1234 Uppsatser om The dog as a pedagogical resource - Sida 6 av 83
Barn möter information och media; En fallstudie om det pedagogiska arbetet på ett högstadium rörande kritiskt förhållningssätt och helhetsperspektiv gentemot information och media.
The purpose of this thesis is to draw a picture of pedagogical work at the senior level with a critical perspective of information and media. As a method for gathering material for the analysis, a case study was made with qualitative interviews together with documents that describe the case. Relevant literature for the subject has been used as an introduction and as a theoretical basis. The literature concerns subjects such as a childrens relation to media, the schools intructions, the role of the school library and some theories regarding learning. The conclusion is that the respondents focus on conversations and reflection regarding the sources of information and its use, and that the childrens adaption of the material is an important factor in teaching.
Arbetskraftsförsörjning i offentlig sektor: En studie av strategisk kompetensförsörjning
The study was conducted at a business in the social service. The purpose was to examine how the business works with human resource planning. In order to answer the purpose two questions was formulated, which human resource planning strategy does the business use? And, how do businesses need to act according to the theory of strategic manpower to achieve human resource planning? Survey data collection was done through a qualitative research design, where interviews with five employees in the business took place.The study shows that the business is using a own made strategy in order to achieve human resource planning. The strategy consists of two steps, in step one they do an background analysis and step two a needs analysis where a goal- and responsibility description are designed and then a set of requirements.
Pedagogisk dokumentation i förskolan. En studie om pedagogers resonemang kring pedagogisk dokumentation i förskolan. Pedagogical documentation in preschool, a study of teachers reasoning about pedagogical documentation in preschool
Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka hur pedagoger resonerar kring pedagogisk dokumentation ute i verksamheten. Vad och varför dokumenterar pedagogerna? Vad ser pedagogerna för möjligheter respektive hinder med pedagogisk dokumentation som verktyg? och även hur barnen involveras i detta arbete. Vi har valt att använda oss av kvalitativa intervjuer och enkätundersökningar. Svaren har sedan analyserats med hjälp av relevant litteratur.
Ung Företagsamhets arbetssätt : Ur pedagogens perspektiv
AbstractThe aim of this paper is to, through interviews, examine what opinions teachers connected to "Ung Företagsamhet" (Young Enterprise, UF) have on the work of UF compared to contractual and traditional learning. The reason for this is to find out if UF´s way of working is successful in a world, where the definition of knowledge constantly changes. Through qualitative interviews the views of four UF teachers are scrutinised. The results of the interviews indicate that UF works in a way, which contains both contractual and traditional learning, where both directions complement each other in different stages of the learning process.Key words: Contractual learning, pedagogical perspective, Young Enterprise, traditional learning.
Brasslärares tankar om, och inställning till, att undervisa på olika instrument
This study is based on discussions among Swedish brass teachers about teaching other brass instruments than their main instrument. Why do some choose to teach only with the help of their main instrument while others use their secondary instruments as well? What are the advantages and disadvantages and how do they look upon other ways of thinking in this matter?In addition, the study examines brass teachers? views on the balance between pedagogical and instrumental skill, as well as their views on teaching sound, technique and expression in relation to the age of the student.A questionnaire was used and anwered by 24 teachers with teaching experience in municipal music schools ranging from 7 months to 35 years. The results indicate that pedagogical skill is always important, whereas the importance of instrumental skill increases as the student gets older and more experienced. The advantage of teaching with the help of the main instrument is that one always keeps a high musical and technical level.
VAD ÄR VÄL EN DAG PÅ SLOTTET? Ett möte mellan design och museipedagogisk verksamhet
The project objective was to make parts of our cultural heritage available as a resource for learning, by developing the pedagogical activities on a medieval castle, that today functions as a museum. I also wanted to explore the role of a designer in a process that aims to develop the interaction between schools and cultural institutions.By a selection of objects and locations in the castle, illustrations with accompanying texts were made, which through the children?s imaginative ability may bring them to a historical scenario. This resulted in a working material that supports the children?s activities and reflections during their visit to the castle.
Utvärdering av personalutbildning : En studie om organisationers utvärdering av utbildningsprogram
This study examines how and why organizations evaluate training and development within the organizations. The study has a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews, with office and organization development managers. The purpose of the study is to contribute with knowledge about how three large Swedish organizations evaluates training and development programs for staff members. Another purpose is to describe why the organizations evaluate training and development programs and to research if there is a further need to develop the organization evaluation methods. Therefore the research questions are Why and how do organizations evaluate training programs? What further need is there to develop organizations evaluation methods?The conclusion of this study shows that evaluation of the training and development programs are not a high priority among the selected organizations.
Den pedagogiska innemiljön i öppna förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om fem pedagogers tankar kring den pedagogiska innemiljön i öppna förskolan
The purpose of this study was to examine some teachers thought about the educational indoor environment in free preschool. With free preschool this study means a Swedish specially adapted to parents/adults and their children and for a typical type of children who are 0-5 years old. Questions to the study were:? How do some teachers in free preschool perceive that they are adapting the preschool indoors environment to children and learning?? How do some teachers in free preschool perceive that they are adapting the preschool indoors environment to children and learning to attract children to the pedagogical environment?In this study I used qualitative methods and interviewed five teachers and preschool indoor environment is observed. I applied the socio cultural perspective to my study.
Bibliotekets roll för högskolestudenter med dyslexi
The aim of this master thesis is to explore what role libraries play in the educational process for university students suffering from dyslexia. The question at issue is whether the library is able to meet the needs of students who have difficulty in using the libraries main resource, i.e. printed documents and information in written form. An often expressed view indicates that the modern library creates a lot of obstacles for dyslectic students. The method used is a literature study followed by an empirical study in which interviews were conducted with four students suffering from dyslexia and studying at two different universities and using different libraries.
Matrismodellen vs Two-part regressionsmodeller - effekter på Region Skånes resursfördelning
An important task for Region Skåne is to allocate resources to the health care districts. From 1999 to 2002 Region Skåne used needs-based resource allocation as a model for allocating resources. In a needs-based resource allocation individuals with the same socioeconomic and demographic characteristics are assumed to have the same level of need and are therefore allocated the same amount of resources. During the period of needs-based resource allocation a matrix model was used as a method. In the matrix model individuals were divided into cells after each combination of the socioeconomic and demographic variables.
Loggbok och lärande : Elevers perspektiv och pedagogiska intentioner
The purpose of this paper is to juxtapose the theories of learning that are reflected in student?s perspectives of the learning log with that of the pedagogical intentions of the curriculum in order to examine the discrepancy between the experienced and the intentional learning objectives. The paper is divided into two sections. The first section is a literature survey on theories related to the learning log and the curriculum. The second part is constituted by three semi-structured group interviews concerning student´s views on the learning log.
Centraliserad personalavdelning- bästa verktyget för chefsstöd? : En kvalitativ studie om arbetssituationen relaterat till chefsstödet från personalavdelningen vid Uppsala kommun.
Changes in the workplace have led to new ways of organizing and structuring organizations. Organizations? desire to increase competitiveness, efficiency and flexibility has resulted in new conditions in the field of human resources. The new conditions have also created new roles and changing responsibilities for those working within human resources.The purpose of this study was to investigate how the implementation of Ulrich's model for HR transformation can impact on the human resource departments managerial support to first-line managers in the municipality of Uppsala. Today the municipality of Uppsala organizes its human resources based on the Ulrich's model, which divides the work into the units service center, the expert unit and business partners.
Att vara elev på en resursskola : Barns uppfattningar och erfarenheter av sin skolgång
I carried out six interviews in a "resource-school". The pupils were between ten and fifteen years old and they were all boys with a conduct disorder. The purpose of my study was to find out how the pupils experience school and with that starting point I wanted to contribute to the understanding and the importance of the "resource-school" for the pupils' development. My main questions have been to investigate what the pupils recall from their earlier schools, what they consider to be the difference between their current school and earlier schools, why do they attend this school, do they see it like a punishment or a possibility and how do they see their future.One conclusion I got to in my study was the pupils' relation to the staff. Here they found reliable grown ups with whom they created a positive relation to, which gave them better possiblities to develop and grow stronger.
Human Resource: involvering av personal : "alla ska med"
Our surrounding world is constantly changing and to be able to keep up with the fast pace of change organizations need to be prepared to transform as well. If there is a need for an organization to undergo a change process, the people constituting the organization also need to be prepared to change their behavior. In order for the change process to turn out successful, it is of the utmost importance that all employees are given the chance to take part in the process. The challenge for leaders during a change process is, therefore, to ensure that their employees actively get involved.The purpose of this study is to apply Human Resource (HR) theories on to an organization in order to critically review how leaders in practice, can involve their employees, on the basis of a change process.The study is a qualitative case study, the empirical material has been collected at Falkenbergs Sparbank with the help of one unstructured interview with an employee at the marketing department and four semi structured interviews with the office managers.Relationship oriented leadership is beneficial to use during change since it advocates an open relationship between co-workers and exchange of information and knowledge. Relationship oriented leadership is considered to be a good leadership style if organizations wants to turn Human Resource theories in to practice.
Vision och verklighet - En fallstudie av hur biblioteket på Linnéskolan i Älmhult arbetar för att hjälpa eleverna nå upp till aktuella lärandemål
The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate if and how the school library in Linnéskolan in Älmhult is working towards the learning goals that can be find in the different school documents that are represented by the municipality of Älmhult. This includes goals for the school, for the school library and for the subject of social studies in the ninth grade. We also want to investigate if the school library helps the students to reach the learning goals and if there are any factors that can be improved in the school library. We have used an evidence based approach to define factors in the school library that can be improved. In the chapter that describes our theoretical approach, we have also discussed three different pedagogical theories; teacher-centered teaching, individual constructivism and social constructivism.