

1130 Uppsatser om The Federal Funds Rate - Sida 20 av 76

Seldonplanen : En studie av determinism och upplysningsidéer i Isaac Asimovs Stiftelse-trilogi

Freedom of religion or belief is indisputable in Human rights discourse, more discussed is exactly what it is that is included in the concept of freedom of religion or belief (in Swedish: religionsfrihet). This thesis focuses on the freedom of religion or belief in a European context, in particular on the European court of human rights and article 9 in the European convention for human rights. Some criticism has been directed against the Court to the effect that its practice and verdicts don't answer to the pronounced desire to develop a pluralistic and inclusive form of freedom of religion or belief.My aim is to examine, analyse and test three different theories, which all try to develop alternatives to the expression freedom of religion or belief, in relation to six verdicts from article 9 in Europe convention. My basic purpose is to try to find new ways of talking about freedom of religion or belief that might lead to a more inclusive, pluralistic and equal interpretation of that concept.The three theories wich I use are elaborated by Richard Amesbury (associate professor at Claremont school of Theology); Hugo Strandberg (TD at Åbo Akademi) and Eberhard Herrmann (professor in philosophy of religion at Uppsala University); and Martha Nussbaum (professor of law and ethics at the University of Chicago). The six cases from the European court are: X v.

AP-fondernas utveckling : en jämförande studie om avkastning och risk mellan åren 2002-2010

Bakgrund: Det rådande pensionssystemet i Sverige består av sex så kallade AP-fonder. Genom åren har pensionssystemet flertalet gånger kritiserats för dess låga avkastning.Problem: Vår huvudfråga är att jämföra AP-fondernas risk och avkastning med aktiemarknaden som helhet, detta ska ske med hjälp av två jämförelseindex: MSCI World och SIXRX.Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att jämföra de fyra första AP-fondernas risk och avkastning med aktiemarknaden som helhet under åren 2002-2010.Metod: Vi har använt oss av en kvantitativ metod, genom att samla in information från AP-fondernas årsredovisningar och hemsidor. Vi har samlat in historisk data, som vi sedan har bearbetat och analyserat.Slutsats: De studerade AP-fonderna har presterat sämre än aktiemarknaden..

Köparnas nöjdhet med sin fastighetsmäklare

The purpose with this exam project has been to explore how satisfied the buyers of forest land have been with their real estate broker through the transfer process. The respondents had the opportunity to rate a number of different questions around the current acquisition. A questionnaire with 19 acquisition-related questions was sent to 134 people. People who since 2008-01-01 until today, have acted as a buyer of forest land. 80 responses were achieved and the result shows that the majority of buyers have a high gathered satisfaction..

Implementation av ett digitalt vågfilter på en SIC-struktur

When implementing syncronous filters with global clock nets, a substantial amount of energy is consumed in the clock net. Hence, it is interesting to reduce the size of the clock net, which in turn will reduce the total energy consumption. One way to acheive this, is to create a SIC (Structured Interfacing of Computational elements) since such a structure can be created without a global clock net. Our results show that a fifth order wavedigital filter with a sample rate of at least 10M samples/sec may be achieved.

Är Sambandet Mellan Utdelningsandel och Framtida Vinsttillväxt Positivt

Common wisdom dictates that because payment of dividends decreases funds available for investment, a high payout ratio is to be associated with low earnings growth. This notion has been challenged in recent years by empirical research that has found a positive relationship between payout ratio and future earnings growth, both on the aggregated market level and the company level in different countries. This study investigated the aforementioned relationship on the Swedish market by statistically analyzing future earnings growth as a function of payout ratio on a large sample of publicly listed companies over the period 1980 to 2011. The results are in line with those found in previous research and indicate that companies with high dividend payout ratio tend to experience strong future earnings growth. The results are robust to the presence of mean reversion, the use of an alternative accounting measure of earnings, non-symmetrical earnings growth cycles and alternative practices for dealing with outliers..

Frihet, närhet och livsviktiga gräl : Ett gott föräldraskap enligt Gunnel Linde

Freedom of religion or belief is indisputable in Human rights discourse, more discussed is exactly what it is that is included in the concept of freedom of religion or belief (in Swedish: religionsfrihet). This thesis focuses on the freedom of religion or belief in a European context, in particular on the European court of human rights and article 9 in the European convention for human rights. Some criticism has been directed against the Court to the effect that its practice and verdicts don't answer to the pronounced desire to develop a pluralistic and inclusive form of freedom of religion or belief.My aim is to examine, analyse and test three different theories, which all try to develop alternatives to the expression freedom of religion or belief, in relation to six verdicts from article 9 in Europe convention. My basic purpose is to try to find new ways of talking about freedom of religion or belief that might lead to a more inclusive, pluralistic and equal interpretation of that concept.The three theories wich I use are elaborated by Richard Amesbury (associate professor at Claremont school of Theology); Hugo Strandberg (TD at Åbo Akademi) and Eberhard Herrmann (professor in philosophy of religion at Uppsala University); and Martha Nussbaum (professor of law and ethics at the University of Chicago). The six cases from the European court are: X v.

Proppen har gått : En analys av diskursen kring Kultursamverkansmodellen

This essay aims to map the ideas behind the Swedish cultural reform called Kultursamverkansmodellen, and how the ideas are forming a discourse. Furthermore it examines the social praxis on the three levels that constitutes the model. The three levels are the state, the region and culture creators/civil society. This is a qualitative study based on primary and secondary sources collected on the three levels. The theoretical frame of reference is based on institutional theory, on Michel Foucault?s lecture on The Discourse of Language, and on New Public Management.

Marknadens inverkan på behovet av företagsstöd - en studie av sex uppstartsföretag

In efforts to strengthen local economies, business development programs are often a way in which governmental organizations and state affiliates try to facilitate innovation and successful entrepreneurship. There is a mutual interest from both the public and private sector that these funds are put to good use. Extensive research has been conducted with the focus of the general effect of public support programs. However, not much research has been done on what external factors affect the situation for receiving businesses. This study attempts to examine whether one specific such factor, the level of maturity on the markets that the recipients operate in, has a discernible effect on the needs for different types of entrepreneurial support.

Utvärdering av den biologiska reningen av processavloppsvattnet vid GE Healthcare i Uppsala

GE Healthcare operates in Uppsala (Sweden) and develops systems, equipments and medium to purify medical substances. Discussions with the local authority concerning planed far-reaching changes and upgrades of the biological process techniques for sewage management, aroused the question about revising the terms of permit for the activity. Therefore it seemed necessary to evaluate a newly installed biological process technique, which is the background of this thesis. The evaluated biological treatment process was built in 2003 and consists of a biological reactor filled with moving bed carriers with a high surface area for biological growth. At the time of the project the biological wastewater treatment plant consisted of a flow equalization facility and two following parallel biological processes; a biological reactor with moving bed carriers and a tower trickling filter.The aim of this thesis was to survey the function of the biological reactor with respect to the reduction of organic matter.

Effects of treatment with PiNO (Pulsed Inhaled Nitric-Oxide) on the metabolism in colic horses undergoing abdominal surgery.

The main objective of this research was to study how increased arterial oxygenation by the use of Pulsed Inhaled Nitric-Oxide (PiNO) influenced the metabolic and cardiovascular parameters on horses undergoing acute abdominal surgery because of colic. The parameters blood lactate, blood glucose, pH and heart rate were evaluated before and during anesthesia and closely after recovery. The study showed that blood lactate concentrations decreased significantly during anaesthesia in horses treated with PiNO compared to non-treated horses. It was also seen that the lactate concentration decreased most in horses with the highest levels before PiNO treatment. Since enhanced oxygen extraction ratio was evident in the PiNO group, improved oxygen delivery to the tissue may be a possible explanation for the improved situation.

En utvärdering av IT-investeringar på banker med fokus på IT-styrningsmetoder

This report discusses the IT archetypes "governance strategy" and how it could be linked to the IT benefits at the company. The study is based on IT investments that have taken place in ten banks operating in Sweden today, where the reality was modeled on the basis of a questionnaire survey and an additional interview. The aim was to examine whether it is possible to find any correlation between the governance in the banks and obtained benefits for an IT investments.While the competition is intensifying in most companies there is a greater demand for efficiency in IT. The need for IT solutions is greater than ever and the number of IT investments is increasing significantly in most workplaces today, especially on banks. But even if the investments are increasing in numbers it does not necessarily mean that all types of investments are effective and beneficial to the company.

Utomhusgym, några fördelar? : En studie om affekter vid styrketräning inomhus respektive utomhus

PurposeThe aim of the study was to examine the affects perceived by young people aged 18-19 years old after resistance training outdoors versus resistance training indoor. The aim of the study was also to examine if the rate of perceived exertion was affected by whether the resistance training took place outdoors or indoors. What immediate affects are perceived in conjunction with resistance training outdoors and indoors in people aged 18-19 years?What immediate affects are perceived after resistance training outdoors compared to equivalent resistance training indoor in people aged 18-19 years?What perceived exertion level can be seen in conjunction with resistance training outdoors compared to equivalent resistance training indoors in people aged 18-19 years?How does exercise habit correlate with affects and exertion in conjunction with resistance training? Method22 pupils in a secondary school conducted two resistance training sessions, one outdoors and one indoor. A questionnaire about their mood and exercise habits was answered before and immediately after the training session. Rate of perceived exertion rate was also included in the questionnaire the participants received after the workout.

Franchise : En jämförelse av franchiseregleringar i Sverige och USA

Franchise är idag en vanlig samarbetsform för att utveckla och expandera affärskoncept. Med franchise avses samarbetet mellan två näringsidkare, franchisegivare och franchisetagare, vilka utbyter prestationer såsom kunskap, erfarenhet och koncept gentemot royalty och avgifter. Samarbetsformen härstammar främst från USA och områdets regleringar, både i Europa och i Sverige, har inspirerats av USA. I Sverige finns sedan år 2006 en specialreglering avseende franchise, vilken reglerar ett minimi-informationsflöde före ett franchiseavtals ingående. Den amerikanska reglering som främst reglerar franchise är the Franchise Rule och den myndighet som utformat denna reglering samt har tillsynsansvar för att den efterföljs är Federal Trade Commission.För franchiseavtalets parter råder avtalsfrihet, vilket har inneburit att den svenska lagstiftaren valt att inte detaljreglera området.

Vallfoder till slaktgrisar : effekter på tillväxt och social beteende vid utfodring

The aims with the project were to investigate how forage consumption affect production and pigs behaviour around the feeding. This degree project was designed to follow 48 growing/finishing Hampshire*Yorkshire pigs, from 30-110 kg live weight, fed diets with or without 20 % forage inclusion. The pigs were divided in three groups due to dietary treatment. In the first group the pigs were fed 20 % of the energy in the feed ration by long grass/clover silage (LE) and the remaining 80 % by a cereal concentrate. Group two was fed chopped grass/clover silage mixed with cereal concentrate (HE) in the same amounts as LE.

Analys av prispåverkande faktorer på bostadsrättsmarknaden i Uppsala

AimThe purpose of this study is to analyze factors that affect the price on tenant-owner apartments in the central parts of Uppsala. Special attention is put on analyzing how the monthly fee and the location affect the price. The hypotheses are that the monthly fee and the distance to the central part of the city have a negative effect on the price. A number of additional price affecting factors was taken in consideration during this study.MethodThis study is mainly based on data supplied to us by Mäklarstatistik. The supplied data consists of information about tenant-owner apartment sales in Uppsala during a year under 2008 and 2009.

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