

1303 Uppsatser om Throat Scale - Sida 38 av 87

Möjliga tillämpningar av BIM vid miljöcertifieringsarbete

In the construction industry today there is a significant technological revolution goingon. New methods for automated processes and information management are developedcontinuously. Intense studies are currently taking place to ensure ways and means toembrace the new technology of BIM.At the present, environmental certification systems are considered cumbersome andchallenging. However, the increasing demands of sustainable development in the constructionindustry imply that the environmental certifications will not disappear. ThisMaster Thesis examines the possibilities to apply BIM technology within the field ofenvironmental certifications to streamline the processes.The applications that provide the best opportunities are:- To use BIM to be able to, during the design stage, dynamically evaluate the resultor score a certain building will achieve.- To avoid unnecessary work through collection of data for calculations directlyfrom a BIM-model.- To be able to automate certain time consuming calculations that are currentlyperformed manually.- To automatically examine the completed model to ensure that the demands arefulfilled.The possibilities to use BIM within these areas are however limited by the technologyitself.

Effekter av utbildningsnivå och kön på arbetsrelaterad identitet och motivation

Syftet med studien var att undersöka om anställdas arbetsmotivation och arbetsrelaterad identitet påverkades av kön och utbildningsnivå. Studien genomfördes genom att anställda på ett industriföretag i Gävleborg fick besvara en enkät. De mätinstrument som användes var Basic Need Satisfaction at Work Scale som mäter arbetsmotivation (autonomi, kompetens, samhörighet) och tre delmått för att mäta organisations-, professions- och arbetsgruppsidentitet. Totalt deltog 88 personer i undersökningen. Resultatet visade att det förelåg signifikanta skillnader i autonomi och kompetens relaterat till utbildningsnivå samt i professionsidentitet relaterat till utbildningsnivå.

Demand and economic potential for working horses in Swedish municipalities

The aim of my study is to answer the question whether there is a potential for services by working horses in the Swedish municipalities. The Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and Swedish Farmers Union (LRF) has started a cooperation called Climate School (Klimatskolan), with the purpose to increase knowledge in environmental and climate related issues in context of agriculture. This Master thesis is in the framework of the Climate School.Global warming is a problem that gets much attention today. Global warming and climate change are two subjects that are very much in focus on the political agenda. The municipalities of Sweden have a big responsibility concerning environmental work and to develop their own environmental thinking.

Personlighet samt förekomst av ADHD i barndomen hos en grupp dömda sexualbrottslingar

Varje år anmäls ca 10 000 sexualbrott i Sverige. Forskning har visat att sexualbrottslingar är en heterogen grupp i fråga om personlighet. Studier visar dock på att de ofta har hög aggressivitet och mycket ångest, något som de får utlopp för genom sin sexualitet. Forskare har även påvisat en hög förekomst av Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) i barndomen hos sexualbrottslingar. Syftet med föreliggande undersökning var att undersöka förekomst av ADHD i barndomen, personlighet och samband mellan ADHD och personlighet hos dömda sexualbrottslingar (N = 30).

Media and the priming of stereotypes : Direct effect of news articles racial stereotypes on individuals judgements of people of foreign extraction.

The present research examined both automatic and controlled processes in newpapers ability of priming racial stereotypes via the portrayals of people of foreign extraction. The automatic process were examined through articles which; a) involved an illegal act or b) the act was not illegal but morally questionable. Swedish-born subject?s explicit opinions against foreign people were also measured through ?The Modern Racial Prejudice Scale?. In the experiment participants read four different articles which included; Swedish person/noncrime, foreign person/noncrime, Swedish person/crime and foreign person/crime.

Kartläggning av skidinstruktörers hälsostatus : Generellt förekommande skador inom detta yrke

Good physical, psychological and social health is pursued both at work and at home. There is no current research into the health of ski instructors despite the physically demanding nature of skiing and high injury rate. The purpose of this study is to map out ski instructors physical and psychological health and see if there are common injuries amongst them. This study is a descriptive and correlating study including a survey of ten questions with self reported data from the instructors. Five ski schools from Sweden participated in the study and 86 surveys got sent out to the ski school directors.The result from this study shows that ski instructor´s physical, physiological, well being at work, stress level and self efficacy is good.

Nordisk mytologi : En läroboksstudie

Syftet med studien var att undersöka människors motivation till deltagande inom lagidrott, vilken motivationsreglering som påverkar en idrottare till deltagande inom idrott samt hur uppfattat självbestämmande stöd från tränaren påverkar motivationsreglering, beroende på kön och spelarposition. Undersökningsdeltagarna var 146 idrottare, 59 kvinnor och 87 män, som var medlemmar i olika idrottsföreningar. Insamling av data gjordes i form av personlig kontakt med en enkät som innehöll mätinstrumenten Sport Motivation Scale och Sport Climate Questionnaire. Resultatet visade att det fanns en skillnad mellan könen i yttre reglering. De inre motivations-regleringarna i studien hade positiva korrelationer med yttre motivationsreglering, alltså om den inre motivationen höjs hos en idrottare så blir även den yttre motivationen förhöjd.

Det vi bevarar och brukar: om kulturarv i Svenska Offentliga Utredningar 1997-2004.

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine the use of the concept cultural heritage in Swedish governmental cultural policy. Ten official reports, reaching over a time period of seven years (1997-2004) are examined in the following way: What is cultural heritage? What functions/ values does the cultural heritage have? Whose heritage is a cultural heritage? With some simplification you can say that there are two different views on cultural heritage in the documents. The most common way to refer to cultural heritage is a category of chosen historical objects whose preservation is motivated by their function as sources of information and knowledge about the history and development of the Swedish society.

Psykometriska egenskaper och prediktiv validitet hos den svenska versionen av Reumatoid Arthritis ?Work Instability Scale (RA-WIS)

Background: To wait on an emergency department is a reflected and well-documented problem. Thou it´s mainly due to a patient perspective should also nurses' perspectives be significant to obtain a faceted perception of the phenomenon.Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe how nurses perceive the phenomenon of anticipation of a somatic emergency department.Method: The analysis was performed using a phenomenological approach. The study was conducted in a medium-sized hospital in southern Sweden, during the latter part of 2005, and had a qualitative approach based on a lifeworld perspective. Data collection consisted of written stories from twelve nurses.Results: The results indicated that the waiting was the scene of the expectations. These expectations led to dilemmas, powerlessness and frustration, the more the phenomenon was allowed to stand.

Effekterna av behandling med capsaicinkräm på självskattad smärta och aktivitetsnivå hos patienter med kronisk, benign smärta från rörelseapparaten

Kronisk smärta är vanligt förekommande bland befolkningen och kan ge stor påverkan på det dagliga livet. Personer med kronisk smärta blir ofta överkänsliga i det centrala nervsystemet (central sensitisering). Läkemedlet capsaicin är potent för att lindra smärta och lugna ett överretat nervsystem. Syfte: Att utvärdera effekten av capsaicinkräm på självskattad smärta och aktivitetsnivå hos patienter med långvarig, benign smärta från rörelseapparaten. Metod: Av 40 tillfrågade personer valde 13 att delta.

Alexitymi och psykiatriska symtombilder

ALEXITYMI OCH PSYKIATRISKA SYMTOMBILDER*Camilla Reuterwall & Marina Walldén  Alexitymi speglar brister i det kognitiva processandet, liksom i regleringen av affekter och har i tidigare forskning visat samband med psykisk ohälsa. Föreliggande studie syftade till att undersöka prevalensen av alexitymi i en klinisk grupp bestående av psykiatriska patienter, liksom i en icke-klinisk grupp, samt att undersöka kopplingen mellan alexitymi och psykiatriska symtom. Självskattningsformulären Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) och Karolinska Affektiva och Borderline Symptomskalor - Självskattning (KABOSS-S) användes för att mäta alexityma symtom, respektive depressivitet, ångest, tvång och borderlineproblematik. Deltagarna i den kliniska gruppen (n=59) rekryterades bland kvinnor med en borderline personlighetsstörning och deltagarna i den icke-kliniska gruppen (n=60) bland universitetsstudenter av samma kön. I patientgruppen var prevalensen av alexitymi hög, liksom även graden av symtom inom övriga variabler.

Hej, kom spela med oss! (Hi, come play with us!)

People play games now more than ever before. While the digital gaming industry dominates the market, boardgaming has been living in its shadow. Board games offer a physical tangibility and a social experience that can be found in few digital games. How do we create a tool that further builds upon those strengths? The purpose of this study is to examine the possibility of developing a service that consists of an mobile application and board game events to promote social face-to-face interaction. Focus has been on the social face-to-face interaction in the context of a board game session.

Postoperativt förlopp efter dagkirurgisk ljumskbråcksoperation- uppföljningssamtal som grund för kvalitetsutveckling

Degaardt, M & Rubensson, M. Postoperativt förlopp efter dagkirurgisk ljumskbråcksoperation. Uppföljningssamtal som grund för kvalitetsutveckling. Examensarbete i omvårdnad 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö högskola: Hälsa och samhälle, Utbildningsområde omvårdnad, 2010. Syftet med denna studie var att göra en bedömning av den postoperativa förloppet i hemmet hos dagkirurgiska ljumskbråcksopererade patienter. Data insamlade med hjälp av högstrukturerade telefonintervjuer.

Tjänligt vatten i kranen - Membranteknik gör det möjligt : En utredning av pilotförsök i Glemmingebro

Nanofiltration is a proper way of preparation of drinking water. The process has a lot in common with reverse osmosis where a semipermeable membrane is used to separate a pure water flow from the remaining water. A pilot plant was used to ensure that nanofiltration is a suitable technology for a specific waterworks station in Glemmingebro, Ystad. The purpose was also to find out if a pH-adjustment is needed for feed water in a possible full scale plant.  In this case nanofiltration is used mainly to remove sulphate and calcium since the raw water contains concentrations of these substances which exceed the limits for potable water. It is important to receive a high recovery (RC), otherwise the deliviery of water won?t be high enough.

En studie om ledarskap i äldreomsorgen

The ever-changing modern health care environment places high demands on leadership skills. The purpose of this study was to describe the causes that effect leadership within the health care services carried out in a municipality. Data was collected by interviewing four health care managers, three registered nurses, eight enrolled nurses and one auxiliary nurse. A qualitative approach based on a content analysis method was conducted in the analysis of the interviews. Latent content deals with relationship aspects and interpretation of deeper underlying meaning of text.

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