

2945 Uppsatser om The principle of equal treatment - Sida 2 av 197

Undantagande av handlingar vid Skatteverkets revision

AbstractThe tax authority has an obligation to ensure that all tax cases are adequately investigated according to 40:1 SFL. In order to fulfill this obligation the tax authority has a number of investigation options. The most common form of investigation is so- called desktop investigations, which means that the tax authority will send written inquiries or injunctions to taxpayers. The most intrusive and resource-intensive form of investigation is audit. The general rule is that the tax authority?s auditor may examine all accounting records and other documents related to the business.

Likabehandlingsplanen, ett verktyg för skolan, och skolans arbete för att motverka mobbning

The purpose of this study was to show how two schools from a municipality in greater Stockholm work with a document called "likabehandlingsplan", literally ?plan for equal treatment?. This document is required by law in Swedish schools and a part of each municipality?s program. The goal of the study was to see how teachers and school principals view and work with the plan as a part of their work in preventing discrimination and offensive behavior, in particular in dealing with problems with bullying. The two schools? plans were compared for similarities and differences and how they chose to follow the municipality?s guidelines was examined.

Tysta flickor och högljudda pojkar : Observation om pojkars och flickors könsroller med utgångspunkt från likabehandlingsplanen

This study is about gender in classroom situations. The purpose is to examine if gender still exist although the government has educated gender teachers. I have been observing students during lessons and taken notes on teacher´s comments, which analysed. I have come to the conclusion that the students are awase of the power roles conserning gender and gender. In this classroom the heteronormativity still is a common phenomenon.

Att möta den som ropar högst : En studie om biståndshandläggares bemötande av demenssjuka individer

The Swedish population is getting older and more elderly will continue to be in need ofsupport from the community to meet their everyday lives. As the population gets olderdementia also increases the spread in the country. Because of this more people withdementia will be in need of help in their everyday lives. This will increase the demandson elderly care in the municipalities where they have to offer good care. As moreindividuals suffering from dementia will be in need of help in their daily lives aid officers'encounters with people suffering from dementia and their relatives or any representativesbecome more common.The study had as objective to study aid officer's reasoning on the treatment of dementedindividuals in need of help.

Införandet av bemanningsdirektivet på svensk arbetsmarknad : vad innebär det för arbetstagarna i branschen?

The essay shows that temporary agency employees work in a complex business. Both labor and management differs from other businesses in the Swedish labor market. Regarding the unemployment insurance, they have previously been separated from other businesses through legislation. Based on the essay question regarding workers protection has the statutory rights for employees been strengthened. This by the implementation of the directive on manning into Swedish law and now covers all workers in the business.

Arbetet inom skolan för att förebygga mobbning

My purpose in this work was to find out how staff in a middle sized school uses its local Equal treatment plan in its work against bullying. But also to see how the use of a standardized anti-bullying program works to prevent bullying. I have interviewed the principal, teachers, and what we in Sweden call a ?fritidspedagog? and the members of the anti-bullying team to get answers to my questions.  The conclusion of this study is that the school follow and work according to what the Equal treatment plan states, both in terms of prevention, as in working with actual bullying cases. The school has also followed the National School Agency's recommendations on what should be the local Equality plan, but also to follow up and revise it each year. The interview shows that the staff at the school placed great emphasis on talking and discussing with students about how to behave towards each other, they also brought up things that happened at one time and talked about this. The staffs were very committed to work towards the prevention of bullying and the same was true with the school's headmaster.

Prövning av ett praktiskt verktyg för att främja likabehandling i skolan

The purpose of this study was to examine the laws, govern documents and guiding principals that are available for schools and their work regarding the work against discrimination, insulting and other forms of harassments, and then to form a method for the schools to implement this work in practice.The work to counteract discrimination, insult treatment and other forms of harassments should be done both in a short term and a long term. In this paper there is a presentation of a project, a set of lessons that was created and carried out as a trial. The project aims for conscious making among children and students in school regarding norm, deviation, discrimination and power and the fact that equal treatment is hard to achieve. The basic purpose behind the project is to offer a tool to schools and teachers so that they can decrease the possible gap between the laws and the practice of these laws by creating awareness among students and other teachers. The long term work for achieving equal treatment should be done on a political level.

Matavfall från livsmedelsbutiker : - En analys av den kommunala hanteringen i Sverige samt en detaljstudie av förhållandena i Umeå kommun

Food waste from grocery stores - An analysis of municipal management inSweden and a detailed study of the situation in Umeå municipalityThe objective of this thesis was to analyze the municipal management of food waste fromgrocery stores in Sweden in general and in Umeå municipality in particular. Furthermore theobjective was to account for the different waste treatment methods that can be used and toevaluate them from an environmental perspective. In order to analyze the municipalmanagement a survey was sent to all of the municipalities/municipal waste companies inSweden. A general comparison of treatment methods was carried out on the basis of ascientific review and a system analysis was performed in order to compare three differenttreatment alternatives for the food waste generated in grocery stores in Umeå. The surveyshowed that the legal definition of food waste from grocery stores is unclear and variesbetween municipalities.

The Golden Rule and Bioethics. A Reflection upon the Foundation of Ethics

The object of this thesis is the foundation of ethics. The question is whether there exists a universal core to ethics consisting of a fundamental ethical principle across cultures. This principle could for example be the so-called Golden Rule, which goes as follows: ?You should do to others what you want them to do to you?. The Golden Rule is to be found in many of the world?s religions and is also reflected in secular society.

Missbruksvård på lika villkor? : En kvalitativ studie om socialtjänstens könsperspektiv i missbruksärenden

Although Sweden is considered to be one of the world?s most equal countries, studies show that social work to a large extent is characterised of stereotype conceptions about men and women. This implies that clients with addiction problems are treated by there gender belongings and not from there individual needs. The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine how aware the social services are regarding gender perspectives and equal opportunities among male and female addicts. The social workers that were interviewed had different opinions about what extent the gender perspective had in the treatment of the clients.

Var går gränsen? : Om sexuella trakasserier i arbetslivet

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the legal protection against sexual harassment at work functions, and where to draw the line. The study is limited to focus on the sexual harassment directed at women from men, because it usually occurs that way even though only a few report the incidents. The results are discussed from a gender perspective on how the distribution of power is between men and women as a way to explain sexual harassment.Sexual harassment is currently protected by the discrimination law and the EU principle of equal treatment for men and women. For a behavior to be considered as sexual harassment it has to be unwanted by the receiving party and the person practicing the harassments must be aware that the behavior is perceived as offensive. The behavior shall be of a sexual nature and contribute to a disadvantage for the victim in the form of a violation of that persons integrity.It is the victim that determines whether the behavior is perceived as sexual harassment or not, what one person believes is a friendly behavior may be perceived as offensive by another.

Demokratins avgränsningsproblem : En kritik av det kosmopolitiska demokratiidealet

The aim of this paper is to examine whether the theory of cosmopolitan democracy provides a satisfactory solution to the boundary problem in democratic theory. I argue that David Held's version of cosmopolitan democracy rests on two incompatibleprinciples: the all-affected principle and the all-inclusive principle. However, the theory does not need to presuppose both these principles; it requires only one of them.Furthermore, I try to show that both of these principles fail to provide an adequate solution to the boundary problem. The all-inclusive principle suggests that all citizens of the world should be included in a global democratic unit. I argue that such an ideal is not desirable since it conflicts with the principle of subsidiarity and withdraws from regional political communities their sovereignty.

Att göra kön på ungdomsgårdar : en kvalitativ studie

The purpose of this essay is to describe and analyze how three leisure centers in Örebrocounty are working with gender issues. Our research questions are:What is Machofabriken? How do leisure centers in Örebro county work with equal treatment?In which way do leisure centers in Örebro county work with Machofabriken?s material? Howcome the recreation centers in Örebro don?t use Machofabriken?s material to any greaterextent?We have focused on masculinity oriented gender projects at three leisure centers. We didsemi-structured interviews with three recreation leaders who have all been educated inMachofabriken. The interviews were analyzed based on terms that are central in genderequality and masculinity research.

Etik på bibliotek : en kvalitativ studie av ett antal folkbibliotekaries yrkesetiska tankar och erfarenheter

The theme of this thesis is the professional ethics of public librarians. Qualitative interviews have been conducted with fourteen public librarians, with the aim to investigate their thoughts·and opinions concerning professional ethics and their experiences of ethical dilemmas in professional situations.The result shows that the majority of the librarians often discuss problems concerning what's right or wrong but that the discussions are conducted on the basis of practical situations and not in terms of professional ethics. The majority have vague ideas of how the term professional ethics should be applied on the work of public librarians, though all the interviewees consider the professional ethical discussion to be important.We examine the librarians opinions and experiences of ethical dilemmas conceming four subject areas: the principle of the librarian as a neutral and nonrestricting information intermediary, The principle of equal treatment of all the library visitors, difficulties. concerning media selection and the problems based upon the librarians flexibility towards the intemal rules of the library. The librarians experienced the behaviour towards the visitors as the greatest problem.

Ethics and Animal Experimentation in the Laboratory. A Critical Analysis of the Arguments for"Animal Rights"and"Animal Equality"

Growing up as a child, we had a Dog. To us, it was like a means to an end. That is, hunting other animals for food and for protection, with no special care and treatment given to this animal. Butas days passed by I began to witness a wind of change against such actions. I was made to understand that we were committing two crimes-: using the Dog as a means to an end (for hunting and for eating animals).

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