circuit, but there is no directive given.  The report's purpose is to demonstrate methods for how to get the young people's influence included in the spatial planning, with a main focus on the ages between 13 and 21. On the base of literature and two case studies, the goal is to illustrate how to integrate young people through a meeting place in Jonkoping, Sweden. The report is structured along with an analysis based on the literature, two case studies from previous projects and discussions/interviews with young people from four selected areas in Jonkoping.  The case studies from Malmo and Gothenburg show how the cooperation between different participants can be organized during the planning and how to give the users a greater involvement. Based on literature and case studies, we carried out a field analysis of the four most segregated areas of Jonkoping; Osterangen, Oxnehaga, Ekhagen and Raslatt.

En analys av hur subjektspositioneringar kan påverka rekryteringsprocessen via internet

The purpose of this thesis was to study descriptions of companies on their webpages on the Internet. This was performed from a socialconstructionist point of view with focus being on subject positionings and gender. A critical discourse analysis was carried out on two texts from the webpages of two organizations on the Internet. Using the three dimensional model for critical discourse analysis by Fairclough, the discourses and subject positionings that the texts included could be revealed. The purpose of this thesis was also to point out the importance of the use of language in recruiting personnel and to hopefully encourage organizations to put effort into text production to avoid discrimination.

Små barn behöver stor yta. Om inredningens roll i skapandet av en användarvänlig barnavdelning.

The aim of this study is to examine how important a factor the environment and the interior is to the creation of a user-friendly children?s library. In this study, environment is taken to mean the furnishing and the equipment in the children?s area at the library. The environment plays an important role in society today and because of that this is a current topic.

Att förhandla om rum : en etnologisk analys av hantverkares tal om kundmöten

The aim of this study is to point out variations of practices in the relationship between professionals of service occupations and their clients. The material consists of four openly conducted thematic interviews with male professionals who work in the environment of their clients' homes.The main theoretical approach of this analysisis undertaken with ethnicity in mind.The practices identified aim to throw light on the boundaries between the differing cultures of professionals and their clients.The analytical termsboundary reduction and boundary maintenanceare used in this research.The two-stage analysis points out different practicesused, in chronological order, during contact between professionals and their clients. This is followed by a statement of the themes which connect, primarily fromthe professional perspective. The results indicate an intimate connection between intercultural and transcultural aspects through the use of cultural transparancy, which is a strategy connecting different roles, aswell as use of loophole tacticsthat afford the possibility of definingspace, place and relationship.It's illustrated how the professionals operate from "within the structures and worldview" of the client, and this analysis also reveals a glimpse of the potential for cultural changein the meeting between different cultures..

Setting the Stage : - 0m att motivera träning med hjälp av SportIT.

The last few years a lot of media air time has been devoted to training, sports, health and weightloss on a more personal level then before. The new media arena is beeing used at its´ maximumto broadcast wievs on how we should eat, look, exercise and live. This thesis is trying to makebetter understanding on what people in general think is important when it comes to physicaltraining and motivation with the aid of digital media and IT systems. The thesis describes aworkshop that was conducted within the frames of Participatory Design and the outcome of thatworkshop. The workshop was conducted with a group of lead users (in this case instructors at avery large fitness center in Umeå, Sweden) and the main question was ?How can IT be used toachive a positive effect on physical exercise if motivation is the focus??.

The RECK gene and invasive cancer development : the significance of RECK in angiogenesis and inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases

The RECK gene is a relatively new discovered gene with important implications for cancer research. The research has been primarily concentrated on the human gene with the ultimate aim to identify the invasive characteristics. Up regulated RECK is linked to significantly prolonged survival rates in patients with severe forms of malignancies. RECK is normally expressed in all cells of the body and has an important role in the balance between destructive and constructive features of the extracellular matrix. The RECK protein is a membrane-bound glycoprotein that inhibit matrix metalloproteinases which has the function of breaking down the ECM. There is a significant correlation between RECK gene expression and the formation of new vessels, presumably via the mediation of VEGF which is an important and powerful inducer of angiogenesis.

En undersökning av politisk marknadsföring i Sverige: Samordning av budskap mellan kommunal och nationell nivå i svenska politiska partier

Political marketing has changed the way political parties internationally behave in relation to the voters. The purpose of this study was to investigate how political marketing is conducted on a local level in Swedish political parties, and how the local and national level of the political parties coordinate the message they send out to the voters. An explorative study was performed by interviewing experts in the field in the form of politicians on both a local and a national level. Initially the local parties' methods were investigated, followed by a second stage where we researched the link between parties on the local and the national level. Marketing of parties on a local level turned out to a large extent to follow traditional methods.

Närståendes upplevelser av stöd i den sena palliativa fasen

Family members need a great deal of support during palliative care. It is vital for the family that nursing contacts are accessible all day and night. The nurse can support the family members by sharing a professional knowledge and adapt the information to the recipient, by being present and also encourage them by not only focus on death. The support should be adapted to each individual and also have the possibility to be adjusted in each case. The aim of the study was to illustrate family members experiences of support in a late stage of palliative care.

Anorexiterapi : En undersökande essä om att arrangera en kontext som subtilt förmedlar att förändring är möjlig

This scientific essay aims to more closely study how to best arrange a context that subtly conveys that change is possible in the treatment of patients who starve themselves. By describing a number of situations during the first weeks of a girl´s therapy, this essay focuses on some central themes in the initial stage. The essay is mainly aimed to explore the conditions for a meaningful communication with a patient who has a low BMI value and who quitted the nutrition-oriented care in her clinic. The essay is a form that allows for reflection on one´s own considerations about the wisest line of conduct in various situation. The work is based on an existential understanding of the starvation as a fragile person´s one and only way to reconcile with herself in the world that is hers.

Avfall på byggarbetsplatsen : statistik som hjälper platschefen

The purpose of this report is to find a model of statistics for construction and demolition waste, which makes it useful for the local manager at the building site. The intention with the model is that it will be used as a support of the local manager, to direct his project towards reduced strain of the environment. The model will also be used to make it easier to control that the claims from authority and aims for the environment are achieved. To familiarise with the subject waste handling within the building and construction sectorI have done a literature search. I have also been studying rules and regulations regarding the waste handling.

EU som global aktör : En fallstudie av klimatförhandlingarna i Köpenhamn

This essay examines the European Union?s (EU) ability to play a leading role as a global actor on the world stage in international relations. Specifically, this essay studies the EU?s role of negotiator in the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December 2009.  This essay also analyzes explanations for this role. Research is based on case studies, with conclusions drawn using an inductive approach.

Tänk om hon ville leka titt ut? : En essä om olika förutsättningar till kommunikation hos barn med flerfunktionshinder

My essay begins with a story in which I portray different communicative situations at the preschool unit Myran. The children in my story are at an early stage of development and they all suffer from multiple disabilities which inhibit their ways of communicating. Through my story, I describe how I perceive different communication dilemmas in my work place. A difficulty I cover in my essay is how the educator knows if he or she has interpreted a child correctly when it does not have a verbal communication and therefore is completely dependent on the educators? interpretations of its communication efforts.

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