

1415 Uppsatser om Tropical secondary rainforest - Sida 9 av 95

Gymnasiebiblioteket - i och för undervisningen : En intervjuundersökning med lärare i naturkunskap och samhällskunskap

This thesis is about how teachers in natural and social science integrate the upper secondary school library in their teaching and how they use it for their teaching. Literature in connection with the study is described. Qualitative interviews have been done with four teachers from each subject and with an upper secondary school librarian.The study has shown that there are differences between the teachers in social and natural science. One group, consisting of mainly teachers in social science, survey the library collection.They give the pupils suggestions of useful material and sometimes they take out material for the pupils, with help from the librarian. The other group, teachers in natural science, uses library tools, cooperates and discusses with the librarian how the pupils should work when they use the library.

Från trafiklärare till transportlärare

Abstract (in English)The purpose of this work is to find out what the driving instructor who currently works as a transport teachers feel about today´s driving education to transport high school to how it works at driving school. I describe in the study on how to become a transport teachers and on their everyday work. Even what others have written on this topic on driver training. I also interviewed four driving instructor who currently works as a transport teacher, about what they had for opinions on this issue. The method I have used myself of where unstructured questions to get so descriptive answers to questions as possible.

Historielärares uppfattningar om en ny läroplan : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om fyra gymnasielärares uppfattningar av införandet av den senaste läroplanen Lgy11 och hur deras undervisning har påverkats av denna förändring.

In 2011, the Swedish National Agency of Education introduced a new national curriculum including the compulsory school and upper secondary school. The new curriculum has been widely discussed by media and in the schools. This essay aims towards investigating how four History teachers in two upper secondary schools have experienced the introduction to the new curriculum, and whether they believe that the new curriculum has affected their teaching practice. The investigation conducted in this essay is based on four semi-structured interviews with four History teachers who work at two upper secondary schools situated in different towns of Sweden. The results of the investigation indicate that the interviewed teachers have experienced the transitional period between different curricula to have worked well even if it has been time demanding and also has increased their work effort.

Career choice:The relationship between personality, state anxiety and the career decidedness among Swedish upper secondary school students

The main purpose of this study was to inquire into personality and the state anxiety in relation to career decidedness scale among students in upper secondary school. The participants were 124 students in three grades and respectively non vocationally oriented classes. The participants were asked to grade themselves on a scale in relation to the statements regarding, state of decidedness for career choice, personality (NEO FFI, Costa & McCrae, 1985. Sweden, Gerontologic Center) and anxiety (AnTI, Wells, 1994). The results showed no significant relationship between personality and state of anxiety that could be connected to the decidedness for career choice.

Mellan A-traktor och skönlitteratur : Didaktiska metoder i undervisningen

The purpose of my project is to determine how a multimodal/intermedial text can be used when teaching in upper secondary school. Can using a text that to some point is current in the pupils? lives lift the interest for the specific subject? I opted to pick up Gunther Kress? research, Diana Laurillard?s book and Christina Olin-Scheller?s work on the subject. I have used several hours of lesson planning and the lesson itself with subsequent work consisting, among other things, of three qualitative interviews to achieve my purpose. Based on a qualitative approach, I discuss the results, which show that it is in fact very uplifting.

"Jag tror vi måste jobba mycket med det" : Om den digitala källkritikens roll inom svenskämnet på gymnasiet

AbstractThe overarching goal of this study is to investigate whether teachers of Swedish at upper secondary schools in Sweden feel that they know how to teach critical literacy, especially on the Internet, and also if they know how it is taught. It also investigates the difficulties teachers experience in teaching critical literacy. A secondary goal is to investigate the knowledge of critical literacy among students at upper secondary schools in Sweden. The study is based on quantitative and qualitative research. The research consists of two parts.

Den planerade undervisningen om det finska kriget : En studie av hur gymnasielärare i Västerbotten och Österbotten planerar att undervisa om det finska kriget 1808-09

This study examines how upper secondary school teachers in Västerbotten and Österbotten plan to teach about the Finnish War 1808-09. The study includes written interviews with nine teachers in Västerbotten and eight teachers in Österbotten, who have answered questions concerning school policy documents, content and didactic methods. The purpose has been to examine whether there is a difference in historical culture in how the war is treated in the two regions. Historical culture is here meant within the prospective history lesson, where the pupils encounter history within certain boundaries.The result of the interview study shows that there are differences in structure concerning the school policy documents, but that these differences on the whole are compensated by the widespread interest in the Finnish War by the teachers in both regions. The differences in historical culture can be found within the construction of the content when it comes to the aftermaths of the war as well as the purpose of the teaching.

Riskuppfattningar kring spårspring : Fokus på lokförare och personal på Trafikverket

Learning Management Systems (LMSs) hold great potential to support learning activities, for example by providing teachers and students with new and extended spaces for interaction and collaboration. However, this potential appears to be difficult to realize, and despite their perceived learning benefits, the reality is that LMSs are being used primarily for administrative purposes. Meanwhile, external pedagogical tools are successfully put into practice to improve learning outcomes, and the aim of this study is therefore to identify and discuss benefits and disadvantages associated with the LMS as a concept. By interviewing secondary school teachers, we disentangle the idea of integrating administrative and pedagogical aids into a single platform, providing detailed insight into the use of digital tools in secondary education. The study contributes to a deepened understanding of integrated learning environments, and we conclude that there is a conflict between structure and flexibility that needs to be addressed before determining the design of a digital learning space..

Utredning om en ökad biologisk behandling av matavfall i Halmstads kommun

Environment and sustainable development are very current topics in today's society, bothnational and international. The government's bill 2004/05:150 ?Swedish environment objectives - a common commission? contains several environmental quality objectives, that in turn is divided up in smaller secondary objectives. One of the secondary objectives says: ?Latest year 2010 shall at least 35% of the food waste from households, restaurants, largescale kitchens and shops be recycled through biological treatment.

Career choice:The relationship between personality, state anxiety and the career decidedness among Swedish upper secondary school students

The main purpose of this study was to inquire into personality and the state anxiety in relation to career decidedness scale among students in upper secondary school. The participants were 124 students in three grades and respectively non vocationally oriented classes. The participants were asked to grade themselves on a scale in relation to the statements regarding, state of decidedness for career choice, personality (NEO FFI, Costa & McCrae, 1985. Sweden, Gerontologic Center) and anxiety (AnTI, Wells, 1994). The results showed no significant relationship between personality and state of anxiety that could be connected to the decidedness for career choice.

"Du pratar som dom i Sommarpratarna" : Om gymnasieelevers respons på argumenterande tal och attityder till respons

The aim of this study is to investigate oral peer review on argumentative speech and to study the attitudes towards this peer review. The investigation was performed in an up-per secondary school class, and it focused on the different types of oral responses students give each other. In addition, the study investigated in what way the students experience this type of peer review. The results show that students reflect on form and performance as well as content, but they place more emphasis on form and performance than content. Students are positive about peer review and its importance for their progress.

Didaktiska implikationer i lärares samhällsuppdrag : Uppfattningar om demokrati och biologiskt ämnesstoff hos blivande lärare

In today?s school in Sweden the assignment of community encompasses mediated values and education of democracy as well of single subject matters. What does it mean then, that teachers have a certain kind of idea of democracy, and what implications may biology have for the assignment of community? In upper secondary school there are quite many courses in biology with a national curriculum, and findings show that students of teaching perceive or think of biology as helping to promote the dual-purpose of teaching. In this study, the author of the paper has interviewed four future teachers of upper secondary school with biology as one of their main subjects.

Skillnader i hälsa mellan pojkar och flickor och mellan högstadiet och gymnasiet: En enkätundersökning i Sundbyberg

Ill health takes different expressions during different periods in life and habits during the early years affect the health during the rest of the lifetime. Bronfenbrenners ecological systems theory has been used as a theoretical starting point in this cross-sectional study. The aim of this study was to identify differences in self-rated health and health-related factors between boys and girls and between the compulsory school and the upper secondary school in Sundbyberg municipality as a basis for the planned activity in the Young Women?s shelter in Sundbyberg, as well as in other municipalities A questionnaire consisting of 24 questions based on different variables has identified disparities in health and health-related factors between boys and girls in Sundbyberg municipality (n=323). This paper found pronounced differences between the sexes in terms of sex and relationships, security, emotional support and psychosomatic complaints.

"Man måste erövra begreppen" : En studie av undervisande gymnasielärares attityder gentemot språkets roll i historieundervisningen

This study is about how teachers of history at different upper secondary schools in Uppsala think and talk about the role language plays in the classroom and in education in general. In order to find this out, interviews were carried out with five teachers of history at four different upper secondary schools in Uppsala. This study has an analysis of the statements by and interviews with the teachers in a wide context by using a previous study carried out in Uppsala, which categorizes the upper secondary schools of Uppsala into a social field based upon what assets their students have. These assets are estimated by using Bourdieu?s theory of symbolic, social and cultural capital.

Sociala omsorgsassistenter : de "nya" omsorgsgivarna i en omsorgsförvaltnings "paradigmskifte"

Purpose: The primary aim of the study was to analyse and discuss how employees with a secondary nursing education describe their occupational character whilst working as well as the conditions for caring acts in a changing progress towards professionalism.Questions: What are the conditions to provide a high standard of care in this changing progress? What influence does it have on the occupational character ?Method: Critical case study and focus groupsConclusion: One of the central findings of the field study was the identification of two occupational identities; traditional and pedagogical orientated. These two occupational character traits are connected with different types of occupational competence and demands different theoretical knowledge. They also have different regards concerning the new title; social omsorgsassistent. A conclusion of the study is that a professional project of a non-specific nature is unable to stress the different levels of knowledge and competence that occupational identities have when one seeking professionalism..

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