

1556 Uppsatser om Traditional computing - Sida 28 av 104

Nasal smärtbehandling av barn med akuta smärttillstånd inom akutsjukvård och prehospitalt

The aim of thie literature review was to study the advantages and disadventages of the intranasal medication, treating children with acute pain in  prehsopital settings and in emergency care. Searches were performed in databases PubMed and Cinahl. The intranasal method of administrating drugs could be a acceptable compliment to todays's traditional metods. Unnecessary pain is avoided as there is no need for skin penetration. Further studies are necessary in order to integrate this metod both in prehospital settings and in emeregncy care..

Peer-to-peer som företagslösning

Problemområde: Idag är användandet av peer-to-peer (P2P) - applikationer såsom KaZaa, ICQ och Seti@home utbrett bland privatpersoner. Användningen inom företag är dock ännu i sin linda. Vi kommer därför i den här uppsatsen utreda om ett eventuellt införande av P2P- teknik i ett företagsnätverk ger några fördelar jämfört med en klassisk Client/Server-lösning. Hypotes: Arbetet bygger på hypotesen: ?En P2P-lösning ger fördelar för företaget jämfört med en Client/Server-lösning? Genomförande: För jämförelsen mellan P2P och Client/Server definierades och jämfördes fem områden: Säkerhet, Användbarhet, Tillgänglighet, Bandbredd samt Utrustningskrav. Slutsats: Inom områdena Användbarhet och Tillgänglighet ger en P2P-lösning klara fördelar, däremot inom områdena Säkerhet och Bandbredd visar Client/Server- lösningen istället klara fördelar. Området Utrustningskrav är oavgjort då det inte finns någon märkbar skillnad på lösningarna. Säkerhetsproblemen är P2P-teknologins akilleshäl och det problem som är mest troligt att stoppa stora investeringar i framtiden om det inte löses. Slutsatsen av vår jämförelse blir sålunda: För ett företag som redan har ett existerande Client/Server-nätverk är det inte någon idé att helt byta system, däremot kan det vara av intresse att introducera en applikation som möjliggör skapandet av så kallade Virtuella Nätverk. För ett helt nytt företag kan skapandet av ett P2P-nätverk vara ett väl så intressant alternativ till Client/Server.

Serviced apartments in Sweden: Is there a growth opportunity?

The common drivers for hotel accommodation are tourism and business travel and hotel demand seem to outstrip supply in many places. More than 50 % of visitors to Sweden stay at a traditional hotel but is there room for alternate accommodation like serviced apartments besides the traditional hotel for people visiting? These are usually referred to as extended stay or long-stay accommodation. The aim of this thesis project is to explore whether there are growth opportunities for serviced apartments in Sweden. A secondary aim of the thesis project is to identify challenges (if any) to this segment and also to identify the major operators of serviced apartments in Sweden.

Prestandajämförelse mellan Amazon EC2 och privat datacenter

Publika moln har sedan några år tillbaka blivit ett alternativ för olika företag att använda istället för lokala datacenter. Vad publika moln erbjuder är en tjänst som gör det möjligt för företag och privatpersoner att hyra datorkapacitet. Vilket gör att de inte längre behöver spendera pengar på resurser som inte används. Istället för att köpa en stor andel hårdvara och uppskatta hur stor kapacitet som man behöver kan man nu istället så smått börja utöka efter behov eller minska ifall det önskas. Därmed behöver företag inte spendera pengar på hårdvara som inte används eller har för lite datorkapacitet, vilket skulle kunna resultera i att stora batcharbeten inte blir färdiga i tid och i och med det kan företaget förlora potentiella kunder.

Towards an Understanding of Heterosexual Risk-Taking Behaviour Among Adolescents in Lusaka Zambia

This thesis investigates the underlying factors behind sexual risk-taking and non-risk-taking behavior with regard to Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) among adolescents in Lusaka, Zambia. The Qualitative Approach was used for data collection and analysis and using the theory of Social Construction, the author explains how different contexts and aspects in the Zambian Society, that is Traditional, Socio-economic, Political, etc., influence the sexuality or sexual behavior of young people in Zambia. Hermeneutics was used to interpret the meanings in the texts/transcripts acquired through data collection and from the author?s knowledge and understanding of the Zambian historical and cultural contexts within which the participants of the research were constructed. Max Weber?s Ideal Type concept was also used to explain that each young individual?s sexual behavior is uniquely constructed by societal aspects.

Gregorius : Bengt Ohlssons roman Gregorius i dialog med Hjalmar Söderbergs Doktor Glas

This thesis is about the interaction between composition, notation and interpretation and what occurs between the fields with an extended notation.The purpose of my thesis is to examine the possibilities tothoroughly describe and map the sounding samples through composition prototypes.The thesis has a qualitative approach, and the empirical material consists of different documents about notation and from interviews with musicians and students about the instruments used in the thesis.It also consists of 17 compositions recorded at Örebro University School of Music as an appendix.The analysis shows that the context in which the symbols are found, play an important role in performing them. It also shows that the performers are rooted in a traditional way of performing..

God of Pop? : En undersökning om hur Gud porträtteras inom populärmusik

One of the most discussed archaeological subjects is the neolitisation, and the start of a neolithic lifestyle which is characterized by several significant events. The traditional view has been that settled people were cultivating and breeding, but this picture has been questioned and changed in later years. The development is principally based on two models; that already neolithic people immigrated and took over, or that the new lifestyle gradually developed out of the existing cultures. Southern Scandinavia was characterized by a settlement pattern with permanent settlements which were complemented by temporary special settlements, but in time more domestic settlements originated. On the British Isles the settlements didn´t consist of permanent agricultural settlements but instead did the people here move freely between several short term settlements.  .

Kvinnor och män i avlönat omsorgsarbete : Hur kön, etnicitet och sexualitet kommer till uttryck i tal och handling på ett sjukhem

The aim of this study was to describe and analyse the constructions andinterplay of gender, ethnicity and sexuality between female and male careworkersand residents in a nursing home. To explore this from a qualitativeeveryday life?s approach, material was collected through participating observations,interviews, and informal conversation with careworkers and residents.The result points out that historical patterns of gender and caring relatedto this context still matter and affect both careworkers and residents. Forexample, female careworkers talked about the concept of caring as a genuinefemale experience, while male careworkers, who were in a minority, insteadtalked about caring in more gender-neutral words. The result also indicatesthat a larger number of male careworkers not necessarily leads to a highergrade of gender equality.

Växlande molnighet, med risk för ekonomistyrning : En studie om molnbaserad ekonomistyrning samt hur en ny ekonomistyrningsmodul kan utformas till ett existerande molnbaserat redovisningssystem

Denna studie handlar om molnbaserad ekonomistyrning i små och medelstora företag och hur en existerande ekonomistyrningsmodul kan utvecklas i ett molnbaserat redovisningssystem. Fallföretaget i studien är Fortnox AB som vid uppsatsens början hade en ekonomistyrningsmodul som ansågs bristfällig. Prototyping kommer vara en stor del av studiens ansats och den efterliknas med en utvecklingsstudie inom systemutveckling. Den prototyp som utformas och förädlas genom studiens gång ska bidra med att Fortnox får ett bättre redovisningsprogram att erbjuda samt att revisionsbyråer och slutanvändare kan utvinna en bättre ekonomistyrning ur deras redovisningssystem. En sådan här systemutveckling förutspås också få ett par effekter hos små och medelstora företag vilka studien även ska kartlägga.Resultat: En ekonomistyrningsmodul anses enligt denna studie behöva erbjuda anpassningsbarhet, användarvänlighet, enkelhet, överskådlighet, vitalitet, grafisk och designmässig attraktivitet samt interaktion för att få genomslagskraft.

Ungdomar, religion & religiositet En undersökning om ungdomars syn på religion och religiositet

This is a study concern high school student?s view of religion and their religiosity. I dispensed a questionnaire to 124 high school students studying comparative religion in a large high school in Sweden, with the students from different socio-economic backgrounds. The result I came up with is that traditional religion activities have decreased, religion has not disappeared but taken other shapes than before. And I also came up to with the result that more than half of them who answered the survey likes the subject and there are tendencies by them who doesn?t like the high school subject religion that they live in a non-religious family.The study concerns following aspects: sociology, youth, human needs, religion, spirituality and individualization..

Kvinnligt ledarskap -­?i betraktarens öga

The purpose of this study was to examine how employees perceive female chief executiveofficers and if any significant differences between what leadership-skills female and maleco-employees choose to express about female leaders can be observed. The survey isperformed as a qualitative study where three companies within the retail marketparticipated. We collected our empirical data by interviews and observations and usedsocial constructivist theory to look at how individuals construct their subjective view ofreality. The result showed, among others, that female employees often use traditional maleskills to describe the strengths of their female chief, whereas male employees emphasizesmore female skills such as unpretentious and open-minded..

Nätverksbaserade informationssystem : Standardprotokoll ANSI Z39.50/OSI SR

This master thesis examines the development of the two earlier independent IR protocols Z39.50 and SR (Search and Retrieve, ISO 10162/10163), now Z39.50/SR, from the beginning of the 80s to 1996 and their functionality in the client/server environment.Z39.50 applications in library systems will allow easy access to information regardless of platform or location. The use of Z39.50 will create a new user environment. Almost all the library systems of the market support the Z39.50 and surprisingly the use of it in Sweden lied on a very low leve! in 1996. This thesis was followed-up by an interview and a questioner among the Swedish Z39.50 users. They could see a huge potential of development concerning the future IR process.

Arkitekturtävling, Europan 9, Tjörn : att tävla i arkitektur (2007:26)

To me, competing in architecture has always been slightly odd and at the same time exiting. These competitions are one of few occasions were architecture is almost like art. The competition generates a variety of ideas and projects and these are often expressed in a more appetizing and artistic way than traditional architecture. It?s also an art to master the special circumstances and requirements of a competition.

Kartläggning av markberedning i svår terräng på SCA Skog

Due to the requirement for reduced use of insecticides and the lack of competitive mechanical plant protection, you need a scarification with good result. This is often no problem to perform in normal terrain without technical barriers. However, in difficult terrain with large number of rocks and steep slopes, the result would be worse. The purpose of the study is, that in these areas with difficult terrain, to find out the scarified areas quality, describe the non-scarified areas conditions and find out where the limit is for the use of a traditional disc trencher. Findings indicate that there are usually not the machine that is the limit, but the driver of this.

Stambyte eller relining -en studie om ekonomisk och social hållbarhet vid renovering av fastigheter

Denna studie visar hur valet av metod och värderarens antagande påverkar värderingen avbyggrätter. Inledningsvis studeras ett antal faktiska värderingar med avseende på användametoder och antaganden. Vi finner att fastighetsvärderarna i regel använder ortsprismetodenvid värdering av byggrätter, som komplement används ibland en kalkylbaserad metod. Detvisas att fastighetsvärderarens antaganden om framtida bebyggelse i hög grad påverkarvärderingen. I mindre utsträckning påverkar valet av värderingsmodell..

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