

5970 Uppsatser om The quality of learning in mathematics and learning in mathematics - Sida 9 av 398

Matematik i ämnet matlagning : Hur förändra elevernas attityd till matematik på Restaurang- & Livsmedelsprogrammet

Most of my 16 students show a negative attitude towards mathematics and have difficulty understanding why they need mathematics to work as cooks. Their lack of knowledge has a negative effect on their work in the kitchen because they cannot master relatively simple mathematical solutions. The purpose of this study is to examine if an integrated working method of the subjects mathematics and cooking can change students? attitude towards mathematics and increase their understanding of the value of it in restaurant work. An integrated working method means to integrate the core subjects with programme specific subjects and that teaching is directed towards the main features of the vocational programme in order to create a holistic view.A theory of action research has been applied in this study, aiming to change something perceived as problematic through combining theory and practice in the cooking subject.

Kan man räkna till 100, kan man mycket : Barns tankar, funderingar och förståelse kring matematik

This study was designed to describe and understand how children perceive and explain mathematical situations. During our work based training we have met several students who have been insecure in the subject of mathematics and therefore come to think that it's difficult and boring. The questions we have asked ourselves are why and how this insecurity occurs. In preschools around the country teachers actively worked to create opportunities for children to meet and discover mathematics. The question is whether the teachers are aware of how children perceive mathematics and how children think in mathematical situations. We chose to conduct a qualitative study using different methods of data collecting in order to approach the children's world.

Matematikmöjligheter : En studie i en Sydafrikansk skola

The purpose of this report is to find out how we can work with learners on the basis of their opportunities in mathematics. I also want to look into, how one views this question in other cultures that are different from our own. I have, in order to reach my purpose, looked on what literature there is on this matter. I have also made three interviews in a township in South Africa. The result I got from my survey was that the teachers I interviewed had a similar point of view on the teaching of mathematic as we have in Sweden.

Testeffekten som medel för att förbättra läsförståelse?

Swedish school children exhibit deteriorating knowledge results in terms of reading comprehension. Previous research shows that a method to increase the level of knowledge is the use of evidence-based learning techniques. Test based learning generates what is commonly referred to as a test effect, which proved to strengthen the relationship between learning and memory, as well as being applicable to various test formats. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether test based learning, in terms of learning english words leads to increased performance in a reading comprehension test, more specifically a cloze test. The study was based on a within-group design and was conducted three times over four weeks.

"We'd go crazy without each other!" : En studie om kollegialt lärande på arbetsplatsen

This study means to research the importance and significance of the social and informal learning opportunities offered at a workplace. With Wenger?s theory about social learning and communities of practice as a starting point, this study will create understanding about how teachers at a school comprehend their opportunities for learning within the teacher community. The study is conducted at an independent school in Sweden, and is based on interviews with eight of the teachers employed at the school. The purpose of the study was to research how employees perceive how their social interactions with their colleagues can create learning, and what obstacles they might face along the way.

Ingen kan allt, men alla kan något : Hur åtta elever ser på matematikundervisningen.

In this paper you can read about students? opinion of teaching in mathematics. The study is done with eight students that were interviewed. The study is based on 16 questions about mathematic teaching. The questions covered student participation, how teachers should be, if they think mathematics is important, which approach to take in lessons and how student best learn.

"I slutet av varje dag förstår alla elever matematiken" : En kvalitativ studie om matematiklärares syn på barn i behov av särskilt stöd i Kenya

The purpose of the study was to find out how teachers in a school in Kenya conducted the education of mathematics in standard 4-6. The focus was how the teachers worked with children in need of special support in mathematics.To find out the purpose a case study was made with two interviews and seven observations with four teachers on a rural school in Kenya. The following issues were: Which standards were there in the classrooms during lessons in mathematics in Kenya? How did the teachers express the view of children in need of special support? The main conclusion was that different teachers teaching in mathematics looked the same.The teacher was standing in front of the blackboard where the teaching occurred and the pupils were sitting lined up in their benches. The teaching of the pupils was about repetition and imitates the teacher and mostly filling the gap that the teacher made them say.

Verifiering av forskningsresultat gällande antal lösningar för linjära kongruenssystem

Verifiering med hjälp av dator av två oberoende formler för beräkning av antalet lösningar för linjära kongruenssystem med två eller tre obekanta..

Matteklipp på nätet : Ett stöd i matematikundervisningen

 ABSTRACTThis master thesis defines a new concept ? Math Videos on the Net. The term refers to short,educational videos of mathematics that are freely available on the internet. The videos aredesigned to offer a complement to other course material for a specific element of a specific mathcourse and are directed to the target group of students studying the latter. Within this work, MathVideos on the Net have been created for the Swedish upper secondary school courses Matematik1b and 1c.The study aims to describe, analyze and interpret whether, and if so, how Math Videos on theNet can help support the work of teachers and students? development of knowledge in the firstmathematics course of the Swedish upper secondary school.

Individens lärande på arbetsplatsen : En studie av hur formellt och informellt lärande sker och samverkar

Background: Learning is important for companies? existence in today?s society and many studies discuss the importance of life long learning and learning organizations. An increased understanding for how the individual learn at the work place is importance to study to gain an accepting for how learning occurs, both formal and informal. Purpose: The purpose with this study is to describe the process of learning at the work place from an individual perspective, with focus on how formal and informal learning occur and interact. The purpose is also to confirm, contradict or develop existing theories.

Tv-spel som resurs för religionskunskap : En undersökning om tv-spel som resurs inom dygdetik

This paper examines the possibilities of using video games as a tool for education of virtue ethics. By comparing learning aspects in Marc Prensky?s theory Digital Game-Based Learning and Aristotelian virtue ethics, this paper tries to look for similarities in how each theory looks at learning. Prensky?s theory is about how one can use video games in education, which is why it is used here.

Integrering av estetiska uttrycksformer i kärnämnen matematik och modersmål : En jämförande studie av en svensk och en rysk lärare

The aim of my examination work was to compare and research how russian respective swedish teachers make use of educational aesthetic methods such as drawing, drama, music and dance in the teaching of core school subjects ? mathematics and swedish respective russian languages. The aim of this work was to find out which of these methods are used by pedagogues in the process of education and on what level are they integrated into the theoretical pedagogic work. The point was to also analyse the regulation documents used as pedagogical base in schools i've been doing my survey in. This was done to partly find out what arts perspective is given in the curriculum and partly to see what pieces of it are reflected in the process of education.

Attityder inom extrem kampsport : En undersökning om Mixed Martial Arts inverkan på utövaren

There have been debates on the big differences in mathematics knowledge concerning pupils in Sweden and Finland. Especially, one common issue in the discussions of education is the Pisa test results, which take up in the media. In the Pisa research the Finnish pupils get through well year after year. Because of the discussions about the distinct school systems in Sweden and Finland, I found it interesting to investigate the divergence of the curriculums in these two countries. The main research questions asked were, what are the main differences and similarities in the Swedish and Finnish curriculums in primary school? Such as, is the assignment of primary school similar in Sweden and Finland?In my study I analyzed and compared by means of the curriculum especially mathe-matics teaching in primary schools in grade three in Sweden and in grade two Fin-land.

Ung Företagsamhets arbetssätt : Ur pedagogens perspektiv

AbstractThe aim of this paper is to, through interviews, examine what opinions teachers connected to "Ung Företagsamhet" (Young Enterprise, UF) have on the work of UF compared to contractual and traditional learning. The reason for this is to find out if UF´s way of working is successful in a world, where the definition of knowledge constantly changes. Through qualitative interviews the views of four UF teachers are scrutinised. The results of the interviews indicate that UF works in a way, which contains both contractual and traditional learning, where both directions complement each other in different stages of the learning process.Key words: Contractual learning, pedagogical perspective, Young Enterprise, traditional learning.

Nationella proven i matematik? en tillgång för läraren? : Hur några lärare använder sig av resultaten på de nationella proven i matematik

The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate how some teachers make use of the results of the national tests in mathematics to plan their teaching. The questions are how they plan their teaching in mathematics and if they use the results of the national tests to compare with their own teaching.   Five teachers in mathematics has been interviewed. I have used unstructured interviews with open-ended questions, and I have been able to ask follow-up questions based on their answers. The analysis of the survey is made from a systems theory approach.  The result of the survey shows that teachers make use of student performance to look at their own teaching of the current group of students. However, there is not enough time to rehearse and repair the deficiencies discovered in the national tests, which for some is perceived as a stress factor.

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