

7369 Uppsatser om The Theory of Counter Productivity - Sida 16 av 492

Fysisk bestraffning i Sydafrikanska skolor : En perspektivorienterad hermeneutisk analys kring läraresoch elevers förhållningssätt till fysisk bestraffning

The purpose of this paper is to explore how masculinity and femininity are constructed in the magazine Veckorevyn, through a critical discourse analysis of 18 articles from six issues in 2011. This is done by using a variety of theories and previous research results, which is gender theory, the theory of late-modern society and media theory. The analysis shows that Veckorevyn depicts virility and feminine differently. Furthermore, pointing the results from the analysis that a change of manhood and womanhood takes place in the social practice. The selection of articles from the magazine also shows that Veckorevyn seems to promote gender equality. .

Arbetsmotivationens betydelse för engagemanget i en organisationsförändring

The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between self-determination theory and its three basic needs: competence, autonomy and relatedness, and commitment to change in an organizational change. Another purpose was to examine if the quality of the communication and the effects on the organization and way to work can predict commitment to change. Considering that organizational changes is very common today there is an interest to ease and improve the change process. The survey contained the scales Commitment to change scale and Basic need satisfaction at work scale and the participants were 39 office-workers who recently had gone through an organizational change. The result indicated that it?s possible to predict commitment to change from self-determination theory, communication and effects on organization and way to work.

Pluralismens utmaningar - En teoriprövande studie med Belgien och Schweiz.

This thesis is set out as a testing of the crosscutting cleavages theory on twocontemporary cases. The aim is to test the explanation process of the crosscutting theory applied to the political and social situations in Belgium and Switzerland and furthermore to examine potential conflicts in pluralistic states. Our main questionis: How can the crosscutting cleavages theory explain the different outcomes ofsocial coexistence, even with the states numerous similarities? We have examined the two federal states through their social divisions of language, region, religion and socio-economy. Our findings show that both Belgium and Switzerland possess divisions in the above mentioned variables, which in most cases are cumulative structured.

En vacker död : Manlighet i fyra japanska samurajfilmer

AbstractA beautiful death ? Manliness in four Japanese samurai moviesThis thesis deals with the samurai and his portrayal in Japanese historic movies and what kind of messages he conveys in form of masculinity to theater audiences. Four movies were chosen, two from the 1960s and two from the 2010s. The reasoning behind this was to look at two eras of samurai movies and if possible try to see differences between them. The history of the samurai, being a man and woman in modern Japan, R.W Connell and famous Japanese authors from different time eras acted as tools to try to answer the questions in hand.

Höga hus med deformerbara fundament på pålar : Pålkrafters avvikelse visavi klassisk teori samt förskjutningar beroende av vindlast

When forces in foundation piles are calculated according to classic theory, thefoundation are assumed to be infinitely rigid which means that the foundation will notbend. High buildings need their whole width to be stable and use the ground floorwall as a foundation. But when, for example windows are needed in the ground floorwall, the stiffness of the foundation decreases which change the forces in the piles. Inthis report the difference of pile forces versus classic theory has been analyzed, and ifpile forces can be calculated as in classic theory. Further on, the effects of the wallmovement were analysed and how the buildings crack safety would be affected by themovement at the ground floor.

EKONOMISTYRNING AV BUTIKSVERKSAMHET: ? en fallstudie av modeföretaget ?Alfa?

The aim of this thesis is to examine how salesperson control can be exercised in a retail store environment. A case study has been performed on a Swedish fashion company emphasizing the relationship between the company?s upper level management and their retail store operations in order to describe, analyze and classify the prevailing management control mechanisms. The paper presents an agency theoretical approach to the relationship applying behavior- and outcome based control theory, performance measurement theory and incentives theory in order to give a comprehensive image of the control system. The main finding is that the company?s management control system as applied to the sales force in its retail stores can be categorized as mainly behavior-based despite several explicit outcome-based features..

Vad är problemet i a-kassan?

The object of the essay was to investigate the argumentation in the bill, the comments from unions and the authorities, among others and the motions concerning the bill. To analysis this argumentation I have been using feminist theory, specifically Carole Lee Bacchis ?What?s the problem?-aproach. I also used Maud Eduards and Diane Sainsbury to complete my theory. They describe men as the norm of the society and women as deviant.

Att undervisa med didaktisk teori : en diskursanalys av grundskolans kursplaner för historia och religionskunskap

The aim of this exam is about possibility to position a didactical theory of Curriculum for compulsory school, preschool class and the leisure-time centre 2011 (Lgr11). I use Michael Foucault?s discourse analysis to study the syllabuses for social sciences subjects History and Religion. The main theme is to seek what kind of world does these two social study subjects construct for students in high school. The point of using Foucault?s discourse is to seek specific knowledge and words which is used for power positioning.

Leken som ett verktyg för lärandet

The present study deals with the importance of play for children's learning in preschool. The purpose is to investigate the importance of play for children's learning in preschool from a pedagogue?s perspective. The study is based on two issues: How does the pedagogue´s who were interviewed reason about the impact the play has on children's development? How does the pedagogue´s approach to make play a learning situation? The empirical data is based on semi-structured interviews with four preschool pedagogue´s.

POLIS, POLIS, REGISTERKRIS : ? en retorisk analys av polisens kriskommunikation i samband med "registerskandalen"

AbstractTitel: Ur elden in i askan. En kvalitativ studie om det sociala nätverkets betydelse för ensamkommande barnKeywords: unaccompanied refugee children, social network, risk and resilience, social work.Authors: Karin Bodå och Leila Silva The main purpose of this study is to illuminate and describe the importance of having a social network for unaccompanied refugee children in Sweden. Using qualitative interviews this study looks at their possibilities to create a social network in Sweden and how their network helps them to solve problems. Knowledge of this subject is important for social workers, in order to be able to encourage and help unaccompanied refugee children to build a social network. The base for our analysis is attachment theory, coping theory, social network theory, KASAM theory, risk and resilience theory, system theory are used to give deeper insight into experiences of four unaccompanied refugee boys.

Från soptipp till naturreservat : En studie av makt i Lövsta-Kyrkhamn-Riddersvik genom actor-network theory

This paper investigates, through an actor-network theory perspective, how the recreation area Lo?vsta-Kyrkhamn-Riddersvik northwest of Stockholm has developed from being a dumping site into becoming a nature reserve. This investigation also tries to describe and explain which values that have been promoted in the area by the local voluntary associations and companies. Lo?vsta-Kyrkhamn-Riddersvik has been inhabited for more than 3000 years, originally with farming as the most important business.

Är framtidens kontor här för att stanna?

Alneskolans slöjdlärare Sara Edström anser att deras trä- och metallslöjdssal upplevs som trång, är oändamålsenlig och har brister utifrån de gällande arbetsmiljökraven.Syftet med denna rapport är att slöjdläraren ska få ett underlag som visar hur slöjdsalen kan utformas för att bli effektivare, trevligare och uppfylla gällande lagar och rekommendationer. Underlaget som kom att innehålla en planritning, rivningsritning, rumsbeskrivning och en kostnadsberäkning, ska sedan användas för att få till en verklig förändring av slöjdsalens utformning.Utformningen grundades på boverkets byggregler, arbetsmiljöverkets rekommendationer och slöjdlärarens anvisningar.Resultatet visade att slöjdsalen kan utformas så att den blir mer effektiv, trevligare och säkrare. Till en kostnad av 125 000 kr kan lokalen utformas så att den uppfyller alla regler och rekommendationer samt de flesta av anvisningarna som angivits. .

Det emotionella valet - ett alternativ och komplement till rationaliteten

The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate and develop a useful theory of human behavior that recognizes the importance of our emotions. The new framework, called the theory of emotional choice, is developed by a holistic method in which results from the fields of psychology, sociology and (neuro-) biology are used to mutually support the conclusions. The theory is distilled into six preliminary points, which are based on the finding that we are not thinking as logical, rational and longsighted as is often assumed. Instead the regular human thinking is suggested to be shortsighted, intuitive and ruled by our emotions and our needs for generality, causality and normality.To demonstrate the usefulness of the new framework, it is used in an analysis of financial bubbles. Additionally, the fields of negotiation, election and ethics are suggested as potentially interesting to analyze with the new theory..

Det var en gång... : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers uppfattning om användandet av sagor i förskoleverksamheten

The purpose of this study is to find out how teachers work with fairytales in preschools raising several questions;How would the teachers describe the literary environment at the preschools? What does theory say about the literary environment?What type of fairytales do the teachers perceive that they work with? How does theory describe these fairytales?What is the underlying purpose for teachers working with fairytales? What purposes are described in theory?My study is based on qualitative interviews conducted with three teachers working in preschool in a small town. The study is based on hermeneutic theory.  I have also used other theory to complete the study.         The teachers all see the possibility of using storytelling as a means to developing the children´ s vocabulary. Some of the teachers also use books and stories as a way of indirectly addressing ongoing personal problems.                                                                                                      The results of my study show that fairytales can be a valuable tool for personal development for children. Working with fairytales could be crucial to how children develop their curiosity and desire to learn and manage ongoing traumas in their lives.

Lokal näringspolitik som nationell angelägenhet : - en teoriprövande studie av implementeringsproblemet i en näringspolitisk kontext

This study aims at contributing to the studies of political implementation. The theory of implementation claims that local implementation that meets the demands of national policies is close to none existing. By examining the implementation of industrial policy in two Swedish municipalities that differs in location, prosperity and political believes I am putting the theory to the test. If the test were to show that the implementation is rather well executed in these two cases, where the risk of failure is great, the questions about whether the theory is valid or not will rise.By interviewing the two local government employees in charge of the work with industrial policy, and studying their strategic documents I got my answers. This by looking at their work but also their attitudes towards the national policy in terms of understanding the policy, being able to work with it, and wanting to work with it.

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