5174 Uppsatser om Tool for change - Sida 29 av 345
Utvärdering av en FPGA för rymdbruk
A new FPGA suitable for space applications has just reached the market. To investigate whether there are any possible flaws or limitations similar to those previously seen on FPGAs, an evaluation has to be done. This master thesis contains the evaluation of this new radhard FPGA with focus on possible design limitations and package related electrical phenomena.Areas evaluated: Ground-/VDD bounce, Cross talk, Rise time sensitivit, Power cycling, Power consumption, Place and route tool, Radiation hardnessThis report contains all steps in the evaluation. From method to measurements, comparisons, theory, results and conclusions. In the evaluation work, special effort has been made to develop designs that really stress the FPGA to find potential problems.
IKT och Pedagogik : En kvalitativ studie om datorbaserad undervisning och elevutveckling utifrån språklärares perspektiv
The purpose of this paper was to investigate the foremost teachers thinking of computers in teaching, how they work practically with computers as a tool, and if it is reflected in the students' school performance. To carry out this study, I used qualitative interviews as a method and I have interviewed four teachers where two works at the high school and two in upper secondary school. Both schools use computers in teaching as a supplementary tool for teaching materials. All teachers have similar ideas regarding what purpose one should use the computer and in which way, but the important thing is that the teachers and students receive an introductory course in how to use computers. Educators agree that this approach is and can promote students' language and knowledge regardless of the subject.My informants have come up with own methods that they use in the digital classroom including Skype, YouTube, Facebook and flippedclassroom where one can learn from other educators working.
Att vårda en person som drabbats av stroke : Anhörigas upplevelser
Background: Each year approximately 30 000 people suffer from stroke in Sweden, often with substantial mental and physical consequences. Those who suffered from stroke handled the situation by mourning what they had lost and by accepting their changed body and life situation. For those who provide care for people who has suffered a stroke help and support was required. The caring science perspective was based upon caring and suffering. Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe family caregivers? experiences of caring for persons who had suffered a stroke.
Arbetsgivarens primära förhandlingsskyldighet samt undantag från densamma enligt 2 § MBL
AbstractThe employer is obliged to initiate negotiations with the union organization to which the employer is bound by a collective agreement. This applies both to decisions which imply a substantial change in workplace operations or employment conditions of the individual employee. In case law this obligation has been very extensive through all cases that have been up in the Swedish Labor court. Due to this fact the employer?s duty to negotiate has been interpreted very broadly.
The purpose of this study is to get an understanding about how municipalities in Sweden integrate climate-change into the social planning; especially the risk of flooding. To get a good picture of the planning process, background about the following are given; flooding, social planning and protective measures that can be taken against flooding. Three municipalities in the south of Sweden is studied; Halmstad, Vellinge and Kristianstad. They have in their work progressed differently and Kristianstad is the municipality that already has taken measures to protect themselves against flooding. The other two have only started to plan for the future threat.
Är demokratin i förändring? : En analys av demokratibegreppet i läroböcker i samhällskunskap för åk 4-6
The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not there has been a change in the use of democratic values in textbooks in social science for classes 4-6. The focus lies on democratic values from two different theoretical perspectives, Dahl?s theory of democracy and Habermas deliberative democracy. The method used is a text analysis based on a model made by Lennart Hellspong. The material we?ve analysed consists of four textbooks in social science from different decades, with a range from 1981 until today.
Misslyckandedekonstruktion - en metod att analysera tidigt entreprenöriellt misslyckande
Entrepreneurial failure is probably a subject that is not well understood. This might have to do with the methodological difficulties of screening out failed entrepreneurs. In this thesis a tool is developed for analyzing supposed entrepreneurial failure. In this model entrepreneurs are surrounded by different stake holders. By using the failure deconstruction model to analyze my own entrepreneurial effort I find that it has neither been a successful project nor a disastrous one.
SmartMedia-controller på chip
This report deals with the design of a controller for SmartMedia? flash memory cards, based on a hardware description found in the SmartMedia? Interface Library - SMIL. The design was made on logic gate level, using standard cells in OrCAD Capture. After simulation of the design in PSpice A/D, it was exported as an EDIF netlist, which was used to make a chip layout in L-Edit, a layout tool for making integrated circuits. The layout was made using a method called Standard Place and Route - SPR, where the layout tool places standard cells from a library and connects them according to the EDIF netlist.
Snöskydd för luftspalter och ventilerande vindsutrymmen
This master thesis was written for Arla Foods and the result of the thesisserves to gain Arla Foods in its work with chemical hazardous and to bringnew academic results. The thesis aims to create a common methodology forrisk analysis with the handling of chemicals.The theories displayed in this thesis focuses on different risk managementmethods in order to build up a framework out of which a risk management toolwas created. The main primary data source consists of interviews held withemployees within Arla Foods at different facilities.The risk management tool can be found in appendix K.Available recommendations for how to evaluate risks with chemicals can befound at appropriate government agencies. These recommendations aredrawn up to suite small and medium enterprises and therefore are to narrowto make a good foundation for analysing chemical risks at large companies.With the legislation and government demands in mind, a tool has beencreated to fit a large company?s needs when managing chemical risks.
Vetenskap, Teknologi och Ontologiska frågor
This essay is a study that takes interest in technical and technological change essential to philosophy of science. What is shown is the importance of an active attitude towards this change, by the articulation of the question: Does technical development lead to new ontological questions for science? - and by the answer that such questions do appear.It is clear that passive assumptions in this matter might prohibit science in the proceeding search for truth.By examples of ways in which technical development helps and challenges science, it is concluded that scrutiny of the relationship between technical development and ontological suppositions and hypotheses within science is well motivated..
Organisationsförändring: hur agil projektledning kan bidra till att motståndet minskas
Metod/Method: Semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med kommunchefen,
personalchefen, fyra medarbetare och en facklig representant i Sala kommun.
Materialet från intervjuerna analyserades sedan bland annat med hjälp av två av
Morgans organisationsmetaforer, Kotters 8 steg, agil projektledning och Derbys
tidigare forskning inom området./ Semi-structured interviews have been
conducted with the local head of government, the human resource manager, four
employees and a union member in Sala kommun. The material from the interviews
was then analyzed with help from Morgans organizational metaphors, Kotters 8
step, agile project management and Derbys earlier research on the area.
Slutsatser/Results: En organisationsförändring enligt agil projektledning
innebar att de teoretiska rekommendationerna för hur en organisationsförändring
ska genomföras följdes. Att personalen gjordes delaktig i förändringen gjorde
att motståndet mot organisationsförändringen kunde minimeras vilket var den
största fördelen. De nackdelar som fanns med en agil projektledning vid
organisationsförändringen var i princip obefintliga i jämförelse med
fördelarna./ Organizational change according to agile project management made
sure that the presented theoretical recommendations on how to succeed with
organizational change were followed.
Betygssystemskiftena 1995 och 2012 : Hur kunskapssynen speglas i politiskt ställningstagande
This report describes a comparative study of the change in grading system in the year of 1995 and the coming year of 2012. The objective is to analyze and compare the political debate from two Swedish parties, the Social democrats and the Moderates, from a number of the parties political periodicals. Futher the objective is to show, from the periodicals debate, what approach to knowledge the parties are presenting. The theoretical base of this study is rooted in the political background of grading system and in literature defining different theories about knowledge and approach to knowledge. The investigation is qualitative and the main research method is text analysis.The conclusions is that the parties overall stood their ground and kept their opinions throughout the two debates and the change in grade systems.
En komparativ studie av matematikböcker i grundskolan 1842-2006
This paper is a study of some of the mathematics textbooks that were used in Swedish public schools from 1842 to the present. During this period several revisions of the curriculum took place and led to a change of contents in the various books. The first part is a description of the books chosen and highlights from each are given and compared with the corresponding curriculum. Also social and political change and the role of men and women can be studied in the examples presented. A comparison between similar topics and how they were accounted for in the older versus the newer books follows suite.
Ungdomstjänstens betydelse för en förändring av ungdomars attityder till brottsligt beteende
The essay investigates juvenile offenders experiences of the sanction ?ungdomstjänst? and how it may change attitudes towards committing criminal acts. The essay introduces qualitative interviews with four juvenile offenders, which have all executed ?ungdomstjänst?. The juveniles experiences of features that can be a part of the attitude change have been analyzed with a model of the motivation process, called ?Fyra F?, and four elements of persuading, which can affect an attitude change.
Cotonouavtalet - egenskaper och orsaker. En studie utifrån liberalistiskt och protektionistiskt perspektiv
The EU has for a long time had a special relationship with its former colonies in Africa Caribbean and the Pacific, called the ACP?countries. This relationship is about to change radically with the new partnership agreement signed in June 2000 in Cotonou. This essay aims to study the EU ?ACP Partnership Agreement from the perspectives of two different theories: The liberalist, free-trade policy theory and the nationalist/regionalist, protectionist theory.