

542 Uppsatser om Translation of advertising - Sida 2 av 37

Klassificering av utländska dotterföretag

Background: Companies often invest in foreign subsidiaries and that gives rise to translation exposure. Translation exposure arises with the consolidation of the foreign subsidiary and depends on the rate of exchange that are used for translation of the foreign subsidiary. In time several different methods of translation and recommendations has been developed. Companies listed on OM Stockholmsbörsen shall follow RR8. According to RR8 a classification of foreign subsidiaries as indipendent or integral to the parent company determines which method of translation that should be used.

Var är göken? Översättning av japansk haiku

The topic of the present paper is to investigate and identify how two translators, Reginald Horace Blyth and David Landis Barnhill, differ in their translation of Japanese haikus by Matsuo Bashô to English. Three focal points of the study are; the translation of haiku rythm, the translation of kireji (a word for separating the haiku) and the translation of kigo (seasonal word). These three components are fundamental parts of Japanese haiku poetry and haiku experience, however there are no set rules on how to translate these haiku components to English. This study contains a comparative detailed analysis of five of Bashô´s haikus, in translation by Blyth and Barnhill. Sample haikus were selected from Blyth´s books A History of Haiku Vol.

Infographics i reklam - Om informationsvisualisering som metod i reklamkommunikation

This thesis examines information visualization, infographics, as a method of advertising. To answer the initial research question of what makes infographics an appropriate method for print advertising, a practical infographic-based advertising campaign has been designed. This, together with three other campaigns, has been the basis for an analysis focused on function, appeal and persuasion. The result tells us that there are benefits to using infographics for an advertising purpose, because the method can act both attention-grabbing and convincing, depending on how it is used and designed..

Ronia the robber's daughter: an analysis of the translation of Ronja Rövardotter into English

The aim of this paper has been to examine to what extent it has been possible for Patricia Crampton, translator of Ronia, the Robber?s Daughter, to capture and cling to the very personal style in which Astrid Lindgren writes. I also wanted to find out if any adaptations of the text were made and, if any, how they have affected the tone of the book. To fulfil this purpose a thorough comparison of the original text and the translation has been made. The first chapter consists of an introduction presenting the background to my choice of topic and giving a short presentation of Astrid Lindgren and her career as an author.

Ett pulshöjande reklammedium -Är det effektivt att exponera konsumenter för reklam i en gruppträningssal relativt i ett traditionellt reklammedium?

It appears that it has never been easier for the marketer to create and distribute advertising messages. The technical development has created new possible channels, which in addition to the traditional advertising media has resulted in consumers encountering loads of commercial messages every day. Unfortunately for the marketer, the overload of messages has contributed to an extensive advertising avoidance. This forces him to think outside the box in order to come up with attention-grabbing and innovative methods to reach out to consumers. This paper aims to examine if facilities for group exercise classes at fitness centres could be a potential advertising medium due to the unexpectedness of encountering advertising in those premises.

Måltext i Midgård : Ohlmarks Härskarringen och översättandets normer

This study considers Härskarringen (1959?61), a Swedish translation of J. R. R. Tolkien?s The Lord of the Rings (1954?55), within the framework of translation studies and the description of norms within different fields of translation.

Amerikanska på svenska : En kommenterad översättning av ett utdrag ur Bill Brysons populärvetenskapliga språkhistoria Made in America

This thesis comprises a translation from English to Swedish followed by a commentary. The source text (ST) of the translation consists of the second chapter of Made in America (1998), a popularised language history by Bill Bryson. The commentary includes an analysis of the ST and the target text (TT), as well as a discussion of the translation process as a whole, and of the translation strategies applied in order to solve the translation problems of the ST. The theoretical framework of the thesis is based on Toury?s notion of norms (1995), from which the following principle for translating is conceived: to transfer the ST information as faithfully as possible but with the modifications necessary to accommodate the source language competence level of the TT readers, which is estimated to be relatively low.

Lots in Translation. En granskning av etableringsreformen

Regeringens senaste arbetsmarknadsreform som riktar sig mot nyanlända invandrare har brister. Vår granskning visar att systemet är krångligt och kontrollen är dålig. Dessutom omfattas inte en mängd behövande människor av reformen..

Är man farlig bör man vara ärlig : En kvalitativ retorisk analys av fem reklamfilmer för receptfria värktabletter

The purpose of this essay was to analyze rhetorical features of Swedish drug advertising and see if drug advertising could be misleading or not. The study was primarily concentrated on how pills were described and that was the overall picture of pills created in commercials. The essay uses theories of narrative, semiotic, argumentation and theories concerning social communication in advertising. In this study fife TV-ads were analyzed: Alvedon, Ibumetin, Treo, Bamyl, and Ipren. The analysis showed that drug advertising has the potential to be misleading mostly because the overall picture of pills which creates in commercials is strong and kind heroes. .

Kommunikation : mellan reklambyråer och deras uppdragsgivare

Today many companies are using advertising agencies in marketing. That makes the advertising agencies responsible for delivering their clients messages and values to the final customer. Therefore it is very important that communication between an advertising agency and their client works in a way that they have similar marketing goals, despite all the factors that may distract this communication.The object of this essay is to study communication between advertising agencies and their clients, especially when it comes to setting up goals and that way highlight the problems that may occur and to make both the advertising agencies and their clients understand the importance of successful communication.We have done our research by interviewing representatives from advertising agencies and clients to advertising agencies. The interviews have given us some understanding on the subject which we have based our theories on, so we have used an inductive and hermeneutic approach to the subject.By modifying the theories we chose from the beginning and adapting them to the results of our research we have tried to show the advertising agencies and their clients the importance of effective and reliable communication between them. We also want to highlight the problems that may occur in the communication and give advice that hopefully can be used to improve the communication.The communication seems to work well and so does, according to our interviewees the co-operation overall.

Reklam för Responsiva Webbplatser : En studie i hur reklam bör utformas för internet

Advertising in responsive websites is a quite new phenomenon and has therefore, previously not been a target for any mayor research. Todays society, where new technological innovations persistantly supersede others must be seen as a possible changer for how companies advertise to this society. This paper sheds light on many of the difficulties connected with advertising for responsive websites, but also possibilities and advices for the future. Through a litterature review and a focus group with respondents from a large communication agency in Umea?, insights, implications, solutions and thoughts both connected to specific websites but also around advertising for the future as a whole is presented.

Val av destination och reklam : En studie om faktorer som påverkar val av destinationen

The purpose of this study was to examine the various influences and advertising in particular affecting travelers' choice of destination. Data collection was conducted through quantitative method in the form of a survey to identify how travelers choose a destination, and to what extent they are influenced by advertising. Interviewees were travelers who were in Stockholm's central station would be passed on to Arlanda. The results from this study indicate that underlying factors such as economy, security, seasonal and service in place. The results also show that advertising is an important factor in selecting the destination.

Reklamens föränderlighet : En studie ur ett tidsrelaterat perspektiv

Advertisement is something that surrounds us in our everyday life. The two terms marketing and advertising are closely linked together and often considered as the same thing, although they are not. To be able to analyse the term advertisement it is crucial to separate it from the term marketing and observe advertising as a part of the complete marketing. We have two main focuses with this qualitative research and the first one of these is to analyse the changes in advertising when considering style, message and characteristics. The advertiser has a wide range of tools that he or she can use to make commercials follow the trends and changes in society.

Att ragga på de svårflörtade: Om värdet av kampanjsajter för besökare och annonsörer

Campaign websites are a growing Internet based type of advertising, dependent upon the advertisement being actively pursued by consumers. The popularity of campaign websites stands in sharp contrast to the increasing advertising boredom among consumers often discussed in both public media and academic contexts. Despite the increasing importance of this kind of communication, little academic research has been conducted on the subject. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the value of campaign websites for advertisers and consumers. Through a quantitative web based field study combined with an exhaustive qualitative study, we can draw conclusions concerning campaign websites and contribute with a theoretical framework for this type of advertising.

Reklambyråers anpassning till en föränderlig omvärld : En fallstudie om vilka faktorer som är viktiga för att reklambyråer ska överleva på den alltmer konkurrenskraftiga och överetablerade marknaden

Background: Change factors have appeared in advertising and customer understanding has grown among companies, which have led to important competitive advantages. Advertising agencies are not the only ones benefiting from this expertise anymore, but companies are starting to thus take clients from advertising agencies. They are also taking intermediaries, such as production, over more and more jobs from advertising agencies. This has led to an even tougher competition in the market and that advertising agencies are losing their jobs. The increased competition in the market, has also led many companies choosing to change its advertising agency, to think in new and changing strategies in the enterprise.

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