688 Uppsatser om Trust - Sida 7 av 46
Medarbetarskap- det egna ledarskapet
The study aims to shed light on the phenomenon of employeeship at a Swedish
Staffing Agencise . This has been done on the basis of two questions. How can
employeeship look like in a service? What is the role given employeeship in
developing contexts? In order to answer the purpose and issues have a quantitative
approach been used. Based on the theoretical frame of reference has the form of
surveys created.
Sanning med modifikation : En kvalitativ studie om Polisens förtroendearbete på Facebook
The purpose of our study is to see how an organization, and also a administrative authority, communicates by using social media. The organization in this case is the Swedish Police, because of their paradoxical problem with confidentiality versus openness and transparency. The Police has over a hundred Facebook-accounts, where they try to have a open dialogue with their publics without breaking the law of secrecy. Our general purpose of the study is also to see what the pros and cons are of having a own media channel, instead of the traditional media and their often anticipation twists.The result of the study showed that the three different police precincts, which we investigated in our essay, are working in three different ways. The gap may affect their overall reputation and Trust gained by their publics.
Marknadsföring i maktens korridorer : En studie om sociala mediers funktion i riksdagsvalet 2010
The current election is causing a debate in the Swedish media. The parties are trying to convince voters by spreading interesting and informative messages through different kind of media. Social media has emerged as a new way of reaching voters. All the current parliamentary parties have implemented this communication channel into their marketing strategy. People have both admired and judged the channel´s applicability in election campaigns.
Socialtjänstens utmaningar i mötet med minoritetsgrupper : ? En kvalitativ studie om muslimska kvinnors upplevelser och erfarenheter av bemötandet inom socialtjänsten.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the lived experiences and treatment of Muslim women in their encounters with the social services. The primal themes for this study was: How does Muslim women experience the treatment of their case in the social services in a situation of need? How can the encounter and experience with the social services affect the clients Trust in the social services? What is the ideal treatment of women with a Muslim identity by the social services?The aim of this study was to investigate and capture the respondents lived perceptions and experiences with the social services, and thus the qualitative interview methodology was implemented to answer the research questions and hypotheses. Seven interviews with Muslim women were conducted in various districts of Stockholm, a city in northern Sweden. Five of the respondents were of ethnic Swedish origin and two were of other ethic origin.The results show that the majority of the respondents experienced a negative response at least once when in contact with the social services.
Hur ofta hälsar du på din granne? : En kvantitativ studie av integration som förklaringskraft beträffande befolkningssammansättning och radikala högerpopulistiska åsikter
A logical cause of migration is of course immigrants which is a topic always creating discussions. When arriving in a new country a process of integration with the goal to adapt to the environment is started. This study will explore the need for integration and seeks to examine the connection between population composition and radical right opinions.To fulfill the aim, a multivariate regression analysis is done on aggregated level in Sweden with statistics concerning the year of 2010. The relation between ethnic composition and voters support for the Swedish radical right party Sverigedemokraterna is studied as well as integration as an explanatory intermediate factor operationalized through unemployment, financial assistance and Trust.The results of the study indicate a positive connection between immigrants from EU/EFTA and the voter support for Sverigedemokraterna. A negative relation is identified between Trust and the voter support for Sverigedemokraterna.
IT för att bygga nätverk : Att komplettera personliga relationer med IT
Globalization has lead to evolvement of teamwork between companies and their customers. One reason for this change is the growth of the IT community and the propagation of the Internet. This in turn has lead to faster communication within business networks and also a higher degree of integration between companies.The purpose of this thesis is to describe IT can be used to develop and support networks formed around IT corporations. IT also aim at describing what impact usage of IT within personal networks has on usage of IT within business networks. The thesis is limited to IT-companies using IT artifacts, not only for communication within its organization, but also communicating with its customers and other IT-companies.
Dissekering av ett lokalsamhälle : En studie av sociokulturella mönster på småländsk landsbygd 1838-1845
Following essay examines the social and cultural patterns of southern rural Sweden between the years 1838-1845. The study is based on records from trials held by the district court of the district Norra Möre, which provides an insight to the everyday life in rural local community. Emphasis is put on exclusion and inclusion: the basis for community, codes for inclusion and exclusion, meaningful attributes, social and cultural capital etc. Questions concerning gender are raised as well as intents to discover whether modern ideas contrast early-modern, especially considering the process of individualization. Results show that concepts of confidence and Trust were extremely valuable and possessed significant meanings. Confidence, which established itself on virtuous and honest life, created the framework for most aspects of social society: for example credibility inside and outside of court, maintenance of friendship and company, capacity of upholding a working life. Forfeit of Trust, through extensive dissolute, mischievous and ill-considered way of life meant exclusion from the community and great vulnerability.
To trust or not to trust? : En kvantitativ studie om relationen mellan social tillit och börsintroduktioner
En fråga som förr eller senare dyker upp i växande företag är beslutet om en introduktion på börsen ska genomföras eller inte och statistik visar på att antalet börsintroduktioner skiljer sig markant mellan olika länder. Tidigare forskning på vad som kan förklara dessa internationella skillnader är relativt begränsad och finns endast i en liten omfattning. Social tillit har visat sig vara viktigt i samhället och en bidragande orsak till att flera ekonomiska och sociala mål uppnås. Flertalet forskare har i sina studier kommit till slutsatsen att social tillit är positivt relaterat till ekonomisk tillväxt. Det övergripande syftet med denna studie är att analysera vilka faktorer som påverkar graden av börsintroduktioner i ett land, med speciellt fokus på social tillit. Studien syftar till att öka förståelsen för vilka faktorer som skapar en aktiv marknad för börsintroduktioner.
Återhämtningsprocessen hos en svensk livsmedelsproducent efter ett allvarligt produktfel : En studie av Findus hantering av ?Hästköttsskandalen? under våren 2013
This study deals with a Swedish company in a food industry that got affected by product failure, which led to consumer Trust crisis followed by media and was needed to be managed. Situation had a negative impact on company?s trademark, which acquired long recovery work by the company. Study is following a case example of Findus problems with having horse meat in their meat product that was supposed to contain beef meat. Study aims to research how the company dealt with situation, through crisis communication and recovery strategies.
Tillsammans: men varför? En kvantitativ studie om parrelationer.
Imagine not being able to choose who you are going to be in an intimate relationship with. It used to be like that but the situation has changed - these days we have a lot of different options available to choose for ourselves how to live our lives. We have a lot of different ways to influence how we want to live our lives and with whom we want to share them with.The aim of this study was to examine how individuals feel about their relationship and why they choose to stay in a relationship with their current partner. How do individuals in a relationship feel about aspects including for example conflicts, communication and Trust? Is Anthony Giddens theory about the pure relationship applicable on relationships today? To find the answers to these questions we made a quantitative study and used a questionnaire to collect empirical data.
Investerande i hög direktavkastning på den svenska aktiemarknaden : En empirisk studie av investeringsstrategin Dogs of the Dow applicerad på den svenska aktiemarknaden mellan åren 2004?2010
Problemformulering: Går det att uppnå en signifikant återkommande överavkastning samt riskjusterad överavkastning i förhållande till den svenska aktiemarknaden genom systematiskt följande av investeringsstrategin ?Dogs of the Dow??Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka huruvida teorin ?Dogs of the Dow? är applicerbar på den svenska aktiemarknaden i sökandet efter en signifikant återkommande överavkastning i förhållande till marknaden. Med detta hoppas det finnas en positiv differens av den riskjusterade överavkastningen gentemot index.Metod: Studien samlar in primärdata för empirin via SIX Trust, SIX Edge samt från Riksbankens hemsida. Sekundärdata härstammar från vetenskapliga artiklar uthämtade från främst JStor och EBSCO Host. Även studentlitteratur, tidigare studier utgör sekundärdata.
Tillit på webben Annozilla som förtroendeingivande verktyg
This thesis examines Trust on the web. W3C is a consortium of organisations focusing on development of standards for web publishing, and one of their projects within the semantic web track is web-based annotations. The purpose of the investigation at hand is to evaluate to what extent different factors are being considered when webbased information is judged, and whether web-based annotations could serve as a confidence-inspiring tool. The main research question was therefore: How do the informants experience Annozilla as a possible confidence-inspiring tool? The empirical material consists of a case study with eight informants.
Faktorer som påverkar skapandet av virtuella lag inom en viruell organisation
En virtuell organisation (VO) är resultatet av den snabba och målmedvetna utvecklingen, där exempelvis två företag kan agera som separata enheter, men arbeta tillsammans som ett företag och på så sätt blir ett virtuellt lag. Lagsamarbetet består av en grupp människor med spetskompetens. Detta arbetssätt har lett till att flera företag inom en VO kan ha tillgång till samma information, oavsett var arbetsplatsen är geografiskt lokaliserad.Undersökningen i rapporten genomfördes i intervjuform. Sex företag medverkade. Arbetet syftade till att klargöra vilka faktorer som företagen ansåg vara viktiga, då virtuella lag skapas inom en VO.
Från Novis till Mästare : En berättelse om socialarbetares yrkeskunnande
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the worldThese words sum up my account of social worker expertise. How does one become skillful?a master?in the profession? I answer this question by exploring how social worker proficiency can be developed and grow with the help and support of supervisors, clients and colleagues. Development through professional supervision and in the encounter with clients is an essential part of the work. I also discuss what it means to be new in the field (a novice) in relation to being experienced (a master).
Interkommunal IT-samverkan. Faktorer och effekter av ett framgångsrikt samarbete
Today more and more municipalities interact across a wide range of sectors. The reasons tostart interacting are varying and for those who succeed with this form of work, there arebenefits in terms of efficiency and knowledge exchanges. But are the reasons that interactalways obvious? Sweden currently has 290 municipalities of varying size and allmunicipalities have basically the same mission, to deliver services to its residents.Information technology allows municipalities to digitize much of the workload, but theintroduction of the technique is not without problems. For small municipalities, there are greatdemands to deliver reliability and support for their internal and external services.