

6417 Uppsatser om The childŽs point of view - Sida 7 av 428

FörÀldrars erfarenhet av barn med autistic spektrum disorder

The parents of a developmentel disordered child live with much sorrow and anguish. Despite that, they often talk about hope, joy and love for their child. The autistic spectrum disorder includes different stands. Three of them are Autism, Aspergers syndrome and Disintegrative disability. An article overview has been made with the purpose to examine parents experiences of having a child that develops autism or a diagnosis within the autistic spectrum.

PĂ„ vems villkor? : En fallstudie om barnarbete i Ghana

The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze two factors contributing to child labor in Ghana, one of the world's largest producers of cocoa. These two factors are: poor countries economic and political dependency on the rich countries, political leader?s ambitions and decisions. We will also describe and analyze the UN's efforts and measures to combat child labor. The method we used was a case study of child labor in Ghana?s cocoa industry together with interviews.

Minnets betydelse för lÀrandet : En intervjustudie med tre pedagoger som arbetar med specialpedagogiska frÄgor

AbstractMy study is about working memory and working memory abilities for children with concentration difficulties. I have looked at literature and current research. I have also done an interview study on three pedagogues who have experience of the problem area.The conclusion I can draw from my investigation is, when it comes to working memory and what children with concentration difficulties can have problem with, is often shown when instruction is given in several stages and when the child come to the last instruction they sometimes have forgotten what the first instruction was. Special questions, image, image schedules and written instruction can help the child to remember. I also found that the pedagogues not only looked at working memory, but they also examined how the child hear and see, therefore they look at the ability of how the child notice what they hear and see and how they use it in their every day living.

FörÀldrars upplevelse av ett samtal om kost pÄ barnavÄrdscentralen

Introduction: In Skaraborg, a standardized dialogue is being held since 2005 about dietand physical activity, during the 1,5- and 3-years health control at the Child Health Carecentre (CHCC). The aim of the dialogue is to prevent overweight and obesity amongchildren. Aim: The aim of this study is to examine the parents? experience of thisdialogue, and what they perceive that the dialogue has contributed with after sixmonths. Methods: Qualitative collection of data through 11 interviews heldimmediately after the dialogue, in addition to five telephone interviews conducted six toeight months after the dialogue.

Elev, lintott eller bara barn? Synen pÄ barn i tre kulturpublikationer ? en diskursanalys

The aim of this Master's thesis is to examine and analyze what discourses about children that can be found in three Swedish culture publications, and also to identify the different social roles that are attributed to children in these publications. The theoretical and methodological background is discourse theory, as described by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. Additional theory used is social constructionism and Norman Fairclough?s critical discourse theory. Three questions are asked: What discourse/s can be found in these publications? What do these discourses tell us about the view on children within the library domain? What social roles are attributed to the children in the texts and what consequences do these have for the power configuration between children and adults? Furthermore there is a discussion concerning what effects these discourses might have on the direct and indirect reception of children in the library.

Samverkan skola och socialtjÀnst: LÀrares och socialsekreterares perspektiv och syn pÄ samverkan med varandra

The purpose with the essay was to study the school and the social welfare personnel respectively along with their perspectives and views on their collaboration in the work with socially exposed children and how the collaboration was formed.To get answers to my questions, I interviewed three teachers and three social welfare secretaries. The questions and the analysis were divided into themes: the collaboration between school and social services now and in the future, development of collaboration, and facilitation and difficulties.When analysing the interviews I found a consensus in some questions. All interviewed agreed on the importance of collaboration for the welfare of the child through continuous meetings. The relationship and dialogue between school and social services was vital. Both teachers and social welfare secretaries found it essential not to be seen as a hidden authority.

Parallellimport och utvecklingen av EG:s konkurrensrÀtt

Parallel imports often lead to lowered prices and is therefore regarded as good from a consumer's point of view. From a business'point of view this is not always the case. When do parallel imports occur? Is it possible to prevent parallel imports to protect an introduction of a product in another member state? The purpose of this thesis is to present situations where parallel imports occur and to see if it is compatible with competition law to prevent parallel imports. Furthermore I will analyse the future development after the group exemption of vertical restraints enters into force in June 2000.

Vem Àr ett barn? En kritisk idéanalys av Barnkonventionen

Nearly half of the worlds population is individuals under the age of eighteen. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child state in its first article that a child is ?every human being below the age of 18 years?. Our aim and purpose with this essay is to problemize this broad definition. Our hypothesis is that the definition brought by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is too wide and therefore brings difficulties when children of different ages beneath eighteen should and shall be treated the same.

Child diabetes ? parents? experience Barndiabetes - förÀldrars upplevelser

Background: Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 is increasing among children on large parts of the world. The disease strikes not only the child but affects the whole family. The parents are those who are responsible for the child?s treatment and well being. Purpose: The purpose of the literature review was to describe how parents to children with Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 experience and handle the situation around the child?s disease.

Barn med autism : Integrera eller segregera

AbstractThe purpose of my study is to describe what view teachers, which are working with autistic children, have about how the individual autistic child will have a good schooling? If children with autism should be integrated or segregated. I also want to find out how ?a school for all? shall be worked out to fit children with autism. To reach my purpose I?ve chosen to use a qualitative method and to hand out questionnaire to three teachers which are working in a training school.To get a background to this study I?ve presented what researchers have to say about this subject.

FörÀldrars upplevelser av att leva med ett barn som har typ 1 diabetes

BackgroundType 1 diabetes is a chronically disease that often occurs in early life. In every year around 77.000 children in the world is estimated with type 1 diabetes. When a child gets a chronically disease it affects the whole family, specially the parents who will be the child's caregiver.AimThe aim of this study was to describe parents experiences of living with a child with type 1 diabetes.MethodA literature review was carried trough based on 10 qualitative scientific articles. The articles were analyzed and two main themes and seven subthemes emerged.ResultsAll parents experienced that they needed some kind of support particularly early in their illness. They felt it was a big responsibility to take care of their child with diabetes and parents often felt anxiety and fear associated with the disease.

Barn med sprÄkstörning interagerar : -en samtalsanalytisk studie av samtal mellan barn och barn samt barn och logoped

This paper explores the interaction of children with language impairment (LI). The present essay is a conversation analytic study of child-child and child-therapist dyads. The aim was to explore in what ways children with LI reach common understanding. Another purpose was to investigate if there are differences in interaction between dyads with children with LI and dyads with children with LI and speech language therapist. Seven children, three girls and four boys, with LI participated in the study.

Synen pÄ SÀkerhet och Immigration : Finns det ett samband?

The aim of this study is to explore howEuropean changes in the view on securityrelates to the view on immigration and viceversa. The answer to that question is basedupon collected data from three separatetime periods; the 1950s, 1970s and 1990s.These time periods are seen as importanthistoric decades when political changes,assumed to have affected the views onsecurity and immigration, have occurred.According to certain criteria each timeperiod has been labelled in terms ofnarrowed/widened view on security as wellas restrictive/open view on immigration.The hypothesis of the study is that, whencompared, a constant pattern can be seenbetween the historical labels of eachphenomenon, where a narrow view onsecurity goes hand in hand with an openview on immigration and similarly a widesecurity view relates to a restrictive viewon immigration.The conclusion of the study gives supportto the hypothesis. During all three periodsstudied a restrictive view on immigrationrelates to a wider view on security while anopen view on immigration relates to anarrower view on security. Thisrelationship goes both ways..

Barn i skuggan av barnperspektivet : En studie om syskons inkludering vid insatser till familjer dÀr barn har en funktionsnedsÀttning

Science has shown that siblings to children with a disability are affected by the family situation. The siblings often let their own needs and requests come secondary to their family members. This study illustrates how different professionals, who keep in contact with families with a disabled child, works with its siblings. The purpose with this study was to see how professionals, working as administrators, counselors at the habilitation and kin supporters in the region of Kalmar, include siblings while working with the families. Representatives from the professionals have been interviewed with a semi structured interview manual.The result showed that professionals have various opinions how siblings are affected by the family situation.

LÄt dem fÄ se skönheten : En textanalys av Karolina Widerströms syn pÄ sexualitet

The purpose of this essay is to analyze the view on sexuality held by Sweden?s first woman doctor Karolina Widerström, by using ideologycritical textanalysis on the written scriptures of dr. Widerström that focus on sexualpolitics. In doing this I use the theory of speech by Foucault. In this study I focus on Widerström?s scriptures, what she wrote about, how she wrote about it but also what she couldn't write due to the historical context and how omission can still speak of power.

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