

6205 Uppsatser om Tillgänglig design - Sida 6 av 414

KlÀtterladan -en rumsgestaltning för klÀttrare

I design a service building for the climbingcompany KlÀttertorpet.KlÀttertorpet is a small company that is situated outside Lysekil.KlÀttertorpet o!ers courses in climbing and campingsite."e new building will include kitchen, room for socialmeetings,gym, a small shop and safety lockers. "e starting point revolvesaround how to capture the companys values and philosophyin the design. "e purpose was to add value to the companythrough the design and for myself to get more experience ofworking with a client. During the project questions developedin to how to work with the hole lifecycle of the inertial in mindand how to make the place attractive to climbers. I worked withmodels, moodboards and sculptures to explore the form.

Ramar och reflektion : Om designprocessen som didaktiskt alternativ

By studying literature concerning design, didactics and reflection, and complementing those explorations with interviews with experienced design educators, this thesis challenges the idea of aesthetic media education being purely aesthetic in its characteristics. Drawing from their own experiences as a media aesthetics educator and an industrial designer, the two authors argue that the work flow used within most fields of design, commonly known as the design process, might provide a suitable didactic alternative to a field of education lacking relevant methodology. The literature study offers a better understanding of the design process and how it may be defined and viewed within an educational context. The interviews provide a more practical insight into the world of design education. The result shows that the design process as a didactical method theoretically offers both elements of critical thinking as well as direction and frames for students lacking aesthetic and artistic experience.

Roadmate re:design : Design- och utvecklingsprocessen vid redesign av en digital tjÀnst

This report describes the initial work intended for updating the car sharing service Roadmate. Roadmate is one of the services received by the car rental company Hertz First Rent a Car. The goal was to present the client with design- and structure proposals for a car sharing service that includes high usability and at the same time remains aesthetically pleasing.The work is based on an initial study with data collection, mapping the target user group and its needs. Subsequent structural and design proposals for Roadmates company carpooling service are based on the facts surrounding the target group's needs. The result are well developed and tested design sketches with accompanying visual identity and sitemaps that can be the basis for the further work on the development of the service..

Att formge avatarer med hÀnsyn till anonymitet

This paper describes the process of producing avatars for Jiddr. Today, social media surrounds the lives of youth, and communication via the Internet is an everyday occurrence for most people. Jiddr is an app that was created to give youths a platform for engaging with adults and other youths. It is a moderated forum which gives young people the opportunity to come i contact with adult role models who are knowledgable within various subject areas. On Jiddr, users are anonymous, and this is something I have placed much importance on during the design process.

Bioorganisk fastfas syntes för att skapa intelligenta ytor

This thesis investigates three different surface modifications, and the route to design and synthesize them. The thesis is therefore divided into three sub- projects. (i.) Design and synthesis of a peptide which secondary structure could be controlled by a negatively charged surface. (ii.) Design and synthesis of a cyclic peptide, that would self-organize prior to surface interaction, using the type I anti-freeze protein of a winter flounder as template. (iii.) The use of solid-phase synthesis to make the synthesis of SAM-molecules easier..

Open design : En studie om öppna ickekommersiella kollaborativa designprocesser

Design har en otrolig förmÄga att föra utvecklingen framÄt men det finns mÄnga som Àr kritiska till hur design utvecklas i vÀstvÀrldens samhÀlle. Syftet med denna uppsats Àr att analysera open design för att ge ett alternativt perspektiv pÄ industridesign. Open design handlar om en designprocess dÀr vem som helst kan delta, utveckla och tillverka produkter. Metoden har sin grund i open source-rörelsen som hastigt spreds i och med internets utbredning. Open design Àr dock inte lika vÀlutvecklat dÄ rÄdande marknads- och företagssystem till viss del hÀmmar detta.

CODP Co operative design process - from urban strategy to detail

This project investigates the cooperation between architect and engineer. The context of the investigation is the design of buildings for a sustainable society. The goal of the project is to further the development of the sustainable built society by increasing the knowledge of the interdisciplinary cooperation between these two fields. The focus is a close cooperation already from the start of a project. By involving both fields in the early design stages it is thought that the knowledge and skills of each field is better utilized.

Abort n Go. : Med fullstÀndiga rÀttigheter

ABORT ?n GO is a design project within the crossing boundaries of Critical Design and IndustrialDesign.The contemporary discourse on abortion is problematic, and infected by double norms. Thesenorms may cause feelings of guilt and shame in women who have an abortion. The abortion rightis built upon conflicting standpoints; one is that women have right to have an abortion, withoutbeing questioned. Second is the notion that abortion is something that should be avoided, implyingthat you?ve done something wrong if you have had an abortion.With this project and physical product I want to explore and discuss the contemporary discourseon abortion in Sweden.

Spindeln mellan teknik och mÀnniska : En studie om hur interaktionsdesigner beskriver sitt yrke

In this bachelor thesis we have studied how interaction designers describe their profession. The research material is based on nine interviews with interaction designers. Questions cover areas such as interaction design tasks, what abilities they consider important, how they describe their relationship to the users, and cooperation with colleagues. We have analyzed the results using key terms such as habitus, field, and capital, as described by sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. The interviewees express humanistic views, and ask for more cooperation between interaction designers, as well as other people within the field of IT production.

Tidskriften BlÄ Bandet : en praktisk tillÀmpning av redesign

Purpose/Aim: The aim of the paper is to study the periodical BlÄ Bandet and its structure, typography, layout and design and how the periodical can develop by a redesign.Material/Method: I have interviewed the editor of BlÄ Bandet and studied literature about the market of periodicals and design of periodicals. After that I have done an analysis of BlÄ Bandet and its structure, typography, layout and design.Main results: I present a proposal for a new structure and a new typography. Finally I present examples of how layout and design can work out in a redesign..

Dubbeltydig form : Djurliknande avbildningar i metall under jÀrnÄldern

This study concerns a selection of prehistoric metal objects of animalistic design, published at the internet site of the Swedish Statens Historiska Museum. It seeks to give an impression of the design elements used, and to find likely models for the motifs among live animals. The method used is a qualitative hermenuetic comparative study of objects, where the distinct significant design elements are being identified and interpretated. Several significant design elements are identified, and some are interpretated as representing certain animals. The amalgamation of differentiating design elements in some objects however, leads to interpretations of compound animal motifs, where some motifs are considered ambiguous and some are rendered uninterpretated.

Den offentliga platsens exkluderande och inkluderande förmÄga : utifrÄn fysiska element pÄ Gustav Adolfs torg i Malmö

Offentliga platser har i uppgift att vara öppna för allmÀnheten, men ÀndÄ har exkluderande design givits större utrymme pÄ offentliga platser vÀrlden över och sÄ Àven i Sverige. I uppsatsen undersöktes exkluderande och inkluderande design genom en kvalitativ fallstudie bestÄende av en inventering och ett flertal observationer vid Gustav Adolfs torg i Malmö. Observationerna genomfördes utifrÄn element som Àr vanligt förekommande pÄ offentliga platser, vilka utgjordes av bÀnk, mur, toalett och fontÀn. Undersökningen resulterade i hur dessa element anvÀnds och av vem. Resultatet frÄn fallstudien utgjorde underlag för en kritisk diskussion som lyfter frÄgan kring vad exkluderande och inkluderande design Àr, i de aktuella fall fenomenet förekommer samt vad konsekvenserna blir med att anvÀnda den hÀr typen av utformning pÄ offentliga platser.

Re-design pÄ uppdrag av Spotify : Framtagning av designförslag för ny visningsvy för internprogram baserat pÄ kontextuella intervjuer

Spotify is a music service that offers on-demand streaming and is available in several countries worldwide. As the company and the interest for it grows, more and more parties are involved and those involved, including the record labels want to control and get an overview of their products. They want to be able to see, for example, when a product is available on Spotify and in which countries.Spotify is in May 2013 in process of developing a to be used by administrators on Spotify in order to meet the record labels with the information requested. The new software intends being used by administrators but also by the record labels so that they will be able to overview their products availability.We were asked by one of the developers to conduct user interviews and tests to result in a design proposal on how the display page of information about a product could be visualized more clearly so that it suits both record labels and employees at Spotify. The results of our contextual interviews were translated into a prototype with two display pages.

Utveckling av Jönköpings Sportdansklubbs webbplats

It has become more important how to communicate via the Internet. It is necessary to highlight interesting features and to capture the visitors interest. Members of Jönköping Sport dance club (JSDK) were not quite satisfied with their website. The purpose of this study was therefore to create a design for a website which met the demands made by the members and also appealed to other visitors..

Responsiv webbdesign : Design- och utvecklingsprocessen för skapandet av en responsiv webbsida

Denna rapport redovisar för design- och utvecklingsprocessen i byggandet av en responsiv webbsida. Webbsidan skapades för anvÀndning av den blivande spelstudion Rocket Luncher Studios. Wordpress som CMS (Content Management System) har anvÀnds som innehÄlls-hanteringssystem för att förenkla uppdatering av webbsidan av uppdragsgivaren sjÀlva. Webbsidan Àr kodad utifrÄn Luke Wroblewskis ?mobile-first?-tÀnk, vilket börjar med att fokusera designen pÄ mindre skÀrmar för att sedan anpassa innehÄllet mot större skÀrmstorlekar.

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