

2487 Uppsatser om The law that prohibits the purchase of sexual services - Sida 57 av 166

Location-Based Services: A mobile travelguide

Uppsatsen handlar om Location-Based Services (LBS) vilket ärapplikationer / system som använder en specifik position på jordklotetför att leverera information om dess omgivning till användaren. Dessaapplikation använder sig ofta av ett lokaliseringssystem för attlokalisera användarens aktuella position men användaren kan ävenmanuellt specificera den position som är av intresse. Dessa tjänster ärkomplexa att utveckla då det är många olika parter och system sommåste samarbeta för att det hela ska fungera. Uppsatsens problem äratt genomföra en förundersökning till utvecklandet av en mobilreseguide vilken ska användas av personer som vill erhålla fakta omde platser som besöks vid resor och utflykter i naturen.Undersökningen har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod därintervjuer har använts som primär datainsamlingsteknik. Intervjuer hargjorts på 6 olika respondenter i blandade åldrar och kön med detgemensamma intresset att de alla tycker om att resa.

Relationer på den industriella marknaden - faktorer som inverkar på förtroende

The purpose with this study has been, based on different public and private procurement conditions, to measure if there are any significant differences in the business relations between public- and private institutional kitchens. Furthermore, to observe what important influencing factors there are to maintain and develop a relationship between a producer and customer. The result of the analysis shows that there are important factors that influences on the trust in the relationship between a producer and customer. These factors are product- and service exchange, communication, strategic purchase and social exchange. In this examination we have showed that there are differences in the relationship between public- and private customers.

Fast förankrad i allt som förflyktigas : En studie i det litterära motivet badande kvinnor i svensk arbetarlitteratur

My aim in this essay is to analyze how the female body is represented in Swedish working class literature. I have compared four different novels all of which contain a female bathing scene: the opening chapter of Moa Martinsons Kvinnor och äppelträd (1933) , the opening chapter of Ivar Lo-Johanssons Bara en mor (1939) and a scene each in Glasfåglarna (1996) and Mosippan (1998), both written by Elsie Johansson. The bathing scenes suggest three key issues: modernisation, urbanisation and above all women´s sexual politics. Though there were several issues facing the feminist movement in Sweden in the 1930, the question of a woman?s right to her body was one that united the movement, regardless of class..

Kunden i centrum : att nyttja potentialen i den interna förmedlingen av kunder

LRF Konsult is a big consulting-firm with offices located all over Sweden. The corporation offers a wide range of services and a lot of the customers are small businesses active within the green sector. An analysis of the corporation made in 2006 showed that one of LRF Konsults weaknesses is that many customers are unaware of the wide range of services that LRF Konsult offers. The internal communication is believed to play a big role in marketing these services. Therefor, the objective of this thesis has been to investigate why the transfer of customers between accounting consultants and business advisors is not greater and how this can be improved.

Konkurrenssituationen fo?r den svenska morotsbranschen :

The Swedish carrot market is dominated by a few big companies and three of them stands for 50 % of the market. During the last twenty years the number of growers has decreased, the area and the harvest have increased. The big producers have invested in advanced and expensive postharvest equipment that fulfils the high standards of the food industry. Few carrot producers are members of an organisation and they keep contacts with there buyers one by one. The buyers are mostly wholesalers and these have during a long period of time decreased the number of suppliers.

Det kanske är lite meningen att man ska vidga sina vyer. En undersökning om yrkesförares inställning till läsning och användning av vägkrogsbibliotek.

This Masters thesis is a study of the truck-driver profession and their use of libraries located in gas-stations and restaurants along the highways in Sweden. The reason for this interest is the positive trend that has occurred concerning men without any university education and their reading-habits, that is due to their increased interest in listening to audio books. This challenges the general opinion that this group is not particularly interested in reading literature. Questions posed in this study are: How do the truck-drivers relate to the activity of reading literature, what part does the road-libraries play, and how can the services that the road-libraries offer be improved according to the truck-drivers. The method used in the study is interviews made by telephone.

Utveckling av internordersystem för SharePoint

SharePoint is a web based platform designed to provide internal communications and file sharing for businesses and organizations.In this project, we created a system consisting of multiple applications to be used together with SharePoint. These applications are meant to simplify the workflow for internal orders of products. The system is targeted towards companies that do not have a flexible approach to digital orders or companies that want to integrate this functionality into their SharePoint platform. The project includes, in addition to the creation of the system, installation of the software and the servers needed to run a SharePoint environment and their configurations.The system consists of four applications where one of these, the store application, is required for the system to be used at all. The other applications are an order management application, a purchase application and an incoming delivery application. Of these four, we have implemented the store application and the order management application. Our hope is that users will find the system easy to use and graphically appealing..

Impulsköp och självscanning - ett omaka par

This study aims to explore how self scanning affects consumers impulse buying. Up til this day researchers are not aware how technologies like self scanning affects consumers behavior in-store. Consumers with self scanners are able to keep track of the rising sum, which could affect their buying behavior, especially when it comes to impulse purchase. Furthermore customers have to commit to scanning products which keep them from browsing the store for offers, which could limit the impulse buying. This study undertake a descriptive methodology with Beatty and Ferrells impuls model from 1998 as a theoretical platform where we examine disparities between self scanners and non self scanners.

Ungdomars mognad, en avgörande faktor : en kvalitativ studie inriktad på en grupp föräldrar gällande tillhandahållande av alkohol till sina barn

Our purpose was to shed light on how parents act in respect of providing alcohol to young people when they ask for a taste of home, or wish to bring alcohol to such a party. We used qualitative interviews and the results show that some of the respondents think that it may be acceptable to provide alcohol, while some do not. The results also show that the respondents think that parents are important as a model for the young. They could not purchase alcohol for the purpose of giving it to the young but only if alcohol is available at home. The reason for this behavior is the parents' assessment that the young person demonstrates a level of maturity for his age that they are presumed to be able to handle a small amount of alcohol.

?To help them to be wise? Balanserat bestånd i svenska folkbibliotek 2007

The aim of this thesis is to examine the term balanced collection in relation to Swedish laws and the democratic assignment. The Unesco Public Library Manifesto states that libraries are to formulate a policy defining objectives, priorities and services in relation to local community needs. The Swedish Libraries Act, paragraph 7, states that municipalities and counties shall adopt plans for library services. To fulfil our aim we will answer the following questions. By which terms is the democratic assignment visible in Swedish public libraries collection development policies? Is the term balanced collection used in Swedish public libraries collection development policies? If not, are there categories describing balanced collection? Do the terms in Swedish collection development policies differ to the six categories found by Farooq M.

Utveckling av lagerhanteringsapplikation för handterminal : Development of storage management application for PDA

This exam paper has been a collaboration between the writers and System Anderson AB. The assignment was about completing a client application, running on a PDA, and a server application, running as a web service. The web service handles the communication with System Anderssons existing database. The main goal for the application is that it will be used to increase efficiency in storage management. The client application will hold functions for withdrawal, purchase, delivering and inventory.

Idén om en värdegrund inom äldreomsorgen : En kvalitativ studie om hur enhetschefer och omsorgspersonal uppfattar en ny lag om värdegrund och dess implementering.

This study discloses home-care organizations in one municipality in Sweden and five units work with implementing the social services legislated value base for elderly people. The aim of this study is to gain an understanding of personnel and managers perception of the value base and its implementation in the practical work with the elderly. A qualitative method has been used to analyze the questions raised by the aim of this study. The empirical data was retrieved by semi-structured interviews with managers and their personnel in homecare service The empirical data was analyzed on the basis of the neo-institutional theory, Michael Lipsky?s theory concerning street-level bureaucrats and previous research regarding implementation of social policy and the practical home-care work.

Kvinnlig urininkontinens, dolt handikapp - Påverkan på livskvalitet, Transkulturell omvårdnad

Aim with this literature review is to acqurie knowledge in medical, psychical, psychological and social problems evolving urine incontinence and it´s treatment metods, current legislations and the nurse´s approach towards the patient and transcultural care if the patient comes from another cultural.The results show that this problem affects the women´s life situation enormously above all it brings them a increased social isolation, helpless, sheme, psychological and sexual problems.the nurse should recognise demands and resource with the.by support of diagnostic care, patients can achive good health when there is enough resource patient to be able to support her in her efforts to achive balance i her daily life..

Bokbussverksamhet. Effektiv decentralisering av svensk biblioteksservice?

The purpose of this masters thesis is to evaluate bookmobile service as a decentralised library service. I have made a qualitative interview survey, with seven Swedish municipalities participating, all providing bookmobile service in their rural parts. The purpose with the interviews is to examine their bookmobile service. I have also studied articles on bookmobile service, and decentralisation through small library units in library journals, to get an insight into how the work with decentralised library service is done in Swedish municipalities. In this thesis answer is sought to the following questions: - Which decentralised library services are suitable for inhabitants and institutions in sparsely populated areas, considering factors such as number of inhabitants, proportion of old people and children, demographic changes, economy, possibilities to cooperate with other municipalities? - What is the current bookmobile service situation in Sweden, taking seven municipalities in the region of Småland as a starting point? My conclusions are that each municipality must decide which decentralised library services that best suites their needs.

Samverkan i BoDa-enheter : En kvalitativ studie kring personer med funktionsnedsättning

Title: Collaboration in BoDa-units. A qualitative study about collaboration regarding people with disabilities. The purpose of this thesis was to internally examine the cooperation between different professions in municipal BoDa-units. By doing a qualitative study using focus-group-interviews in three municipalities, we were able to examine the personnel?s experience of cooperation issues and opportunities in BoDa-units.

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