

1320 Uppsatser om Transport of goods - Sida 53 av 88

Finansiella instrument för svenska lantbruksföretag : riskhantering och finansiella instrument för lantbruksföretag i Sverige

The survey describes a number of risks that Swedish farming companies are exposed to. The risk areas covered by the survey are currency risks, price risks and financial risks. The survey further describes why these risks have a great impact on the future development of the farming companies. The survey highlights the interrelation between the risks and the measures which can be used to minimize the risks, so-called financial instruments. The aim of the survey is to put focus on above mentioned risks and describe how these risks can be reduced to prevent the Swedish farming industry from stagnating in the future. The survey is a secondary survey whereby existing knowledge about risks and risk management is applied to farming companies. The written information on price risks and hedging is primarily derived from foreign sources.

Expression av PSI-N från Arabidopsis thaliana i E.coli

PSI-N is one of the subunits in eukaryotic Photosystem I (PSI) and is located on the lumenal side of the thylakoid membrane. It is known to interact in the electron transport chain between plastocyanin and PSI, but the mechanism behind the interaction is still unclear. To achieve a better understanding of PSI-N´s role in the photosynthesis it is necessary to develop a method for purification of PSI-N. The goal with this project was to design a plasmid that encodes a fusion protein containing PSI-N. With use of proteases the fusion protein can be cleaved into purified PSI-N.

Expression av PSI-N från Arabidopsis thaliana i E : coli

PSI-N is one of the subunits in eukaryotic Photosystem I (PSI) and is located on the lumenal side of the thylakoid membrane. It is known to interact in the electron transport chain between plastocyanin and PSI, but the mechanism behind the interaction is still unclear. To achieve a better understanding of PSI-N´s role in the photosynthesis it is necessary to develop a method for purification of PSI-N. The goal with this project was to design a plasmid that encodes a fusion protein containing PSI-N. With use of proteases the fusion protein can be cleaved into purified PSI-N.

Produktutveckling av en storleksreducerbar gästsäng

This report is a result of a degree thesis at Luleå University of Technology together with Stram AB in Växjö. The project aimed to develop a size reducible bed, that gets small when folded and has a new slim design. The development of the new folding bed had the purpose to give Stram AB new ideas of how guest beds can look like and be used in the future. Information about Stram´s products and also information of other similar products on the market was gathered. A visit at a store, internet and interviews gave grater insight of the market, and of customer needs.

Införandet av mobil CT på en neurointensivvårdsavdelning : Erfarenheter och upplevelser ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv

Syfte: Att ur ett intensivvårds- och röntgensjuksköterskeperspektivbeskriva och jämföra upplevelser och erfarenheter av att utföra CT-hjärna på enneurointensivvårdsavdelning. Metod: En deskriptiv intervjustudie medkvalitativ design användes, där åtta sjuksköterskor inom professionernaröntgen- och intensivvård deltog. Resultat:Intensivvårdssjuksköterskorna såg fram emot att apparaten skulle börja användaspå avdelningen, medan röntgensjuksköterskorna upplevde en frustration över attför lite tid och resurser avsatts för att kunna utföra undersökningen påavdelningen på ett bra sätt.  Intensivvårdssjuksköterskornaupplevde en tidsbesparing att kunna utföra undersökningen på avdelningen medanröntgensjuksköterskornas uppfattning var att man hann undersöka färre patientertotalt under samma tid. Resultatet visar också att sjuksköterskorna i bådagrupperna är medvetna om riskerna med intrahospitala transporter och ansermöjligheterna att utföra CT-hjärna på avdelningen som fördelaktigt förpatienten ur säkerhetssynpunkt.

Godshantering med Scania Interactor

This thesis is about making a support for barcode readers and RFID readers on a computermounted in heavy vehicles. The computer has several applications designed for heavyvehicles such as an order handling application. The goal was to suggest an architecture toimplement a support for the readers. The architecture should be independent of whichmanufacturer who has made the reader hardware that was connected to the computer.At first a theoretically study was made around RFID technology and standards for thetransport and supply sector. Then the architecture was developed and a demo implementationwas made.The conclusion of this thesis is to implement support for barcode readers with a wedgeapplication.

För- och nackdelar med mobil slakt utifrån djurens välfärd :

Undersökningar visar att det är mycket problem att tillgodose djurens välfärd vid konventionell slakt gällande transport, uppstallning och hantering (Broom, 1993). Därför är det intressant att ta reda på vilka alternativ det finns till konventionell slakt. Ett exempel är mobila slakterier. Det här arbetet tar upp dess för- och nackdelar ur djurvälfärdssynpunkt. Det finns idag många rapporter, som tar upp mobil slakt ur en ekonomisk synvinkel (Helgesson & Pettersson 2000) och den praktiska hanteringen (Benfalk et al., 2002) efter avlivningsmomentet men mindre om hur djurens välfärd påverkas. Det finns olika utformningar på mobila slakterier.

Går det åt skogen i gymnasieskolan?

I denna studie intervjuades fem gymnasielärare i naturvetenskapliga ämnen kring att undervisa och lära utanför klassrummet. Frågeställningarna i detta arbete är; Varför skall man undervisa och lära utanför klassrummet? Vad finns det för hinder eller nackdelar med att undervisa utanför klassrummet? Alla lärare var positiva till att använda sig av undervisning utanför klassrummet men de framförde alla att de inte tyckte att de gjorde det tillräckligt mycket. Fördelar som dessa lärare kunde se med att välja att ha undervisning på en annan plats än klassrummet var att det gav en bättre verklighetsanknytning, var lättare att arbeta ämnesövergripande, gav en god variation i undervisningen, platsen har positiv betydelse för minnet, det kunde öka motivationen och intresset hos eleverna att lära, och slutligen att det förbättrar sociala interaktioner mellan såväl elever som mellan elever och lärare. De hinder eller nackdelar lärarna kunde se med att använda sig av undervisning på en annan plats än i klassrummet hade hos de flesta sin grund i tidsmässiga och schemamässiga problem men de var även en tveksamhet kring den pedagogiska vinningen, karaktären på de naturvetenskapliga ämnena och deras kursplaner, att eleverna var ovana och att lärarna inte kände sig trygga och bekväma i att ha undervisning utanför klassrummet. Skolans geografiska läge, väder, transport, riskbedömningar, saknat lärarsamarbete och saknad av lämpliga läromiljöer utanför klassrummet uttrycktes också vara hinder för att ha undervisning utanför klassrummet..

Pendla med cykel - en aktuell planeringsfråga : En kvalitativ studie om Västerås Kommuns trafikplanering

ABSTRACTDuring the last decades, environmental impacts have increased significantly, much due to the great traffic flows within cities. Therefore, to reduce these impacts and encourage a healthy way of living, it has in recent years become vital to generate safer and more sustainable and flexible modes of transportation. In order to do so, authorities and physical planners must work together to find viable solutions to incorporate in the infrastructure and offer alternative transport modes ? such as walking, cycling and public transportation. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the development of the cycling infrastructure in the city of Västerås and whether it is possible to expand bicycle commuting alongside public transportation. The thesis consequently aims to study how different physical planners within Västerås municipality work with traffic related questions.

Den ledande kvinnan : En studie av ledarskapsbeteenden i fyra olika branscher

The debate about women and equality is a very burning issue in the Swedish society today. There are a lot of articles, TV-programs, books and web sites treating the position of female leaders today. There are also a lot of myths strongly attached to our minds hindering the equalization process between men and women.The main purpose of our study was to look at women as leaders and identify potential tendencies in businesses sectors dominated by mainly men or women. We also wanted to find out whether leadership behavior is more or less oriented towards relations- or task in any of the chosen sectors. It was even in our interest to see if our chosen respondents supported the myths in our society about male and female qualities.We interviewed 20 women in four different sectors, two dominated by men (Computer/It, Transport) and two dominated by women (School, Healthcare).

Energikrav i upphandling av bygg- och anläggningsprojekt

The building and plant sectors represent a large part of Sweden?s energy use. Putting energy requirements in public procurement as a tool for reducing energy consumption in the building and plant sectors is therefor an opportunity that operators can take advantage of. The aim of this thesis was to map the energy requirements in procurement that operators in the public sector use today in building and plant projects. The analysis was made with respect to if the energy requirements corresponded to the parts with large energy use in building and plant projects and also in which way energy requirements in procurement are written in the contract.

Generell rabatt inom samtliga branscher? : En studie om den privata bolagsrabatten

A?gare av aktier i privata bolag har sa?mre mo?jlighet att avyttra sina aktier a?n a?gare av aktier i publika bolag, allt annat lika. Da?rfo?r anva?nds en generell rabatt vid va?rdering av privata bolag, en privat bolagsrabatt, fo?r att kompensera ko?pare fo?r den reducerade mo?jligheten att avyttra sina aktier i ett senare skede. Underso?kningen a?mnade da?rfo?r underso?ka huruvida en generell rabatt a?r applicerbar pa? samtliga bolag genom att underso?ka skillnader i den privata bolagsrabatten mellan olika branscher i Norden.Genom att anva?nda publika aktietransaktioner skapades publika referensportfo?ljer som kunde ja?mfo?ras med privata bolagstransaktioner i Norden under perioden 2006- 2013.

I medborgarnas tjänst?:En studie om avregleringens effekter på ansvarsfördelningen mellan offentliga och privata aktörer inom tre samhällsviktiga serviceområden i samband med orkanen Gudrun

The essay's aim is to explain how responsibility distribution between private and public bodies, primarily within three important service areas, can be visualised in light of the fact that they have experienced different forms of readjustment. We have chosen to study this by looking at the restoration work taking place after the hurricane Gudrun swept across southern Sweden on January 8-9, 2005; and we have chosen to concentrate on the service areas of electricity- and telephone supply, and public transport. The responsibility distribution has been depicted by carrying out qualitative interviews with employees within both private and public bodies included in the restoration work. The conclusion produced is that there were obscurities in the formal responsibility distribution between private and public actors taking place in conjunction with the hurricane restoration work.In a deeper analysis, the result can be explained by a ?several hands? problem arising since the number of actors has increased as the public sphere has adopted leadership forms influenced by the private business sector.

Samspelseffekter vid kapacitetsförbättringar. : Exempel från Dalabanan.

The trend in the transport sector is moving towards eco-friendly, fast and convenient transportation,this results in higher demands on railway transports. To meet the demand and quality requirements,the Swedish railway network will have to expand. The cheapest way is to expand little by little butwhat impact do these small steps actually have on the capacity?This thesis examines the interactions of different improvement for the capacity on a single-trackrailway. Through simulations in the software tool RailSys this report studies what effect block signals,extra meeting stations and rebuilding existing two track passing loops to three track loops have onthe capacity.

En doft av framgång

The main drivers of luxury consumption is to obtain prestige and status, therefore the possibility of visible consumption of products is a key dimension of the product. Typical examples of luxury goods include cars, handbags and watches. These are consumed in the public arena where the possibility to show off the product and the brand is the greatest. When examining luxury products and what drives men and women to pay premium prices for a brand and for a logo, a fascinating finding is that there are products that fundamentally lacks these attributes, but which are considered to be classic luxury products. An example of this is perfume.

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