

1130 Uppsatser om The Federal Funds Rate - Sida 48 av 76

Patienters upplevelser av cytostatikabehandling i samband med cancer

ABSTRACTIntroduction: Violence towards employees in the psychiatric ward is increasing at an alarming rate. Reports concerning the effect on the staff?s psychological health are disturbing. These workforces are those most affected by brutality and for ages it has been looked upon as a part of the psychiatric line of work. This viciousness is threatening the safety for both the personnel and the patients.

Från Skiss till Diss

Over the past decade, the fashion industry has experienced a relatively high rate of consumption with material and clothing becoming increasingly subject to waste and disposal. As a result of the increased awareness within the industry the interest in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) amongst retailers has increased substantially in an attempt to shy away from the critically amplified media attention. In addition the underlying demand from external stakeholders has forced companies to ensure they focus and act upon each stage of the product life cycle.This study provides a further in depth analysis of the fashion industry and conveys the key messages and steps that firms are taking in response to the external pressures and requirements based on four different merged process areas. This research paper examines the impact of CSR on two Swedish fashion retailers Åhléns and JC and shows how accountability relates to the external expectations and norms that prevail in society. The result shows that the firms do meet the demands within each sub category as a response to market demands.

Folkbibliotekariers användning av sökverktyg på webben i referenstjänst

The web is a constantly growing medium that presumably plays an increasing role in public library reference services. In order to provide high quality reference service the librarians need to be able to master this medium. Therefore it is interesting to get an understanding of how librarians actually use the web. The aim of this Master s thesis is to investigate what web search tools are used by public librarians in reference service. Furthermore, the aim is to get an understanding of how the librarians think about those tools and what background factors influence their selection of tools.

Lägg märke till varumärket : En kvantitativ undersökning kring hur varumärket Hollister jobbar med kommunikation för att stärka sitt varumärke.

The purpose of the case study is to research whether the brand Hollister can establish themselves to their target audience working with communication. To achieve the goal with the study, the following theories has been applied: brand building, visual communication, two-way symmetrical communication and communication channels. The study was conducted by a quantitative online questionnaire survey. The online survey was aimed at teenagers aged 15-18 years old living in Täby or Umeå where one question was "What difference can be discerned between Täby, where there is a shop, and Umeå where there is no shop". The material was collected during a period of eight days between december 11th to december 19th 2013.

Anpassad skötsel - exempel på hyggesfritt skogsbruk i Mellannorrland :

Total protection is often the option chosen when protecting forests with high environmental values. An alternative to total protection is application of management regimes that do not interrupt continuity of tree cover. This study focuses mainly on continuous cover forestry (CCF) in forest stands already protected. All objects are situated in the county of Jämtland in northwest Sweden. The purpose of the study was to attain a greater knowledge about CCF practices.

Förbättring av utnyttjandegrad i robotcell

When a company in the manufactory industry makes costly investments, it's important that these are used as much as possible. The company in this case claims that their invested robot cell, with CNC machine isn't used enough. The questions here are: How can we improve the use of the robot cell? Which products are appropriate for the production in the robot cell? As a method to come to a conclusion, an analysis has been made over the manufactured products. And also interviews with machine operators and the production management.

Mätningar och analys av elnätet hos FHP, Basproduktion

This report is a degree project performed at Freudenberg Household Products AB, (FHP). The degree project comprises measurement and analysis of the power net at FHP Basproduction. The content is divided between one theory-part, one document- part with measurements and also conclusions and a list of measures to be taken. During the project the purpose and restriction change from a quality investigation to only concentrate on harmonics and finding the reason why they exist, and also to find a solution to the problem with harmonics. The measurements shows that the power net contains harmonics of different order and intensity.

Hinder och möjligheter för företagssköterskor vid införandet av goda matvanor hos företag

Abstract Emma BergdahlObstacles and opportunities among occupational health nurses when implementing healthy eating habits.C thesis in Public Health. Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies. University of Gävle. Autumn 2012 Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate which obstacles and opportunities nurses within occupational health find when trying to implement healthy eating habits among the employees in their respective company. Another objective was to see if the nurses worked according to the Guidelines, issued by the National Board of Health and Welfare.Method: The study was a quantitative study and conducted among nurses in central Sweden.

Avgörande faktorer för talnaturlighet hos personer med Parkinsons sjukdom : Korrelationsstudie mellan naiva lyssnares bedömning och akustisk analys

Tal- och röstförändringar är vanligt förekommande hos personer med Parkinsons sjukdom. Dessa påverkar ofta talarens förståelighet men kan också ha en negativ inverkan på talets naturlighet. Forskning angående vilka faktorer som påverkar talets naturlighet är i dagsläget begränsad, varför föreliggande studie har genomförts.Syftet med studien var att undersöka huruvida den uppfattade talnaturligheten kunde härledas till några specifika tal- och röstparametrar. I föreliggande studie konstruerades ett testbatteri för att elicitera talmaterial från åtta personer med Parkinsons sjukdom. Forskningspersonernas röster spelades in och inspelningarna graderades sedan av 27 naiva lyssnare gällande förståelighet och talnaturlighet.

Dried distiller?s grains with solubles and Swedish grown soya beans as protein feeds for dairy bull calves

The cattle production in the world has been questioned in Sweden due to its negative impacts on the environment. The use of imported soya bean meal as a protein feed for Swedish cattle results in the cutting of rainforest and an extensive use of pesticides in the countries were the soya beans are produced. As a consequence, the environmental impacts caused by cattle production increases. A production of protein feeds in Sweden would decrease the transportations and the cutting of rainforest. For organic beef producers the possibility to produce home-grown protein feeds is important since organic protein feeds can be difficult to obtain in another way.

Efter de nya spelreglerna - vem ansvarar för bostadsbyggandet?

Arbetet vill belysa en situation i bostadsbyggandet där två aktörer, en offentlig och en privat samarbetar om att uppföra ny bostadsbebyggelse. Ett bostadsbyggande som omges av komplexa lagar och strukturer. Stadsbyggnad handlar om hur, var och när. I Arkitekten beskriver Dan Hallemar (2004) hur Stockholm Stad använder tre principer för att bygga stad;princip 1) Låt gå principen; handlar om det goda samtalet mellan professionen och marknaden där det sedan ofta görs som marknaden vill, men andra ord uppnå höga byggsiffror på kort tid och undvika överklaganden. Till princip 1 hör exempelvis LUX- området på Lilla Essingen och Liljeholmskajen i Årstadal.

Byggkostnader inom mjölkproduktionen - jämförelse av olika stallstorlekar och byggnadstekniska utföranden

Investment costs for eight different type housing systems for dairy cows has been calculated in order to compare the building costs as a function of herd size, shelter type and automatization. A commercial calculation programme for building was used and complemented with prices of equipments specific for dairy cow building. Herd sizes were 120, 250 and 400 cows. The milking equipments were automatic milking system (AMS), parallel parlour with 32 stalls (2x16) and rotary parlour with 24 stalls. Shelter was either insulated equipped with automatic cable driven scrapers on solid alleys, automatic feed wagon on rails, or uninsulated with manual manure handling and a tractor driven mobile mixer wagon on a drive-through feeding table. Building cost per cow or per kg milk was calculated using an average life time and 6 % interest rate and annual milk yield is 9 500 kg/cow and year. Structure effect 3-4 % higher for an insulated structure than in an uninsulated for 400 and 120 herd respectively. This is much lower compared to what is normally argued.

Personalens upplevelse av våldsamma patienter som vårdas på psykiatrisk avdelning

ABSTRACTIntroduction: Violence towards employees in the psychiatric ward is increasing at an alarming rate. Reports concerning the effect on the staff?s psychological health are disturbing. These workforces are those most affected by brutality and for ages it has been looked upon as a part of the psychiatric line of work. This viciousness is threatening the safety for both the personnel and the patients.

Äh! Vadå nervös? Kör nu bara! : En studie om hur lärare och elever kan arbeta i gymnasieskolan för att lära sig hantera rampfeber

The purpose of our study is to find out how teachers can help their students to learn how to managestage fright. By interviewing high school teachers and high school students and also observe one oftheir classes, we wanted to find out how they think about the causes of stage fright and what youcan do to relieve it. We also wanted to find out how teachers are working to teach students how todeal with stage fright, and how they think that you also could work. As a teacher of music, among other things, the task is to assess and rate the students performancesin music. Several components are based on the students' courage to play on his or her instrument infront of other people.

Att utvärdera vetenskapliga tidskrifter: En kritisk analys av Journal Impact Factor: en metod inom citeringsanalys.

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to make a critical analysis of Journal Impact Factor JIF. JIF is today the most widespread quantitative measure for evaluating scientific journals. Although it is internationally used and is considered authoritarian many problems have been observed. This has led to that the validity of JIF has been questioned. To identify JIFs limitations the following issues have been raised: Which are the problems with citation analysis? What criticisms have been directed towards Journal Impact Factor as a measure for evaluating scientific journals? The theoretical framework consists of theories about citation behaviour and a discussion about the characteristics of a scientific journal.

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