

3629 Uppsatser om The cultural policy of Gustaf III - Sida 41 av 242

Kulturmiljövärden utan synintryck, en studie med synskadade

This graduate thesis takes its hold in an idea that many values, in cultural heritage environments, other than the onesthat can be seen with the eyes are as important for the experience of the environment as the visual ones; however theenvironments are usually defined by values that can be experienced visually!Interviews were held with four visually impaired persons. This to get a better understanding for how big part othersense modalities play in the experience of the cultural heritage environments. Questions were asked about what thevisually impaired especially value in cultural heritage environments and what is of value for preservation. Also whatcan be done to make the environments more impressive for them, how they experience the material part of theheritage, architecture, shape and color and with what senses they primarily remember. Furthermore the thesis aims todraw attention to how value definitions made by the conservation field affects the experience of the environmentsand therefore the accessibility for visually impaired.

A Swedish national forest programme ? participation and international agreements

Sweden is in the initial phase of forming a national forest programme (nfp). The establishment of an nfp has been evoked by international policy developments and a national debate questioning Swedish forestry and forest policy. National forest programmes are participatory processes for the development and implementation of forest-related policies and international commitments. Hence, the aim of this master thesis is to assess the stakeholders? acceptance of participation and integration of international issues within the Swedish national forest programme.

Sverige, Förenta Nationerna och Polisens utlandsstyrka : En fallstudie av policy och praktik i freds- och säkerhetsfrämjande arbete

Sverige har alltid uttalat ett starkt stöd till Förenta Nationerna, FN. I den allmänna debatten har det på senare tid dock handlat om att Sveriges och i-ländernas allt mindre deltagande i FN-ledda missioner gör att FN:s insatser tappar i trovärdighet och legitimitet. För att se om det finns fog för kritik om minskat deltagande i FN-ledda insatser i Sveriges internationella freds- och säkerhetsfrämjande arbete, så undersöks i denna uppsats om Polisens utlandsstyrkas deltagande i internationella insatser har förändrats över tiden 2001-2011. I uppsatsen undersöks även hur Sveriges uttalade policy om stöd för FN samspelar med vad som sedan implementeras i praktiken genom regeringens uppdrag till den svenska polisen. De som förvaltar och genomför regeringens beslut på området är Polisens Utlandssektion och dess utlandsstyrka.

Ett inkluderande landskap? : etniska relationer och erfarenheter på odlingslotter

The aim for this essay is to adress questions concering ethnic and cultural experiences and in what way it affects our experience of being in different landscapes. By studying how ethnic experiences are expressed in the landscape and the ongoing process of interaction between them, this essay sets out to discuss the significance of cultural aspects in the landscape. The perspective of this essay is that both landscape and ethnicity can be viewed as something constructed which is shaped and maintained by ongoing interactions in the landscape.While examples are taken from different parts of the western world, the main focus is to study how these experiences take place and are being negotiatiated in a particular landscape, an allotment area outside Malmö, Sweden.In the first part it is shown how the landscape can be read as a landscape of powerrelations and how these relations are related to ethnic experiences.In the next chapter the discussion concerns whether we can talk about different ?ethnic landscapes?. Research suggest that the use and perception of the landscape differs among ethnic groups.

Så funkar det i Sverige : En studie om föreställningar om kultur och etnicitet i integrationsprojekt finansierade av Europeiska Socialfonden

This study aim?s to examine how conceptions regarding culture and ethnicity influence the daily work of personnel in integration projects financed by the European Social Fund (ESF). The method of this study was individual semi-structured interviews with nine persons working in three different projects. The reason why we have chosen these specific projects was because of their work with immigrant participants. Concepts that our study is based on was culture and ethnicity, but also the theory considering in-groups and out-groups.

Olika bakgrund, olika ledarskap? : En jämförelse mellan en ledare från Sverige och en ledare från Tyskland

Many organizations strive to be transnational. This means that individuals with different cultural background will work together. Countries around the world have their own culture, which mark the way individual?s think and act. Different values between leaders and their subordinates are often a key factor to misunderstandings and conflicts in transnational organisations.

Familjen i skuggan av alkoholismen: om medberoendeproblematik ur klass-, kultur- och könsperspektiv

The aim of our thesis was to describe how the connection between co-dependent relatives and the alcohol-dependent influences the family into changes in their teamwork.Our purpose was also to answer the following questions: How is it living with an alcoholic? Are there any differences in how men and women feel and behave in their relationship with an alcoholic? Are factors like cultural belonging, genre or social class important for how the co-dependent relatives feels and behaves and handle their co-dependency?To answer these questions we made twelve thematic qualitative interviews with six adult children to alcoholics and six people married to alcoholics. We compared the results of these interviews with earlier research. We also applied System Theory and Goffman's Role Theory, as well as Bourdieu´s Capital and Habitus concept.We believe that co-dependency is a family divergence that is very similar to family disease, but that a change in attitude can trigger recovery. According to the interviews many spouses stand by their alcoholic husbands and do actions that perpetuate the alcoholic dependence and thereby hold back any recovery.

Befolkningsförändringar : Ett hinder för landsbygdens utveckling

Syftet med uppsatsen är att visa vilken effekt befolkningsförändringarna inom landsbygdsregionerna har på den regionalpolitik som förs idag. Samt vilka de samhälleliga konsekvenserna blir. För att detta syfte ska uppfyllas krävdes det tre stycken frågor. Dessa frågor är: Vilka effekter får befolkningsförändringarna på glesbygdsregioners socioekonomiska förutsättningar? Vad säger forskningen om den landsbygdspolitik som förs idag? Vilka är det stora dragen inom landsbygdspolitiken efter inträdet i EU?The aim of this thesis is to show what effects population changes in rural areas may have on the regional policy which is used today and what are the consequences.

"Frestande lockelser ..." : två svenska arkitekters möten med Pompeji 1843-44 1884

Ever since the remains of the ancient city of Pompei was rediscovered in the 18th century it became an important destination for artists and architects. The unique settings made it possible to study the greek and roman art and life which was considered important having knowledge about. As a complement to the architectural education at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Stockholm the students could gain funds to make a Grand Tour and visit Pompei.The aim in this study is to explain the study tours the architects made to Pompei by studying their experiences at the site. Fredrik Wilhelm Scholander and Isak Gustaf Clason serves as examples of two swedish architects visiting Pompei on such a tour. In the study I describe why and how these tours were made and why Pompei was an important destination.


Natural monuments are natural objects with special protection due to their high natural value or cultural significance. The natural value is determined by the occurrence of signal species found on and near the natural monument. The law surrounding natural monuments has evolved a lot since the first ones were declared, and today the title natural monument can be replaced with the title tree with high conservation value. The title has come later and can sometimes overlap natural monument. Some natural monuments lack the qualities required to be classified as a natural monument or a tree with high conservation value, but have a cultural importance.

Sida ur ett lilberalfeministiskt perspektiv : Finns jämställdhetsidéer av liberalfeministiskt slag i Sidas bistånds - och utvecklingspolitik?

AbstractEssay in Political Science, C ? level, by Ylva Björkegren, spring semester 2008. Tutor: Anna Spånning. ?Sida from a liberal feministic perspective.

Turism som kulturförmedling : En kvalitativ studie av samisk kulturturism

Turismen är en av världens största och mest expansiva branscher. Intresset för kulturturism har ökat under de senaste årtiondena och turisternas efterfrågan på upplevelser som involverar ursprungsfolk växer. På många håll i världen är det västerländska turistföretag som ställer villkoren för hur denna kulturförmedling ska se ut. Detta medför att en stereotyp och missvisande bild av ursprungsfolk många gånger bibehålls, vilket får negativa följder för ursprungsgrupperna. Andra följder av turismens expansion är exempelvis tvångsförflyttningar av ursprungsbefolkningar.

En bro mellan teoretisk och praktisk kunskap : En fenomenografisk studie baserad på lärares uppfattningar kring teoretisk och praktisk kunskap, metod och lärande- miljöer

This thesis is intended to respond to the extent to which South African textbooks on the subject of history is linked to the governmental policy documents and whether they are producing and reproducing national identity. The two textbooks are aimed at students in grade 10. Both books were produced in 2008 but published by different publishers.The essay is based on Norman Faircloughs critical discourse theory which has been supplemented by Michael Billings theory Banal Nationalism, which assumes that it is the national words that remind us daily of our homeland that is producing and reproducing national identity.  The survey shows that both textbooks are closely tied to the government policy document for the teaching of history. The textbooks refer to the policy, both explicitly and implicitly. The two textbooks reproduce a common national identity in South Africa based on the discussions taking place in society.

Gallring av böcker på svenska folkbibliotek idag ? hur kan den se ut? Några exempel

The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate how books are weeded in some Swedish public libraries today. It tries to shed light on some of the problems and obstacles that may arise, and on the criteria used by staff for weeding. I also hope to build a model for weeding, based on the results of my investigation. The method I have chosen for my work is qualitative interviews. The results of my thesis indicate that weeding is not the top priority of the staff at the investigated libraries.

BROTTSPREVENTION I EUROPA En kritisk komparativ diskursanalys av brottsprevention riktat mot ungdomsbrottslighet i England och Sverige

This thesis investigates how crime prevention is represented with the aim of preventing and reducing youth crime in two crime prevention strategies for Croydon in England and Stockholm in Sweden for the period 2022-2026. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to increased knowledge and deeper understanding about how crime prevention is represented by prevailing discourse in policy documents against juvenile delinquency in Europe by conducting a comparative analysis. The study was conducted based on Carol Bacchi?s theory ?What?s the problem represented to be?. Three adapted questions from the WPR approach were translated to critically discourse-analytically examine two policy-oriented strategies against youth crime on local level in Croydon and Stockholm.

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