

1415 Uppsatser om Tropical secondary rainforest - Sida 10 av 95

Mentorers betydelse, funktion och nytta för elever i gymnasieskolan : En narrativ studie kring mentorer och mentorskap utifrån ett elevperspektiv

The study describes six upper secondary school students? thoughts of and stories about mentors and mentorship in secondary school. The mentorship has been studied with a hermeneutic approach from a narrative pupil relational perspective, which is influenced by the phenomenological humanity perspective. The aim of this study is to describe a few pupils? life worlds and to try to interpret how they describe and explain their own behavior related to mentorship and their mentors.

?skolan idag bara är till för att indoktrinera och passivisera?. En studie om elevinflytande i en av Malmös gymnasieskolor - [The school today is just to indoctrinate and passive: a study about student participation in an upper secondary school in Malmö]

Democracy is now a legitimate claim not only in the society but even in the classrooms. According to the 1994 Curriculum for the Non-Compulsory School System, Lpf 94 in Sweden, are all pupils in all types of schools ought to have a high level of possibilities to be able to influence their education. But many studies have led to unsatisfactory results about the actual situation in schools. Swedish students are critical of the limited opportunities they have in influencing their own learning process. This essay is only one among the many studies that have dealt with school democracy during the last 50 years.

Ett levande klassrum : Undersökningar kring hur reenactment och historiska lekar kan implementeras i historieundervisning på högstadiet

In today?s history teaching in Sweden, role-play and historical re-enactment receive littleattention. Even though many students find history as a subject boring and irrelevant, verylittle is done to improve the mode of teaching. My theses is that this could be done bypresenting new ways of teaching and at the same time find a way to make more studentsinterested in history. The main aim is to investigate if there are ways to offer students anexperience of history by carrying out different interactive exercises with a touch of roleplayand historical recreation.

Idrott och hälsa ? ett livsviktigt ämne : en kvalitativ studie om vad som utmärker gymnasieelever som deltar i ämneskursen idrott och hälsa 1

AimThe overall aim of this study has been to gain knowledge about what characterize upper secondary school students participating in the subject course physical education and health (PEH). To investigate this, the following questions are formulated:What motivates the students to attend PEH?How do the students experience teaching?What influences the students' opinions of the subject?MethodWe conducted a qualitative study using interview as method. Six students, from year 2; three girls and three boys, from different studying programs at an upper secondary school in the region of Mälardalen were interviewed. The students had been recommended and asked to participate by their teachers in PEH.

Bedömning av laborativtarbete i gymnasiefysik

In the current situation there is not much written about assessment of laboratory work, and the majority of the working physics teachers are retiring and there are only a few newly qualified physics teachers. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how physics teachers assess laboratory work within upper secondary schools, with Gy2011 in mind. The new grade system, Gy2011, has a larger focus on the laboratory work then the earlier system Lpf 94. Skolverket has in their man-ual with examples of assessment two different sorts of laboratory experiments. The first assess-ment is regarding the planning of a laboratory work and the other about how able the pupil exe-cutes laboratory work.

IKT som verktyg för lärande i historia : en studie av gymnasielärares syn på IKT i historieundervisningen

This essay examines the possibilities for the use of ICT for learning in the subject of history. By interviewing history teachers in upper secondary school about their experiences and thoughts regarding the subjects of learning, history and ICT, as well as the relations there between, based on Mishra and Koehlers TPACK model, I come to the conclusion that ICT may enhance learning in history. I also conclude that ICT may create new learning environments in history, where knowledge may or may not grow.The more unique ways of using ICT in history, compared to other school subjects, appears to be the possibility of using a variety of new sources, for example digitized primary sources from archives, that perhaps will motivate students, and make it possible to work from a con- structivistic point of view in history.Other unique possibilities are to satisfy the need of concretizing and visualizing the history being taught, by using a broad range of different media when presenting it. .

Produktutveckling av koncept för isbanesystem

Today most ice rinks in Sweden use secondary refrigeration systems with a solution of calcium chloride and water as secondary refrigerant. Due to the large amount of energy such a system uses more efficient systems would be desired.An earlier study concluded in the possibilities of using carbon dioxide as secondary refrigerant with copper tubes as the loops in the ice rink. Since then 3 ice rink refrigeration systems has been built with carbon dioxide in copper tubes. Excluding the ones being direct involved in those projects there is still very little knowledge about how these system works. This study has been made primarily with the aim of adding to the knowledge concerning availability and cost and secondary to look at possibilities for improvement.A comparison between systems with carbon dioxide, calcium chloride respective ammonium solved in water has been made by using Decision Matrix.

Skolans betydelse för fysisk aktivitet för elever med funktionsnedsättningar : Ur ett lärarperspektiv

Lampinen, S. (2013). School?s importance of physical activity for students with disabilities: From a teacher?s perspective. Thesis in Public Health.

Lärlingsutbildning som skolform : Hur ställer sig lärare, elever och handledare till det?

 The purpose with my study was primarily to illuminate the students' expectations on gained knowledge during their studies at the upper secondary school Hotel- and Restaurant program, and to what extent these expectations were fulfilled. Secondarily, the purpose was to compare the students' expected and perceived knowledge with the program goals set by the Swedish government and the knowledge requirements expressed in a pilot study made by the Education council of the Hotel and restaurant business (UHR, 2007).I chose a quantative approach and I used an anonymous group enquiry among students at the Hotel- and Restaurant program at two different upper secondary schools to carry out my study.Tendencies in the result suggested that the students at the Hotel- and Restaurant program expected high knowledge level within the competence areas of Guest reception and communication, Cleaning and hygiene, Cooking of cold and hot dishes and Waiting. The expectations were not big within the areas Computers and Internet and Business economics and management.Fulfillment of expected knowledge tended to be high within the areas where the expectations were big. It might therefore be a good investment for schools to work on the student expectations to increase motivation within the low expectation areas.A confrontation of the tendencies in the result with the program goals and the competence requirements expressed in the UHR study, suggested that the upper secondary Hotel- and Restaurant education might focus some more the areas of Guest reception and communication, Beverages and Organization of banquets. Business economics and management should be given much more weight..

Elevers bristande erfarenhet av lyrik i svenskundervisningen : En grundad teoristudie av elevers relation till lyrik

This paper aims to study upper secondary school seniors? relationship to poetry. The researchers seek to discover the students? conceptualization of the subject of poetry. Fur-thermore, this paper will present a case study, in which sixteen students participate.

Svårigheter och utmaningar i religionsundervisningen : En religionsdidaktisk studie med fokus på lärares uppfattningar kring svårigheter och utmaningar i religionsundervisningen

The purpose of this essay is to describe what difficulties and challenges are for teachers of religious education at upper secondary school. The essay is written from a teacher's perspective, where the focus is on the teacher's perceptions of the difficulties and challenges of teaching religious education. The methodology for the collection of information was done through qualitative interviews. Previous research shows that one of the challenges in the teaching profession is the interpretation of the curriculum, and then which of those is correct. The essay shows that the biggest challenges that teachers experience in the subject of religious education is the students' prejudice against different religious groups, and also the difficulty of getting students to understand the purpose of what is being taught.

Form och design i frisörutbildningen

This essays purpose is to accentuate the meaning of the knowledge of the design elements color, formand texture in the hair design education. Both the Bauhaus school and Pivot Point educationcampaign close knowledge in color, form and texture. In my study of the literature I compared theBauhaus school with Pivot Point International Inc, study material for hair design education. From thesimilarities in this material I develop a project in color, form and texture. This was a teaching test forstudents in the hair design education at the upper secondary.

Uppleva eller leva upp till? : En studie om hur gymnasieelever upplever prestationskrav i idrott och hälsa.

AimThe purpose of the study was to investigate how upper secondary school students experience performance demands during their physical education and health classes (PE-classes). The questions were as following: Are there differing perceptions between the sexes whether students experience performance demands? In what situations do the students feel that the demands on their performance are high during PE-classes? Do the students experience of demands on performance differ whether the physical education and health teacher is male or female? Do students feel unfairly treated by the physical education and health teacher during PE-classes?MethodSeven upper secondary schools in Stockholm?s administrative district were randomly selected to participate in the survey. The principals were contacted for further information and to set a date for performing the survey. The project leaders were present during the days the surveys were taken by students in the social science and natural science programs.

Hinder och framgångsfaktorer för personer med Aspergers syndrom : I steget från skola till arbete

The aim of this paper was to describe hindering and facilitating factors in the transition from upper secondary school and employment for a person with Asperger?s syndrome. In the process we used general systems theory and made semi-structured interviews with five persons in the network of institutions and associations working with the individual. Our findings showed that the hindering and facilitating factors were basically the same depending of the environmental adjustments. The interviews highlighted the following factors: the recent general unemployment rate in Sweden, selfawareness of the individual and the surrounding environment?s knowledge of the individual?s impairment in relation to Asperger?s syndrome.

Är sociala medier mest ett hinder? Ungas lärande i sociala medier

A large part of the daily life today means being active online and to take part in the interactions that occur there. The accessibility which social media brings, means that you can reach and be reached in several ways and there are many different ways in which information can be disseminated. Social media supports the learning process. The aim of this study is to examine how upper secondary schools students' use of social media and how it can be used as a tool for informal learning. Our study is based on the socio-cultural perspective where interaction and social cohesion is a big part.

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