804 Uppsatser om The Liberal Party - Sida 26 av 54
Ungdomars mognad, en avgörande faktor : en kvalitativ studie inriktad på en grupp föräldrar gällande tillhandahållande av alkohol till sina barn
Our purpose was to shed light on how parents act in respect of providing alcohol to young people when they ask for a taste of home, or wish to bring alcohol to such a party. We used qualitative interviews and the results show that some of the respondents think that it may be acceptable to provide alcohol, while some do not. The results also show that the respondents think that parents are important as a model for the young. They could not purchase alcohol for the purpose of giving it to the young but only if alcohol is available at home. The reason for this behavior is the parents' assessment that the young person demonstrates a level of maturity for his age that they are presumed to be able to handle a small amount of alcohol.
"Vi är lika moderna som vilken butik som helst" : en fallstudie av hur marknadsbegreppen kund och varumärke upplevs av personalen inom Länsstyrelsen i Kalmar län
The public sector in Sweden has in recent decades undergone a large change due to market and liberalism impact. This change has meant that marketing communication and its concepts have been adopted by administrative authorities. In this thesis, we used governmentality, social constructivism and an interpretive perspective to examine the staff at the County Administrative Board in Kalmar County and their experiences and opinions of the concepts ?customer? and ?trademark?. The study was designed as a case study with qualitative interviews.
Sidas perspektiv på biståndspolitik : En studie av utvecklingssamarbetet mellan Sverige och Ryssland
Sweden introduced a development assistance policy in 1952 and thirteen years later Sida, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency started, in 1965. But in 1995, five separate development assistance authorities came together and established the new Sida as it is today. Sida is Sweden?s representative in the development assistance policy field and they work through projects that have to be presented through a Country Strategy Process (CSP). The aim of this paper is to point out Sida?s perspective on the conducted development assistance policy and what guide lines that are followed.
Kan vi prata om det? Deliberativ demokrati, mångfald och politisk kamp
In recent years the liberal representative democracy has been subject of a substantial critique because of its inability to accommodate difference and createa genuinely democratic political process. One such critique comes from the theory of deliberative democracy. Supporters of deliberative democracy try to promote a model of democracy that take its vantage point in free and equal deliberationbetween all relevant actors in a political community. This model has with some success opposed the aggregative model of democracy, and in important ways turned the attention to the potential of deliberative processes.However, the deliberative model is still somewhat underdeveloped when it comes to issues of diversity and difference. This essay deals with such deficiencies by analysing deliberative democracy in the light of the critiquelaunched by difference- and radical democrats.
Att bjuda eller inte bjuda? En studie om hur ungdomar och föräldrar samtalar med varandra om alkohol
My study is about how parents talk to their children about alcohol. The purpose of my study was to study how young teenagers communicate with their parents about alcohol. I also wanted to find out if parents have any influence over their children's choice of drinking. I have chosen to look at these questions from the perspective that alcohol is a cultural phenomenon, that children is a part of a family system and that alcohol can be viewed as a part of the children's liberation from their parents. I used a qualitative research method and interviewed five young teenagers, who are students at upper secondary schools ("gymnasium" in Swedish) in Lund, they where all under 18 years old.
"Vart är patriarkatet när männen behöver det som mest?" : En analys av de dominerande diskurserna rörande jämställdhet och feminism på Flashback Forum
Denna studie har analyserat fyra forumtrådar från det svenska Internetforumet Flashback Forum. Jag har specifikt valt att studera forumets underavdelning för diskussioner rörande feminism och jämställdhet. Jag har ? genom närläsning, diskursanalys och katalogisering av foruminläggen ? försökt att analysera och ?konstruera? de diskurser som dominerar denna forumavdelning, för att förstå hur skribenterna artikulerar tecken som ?feminism? och ?kroppen?. Mina slutsatser är att två diskurser tydligt dominerar på forumavdelningen.
Frihet-en medborgerlig rättighet En normativ analys gällande Lunds kommuns prioriteringspolicy gentemot handikappföreningar
The point of departure for this essay is the observation that themunicipality of Lund is giving priority to handicap associations overother forms of associations. This act can be regarded as trespassinginto the realm of civil society. In respect of this, two aspects appearto be particularly interesting to explore. The first is to determinewhich perspective of freedom the municipality of Lund holds. Ireconstruct how the liberal and the communitarian state relate to thenegative and the positive freedom.
Ledartexten ? En genre för alla?
Denna studie undersöker läsbarheten i ledargenren i morgontidningarna DN och SvD med hjälp av läsbarhetsfaktorerna; meningslängd, bisatsfrekvens, personliga pronomen och personord, LIX samt OVIX. Hypotesen som prövas i uppsatsen är att ledargenren, liksom skriftspråket i allmänhet, har gått mot ett allt ?enklare? och mer läsbart språk med mer inslag av talspråklighet. En annan hypotes är att DN som är en liberal tidning har ett enklare språk än SvD som är konservativ/moderat. Materialet består av sammanlagt 12 ledartexter från åren 2004, 2008 och 2012.
Facket och invandrarna : en postkolonial diskursanalys
Racial discrimination can occur in many ways ? intentional and non intentional ? and in many places ? perhaps most observed in the labor market. The Swedish labor union, LO, is an important party in this market, and discusses the issue frequently in a number of different documents. These documents are being analyzed as discourse in this study, with attention paid to the rhetoric regarding ?immigrants?, i.e.
Medborgare, sträck ut din arm : Bloddonation och blodhandel i Folkets Dagblad 1985-1998
The purpose of this BA-study is to analyse articles about blood selling and blood donations in the Chinese daily newspaper People?s Daily between 1985 and 1998.With publications of popular scientific material, reports from rallies and portraits of blood donating ?heroes? etc., the People?s Daily, i.e. the Chinese Communist Party, actively addresses the underlying cultural reluctance to give blood by different means. People?s Daily and the CCP resolutely aims to transform negative Confucian and other traditional notions of losing blood into representations of courage, honour, duty, etc.
Av egenintresse eller solidaritet? - Gulfkriget ur realistiskt och liberalistiskt perspektiv
AbstractIn this theory-testing case study I will analyze and discuss the Gulf War which took place in the Middle East in 1990-1991 and has become an important topic for discussion among IR scholars in the post-Cold War era. The events that led up to the Gulf War, as well as the war itself, will be analyzed from two different perspectives; Realism and Liberalism. Within these differing theoretical frameworks I have chosen to use elements from, on the one hand, Classical and Structural Realism, and on the other hand, Idealism and Liberal Institutionalism. Focusing on these specific schools of thought I aim to derive essential, ?key?, concepts that will then be tested against empirical fact.The overall purpose of this study is to try to logically explain, through detailed analysis, the actions of the actors involved in the Gulf War and, in addition, why this war ever occurred.
Ett märkligt adjektiv på en medborgare : En intervjustudie av det praktiska medborgarskapet som identitet och ideal
The aim of this essay is to explore the lived citizenship and its ideal. First, the form and expression of citizenship practice and ideal is explored through a qualitative interwiev study of ten citizens in the southern suburbs of Stockholm. The perception and expectations of the nature of citizenship, presented by the informants, is then compared to their citizen ideal, as well as to the ideal presented and promoted by the Swedish government. The point of departure is theory of democracy. The essay calls attention to an observed lack of empirical studies in the field of deliberative theory of democracy as well as studies that more broadly bring the theory down to empirical earth.
Socialbidrag : Att vara fattig i Sverige
This essay analyses the national standard for maintenance aid and if it´s compatible with the standards set in the government mould.As new-liberal ideas get more scope in the Swedish policy the analyses focus consisted in seeing about the social contribution been changed, and if the standards in the government mould have lost their worth.The national standard is not edified on the basis of subsistence levels, but becomes paradoxical when numbers of welfare recipients is the measure used in order to measure poverty, concurrent as the government mould aims to protecting every citizen?s welfare.The study analyses a type of society that has emerged during a period of time. In a normative analysis concepts are set in relation to each other where, the analysis presents standards that are vague. If the standards in the government mould are presented as something valuable and get their worth back in the policy, perhaps also the citizen´s in Sweden change attitude to poverty and welfare contribution. Social- liberalism justifies social contribution and the welfare State, while new-liberalism has other opinions about what redistribution should contain.
Invandrarkvinnor och medborgarskapsbegreppet i Sverige : en studie av integration ur ett feministiskt perspektiv
The official Swedish interpretation of the concept of citizenship is based on the social-liberal concept of citizenship. According to feminist critique, this interpretation of the concept contains male norms that lead to the exclusion of several groups from full citizenship. There is also a corresponding feminist critique which holds that in the womens´ movement and gender research there are strong norms as well, especially in the form of ethnocentrism. Also, the image of immigrant women in public debate is being questioned and the critics here raise the question of the responsibility of the society for integration. Swedish research on citizenship has focused very little on the situation of immigrant women, and this essay aims at helping to fill this empirical gap.
En kollektiv retorik : Om konst och kvalitet i fanart-communities
The main purpose of this essay is to study ideas concerning the concept of ?art? within the discourse of the exhibition space that is part of a fanart community. In order to do so I have used a hermeneutical and to some extent structuralistic, discourse analysis. I have examined structure and rhetorics in two established and popular communities, Fanart-Central and deviantART.My conclusions states that personal ideas regarding artistic value are undermined the joint policies, because of a collective rhetoric somewhat inherent in the community structure.When a lot of works are being based on internal knowledge of symbolics and historical narratives, this may to some extent have consequences where unfamiliar observers might fail to notice elements of possible significance. Moreover, certain interests in keeping a united front of ?quality art? may also affect a general idea immediate to what signifies fanart.