

5970 Uppsatser om The quality of learning in mathematics and learning in mathematics - Sida 19 av 398

Lärstilsmodeller : en jämförande litteraturstudie av Dunn och Dunns Learning Style Inventory och Vermunts Inventory of Learning Styles

Syftet med min studie har varit att belysa två olika lärstilsmodeller Dunn & Dunns Learning Style Inventory (LSI) och Vermunts Inventory of Learning Styles (ILS) för att urskilja deras olikheter.Detta arbete är en forskningskonsumerande uppsats som är baserad på tidigare forskning inom ämnet lärstilar. Vetenskapliga artiklar, översiktsgranskningar, rapporter och böcker har bearbetats och analyserats och kategorier har utformats för att jämföra och analysera lärstilsmodellerna i relation till varandra.I resultatet presenteras båda lärstilsmodellernas karaktäriserande drag vilka är lärstilsförfattarnas definition av termen ?lärstil? samt den specifika lärstilens uppkomst. Sedan behandlas centrala begrepp och kategorier som används inom lärstilen samt lärstilens pedagogiska innebörd. Därefter presenteras mätinstrumentets namn samt själva utformningen av mätinstrumentsformuläret.

Leken som ett verktyg för lärandet

The present study deals with the importance of play for children's learning in preschool. The purpose is to investigate the importance of play for children's learning in preschool from a pedagogue?s perspective. The study is based on two issues: How does the pedagogue´s who were interviewed reason about the impact the play has on children's development? How does the pedagogue´s approach to make play a learning situation? The empirical data is based on semi-structured interviews with four preschool pedagogue´s.

Högskolans hjärta? En undersökning av integreringen av Learning Resource Centre/LärandeResursCentrum-verksamheten vid tre svenska lärosäten

The development of higher education in Sweden poses new demands on higher education libraries. One way of meeting these demands has been to develop Learning Resource Centres (LRC), a concept that is relatively new in Sweden.The aim of this Master's thesis is to identify how the LRC-concept has been designed and integrated in three Swedish higher education institutions: Stockholms universitet, Lärarhögskolan i Stockholm and Göteborgs universitet. The thesis also aims at investigating what the Learning Resource Centres mean to the seats of learning, and in turn, the views of concerned parties in relation to the integration.The method used for the study is qualitative and based on interviews conducted with Learning Resource Centre staff, academic staff and principles or deans. In addition to this, strategic documents from the examined seats of learning are studied.Even though most Swedish Learning Resource Centres have used British Sheffield Hallam University's Adsetts Centre as their model, our study shows that the Swedish Learning Resource Centres of today have developed in various ways, due to local conditions; therefore, there is no definitive model for Swedish LRCs.In our opinion, one of the most important characteristics of a LRC should be its integration in the academic life of its university. There does not seem to be a "recipe" of how to conduct this integration.

Learning and teaching mathematics - intervjues with teachers specializing in the early ages

Syftet med detta arbete är att ta reda på om läxor ger fördjupad kunskap inom ett ämne. Vidare vill vi veta vad syftet med läxor är. Vi har genomfört femton intervjuer, jämt fördelade mellan lärare, elever och föräldrar. Resultatet pekar på att läxor behövs, men att eleverna vill ha en annan typ av hemuppgifter än de i nuläget har. Vi genomförde även mindre studie på sex av våra egna barn för att få veta hur mycket tid de trodde sig lägga på sina läxor och hur lång tid de i verkligheten ägnade åt läxläsning. Vår slutsats är att om läxor ges, ska de vara väl genomtänkta och att det kan skapas utrymme för att göra läxorna under skoldagen. Nyckelord: läxor, kreativitet, individ, variation.

?När man sjunger tillsammans så mår man ju bra? En kvalitativ studie om musikens funktion i förskolan

The purpose of the study is to find out how teachers relate to music and rhythm in preschool and its importance for children's development and learning. We want to see how three pre-school teachers describe the importance of music in preschool in a group interview and individual interview. The teachers think that the most important thing with music and rhythmic is the joy that it provides, both for the children and for the adults. Music can be used both as a form of learning something else, or as a learning experience in itself..

"Kunskap är makt" : En kvalitativ studie om ordningspolisers lärande

In a work environment where employees can be thrown into all sorts of situations and where anything can happen, it requires that they have good knowledge about what they do and constantly strive to improve their skills. The purpose of this paper is to study how professional police officers perceive learning in their work. Essay authors would like to find out how the police officers experience their formal learning, informal learning and police education. This is by research what the police officers learn through various forms of education and what they learn by practicing their profession. Previous research dealing with the subject and relevant theories are discussed and processed.

Låt det förflutna tillhöra det förflutna : En studie om datorspel, socialt välbefinnande och kunskapsmässig utveckling

This study investigates the effects that commercial computer games have on young individuals social comfort and learning progress. As a systematic study of literature, scholarly articles have been analysed in order to illuminate the positive as well as negative effects on social comfort and learning progress that may come with playing computer games. The social effects have mainly been discussed with role-playing games, such as World of Warcraft, as starting point, while the learning effects have been coupled with strategy games, such as Civilization IV. The study does not simply declare how these games can be good for these factors, but also in what respect computer games may prevent the development of young individuals socials skills and learning progress. The study showed that in spite of perpetual prejudices against computer games in the technological age, computer games might actually be good to use as a tool in order to authorize the development of young individuals regarding learning and social aspects.

Matematikdidaktisk medvetenhet och yrkesrollens uppdrag i förskolan

Det övergripande syftet med studien är att undersöka och få kunskap om vilka faktorer som inverkar på ett medvetet förhållningssätt när det gäller arbetet med matematiken på en förskola. Frågeställningarna formulerades som följer: vad menas med matematik i förskolan, vad innebär matematikdidaktisk medvetenhet hos lärare i förskolan samt på vilket sätt kommer ett matematiskt medvetet arbetssätt till uttryck i förskolans vardag.För att ta reda på förskollärarnas matematikdidaktiska medvetenhet användes en kvalitativ forskningsmetod där intervjuer gjordes med fem pedagoger på en förskola. Intervjuerna har analyserats genom en fenomenografisk forskningsansats då den främst fokuserar på hur människor uppfattar ett visst fenomen. Resultatet visar att det hos förskollärarna finns en stark medvetenhet om att matematik är någonting viktigt. De menar även att matematiken finns överallt i vardagen och att den på olika sätt bör ha en framträdande roll i förskolans verksamhet.

Lätt räknat : En utbildningssociologisk studie av matematiklärarstudenters sociala ursprung och utbildningskapital

A change has occurred in terms of recruitment to teacher education. From having been an educationof high status and reputation, a reduced application rate has led to lower admission requirementsand thus that students with much lower educational qualifications entering, which in turn means thatthe education status and reputation have been reduced significantly. Mathematics, on the other hand,has always been a topic of high status and reputation. Although there are few students who chooseto study to be a mathematics teacher. By conducting a survey of students on teacher educationtoday, both with mathematics and other approaches, I wanted to get answers to my questions aboutwhat influences students' choice of education: who are the students studying to be teachers inmathematics? Do they distinguish themselves from the student teachers who studies to be teachersin other subject specializations? Pierre Bourdieu's sociological ideas about cultural capitaltransmitted from parent to child constitute the theoretical framework of the study.Early in the study, I noticed that there is a difference between students studying to be a teacher inpreschool, primary or middle school and them studying to be a teacher in secondary and highschool, especially in terms of the mathematics student teachers.

Ludwig Wittgenstein som folkskollärare

This paper studies the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein during his years (1920?26) as an elementary school teacher in remote Niederösterreich, Austria. The paper gives a survey of his life, and also a brief account of three of his main works: Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Philosophical Investigations and Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics. Attention is given to his alphabetical word list, Wörterbuch für Volksschulen, published for educational use in elementary schools. The study is focused on Wittgenstein?s educational practise, and establishes a connection between his experience as a teacher and his late philosophy..

Men kära barn, jag har ju glömt bort alltihop : En fenomenografisk studie om hemmets möjligheter att stödja barnets utveckling i matematik i de yngre åldrarna

The aim of this research is to examine how the homes of children, in cooperation with the schools, are offered opportunities to communicate and discuss mathematics together with the children in relevant situations. The overall intent of the study is manifest in scientific questions with focus on how parents view the subject and the opportunities to support their children with math homework as well as possibilities to actively support their child´s mathematics progress. The paper has a pfenomenographic approach, which means that it in a qualitative way describes similarities and differences in the ways the homes perceive this issue. The examination is implemented through a survey in which responds from 73 parents in four classes have been studied. Within this study six semi constructed interviews have been conducted.

Elever och självreglerat lärande. : En studie om grundskoleelevers uppfattning om inlärningsstrategier.

Scientists and educational psychologists research have seen on self-regulated learning as learningconstruction. Every scientists have developed their own terms and concepts in the events of explaining how self-regulation affects students learning-process. Keyprocesses in previous studies is the importance of the active choice, to be goal-oriented,and awareness is what students need to self-regulate their own learning. The purpose of this study is to examine how students use different educational learning strategies based on the principles for self-regulated learning (SRL). From the process of the previous research, different concepts and terms have been divided into three key concepts titled:Active choices and actions, Goal-orientation and goal setting, as well as consciousness and self-awareness.

Att utvecklas inom sitt yrke : Om den högre utbildningens inverkan på den erfarna pedagogen

This work is based on qualitative interviews with four educationists who before their university studies lack education in their own field of work. The study aims to explore how higher learning influenced and affected these people. As a theoretical point of view the concept of implicit learning and Aristotle?s epistemological approach was used. The study gives an idea that the concept of knowledge is advanced and can go from practical experience to more theoretical understandings.

Försäkringskassans förnyelsearbete : en studie av organisatoriskt lärande vid förändringsarbete

The Swedish government corporation Försäkringskassan is currently undergoing large organizational changes. Modifications are made regarding the national insurance system and work procedures. In this study we have investigated the procedures of change with the aim of identifying which pedagogical processes in work procedures that enables organizational learning. Furthermore, the study aimed at gaining insight of how the work procedures enable organizational learning in a learning organization. We have utilized case study tradition to examine specific occurrences in their natural environment to thereby understand the matter of investigation.

Textens inverkan på matematiska uppgifter : En undersökning om elevers textförståelse av matematikuppgifter i årskurs 5

The purpose of this study is to show the importance of task texts for students in grades 5 when solving mathematical problems. It was conducted in a class 5 (where the children are 11 years old). The pupils were assigned two different tests with mathematical problems; one where the problems were described in text and one where the problems were presented with numbers and mathematical signs. Previously done research, done on bilingual children, (Bernardo, 2002) shows that pupils tend to do better on mathematical tests when no text is presented. My research supports that theory even though the correlation is not that strong.

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