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What works? : Grundläggande komponenter för ett positivt behandlingsutfall på institution med särskilt fokus på Kognitiv beteendeterapi (KBT) och dess tillämpning.

In Sweden there are many kinds of effort given youths with behavioral problems, one is institutional care. International research display a varying kind of results from this type of treatment. The aim of this study is to examine and illustrate which central components that results in positive treatment, but also starighten important components in KBT. On the basis of research results, important components for positive treatment have been illustrated as; the therapeutic relationship, the integrity of treatment, prosocial-contacts, positive climate in treatment, the continual of treatment, how to bring treatment to an end, the responsivity principle-the principle of need-the risk principle, learning and KBT.  Research also aims to investigate whether these components could be identified in the daily work of youth treatment on institution. This through a qualitative approach including six interviews held with staff working in treatment facilities.

Socialisationen av kvinnlig sexualitet på behandlingshem för unga kvinnor : ett symbolisk interaktionistiskt perspektiv

Using a symbolic interactionistic analytical approach, this essay aims to study the socialisation of young women?s sexuality in treatment institutions for young women. Through qualitative interviews with staff members at said institutions, concerning their views on young female sexuality, and how they discuss sexuality with the young women in the institutions, my aim was to identify the socialisation of young women?s sexuality. I have also investigated how the staff experiences their own sex as an important factor in conversations about sexuality with young women, as well as the possible effect sexually mixed or sexually segregated institutions exert upon conversations about sexuality.

Integreras eller assimileras? : Socialarbetare och arbetsförmedlares syn på möjligheter och begränsningar för flyktingar att uppnå egen försörjning.

In this study we have investigated how care users in a nursing home experience their possibilities for influence and treatment from the staff. The study was conducted through focus group interviews with six participants who we met on four occasions. Questions the study departs from are: How do users experience their opportunity to influence? How do the users experience the treatment from the staff? The study has a qualitative approach and has been analyzed by means of symbolic interactionism, with an emphasis on the Self. Our results demonstrate that in situations of good treatment there is also a good influence.

Anstaltspersonals erfarenheter och påverkan av hot och våld på arbetet : en kvalitativ studie

The aim of this paper was to describe the phenomenon of threats and violence within a Swedish penal institution. The study was thematized according to the three main research questions. These were as follows; The threats and violence prison staff have experienced in their workplace (I) how these experiences affected them in their work performances (II) and in their private life (III). By a qualitative design, in-depth interviews were carried out with four persons who are, or formerly have been, gainfully employed at a penal institution. Concepts from the theory of symbolic interactionism and a theory of human action have been used in the analysing process of this paper.

Vårdkedjeprojektet : En utvärdering av hur Vårdkedjeprojektets mål har implementerats i verksamheten på Behandlingshemmet Rällsögården

An evaluation: how have the goals of ?Vårdkedjeprojektet? been implemented at the treatment centre of RällsögårdenThis evaluation was commissioned on behalf of the treatment centre of Rällsögården. The aim of this study is to evaluate how the goals of ?Vårdkedjeprojektet? (VKP) have been implemented in the institutional care at the treatment centre of Rällsögården. This study was focused on the following questions: a) how is the function ?internal coordinator? experienced by staff at Rällsögården, b) in the function of internal coordinator what aspects are thought of as effective/non-effective concerning the cooperation with ?external coordinators? and contact with clients and staff, c) how is Vårdkedjeprojektet and its treatment approach ?Community Reinforcement Approach? (CRA) experienced by coordinators, clients and staff and d) how well is the aftercare functioning for clients who have finished their treatment at Rällsögården, and still participate in VKP?The choice of research method was triangulation; a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods.

Bemötande och inflytande inom äldreomsorgen är ju bra, egentligen. : En kvalitativ studie om bemötande och inflytande ur ett brukarperspektiv

In this study we have investigated how care users in a nursing home experience their possibilities for influence and treatment from the staff. The study was conducted through focus group interviews with six participants who we met on four occasions. Questions the study departs from are: How do users experience their opportunity to influence? How do the users experience the treatment from the staff? The study has a qualitative approach and has been analyzed by means of symbolic interactionism, with an emphasis on the Self. Our results demonstrate that in situations of good treatment there is also a good influence.

Lyssna även på mig! En litteraturstudie om hur närstående till personer med demenssjukdom upplever vårdpersonalen och relationen till dem.

The aim of the literature review was to investigate how relatives to a person suffering from dementia, in institution, experienced the nursing hom staff and the relation to them. The study was based on eight scientific articles. The result gave thirteen themes, that showed that relatives experienced the nursing home staff having a hard work under pressure. They were nice but without knowledge. The relatives experienced that the nursing home staff didn´t see or hear them and gave no confidence.

De traditionella könsrollernas betydelse i missbruksvården : Åtta missbrukares upplevelser och erfarenheter

AbstractTitle: The signification of the traditional gender roles in misuse treatment ? the experiences of eight addictsAuthor: Andersson Malin, Gunnarsson AnnelieSupervisor: Lindberg OddThe purpose with this essay is to study if the staff in two LVM treatment facilities do strengthen the traditional gender roles in their daily work and interactions with the clients. The aim was also to study if the staff reconstruct traditional gender roles and if this can be seen as an advantage or disadvantage in the treatment. Finally the aim was to investigate if the staff encouraged the clients to break loose from the traditional gender roles. A qualitative approach using face to face interviews was used.

Skulden och skammen. : Närvaron av skuld och skam i missbruksbehandling av kvinnor.

The purpose of this study is to examine the personnel?s perspective on how the emotions shame and guilt are present in the treatment of female addicts on an LVM institution. Three questions have been designed to meet the objective: How do they work in the treatment with guilt and shame, how important is it to work with these feelings and what significance does genders have in relation to shame, guilt and treatment? A qualitative approach and techniques have been used to obtain the result. The study's theoretical starting point consists of three themes: gender theory, labeling theory and a theoretical approach to the concepts of guilt and shame.

Familjen är den enda vägen tillbaka hem. : En kvalitativ studie om personalens syn på familjens delaktighet i behandling av ungdomar.

ÖREBRO UNIVERSITYDepartment of Behavioural, Social and Legal SciencesProgram of social workSocial Work CC-essay in Social Work, 15 creditsAutumn term 2013The family is the only way back home? A qualitative study on staff?s view on family involvement in the treatment of adolescentsAuthors: Cakici, Nahrin and Claesson, SandraAbstractThe aim of this study is to investigate how the staff at residential treatment centers works to involve the family and the social network in youth?s treatment and how they experience that the involvement affects the young person. The aim is also to study the difficulties the staff experience in their work to involve the family and the social network. In this study, staff from two residential treatment centers in Sweden participated. The study is conducted based in on qualitative method in which four semi-structured telephone interviews and one group interview have been conducted.

"Man kan inte ge de det de behöver" : En studie om arbetet och synen på äldres psykiska ohälsa i äldreomsorgen

The aim of this study was to understand how care staff in residential care perceive and work with elderly mental health and how these perceptions and work is related to aging. We have gathered our empirical material through eight qualitative interviews and vignettes with care staff in residential care. The study was conducted in a municipality with 10 000 to 20 000 inhabitants in southern Sweden. The material was analyzed with use of ageism as a theoretical frame of reference. The results showed that the care staff had different perceptions of mental illness in general and regarding the elderly.

En kvalitativ studie om hur patienter upplever sin hemodialysbehandling.

The purpose of this study was to describe how patients with hemodialysis experience their dialysis treatment. The study was conducted as a qualitative descriptive design. The study is based on six interviews. The interviews were transcribed in their entirety and analyzed according to content analysis inspired by Granheim and Lundman. The result is based on five categories; Stress and requirements, Life-supporting haemodialysis treatment, physical impairments, social constraints and a positive view on haemodialysis.

"Det ska inte vara lätt att knarka" : En studie om sprututbyte och svensk narkotikapolitik.

The drug treatment staff attitude towards needle exchange is what investigates in this study. The aim of this study is to see what?s affecting the standpoints in the needle exchange issue and also to investigate if the needle exchange is compatible with Swedish drug policy. The study has a qualitative approach and it?s based on eight semi-structured interviews with drug treatment staff.

Ungdomskulturer på institution : kan personalen påverka?

The purpose of the study was, with initial position from two particular youth homes, to survey the staff?s experiences regarding different youth cultures that might occur at the institutions and how they react to them. The question formulations were as follows: What kind of youth cultures might occur at the institution and how are they being expressed, according to some of the staff members? How do the same staff members, individually, see their role and prospect to influence the type of youth culture that is developing on the institution? Earlier research in the field were used as theoretical starting positions as well as the concepts of ?looking-glass self?, ?the generalized other? and ?the overtaking of roles? in the symbolic-interactionism. Qualitative research interviews were carried through with three of the employees at the two youth homes and the results of the study evinced that both positive and negative youth cul-tures develops at both of the institutions, concluding the fact that youths affect each other both ways.

??trevlig först och sedan kan man prata om det sakliga...? En studie om bemötande på folkbibliotek.

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the view on the personal encounter between staff and visitors in public libraries in order to detect possible differences between the two groups in order to see if the personal encounter as such could be used in order to market libraries. We believe that social competence must interact with the initial personal encounter in order for the visitor to experience the visit as positive. We have based the theoretical framework on Erving Goffman?s theory on social interaction, as well as on Christian Grönroos? theory on quality of service and marketing. We use the following questions: How do library staff view the personal encounter? How do library visitors view the personal encounter? How does the library staff?s treatment affect the visitor?s view of the library?Are there any differences in view between visitors and staff concerning the personal encounter? If so, what kind of differences are they? Using qualitative interviews, we have interviewed nine visitors and six staff members at two public libraries.

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