

1999 Uppsatser om The Voice Symptom Scale - Sida 25 av 134

Symptombild och förekomst av överkänslighetsreaktioner vid administrering av intravenöst och intraarteriellt jodbaserat icke-joniskt kontrastmedel : En allmän litteraturöversikt

Introduktion: Jodbaserade röntgenkontrastmedel är bland de vanligaste använda läkemedel som administreras intravenöst. Kontrastmedel vid radiologiska undersökningar kan ge upphov till olika typer av överkänslighetsreaktioner, därför är det viktigt för röntgensjuksköterskor att kunna vara förberedda och observanta på symptom för att kunna tillgodose en patientsäker vård. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att studera symtombild och hur ofta överkänslighetsreaktioner inträffar, samt vilka patienter som är mest utsatta för kontrastmedelsöverkänslighetsreaktioner vid radiologiska undersökningar med intravenös eller intraarteriell administrering av jodbaserat icke-joniskt kontrastmedel. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en allmän litteraturöversikt inom området radiografi och utfördes systematiskt för att sortera ut vetenskaplig forskning som kunde ge svar på syftet. 15 artiklar analyserades.

FODMAP i praktiken : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om dietisters uppfattning och erfarenheter av FODMAP

BAKGRUND FODMAP är en behandlingsmetod för IBS som kommer från Australien och som är relativt ny i Sverige. FODMAP betyder Fermentable Oligo-, Di- and Monosacharides and Polyols och går ut på att begränsa mängden fermenterbara kolhydrater i kosten. Dessa kolhydrater har i studier visat sig kunna orsaka många av de symptom som IBS-patienter lider av och att så många som 3 av 4 av de patienter som testar behandlingen får reducerade symptom.SYFTE Syftet med studien var att undersöka och belysa dietisters erfarenheter, uppfattning och hantering av FODMAP.METOD Kvalitativa intervjuer baserade på en semistrukturerad frågeguide genomfördes. Totalt 12 dietister intervjuades och samtalen skedde via personliga besök eller telefon. Intervjuerna spelades in för att sedan transkriberas.

Utveckling av ergonomiskt hjälpmedel för personer med uppresningsbesvär

This report is the final result of the master thesis that have been done at  Sharpman Engineering. Sharpman Engineering is a small development and manufacturing company that produces and make drawings for everything from heavy duty log raft to aids for disabled people. The purpose have been to make one concept that make it easy for elderly and people having problem with knee- and back problem to stand up from a sitting position. The final result will the company have for further investigations and use for a pre-serial production with the goal to produce a new working product.To get an overview of what is on the market have a comprehensive survey has been done, followed by a survey on patent. This patent survey are for no intrusion on existing patents should occur and give new ideas.

Improvement in agricultural production in a rural area of Cambodia between 2004 and 2011 - with an emphasis on small scale cattle production

Cambodia is located in Southeast Asia with a tropical monsoon climate and distinctive wet and dry seasons. Poverty is a widespread problem in Cambodia and 30 percent of the population were classified as poor in 2009. About 80 percent of the populations live in rural areas where poverty is an even greater problem. In agriculture, rice cultivation is dominating and the crop is cultivated on 85 percent of the arable land. Livestock keeping is also a traditional part of Cambodian agriculture.

Idrotts-självförtroende och motivation : Hos kvinnliga och manliga elit- respektive amatörspelare i bandy

The purpose of this study was to exam the possible differences in the experienced self-confidence and motivation among the elite players in bandy and amateur players in bandy. In addition, any differences between boys and girls within the same area to be studied. A total of 112 athletes participated of whom 52 of them classified as elite players and 60 amateur players, with 62 boys and 50 girls. The athletes filled at one point in the questionnaires The Sport Motivation Scale, Harter?s (1980) ?competence scale? and The Sport Confidence Inventory.

Kroppsuppfattning hos unga kvinnor: en jämförelse mellan gymnasieelever i Luleå och Jokkmokk

Det perfekta kroppsidealet gör sig ofta påmind i samhälls- och mediadebatten. Dagens västerländska kroppsideal domineras av en smal och fettfri kvinnokropp. Under tonåren är fokuseringen på kroppen mer påtaglig än under någon annan del i livet. Strävan efter det slanka idealet är svårt att uppnå och kan medföra att individen inte förmår att acceptera sin kropp. Syftet med denna studie var att få en bild av och jämföra kroppsuppfattningen hos unga kvinnor som går på gymnasiet i Luleå respektive Jokkmokk.

Undersökning av elektroniska scorekort på golfmarknaden : Var ligger problemet för fortsatt utveckling?

This is a Master´s Thesis based on my own idea instead of that of a company. It is a survey that focuses on finding out more about which part of the development process that is blocking the establishment of electronic scorecards on the golf market. Why has it not been introduced on the market in a larger scale yet, considering the technology we possess today? This question is investigated through interviews with the Swedish Golf association, and three companies that have chosen different paths to implement an electronic scorecard. The interviews focuses on finding out what developers and the association believe to be the main problem, before taking the next step in releasing electronic scorecards on a larger scale.

Valberedningen enligt Svensk Kod för Bolagsstyrning: En studie ur ett institutionellt perspektiv

With the introduction of the Swedish Code for Corporate Governance in December 2004, most companies listed on the major Swedish stock exchanges were required to have a nomination committee responsible for, among other things, evaluating the incumbent board and nominating new candidates. This master thesis aims at analyzing the effects of these nomination committees on institutional investors in their corporate governance, through a qualitative study of 13 interviews. We have found that institutional investors have become more active through their participation in nomination committees and that they have gained more influence over the companies in which they own shares. We believe that in reality nomination committees have more influence over the selection of the board than was intended when the Swedish Code was written..

Jämförande studie av LEM2 och Dynamiska Redukter

This thesis presents the results of the implementation and evaluation of two machine learning algorithms [Baz98, GB97]based on notions from Rough Set theory [Paw82]. Both algorithms were implemented and tested using the Weka [WF00]software framework. The main purpose for doing this was to investigate whether the experimental results obtained in [Baz98]could be reproduced, by implementing both algorithms in a framework that provided common functionalities needed by both. As a result of this thesis, a Rough Set framework accompanying the Weka system was designed and implemented, as well as three methods for discretization and three classi cation methods. The results of the evaluation did not match those obtained by the original authors.

Hopp hos patienter i palliativ vård : En deduktiv litteraturstudie med modellen de 6 S:en som utgångpunkt

Background: In previous studies on the subject hope it has been revealed that hope is an important condition for the experience of health, quality of life and well-being. In the literature hope is described as a great support in life that is vital for a person's life and for how the person manages to become afflicted with a fatal disease. Within palliative care the 6S: s is a person-centered model for care that is directed towards the promotion of patient´s participation, relief from suffering and enablement of well-being and support of the patient and his or her family members. Aim: To describe how patients find hope in their situation in palliative care, and to examine whether there is an interaction between the different dimensions of 6 S: s model and with patients' experiences of hope. Methods: This degree project is literature study.

En social rörelse och finanspolitiska problem : En studie av två grupper inom Occupy-rörelsen

I dagens värld har länder ett tätt sammanlänkat ekonomiskt samarbete. Detta innebär att ifall ett land drabbas av en finanskris, kommer även andra länder att falla likt dominobrickor, in i en väntande finanskris. Just detta skedde år 2008 och 2011, då ett flertal av världens länder drabbades av en stor finansiell kris. I skuggan av dessa kriser växte en social rörelse fram vars syfte var att uppmärksamma människor om vad som, enligt rörelsen, egentligen hade hänt. Rörelsen som växte fram är känd som Occupy-rörelsen.

Uppgradering av biogas i systemperspektiv med avseende på miljöpåverkan och kostnader

Swedish biogas is currently produced mainly by anaerobic digestion of sewage sludgeat sewage treatment plants, landfills and anaerobic digestion of household or industrialwaste. Also cattle ma-nure from farms can be used to produce biogas. Upgradingbiogas represents an increase in methane concentration from about 65 % to about 97%. In addition, particles and contaminants must be sepa-rated from the upgradedbiogas. There are various methods for upgrading and this report compares sixdifferent methods with respect to environment and economy: water scrubber,Biosling, cryo technology, chemical absorption, Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) andmembrane separation.According to the used ORWARE model, chemical adsorption with amine has the leastenvironmen-tal impact (methane emissions) and the lowest costs.

Högskolestudenters akademiska self-efficacy : Hur relaterar kön, KASAM och socialt stöd till studenternas upplevelse av studieframgång?

 Tidigare forskning inom studentliv och studenternas framgång är ett väl undersökt område. Könsskillnader, känsla av sammanhang (KASAM) och socialt stöd är några av de faktorer som har visats påverka studenternas akademiska self-efficacy. Studiens syfte var att undersöka relationen mellan kön, KASAM, socialt stöd och studenternas akademiska self-efficacy. 124 högskolestudenter i Mellansverige deltog genom att svara på en enkät bestående av College Academic Self-efficacy Scale, Social Support Questionnaire 6 (SSQ6) samt Sense of Coherence scale (SOC-13). Materialet analyserades med Pearsonkorrelation, regressionsanalys och t-test.

Informella sittplatser i det offentliga stadsrummet : applicerat på gråbrödersplatsen, en ny plats i Lund

This thesis is about informal seatings, those which are planned to merge into the city core environment and to supply a flexible public space. The thesis discusses how a diverse range of elements could result in different functions and social meanings. These are illustrated with visual examples and conceptual drawings. The position of the seating in a small public place is important, as well as its location in the city. Furthermore, the detail design of the seating, such as the form and dimensions have to be considered in order to create an informal seating appropriate for the user. This leads to the broad scope of this thesis which deals with the small scale - how the seatings can create a good environment in a small place; and the big scale - how a site can influence the city. This thesis suggests the physical design of some informal seatings and also investigates how these seatings can strengthen the place through their function and how they relate to their surroundings.

Animaliska restprodukter vid köttproduktion : Effektiv användning och livsmedelspotential

This master thesis aims to investigate and quantify the potential associated with increasing the usage of edible by-products as food for human consumption on the Swedish market. The main emphasis is on the Swedish production of offal and the obstacles that currently inhibit greater usage of these products as foods.The results indicate that the Swedish market for offal is limited. Only a small amount of the edible by-products that are produced in Sweden every year are consumed as foods and a considerable amount seem to be downgraded into animal feed or thrown away. The utilization of these products is restricted by economical, technical, legal, and cultural factors that all need to be taken into consideration. On the whole, large-scale slaughter plants seem to be more inclined to utilize these products effectively, as the profit from doing so increases proportionately to the produced volumes.

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