

1130 Uppsatser om The Federal Funds Rate - Sida 54 av 76

Reducering av effektförbrukning i inbyggda system med Linux

Linux is a growing operating system in embedded systems. Today, Linux is not only in heavy servers but also in cell phones, PDAs, cameras and other devices running on battery power. While current technology is more energy efficient, more and more technologies are implemented into a single unit resulting in an overall increase of power consumption.Low power consumption is an increasingly important feature of a system today. Lower power consumption means lower costs, less environmental impact, and longer life for applications that runs on batteries.This work compiles methods to reduce power consumption of Linux systems. The work includes examining whether the available opportunities are platform-specific or of a more general nature.

Avgiftsfri kollektivtrafik som hållbarhetsstrategi : Tidigare erfarenheter och framgångsfaktorer

En hållbar utveckling består av en balans mellan social, ekologisk och ekonomisk hållbarhet. Inom transportsektorn omfattar det ett samspel mellan jämställdhet, jämlikhet och trafiksäkerhet, minskad klimatpåverkan och ett systemet som utvecklas på ett kostnadseffektivt sätt. Att införa avgiftsfri kollektivtrafik är en metod som flera kommuner och städer har provat för att nå målet om en hållbar utveckling. Syftet med den här studien är att utvärdera resultaten av olika sådana projekt och hitta vilka framgångsfaktorerna har varit. Resultatet har blivit övervägande positivt med följderna att det kollektiva resandet ökade stort.

Kaninen som produktionsdjur

The purpose of this report was to obtain an overview of rabbit meat production in the world, in terms of breeding and feeding. It examines how different feed components contribute to the health of the rabbit as well as the quality of the carcass, and the breeding strategies that are most common in the major producing countries. The production of rabbit meat in Sweden is at present not very large, but it is gaining ground, and that is why this paper mainly deals with the rabbit production abroad. This report also examines the disease Rabbit Viral Haermorrhagic Disease (RVHD) in Sweden, where this disease can cause big problems. The rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is very special, both in its reproduction and digestion. There is no specific mating season and the digestive tract is designed to digest forage efficiently.

Trygghet och samverkan i en av Sveriges mest trygga städer : En kvalitativ fallstudie om staden där nästan alla känner sig trygga.

We have in this field study been researching how social comfort is affected by the work of social services and their collaboration with police, schools and health care within a small village located countryside in the northern part of Sweden. The attribute which sets this village a part from most other small countryside villages is the fact that the crime rate is amongst the lowest in Sweden as well as the social security feeling within the inhabitants are amongst the highest. We traveled 2298 kilometers back and forth to be able to interview professionals and gather empiric material for this study. The method we have used for data collection has been in the form of semi structured interviews. We have used previous research concerning collaboration, social comfort, social discomfort and fear of crime as our aid to analyze our findings with the help of theories regarding different types of communites (gemeinschaft and gesellschaft) invented by Ferdinand Tönnies (2001) and Human Service Organisation by Hasenfeld (1983).

Kortsiktig fosforeffekt av avloppsslam : krukförsök i växthus där järn-, aluminium- respektive kalkfällt slam använts som fosforgödselmedel

The short term effect of phosphorus in sewage sludge was investigated to establish howmuch of this a farmer can grant him- or herself, if using sewage sludge as a phosphorusfertilizer. Possible differences in plant availability between sludge phosphorus precipitatedby iron, aluminum or calcium integrations were studied in a sandy soil at two pH levels.The sludges were analyzed using pot and incubation trials. As the intention was to investigategrowth limitation due to phosphorus deficiency, a soil with low phosphorus supplywas chosen as well as a low phosphorus application rate. Sludge corresponding to 12kg phosphorus per hectare was applied. Treatments fertilized by sludge were compared totreatments where 0, 6 and 12 kg phosphorus per hectare from mineral fertilizer was applied.Every treatment was replicated six times.

Effect of low light intensities on dairy cows? behavior

The animal welfare act in Sweden states that dairy cows need to have at least a dim light present at night, but there are no recommendations for what intensity the light should have. It is unknown how cows perceive and react to low light intensities and earlier studies on this topic are limited. Red light as night light has also been suggested, based on the cows? inability to perceive red light. This have however been questioned. The aim with this study was to investigate how four different light intensities affect dairy cows behavior.

Fenylbutazon - tillåta vid tävling?

Phenylbutazone has been discussed in the world of the equestrian sport several times and different countries have diverse opinions on its use in competitions. The progressive list that permits phenylbutazone with plasma levels up to 8 µg/ml was presented at the FEI General Assembly in November 2009. The list was voted to be accepted, but later several countries realized the consequences and after protests the list was rejected and is going to be discussed again at the FEI General Assembly 2010. In this literature study I have studied the relationship between the concentrations of phenylbutazone in plasma and the effects on lameness. The purpose was to establish whether the limit of 8 µg/ml phenylbutazone in plasma affects the equestrian sport.

Biochar as soil amendment in flow-through planters - for increased treatment of zinc roof runoff

In times of increased flooding, enhanced by climate change, polluted stormwater poses an increased threat to the environment through contaminated water entering waterways. Bioretention utilizes natural processes in soil and vegetation to treat pollutants and combat this threat. Biochar produced through pyrolysis, has a high cation exchange capacity (CEC) and could therefore increase treatment in bioretention systems. This research applies a literature review, interview, and a model to explore the benefits and disadvantages of biochar in order to specify a soil-mix through an understanding of the production process and preferred application rate. High purification through CEC, increased water holding capacity, and carbon sequestration being the benefits discussed.

Glukos och leucin som potentiellt hjälpmedel i återuppbyggandet av muskelglykogen efter hårt arbete hos travhästar

The aim of the project was to study the effect of oral administration of glucose and leucin on the resynthesis of muscle glycogen after intense exercise in Standardbred trotters. In a crossover design, 11 Standardbred trotters performed a standardized exercise test on two occasions in order to deplete muscle glycogen. The exercise test comprised a warm up period, 7 repeated bouts of exercise on an uphill 500 m slope, and a recovery period. After the exercise test horses received: 1) a solution of glucose and leucine via a nasogastric tube at 0 minutes and at 240 minutes post exercise and a single bout of glucose at 120 minutes post exercise or 2) water (placebo) at 0, 120 and 240 minutes. Blood samples for measurement of glucose and insulin concentrations were collected at rest, when the horses returned to the stables directly after exercise and throughout the 6 hour recovery phase. During the first recovery hour, samples were collected every 15 minutes and then every 30 minutes over the next 5 hours.

Får idrottande elever högre betyg? : en fallstudie på tre samhällsvetenskapliga program för att visa eventuella samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och höga betyg

Abstract AimThe purpose of this study has been to investigate the possible differences in grades and attitudes towards further studies that can be explained by the student?s level of physical activity. The questions we wanted answers to were:- Does students in more sports-oriented programs have better grades than students in more theoretical programs?- Is there a relationship between physical activity and study-results?- Are there any differences in attitudes towards further studies for students at the different programs?- Which other variables could be affecting the students grades?Method The extent of this study has included 3 municipal schools and 6 classes (2 from each school) ? in all 119 students and 6 teachers. 3 different social sciences programs have participated ? two sports-oriented and one without any sports-oriented concentration .

Lönsamhetskalkyl för produktion av gran på markavvattnad och askgödslad myrmark

In Sweden there are about 4 million hectares of bare peat (mire). This land has great potential to be transformed into productive forest land, provided drainage is carried out and, in some cases, even fertilization with ashes. Drainage of mires is necessary because the high groundwater table prevents trees from growing due to reduced oxygen availability. Some of the key nutrients that trees need to grow appear in too small quantities in mires, especially potassium (K) and phosphorus (P). Ash from the combustion of biomass contains these elements and is therefore suitable as a fertilizer.

Marknaden för skogsvårdstjänster : en undersökning bland privata markägare inom en region i Värmland

This work broadly illuminates the conditions for increasing the commissions of forestry services within the whole, or parts of, the western regions of Stora Enso?s operating area. Through a questionnaire, a survey was made examining whether the owners of the forests themselves do the forestry on their woodlands. This foremost concerns the pre-commercial thinning, but also planting and soil scarification. The survey also shows who are buying the most part of their forestry services and who are carrying it out themselves.

I politik och praktik : En studie av kulturpolitikens inverkan på två kulturbärandeorganisationers retorik

Author: Niklas JohanssonDirector: Olle DuhlinTitle: In policy and practice ? a study of how the cultural policy have effected the language of two cultural institutions.Background: The swedish cultural policy?s raison d?être is to safeguard all the inhabitants right to experience culture. Since 1997 the development in the field has resulted in an economisation and commersialisation were the culture more commonly is looked upon as a mean of reaching a higher rate of employment or financial growth. The concept of cultural planning and new public management are today part of the cultural pollicy debate which in its turn has effected the goals and ways to evaluate fulfillment.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to show how the cultural policy in the swedish regions effect the language in the annual reports of the cultural institutions and how these documents have developed since 1997. This to further the knowledge of ho wchanges in the cultural policy effects the comunication of the cultural organisations.Method: This is a qulaitative study conducted in a inductivly.

Metabolit- och hormonnivåer som tidiga markörer för fruktsamhet och produktionsstörningar hos mjölkkor

During the last decades the fertility of dairy cows has declined in the same rate as the milk yield has increased. This is a result of the negative genetic correlation between milk yield and fertility, failure to show estrous signs and metabolic problems in the cow. The purpose of this review was to investigate the function of metabolites and hormones as markers for disturbances in fertility, health and production in the dairy cow. There are several metabolites that are suggested to indicate the cow?s energy balance.

När man inte vet - Patienters upplevelser av att vårdas för ospecifik buksmärta på kirurgiska akutvårdsavdelningar

Introduction: To become acute ill and to be forced to seek treatment involves a difficult but also a vulnerable time for the individual. This acquires a good relationship between the nurse and the patient. At a surgical emergency ward patients with different diagnoses and trauma are treated. What distinguishes this specific type of ward is that care often occurs in a rapid rate and as a patient the environment may be experienced as stressed. The relationship with the nurse at the ward establishes a foundation for how the patient experiences the health care.

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