1556 Uppsatser om Traditional computing - Sida 27 av 104
Local poultry production in rural Zambia and the effect of light on poultry performance
Zambia is a country in Southern Africa where poverty is widespread and the traditional keeping of local poultry therefore plays a crucial role in improving nutrition. Meat and eggs from poultry are important sources of protein but also of income. Improving the poultry production is thereby a method to fight poverty. For poultry, the access to light is an important factor for both growth and egg production. In this paper, the focus is on the traditional village chickens used for both egg and meat production, how they are kept, their health and welfare and if the use of a solar lamp will influence their behaviour, growth and egg production.
Three studies were conducted in Chibombo and Choma Districts in Zambia were 17 farmers were interviewed regarding the village chicken management of which six farmers participated in a solar lamp experiment.
Markberedningens, planteringspunktens och behållardjupets inflytande på granminiplantors etablering i fält :
A new type of forest tree seedling, called mini seedling, has been developed by the University
of Dalarna in Garpenberg, Sweden. Compared to traditional containerized seedlings
that are grown for 1 ? 2 years, mini seedlings are grown for only 10 weeks. The mini seedlings
are small, easily planted, cost effective, and reduce the amount of chemicals used in
the nursery. Research has shown that mini seedlings tend to have higher overall survival
rates than traditional container seedlings.
Kundlojalitet på den elektroniska marknaden : strategier för att skapa lojala e-handelskunder
In recent years e-commerce has experienced a big increase in usage. Internet however, cannot offer the same level of personal contact as traditional shops can.E-commerce is characterized by impersonal and standardized web shops that do not stimulate any emotional connection between the customer and the company. Without this personal contact with the customer the possibilities for the company to stimulate loyalty decreases. Loyalty however, is as important in e-commerce as it is in traditional commerce. The authors of this paper chose the following problem for the study:What marketing strategies are fortunate for e-commerce companies to use to create loyal customers?To research this subject the authors saw it fit to combine qualitative and quantitative research methods.
Heligt vatten : En jämförande studie om två rituella bad och hur dessa kan kopplas till ämnet religionskunskap på gymnasieskolan.
This essay is about two Swedish folk musicians, Anders Rosén and Leif Stinnerbom, who have been playing two important rolls in the developing process of Swedish folk music, on their separate ways. The main part of this work is focused on the era called ?The Folk Music Vogue?, which was the era when my informants were in the limelight on the Swedish fiddler scene of the 70s.Our music culture is constantly lying under the change of progress and I find it interesting to reflect how these kinds of changes are affecting the role of the musician.In this essay I am reflecting on the different perspectives of the musicianship according to my informants and how they both are referring to their role as musicians. The purpose is further on to see how they have been relating to the change of progress on the field of the Swedish folk music during the 70s and up to this date. Throughout interviews with the informants I am analyzing their personal relationship to their life as folk musicians.
Lärares uppfattning omutomhuspedagogikens påverkan på barn med koncentrationssvårigheter : ? i den traditionella undervisningen
The objective for this study was to acquire a greater insight if children with concentration difficulties are assisted by outdoor education in the traditional teaching. With the use of a qualitative methodology four teachers were interviewed. The outcome gave evidence for that the teachers thought that outdoor education has a positive outcome for children with concentrations difficulties. The findings were divided into three key categories: the teacher?s reflections about outdoor education, outdoor education for children with difficulties in concentration and if there was any difference in how the children behaved indoors after having educations outdoors..
TV-spel i nöjesjournalistiken : En undersökning om tv-spel och recensioner utifrån ett genusperspektiv
This study is about how videogamecompanies and Swedish newspapers represent masculinity and femininity in the covers of the games Assassins Creed 3, Grand Theft Auto 5, Bayonetta and Tomb Raider along with the reviews being done in conjunction with the game. The reviews has been published in the following newspapers: Aftonbladet, Svenska Dagbladet, Expressen and Göteborgsposten. The image that is formed in our society about how a man and a woman should be and behave will be the basics of this study. The covers of the games often represent what the game itself is about and what it contains and the reviews also conveys what the consumer who buys the game gets. The video game industry has grown in recent years to become one of the largest entertainmentindustries, but despite this, there has not been many studies on how this media represents masculinity and femininity.
Forensiska Undersökningar av Molntjänster
Användning av molntjänster har gjort forensiska undersökningar mer komplicerade. Däremot finns det goda förutsättningar om molnleverantörerna skapar tjänster för att få ut all information. Det skulle göra det enklare och mer tillförlitligt.Informationen som ska tas ut från molntjänsterna är svår att få ut på ett korrekt sätt. Undersökningen görs inte på en skrivskyddad kopia, utan i en miljö som riskerar att förändras. Det är då möjligt att ändringar görs under tiden datan hämtas ut, vilket inte alltid syns.
I gränslandet mellan not och ton : - notbilden i nykomponerad musik
This thesis is about the interaction between composition, notation and interpretation and what occurs between the fields with an extended notation.The purpose of my thesis is to examine the possibilities tothoroughly describe and map the sounding samples through composition prototypes.The thesis has a qualitative approach, and the empirical material consists of different documents about notation and from interviews with musicians and students about the instruments used in the thesis.It also consists of 17 compositions recorded at Örebro University School of Music as an appendix.The analysis shows that the context in which the symbols are found, play an important role in performing them. It also shows that the performers are rooted in a traditional way of performing..
Partnering på Carlstad Conference Center : En jämförelse åt Byggbolaget i Värmland AB
Partnering is a new and exciting way of cooperation in the Swedish construction industry. In countries like Denmark and the United Kingdom the concept has been developed during a number of years while the Swedish construction industry has been more reluctant.Partnering is seen by many as the solution to the problems that often occur in design and build contracts. Many others believe that it is a way for the big entrepreneurs to gain unfair advantage. Never the less the concept is fast getting more and more appreciation, especially in the region of Karlstad where many new buildings are built that way.We have focused on the new development of Carlstad Conference Center (CCC) which is currently built with a partnering concept. The main method that have been used in this thesis are interviews with personnel on different positions in the project.
Ansökan om körkortstillstånd via Internet
Länsstyrelsen i Stockholms län hade en projektidé som gick ut på att det skulle
skapas en Internetbaserad ansökan för körkortstillstånd med behörighet B,
inklusive hälsodeklaration. Även en optiker skulle kunna fylla i ett
synundersökningsformulär via webben. Dessa skulle sedan knytas ihop för
behandling av den Länsstyrelse där den sökande bor. Alla personer som skall
använda tjänsten måste inneha ett personligt medborgarcertifikat som används
för elektronisk signering av ansökan. Optikern behöver ett företagscertifikat
för att identifiera sig.
Vi utvecklade två interaktiva användargränssnitt samt ett gränssnitt där
administratören kunde hantera all data som inkommit.
Studenternas bankmarknad; en förändrad studentpopulations förhållande till banker
Banks are an important institution for the economy of a society. During the
later years the world of banking has changed. Several new actors have entered
the market and taken over traditional bankservices as well as new ones. The way
of conducting banking has changed with the event of new technology. One of the
banks customer segments, the students have also been under a change.
With a changed market companies have to adapt to the new rules of the game.
En studie av SSL
Dokumentet är ett resultat av studier gjorda under kursen Kandidatarbete I
Datavetenskap. Arbetet utforskade, genom fallstudie, två egenskaper av
distribuerade informationssystem och relation mellan dessa: säkerhet och
prestanda. Målet med fallstudien har varit att belysa nackdelen med användning
av Secure Socker Layer (SSL) dvs. dess effekt på hastigheten och fördelen med
SSL, dvs. SSL:s roll i informationssäkerhetsarbetet.
Arbetet visar hur prestanda i ett tillämpad distribuerat informationssystem kan
påverkas av en SSL tillämpning.
Kan företag kontrollera sitt varumärke online? : En kvalitativ studie om villkoren fo?r marknadskommunikation i sociala medier
Purpose: This study aims to investigate the conditions that prevail when companies put their marketing in social media with the purpose of creating a perception of the risks and opportunities it brings to businesses and ultimately how it may affect the corporate image and identity.Theories: The basis of the problem area are presented through a theoretical framework with the purpose of highlighting the notions of social media, communi- cation, marketing communication, groundswell, corporate identity and image.Methodology: To investigate the research questions this study adopted a qualitative approach in which the authors study the properties of a phenomenon in order to seek a deeper understanding of the problems we have presented. There is an exploratory approach to knowledge and the authors have chosen to conduct qualitative research interviews based upon three themes: driving forces, challenges and impacts.Conclusion: The study revealed that traditional models of communication are no longer applicable in social media. Companies are up for a challenge and must clarify their sole purpose when establishing communication in the social landscape. The general motivation for marketing in social media is making profit, however, building relationships is not a natural motive for most companies. The risks companies expe- rience is the exposure caused by social media and the study also reveals that this fear is firmly attached to their lack of knowledge of these new channels of communicat- ion and their primary areas of use which indicates that skilled employees plays a vi- tal role with their use of social media in their communication process.
Kommunfullmäktigeledamöters sociala representation -en fallstudie i tre svenska kommuner av kön, ålder och etnicitet
The purpose of the thesis has been to explore the use of hedge fund styles when constructing portfolios of hedge funds (i.e. funds of hedge funds). The central question is if the use of hedge fund styles can significantly explain and improve risk adjusted returns (characterized by Sharpe ratios). The study has been done in collaboration with Optimized Portfolio Management AB who desire further knowledge and evaluation of hedge fund styles for their fund of hedge funds.To be able to create successful ex ante portfolios we have explored various prediction models for both risk and return. Our findings indicate that return prediction is problematic using simple models such as regression since the risk exposure of the indices appear to change significantly over time.
Multimedia och museer : En uppsats om förväntningar, problem och nya målgrupper
?Multimedia and museums - A thesis about expectations, problems and new target audiences? is a thesis about what it means for museums to work with multimedia in it´s public activities today. This paper also focuses on how this development is received by museum employees. Amongst other issues questions concerning new target audiences, application areas and economy is discussed. References are made to both the current discussion about new media and more traditional issues concerning museums, like authenticity for example..