
Marknadens inverkan på behovet av företagsstöd - en studie av sex uppstartsföretag

In efforts to strengthen local economies, business development programs are often a way in which governmental organizations and state affiliates try to facilitate innovation and successful entrepreneurship. There is a mutual interest from both the public and private sector that these funds are put to good use. Extensive research has been conducted with the focus of the general effect of public support programs. However, not much research has been done on what external factors affect the situation for receiving businesses. This study attempts to examine whether one specific such factor, the level of maturity on the markets that the recipients operate in, has a discernible effect on the needs for different types of entrepreneurial support. The study is based on qualitative interviews with six businesses in different market situations that have received public support during their formative years. The categories of market situations are then compared with each other in order to distinguish any inherent differences. The study finds some indications that the level of maturity is of importance in specific areas related to the need for public support.


Olof Nilsson André Malmaeus

Lärosäte och institution

Handelshögskolan i Stockholm/Institutionen för företagande och ledning


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