

782 Uppsatser om The male gaze - Sida 52 av 53

Housing of ringtailed lemur, Lemur catta, from an ethological perspective

Sheep production is the only animal production in Sweden that is increasing. Therefore,increasing knowledge of the production is of great interest. In order to run a viable sheepproduction, producers needs to be successful in the breeding of the animals and achievean economic surplus in the end. Lambs that are born healthy and vital have greaterconditions to perform high lamb weight gains and thus a successful production. Thereare many factors affect the survival, birth weight and early weight gain of the new bornlamb.

Maktdistansstjärnan : - En studie om hur kulturell maktdistans påverkar affärsrelationen mellan japanska och multinationella företag

ABSTRACT Title: the Power distance star ? A study on how cultural power distance affects the business relation between Japanese and multinational companiesLevel: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor: Therese Elofsson and Anna NyströmSupervisor: Jens Eklinder Frick and Jonas MolinDate: 2015 - JanuaryAim: The purpose of this study is to compile available research regarding the cultural aspect power distance, as it is being displayed and handled in business-relations between Japanese and multicultural business contacts. The culture in Japan differs from the culture in the western world and several companies testify that the Japanese market is difficult to act and expand upon. This study aims to provide explanations to these difficulties from a power distance perspective.Method: This study has compiled the theoretical knowledge and research in a model called ?the Power distance Star? (Figure 1), which is created and designed for this purpose.

Födelsevikt och tidig tillväxt hos nyfödda lamm

Sheep production is the only animal production in Sweden that is increasing. Therefore,increasing knowledge of the production is of great interest. In order to run a viable sheepproduction, producers needs to be successful in the breeding of the animals and achievean economic surplus in the end. Lambs that are born healthy and vital have greaterconditions to perform high lamb weight gains and thus a successful production. Thereare many factors affect the survival, birth weight and early weight gain of the new bornlamb.

Att producera eller reproducera text? : En studie av fem gymnasiepojkars arbete med skrivprocessen i en provsituation

AbstractAuthor: Annelie JohanssonYear: Spring 2006Swedish title: Att producera eller reproducera text? En studie av fem gymnasiepojkars arbetemed skrivprocessen i en provsituation.English title: To produce or reproduce text in essays. A studie of five high school boys? workwith the writing process in a test situation.City, university: Växjö, Växjö Universitet, institutionen för humaniora [Växjö, Växjö University, School of the Humanities]Pages: 53Content:The major aim of this study is to investigate how five male high school students in the ages seventeen to eighteen produce or reproduce in their texts during an essay examination. Focus is also put on the five students? writing processes in a classroom situated writing task and on their own comments to their writing.

Linderödsgrisen : en inventering av populationsstruktur och produktionsnivå

In 1993, Sweden signed the Convention on Biological Diversity and thus agreed to conserve our indigenous biological diversity. As a part of the convention, Sweden is obliged to conserve a number of domestic animal breeds and among them the Linderöd pig. In 1952, the zoo, Skånes Djurpark, took care of a pregnant sow that was regarded to be related to the old "forest pig". The old forest pig was thought to have been extinguished by the early 20th century as a result of the ban on boars not approved by state inspectors. However, according to later accounts, several farmers still kept some of these non-approved pigs.

Hon drog upp en lax och Bobby sydde en sidenklänning : Hur medveten är man om ett genusperspektiv i kurslitteraturen?

Sammanfattning:Uppsatsen består av två kvantitativa beräkningar gjorda i sex grammatikböcker ur kurslitteraturen vid Institutionen för nordiska språk, LU. Den första beräkningen utgörs av antalet subjekt i exempelmeningarna med manlig respektive kvinnlig referent. Den andra beräkningen utgörs av de semantiska roller som dessa subjekt innehar i exempelmeningarna. Syftet är att utröna om män representeras oftare än kvinnor i exempelmeningarna, om de är mer aktiva och om män generaliseras till "människor". Min hypotes var att finna att män representeras oftare än kvinnor, men att det förändras över tid, något som också infriades till viss del.Den kvantitativa beräkningen har sedan analyserats kvalitativt med hjälp av en feministisk språkteori för att utröna bakomliggande orsaker till skillnader mellan representationen av män respektive kvinnor.

Den relativa viktens (kalv/ko) inflytande på kalvningsegenskaperna hos SRB och SLB :

Difficult calvings and stillbirths are problems in Swedish dairy production that result in large expenses for the farmers and welfare issues concerning the animals. A common opinion is that the live weight of SRB and SLB is increasing, and whether increased weights have caused the increase in calving problems has been discussed. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the relative birth weight (calf/cow) and calving difficulty and stillbirth, respectively. The importance of breed and parity for the relative weight has been investigated, and comparisons with previous studies have been made to evaluate whether the relative weight has changed over the last decades or not. The study was based on 807 calvings, registered during the period 1993-2003 in the experimental dairy herd of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Jälla).

Utgör Privata Militära Företag en tillgång eller ett hot mot den svenska Försvarsmakten gällande återrekrytering med soldaterna ur FS21 i huvudfokus?

Subject: Independent essay in War Science (15 points) which debate the question if PrivateMilitary Companies is an asset or a threat to the Swedish Armed Forces regarding rerecruitmentwith focus on the soldiers of FS21.That which is investigated is the general attitude amongst soldiers who have completed theirconscript duty according to the old conscript system and now is employed in order to conducta tour abroad with Afghanistan as area of operations. Further investigated is their attitudeagainst the Swedish Armed Forces as an employer, as well as the private sector whichwant/could benefit from the skills the soldiers is possessing. Could the soldiers se themselvesleave the Armed Forces before the contract has expired in benefit of private companies whichclaim they solve similar tasks.Purpose: The purpose with this essay is to contribute with knowledge about a number ofemployed soldiers? attitude against Private Military Companies. Further; if the soldiersbelieve the Armed Forces provide them as they think they deserve/ want in order to stay andnot leave their job in favour of PMC:s, and through it clarify what the soldiers value asemployees.Order of Approach, Method and Material: The method I?m using is a survey in whichsoldiers and squad leaders have answered the questions.

Tecken på liv : mänskliga spår i staden

The City is filled with signs of life. It teems with human traces waiting to be discovered. Street art of different kinds prevails behind traffic signs, on posts and electrical boxes. Personally con-structed dogs guard roundabouts all around Sweden and small gardens spire underneath window ledges. In this work I want to identify these phenomena and find out what thoughts inspired these creations.

Skyddsrum och kärnvapen : En diskursanalys av 1950- och 1960-talets försvars- och civilförsvarsdebatt i svensk press

Shelters and Nuclear weaponsA discourse analysis of the Swedish defense and civil defense debate during the Cold warSweden during the Cold War set into motion one of the world?slargest civil defense policies at the time, second only to neutral Switzerland. The governments expenditure was far greater per capita than both that of USA and Soviet Union and included massive evacuation plans for Stockholm and other large cities in Sweden, with the hopeful expectation to bring down the amount of people in each of them to 15000 in case of a foreign hostile nuclear attack. The policies included construction of shelters with room for 2,5 million of about 7 million citizens in total at the time along with gasmasks for the whole population. Not only this, Sweden was considered one of the biggest military powers of that time in relation to its size and population.

Professionellt gränsarbete en jämförande studie om socionomer och psykologer som legitimerade familjeterapeuter

The purpose of this comparative study is to investigate how certified family therapeuts, with base professions psychologist and social counsellor respectively, construct boundaries through language. The study aims to demonstrate and analyse how the two professions present each other, through similarities and differences. For the purpose of definition and elucidation, the study comprises five main themes (see Appendix). The first theme is concerned with motives for choosing a professional career in family therapy. The second theme investigates conceptions of the professional role, while the third theme looks at professional practise and the implications of family therapy work.

Femininitet/maskulinitet och lesbisk identitet. En queerteoretisk studie och berättelseanalys av Tjejerna mot strömmen och Såna som oss.

AbstraktDenna studie handlar om förhållanden mellan femininitet/maskulinitet och lesbisk identitet med bakgrund av den heteronormativa genusordningen, vilken grundar sig i ett dualistiskt tänkande där kvinnor som feminina respektive män som maskulina attraherar och kompletterar varandra. Studien bygger på berättelseanalys av personliga berättelser skrivna av lesbiska kvinnor ur antologierna Tjejerna mot strömmen och Såna som oss, vilka tolkas utifrån en konstruktivistisk ansats och ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv. På detta sätt synliggör och problematiserar jag konstruktioner av lesbiska självrepresentationer och identitetsskapanden samt de möjligheter och begränsningar som dessa identiteter omringas av med bakgrund av den heteronormativa genusordningen. Utifrån detta kommer jag fram till hur de lesbiska subjektpositionerna öppnar upp för alternativa identiteskonstruktioner och begärskonstruktioner i relation till aspekter av femininitet och maskulinitet. Vidare resulterar analysen i ett framhållande av den osynliggörande tolkningen av lesbisk femininitet i termer av heterosexualitet samt den osynliggörande förståelsen av lesbisk maskulinitet som ett kopierande av manlighet och manlig maskulinitet.

Pappors delaktighet under graviditet ?Fathers Participation in Pregnancy: Baltic and Nordic Experiences?

Forskning har visat att blivande pappor, som i denna studie även benämns som män eller förstagångspappa, har svårt att känslomässigt knyta an till graviditeten innan den blir synlig. Informationen och stödet från Mödrahälsovården under graviditeten är främst riktat till kvinnan, vilket gör att män ges en känsla av utanförskap. De beskriver känslor som att bli åsidosatt av barnmorskan vilket ökar känslan av oro. I Sverige har alla föräldrar rätt till föräldrastöd och individuellt anpassat stöd. Hur upplever blivande förstagångspappor sin delaktighet och vad är delaktighet för dem? Syftet med studien är att belysa förstagångspappors upplevelse av delaktighet i alla tänkbara aspekter av graviditet.

Ett studium av olika aspekter av tid i Göran Tunströms roman Juloratoriet

Rosengren, Anna, 2006: Samiska kvinnor och osynlig historia. En komparativ studie av svenskar och samer vid 1600-talstinget. (Saami Women and Invisible Histories. A Comparative Study of Swedes and Saamis in Court during the 17th Century.)The purpose of the paper is to gain new knowledge about Saami women in the 17th century using court protocols in the Luleå and Torneå Lappmarks, supplemented by secondary sources.Saami women did not write their own history, nor did Saami men. Information available about Saami is written by male representatives of the Swedish crown and church.

Mysteriernas mästare : En jämförande studie mellan tre manliga detektiver och deras likheter och olikheter

Rosengren, Anna, 2006: Samiska kvinnor och osynlig historia. En komparativ studie av svenskar och samer vid 1600-talstinget. (Saami Women and Invisible Histories. A Comparative Study of Swedes and Saamis in Court during the 17th Century.)The purpose of the paper is to gain new knowledge about Saami women in the 17th century using court protocols in the Luleå and Torneå Lappmarks, supplemented by secondary sources.Saami women did not write their own history, nor did Saami men. Information available about Saami is written by male representatives of the Swedish crown and church.

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