

6205 Uppsatser om Tillgänglig design - Sida 7 av 414

Svensk design i MoMAs samling : en studie om samlingens samband med marknadsföringen av svensk design i USA 1930-1960

Museum of Modern Art har varit mycket tongivande för historieskrivningen och definitionen av modernismen, "the international style". Svensk modernisms mest kärnfulla period 1930-1960, representeras av 55 objekt i MoMAs arkitektur och designsamling. De svenska objekten i samlingen visar på en reception av svensk design som mest inflytelserik under 1950-talet. Årtiondet är det mest välrepresenterade, till antalet objekt räknade, men ger också den mest representativa bilden av hur svensk design marknadsfördes i USA.De mest inflytelserika tillfällena för marknadsföringen av svensk design i USA under åren 1930-1960 är enligt konstprofessor Jeff Werner (Medelvägens estetik: Sverigebilder i USA), världsutställningen i Chicago 1933, världsutställningen i New York 1939 och utställningen Design in Scandinavia 1954-1957. Knappt hälften av de representerade formgivarna i MoMAs samling fanns med under marknadsföringen ,vilket kan visa på samband mellan marknadsföringen och samlingens karaktär..

En snygg fasad är inte allt : En studie om tillit och säkerhet inom svensk e-handel

Trust is the most important thing for a webshop. The consumers must be able to feel trust to choose to submit their personal information to a webshop. In this study we examine the impact that design has on the consumers trust and confidence. We study six consumers that are engaged in e-commerce in their everyday life. By allowing these participants to be presented with two different webshops, an assessement could be made in both how much design is affecting and also which parts of the design that leads to trust and lack of trust.

Ägglocksmaskin : Produktutveckling på en maskin som hanterar ägglocken

The project has involved the development of two kinds of shooting targets in partnership with Marcus Bergkvist and Christopher Ã…kerblom. The project from the client was divided into two parts. This thesis discusses solutions for hands-on transport, development of tripods and an overall design. The second thesis affect resetting systems for the products.The work was done with a process and methodology based on design perspectives. This process has involved the search of relevant data which has provided the platform and opportunity for appropriate and purposeful design work.Concept development has been done using hand sketches and Photoshop, where a simple visualization of different concepts for the tripods has been produced.

Att gestalta utan plats : en redogörelse för en teambaserad gestaltningsprocess

The Landscape Architecture Program at SLU, Ultuna provide several design courses. Within these courses, students are mainly introduced to one type of design process, a process based on the specific site and its conditions, known as Genius Loci. This report presents a course and a design methodology from Cornell University which aims to provide students with tools for a more conceptual way of thinking about design and architecture. The design method is presented in two stages. First an introduction to the course description and objectives.

Gapet mellan teori och praktik i pappersprototypande : en studie i diskrepans mellan det ideala arbetssättet akademin förespråkar och hur praktikern faktiskt arbetar

This study presents an alternate viewpoint to the strive to overcome the gap between research and practitioners within paper prototyping in interaction design. Earlier research identifies three aspects of this gap, which is:Practitioners being unaware of interaction design methods and theoriesPractitioners being aware, but choosing not to apply these methods and theories, due to time, budget and constraints of labourPractitioners and research having different perspective on similar design issuesOur study was done by carrying out qualitative interviews with interaction designers based on two digital design bureaus. One of the bureaus has an expressed link to research: the other has not. Our hypothesis is that the gap would manifest as a difference in work practice between the two bureaus.Our study shows that the two bureaus have similarities in work practice and that this work practice is based on scientific methods and theories, but is adapted to fit the client and/or the project. We conclude that the overcoming of the gap might not be necessary.


Bakgrund: Missbruk av substanser ?r ett globalt problem och kr?ver insatser fr?n h?lso- och sjukv?rd f?r att b?de hj?lpa personer att ta sig ur ett missbruk och hantera andra symtom eller sjukdomar. Samtidigt ?r det l?ngt ifr?n alla som har missbruk som s?ker v?rd n?r de beh?ver f? hj?lp. Ovilja att s?ka v?rd kan resultera i negativa konsekvenser p? b?de individ- och samh?llsniv?.

Dimensionering av hjälptransformator

The aims of the following project has beento make a proposition how to create aspecific kind of transformer. Thefollowing report evaluates the differentimportant variables and contains asuggestion for a possible design. Intheory it's an ordinary transformer that'ssuppose to transform electrical effect toa high voltage line. The design of thetransformer is using an already existingcurrent transformer design and is adjustedto work for it's specific purpose. Theproject also contains the developing of atransformer simulation model that will beused to evaluate and optimize thedimensions of the resulting transformer..

Energieffektivitet Hos Dubbelskalsfasader

Today multi-touch technology is the basis for many new techniques designed to improve interactions with computers and mobile devices. It seems that multi-touch screen interface makes the user handling very natural in the sense that there is no need for a manual in how to interact with the object on the screen. The aim with this paper is to establish a fundamental set of design principles intended specifically for large multi-touch interfaces. To reach this goal we have implemented a couple of sub-goals beforehand: It was essential that we acquired a good understanding of the current state of the multi-touch interface and the different implementations that exist today. To make this possible we constructed a multi-touch display, "Rosie". Knowing how the hardware is produced today will help us understand the limitations and also the possibilities of the design implementations today and in the future. We also needed to devise a sound interaction design process that conveys the modern designers work.

Design av lättöppnad färdigmatsförpackning: Inriktning hållbar utveckling

Ett utvecklingsarbete av en miljövänlig färdigmatsförpackning, lätt att öppna för reumatiker, har utförts i samarbete med CC Pack i Tibro. Förpackningen är tänkt för bruk inom äldrevårdens hemtjänst. Utvecklingsarbetet utfördes genom främst fokusgruppsundersökningar och tester av funktionsmodeller. En livscykelanalys med referens i dagens plasttråg som används på hemtjänsten i Skövde har utförts för att ta reda på vilket av de två slutkoncepten som var mest miljövänlig. Tydligt vid intervjuer och studiebesök var att en rundare och mer färgglad förpackning önskades.

Green-urban balance : a proposal for balancing green area preservation and urban development in the city of Uppsala

Rapid urbanization causes competition over land use between green area preservation and urban development in cities and greatly affects ecosystems as well as human well-being. This conflict is significant all around the world as many cities are now replacing existing green areas with new developments. The area around Dag Hammarskjöld's väg in Uppsala is currently experiencing the same conflict, as the need that the city has for new housing represents a threat for the many valuable green areas that are in the site. The purpose of this project was to understand how the need of urban development and the preservation of green areas could be balanced. This understanding would thereafter be used to make a design proposal for the area around Dag Hammarskjöld's väg.

Flow i fokus : processen att göra ett spel genom research through design

Starting out as a minor form of amusement, the game industry has become one of the most lucrative andsuccessful in the entertainment business competing against giants such as television, movies and music.As the internal competition within the developer community grows companies work hard at discoveringnew ways to attract and keep customers. By having a playcentric approach focusing on user experiencethey hope to achieve that goal. This thesis describes the process of designing a game with focus on theplayer. We apply the concept of flow on game development and investigate through research throughdesign if we are able to create a game that keeps the player in flow.Play tests showed several elements such as control issues and too difficult challenges early in the game,affecting the possibility for players to experience flow while playing. These negative factors came to becalled flowleakers.

Design för ett hållbart samhälle : En undersökning om hållbar design samt dess drivkrafter och hinder

Sustainable design - a study on sustainable design and its incentives and barriersThe purpose of this study was to investigate the incentives and barriers existing within companies focusing on eco-design. The aim was also to examine the consumers? thoughts on eco-design and sustainable products. A further aim was to try to concretize important lessons for future work on sustainable production and consumption. Two methods were used for completing this study; a literature study and a practical study consisting of interviews with companies focusing on eco-design and a survey among students.

La?ttillga?ngligt eller lo?jligt? : ?En studie av attityder till ungdomsmottagningarnas webbtexter.

Syftet med denna uppsats a?r att underso?ka om och hur va?l texterna pa? ungdomsmottagningarnas gemensamma webbplats UMO na?r fram till gymnasister samt hur texterna va?rderas av dem. 110 gymnasielever fra?n tre olika teoretiska gymnasieprograms andraa?rsklasser besvarade en enka?t baserad pa? tva? av webbplatsens texter. Resultatet av enka?ten analyserades med Shannon & Weavers matematiska kommunikationsmodell (1949) och Fiskes (2009) synsa?tt pa? lyckad respektive misslyckad kommunikation.

Att presentera en produkt som inte existerar : En rapport om designprocessen av en presentationswebbplats för PROSK8?s nya produktkoncept

Denna rapport beskriver processen av skapandet av en webbaserad säljpresentation av en av företaget PROSK8?s planerade produkter. Målet med presentationen är att skapa nyfikenhet och förtroende genom visuell design och ska fungera som ett verktyg och stöd för företagets presentatörer vid möten med investerare. Centralt för denna process är upplevelsedesign, varför utgångspunkten för arbetsflödet bygger på Jesse James Garretts modell av ?The elements of user experience?.

Sittande i väntan på hållbarhet - Nyhaga vilfåtölj

The Sitting while waiting for sustainability project goal was to make a functional model for a resting chair and to make it by using furniture and artefacts as material. A try of understanding the process of re-design and to use it to design was driving the project through. The result was a prototype made out of a bed frame and 18 pair of jeans and with details made out of leather..

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