

1267 Uppsatser om Top 10 requirements - Sida 28 av 85

Internationella skillnader i uppfyllelsegraden av IFRS upplysningskrav för goodwill : En jämförelse mellan Sverige och Storbritannien

Since 2005 the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has prescribed a mandatory requirement that all ?Publicly Consolidated Entities? abide by the ?International Financial Reporting Standards? (IFRS). However, due to a difference in institutional elements, between countries, differences in financial reporting are still possible. This essay aims to identify such differences between Swedish and British companies in their adaptation of the IFRS, specifically differences in; ?Disclosure Requirements for Goodwill? specified in ?IAS 36 p 134?.

Mail Exchange Protocol (MEP): Ett utkast till nytt protokoll för elektronisk post

SMTP, the current protocol for sending electronic mail (e-mail) over the Internet, has for many years suffered from several problems and limitations. When it was designed, well over twenty years ago, the requirements for e-mail were very different from those of today. A message was a text message in English, and both user and machine were explicitly named in the address. The protocol was not designed to transfer other types of messages, and no mechanism was included to verify the identity of the sender.In order to solve these shortcomings, a new e-mail protocol needs to be defined. This report specifies a basis for what such a protocol may look like.

Styrning inom en ideell organisation : Självstyrningens praktik inom Friskis&Svettis

This paper examines the non-profit organization Friskis&Svettis in order to gain insight into whether governmentality is used and if it is being used in what way. Furthermore we analyzed the requirements and consequences that that may have developed out of this governance structure. To get answers to the questions asked in this paper, a qualitative approach has been taken by the use of interviews with officials at Friskis&Svettis Uppsala. The conclusions drawn from the survey is that there are factors that indicate that governmentality is used within the organization by way of the use of guidelines which can be seen as a technique to control individuals and point them in the desired direction, and the follow-ups that can verify that the guidelines are being followed by the officials. The guidelines and the follow-up have also been an organizational requirement.

Utfackningsvägg av lättbetongblock i passivhus

AbstractThis report intends through a case study to investigate if lightweight concrete isappropriate as main material in the outer wall of a seven storey residential building.A technical design is carried out in accordance with the definitions and requirementsfor passive houses, given by FEBY?s1 ?Demand specification for passive houses?.A literature review is also carried out for a comparison between regular bolt wall andlight weight concrete wall, with a focus on the safety of moisture.The lightweight concrete block used in the report is as a celblock produced by thecompany H+H Sweden AB.The methods used have resulted in compliance with requirements andrecommendations from authorities. Calculations of energy, noise and moisture riskassessment has been carried out.The work has resulted in the conclusion that the lightweight concrete itself is notable to isolate in the extent necessary to obtain chosen U-value of 0,1 W/m2 ° C,without getting to thick. Therefore additional insulation is needed. There are fewrelevant reference objects built with only light weight concrete.

Use Case : en teknik för att representera krav i RE-processen

Detta examensarbete ger en introduktion till Requirements Engineering (RE), kravprocessen i informationssystemutveckling. Det slutliga informationssystemet är i stor utsträckning beroende av en effektiv RE-process. Ett framgångsrikt informationssystem beror på hur väl det färdiga systemet stämmer överens med användarens och andra intressenters behov och förväntningar. Use Case är en teknik som kan användas i RE-processen för att representera krav. Arbetets syfte är att finna de för- och nackdelar som finns med Use Case för att representera krav.

Mässa tur och retur : En intervjustude, enkät och observation

This paper deals with the question of why companies choose to go on trade fairs and exhibition examines how the media works. The essay's main focus is on stand contractors and why those hired to produce other company stands. The study is based on three interviews, a visit to a trade fair and a questionnaire survey. Together with the relevant literature is given a clear picture of how companies are thinking in their choice of attending the fairs, but also why stand contractors are involved in the process. We concluded that some companies do not know why they participate in fairs and many feel compelled to contribute to not be forgotten in the market.

Fo?rstudie fo?r automatisering av skateboardtillverkning

This report is based on a thesis that was carried out during spring 2012. The report covers the development of a preliminary study to Performance Sk8. The purpose of the study is to facilitate and contribute inspiration to Performance Sk8 to run an automation project to bring home their production to Sweden from China. The reason is to gain a greater ability to control quality, produce smaller batches and reduce the cycle time to reduce costs.The goal is that the preliminary study shall meet the requirements and wishes Performance Sk8 and other partners defined. The pre study will contain different cost proposals for the automation of selected process and serve as a basis for procurement of the equipment.The pre study has resulted in some proposed solutions to the various steps required to automate Performance Sk8 ?s production.

Övergripande kvalitets och kapabilitets granskning av produktionsprocessen ? en implementering av SPS. : Overall Quality and Capability Study of the Production Process ? an Implement of SPC.

Quality was earlier only an issue for the company?s quality departments but today is the entire organization involved in quality- and improvements work. With the customers in focus, both external and internal, quality and improvement work should be integrated in the daily activities. The management shall state goals and visions together with a policy. Through participation the correct requirements for a successful work are created.With SPC, statistics process control, there is an opportunity to perceive variations in the process and with the correct tools make it stable.

Upplevd trafiksäkerhet med mittbarriär

AbstractThis report intends through a case study to investigate if lightweight concrete isappropriate as main material in the outer wall of a seven storey residential building.A technical design is carried out in accordance with the definitions and requirementsfor passive houses, given by FEBY?s1 ?Demand specification for passive houses?.A literature review is also carried out for a comparison between regular bolt wall andlight weight concrete wall, with a focus on the safety of moisture.The lightweight concrete block used in the report is as a celblock produced by thecompany H+H Sweden AB.The methods used have resulted in compliance with requirements andrecommendations from authorities. Calculations of energy, noise and moisture riskassessment has been carried out.The work has resulted in the conclusion that the lightweight concrete itself is notable to isolate in the extent necessary to obtain chosen U-value of 0,1 W/m2 ° C,without getting to thick. Therefore additional insulation is needed. There are fewrelevant reference objects built with only light weight concrete.

Minimumkrav för ett CI-system

När en grupp utvecklare jobbar med samma kodbas kan konflikter uppstå med avseende på implementationen av moduler eller delsystem som varje utvecklare individuellt jobbar på. Dessa konflikter måste snabbt lösas för att projektet ska fortskrida och inte stagnera. Utvecklare som sällan kommunicerar framför ofta okompatibla moduler eller delsystem som kan vara svåra eller omöjliga att integrera i kodbasen, detta leder ofta till s.k. ?integration hell? där det kan ta väldigt lång tid att anpassa ny kod till en befintlig kodbas. En strategi som man kan ta till är ?continuous integration?, ett arbetssätt som erbjuder en rad fördelar när man jobbar i grupp på en gemensam kodbas.

När vikten blir det viktigaste

The aim of this investigation work " What was it called...Equality...? is to study a clinics current gender equailty plan from a gender approach and by a field survey see if, and in that case, how it can be improved. A connection between existing gender norms and gender power strukctures is applied in the results of this survey in order to illustrate their significance from an individual as well as a structural perspektive.The survey has been carried through by a field survey as well as a discourse analysis as method. Yvonne Hirdmans gender power system is on of the main theoretical points of departure.The results that I have achieved in this essay is that gender can be looked at in different ways within the labour market where women have the main responsibility over the family and are considered more nursing then men. Men on the other hand are thinking of their carriers and have higher salary requirements.

Kravspecifikationens innehåll och struktur : en jämförelse med byggbranschens kontraktshandlingar

Dynamiken i det moderna samhället gör att förutsättningarna för företag och organisationer ständigt förändras. Informationssystemen blir då väldigt viktiga för att företagen skall få rätt information i rätt tid. Även informationssystemen måste ibland förändras och kraven på ett nytt informationssystem anges i en kravspecifikation. Denna kravspecifikation upprättas i den del av systemutvecklingsarbetet som kallas för requirements engineering (RE).Denna rapport är ett examensarbete inom det systemvetenskapliga programmet vid Högskolan i Skövde. Författaren har tidigare arbetat som byggnadsingenjör i flera år och gör i detta arbete en jämförelse mellan byggbranschens kontraktshandlingar och systemutvecklingsområdets kravspecifikation.

Give me five - till bilderbokens försvar : En kvalitativ utvärdering av litteratururvalet till ett bok- och berättarprojekt för förskolebarn

The purpose of this this thesis is to evaluate the books that the Library Project "Give me five" uses accoring to their own project objective. Starting in the discussion of censorship that took place in Swedish media, the goal of the project is to defend picture books that portray child's inner and outer worlds. Some of the books are selected by librarians and some preschool teachers themselves have chosen. I have a in a thematic analysis examined if the books' themes meet the requirements of the project goals and if there is any difference on the books that preschool teachers chosen and the ones that the librarians have selected. I have in a image analysis investigated whether they have used books that challenge children's imagery, and if the books portray children's outer world.

Hastighetsmätning av kolvrörelser i pneumatiska cylindrar

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate different methods do measure velocity of pistons in pneumatic cylinders at Bosch Rexroth Teknik AB. Through information of velocity the adjustment of a cylinders damping can be done easier.A future transducer will be used by salesmen, service personnel and customers. This requires a sensor that is easy to apply and use. It is also desirable that the sensor is cheap. A number of possible methods to measure velocity have been presented.

Adoption : En komparativrättslig studie om lagstiftning, myndigheternas arbete i adoptionsprocesser samt säkerställandet av barnets rättigheter i Sverige och Norge

This essay discusses in a comparative way the Swedish and Norwegian legal system, mainly laws that contain adoption regulations. It also compares the administrative work that the government in both countries practices in relation to the individual person. In this essay, focus lies on the legal rights of the child in the adoption process and how well the government and its service meet the requirements from abroad.This essay has shown that the government has many rules and regulations that regulate their work and that all the sub processes are designed to ensure the child?s best in the adoption in both Sweden and Norway. Despite some differences in the investigation process, the work is very much alike.

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